How about a Sherlock Holmes?
I was thinking how cool it will be to have a Sherlock Holmes video game made by Telltale. Imagine it though it will be awesome, how do you feel about that?
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I was thinking how cool it will be to have a Sherlock Holmes video game made by Telltale. Imagine it though it will be awesome, how do you feel about that?
How about a big fat no on the Sherlock Holmes. Instead how about a film noir Sam Spade type of detective story.
GoOd ThInG TeLLTAlE NeVeR MaDe a MySteRy GaMe BefOrE thAt PeOpLE rEAllY WanT AnOthEr SeAson tO
Cya around Wolf!
Crimes and Punishments is my fav game of Sherlocks. The Testament of Sherlock Holmes was a tad difficult. But C&P really made it fun plus the mysteries were pretty good.