Who did you guys pretend to play as in ANF
Personally, I like to always play as a savage ass dickhead. I pissed off Max and the gang. We did not tell the kids to stay. I shot Rufus. I made Clem angry. I told Tripp the truth with Clem and Eli. I was an asshole to Conrad, Gabe, Kate, Clem, Max, Badger, Tripp, Eleanor and Francine. Mariana was the one who ruined my savage streak, look at dat smile, so cute! But then Badger came and I broke free. I stayed with family cuz clem can fuck herself.I told David off because he can snort his Mexican Cartel drugs .I shot the new frontier before they came in. I made fun of Conrad getting sad over Francine. I made Gabe shoot Conrad. I tied Jesus up cuz why not? I sided with Conrad for lolz and pissed off Clem. I also did not capitulate to Max's demands cuz fuck him too! Fuck the fams. Fuck everyone. Mr Javier is savage tonight!
Who put 20p in you?
My ego