Anyone who's complaining that it's too short is either missing a whole bunch of missions or playing on too easy of a difficulty. Unless the ending is coming fast and hard with everything else being fetch quests, I don't see how I could say the game is short. You can 100% Mass Effect 1 in under 50hrs, playing casually, listening to all dialogue.
They said they were going to improve the controls on pc, but absolutely nothing was improved in that regard, which made the game infuriating to play in tactical mode, and the game felt like it lacked challenge, depth or tactics due to that.
Bioware gave Inquisition about a month of post-release support. So, we'll see.
The facial editing and the directional ping weren't features upon release.
I loved FemHawke and quite a lot of the companions, and the great banter they had, the combat seemed to be just as good as Origins in regards to depth, tactics, and ranged of skills, and has the most fluid and impactful melee in the series for me, attacks felt solid and like they had weight, and as a Rogue the agility animations and movement felt a lot more natural, Inquisition sadly lacked for me in all of these regards.
I enjoyed the game so much that I played through it twice, ignoring the repetitive recycled dungeons and unfinished nature, simply because I loved a lot of the characters and their writing.
That's partly why I was so sad about how poorly Hawke was shown in Inquisition.
So, aside from the disaster in the facial animation department, how is it? I'm too poor to afford the game now so I'll have to buy it on sale, but what would you guys rate it?
I'd say it's a 7 objectively. It's a fun game, with problems in execution.
Personally, I'm really enjoying it regardless. The real reason there's all the hate and stigma surrounding it is because of the problems with execution and polish. Problems a triple A developer, working for 5 years, shouldn't have. It's not excusable. It's just not.
So, aside from the disaster in the facial animation department, how is it? I'm too poor to afford the game now so I'll have to buy it on sale, but what would you guys rate it?
I'll have a better idea when I finish it, but right now around an 8/8.5. The gameplay is the best its ever been in the series imo, and I'm glad they brought back planet exploring from the first game and injected it with steroids. The characters are good, there's a few I still don't particularly care for but overall I enjoy my crew, a few of them had me with their introductions alone. Loot is also a thing again, like it was in the first. Pretty happy about that too.
On the other side, the story. I'm about 32% done in 32 hours since the trial, and the story really hasn't picked up much. It's just not as compelling as the original, I've seen what I assume is the big bad one time briefly, compared to Saren where I spent the majority of the game with a clear antagonist to focus on. And the soundtrack is a huge step backwards. The original trilogy was loaded with memorable and sometimes pretty epic music, I really can't remember anything I've heard in this game so far. I kinda just want to load up iHeart, but I'm worried I might miss something when the soundtrack actually kicks in.
So, aside from the disaster in the facial animation department, how is it? I'm too poor to afford the game now so I'll have to buy it on sale, but what would you guys rate it?
It also depends if you like Sudoku puzzles. Those are really pissing some people off. If you've done them before, it's easy. They aren't hard at all. Of the 6 I've done so far, none have needed more than 2 steps of logic.
I'd say it's a 7 objectively. It's a fun game, with problems in execution.
Personally, I'm really enjoying it regardless. The real reas… moreon there's all the hate and stigma surrounding it is because of the problems with execution and polish. Problems a triple A developer, working for 5 years, shouldn't have. It's not excusable. It's just not.
So, aside from the disaster in the facial animation department, how is it? I'm too poor to afford the game now so I'll have to buy it on sale, but what would you guys rate it?
It also depends if you like Sudoku puzzles. Those are really pissing some people off. If you've done them before, it's easy. They aren't hard at all. Of the 6 I've done so far, none have needed more than 2 steps of logic.
I'll have a better idea when I finish it, but right now around an 8/8.5. The gameplay is the best its ever been in the series imo, and I'm g… morelad they brought back planet exploring from the first game and injected it with steroids. The characters are good, there's a few I still don't particularly care for but overall I enjoy my crew, a few of them had me with their introductions alone. Loot is also a thing again, like it was in the first. Pretty happy about that too.
On the other side, the story. I'm about 32% done in 32 hours since the trial, and the story really hasn't picked up much. It's just not as compelling as the original, I've seen what I assume is the big bad one time briefly, compared to Saren where I spent the majority of the game with a clear antagonist to focus on. And the soundtrack is a huge step backwards. The original trilogy was loaded with memorable and sometimes pretty epic music, I really can't remember anything I've he… [view original content]
Some consoles activate via solving them. They give you some symbols and you fill in the rest.
There's a way to override them, like the other Mass Effect games, but it's not really worth it. They're easy.
alright so is it worth getting now or should i wait for it to get cheaper since i am planing on building a new pc anyways so better experience if i play it on the new one i guess? am a fan of the series so from what i have heard i might enjoy it a bit more
One buyer-beware about gameplay, since I did say a lot of good things about it:
I don't play Soldier. I just saw someone try it on hard. The cover system does not work well for that style at all. It's actually pretty bad since it's a snap system without a button. I don't know why someone would want to play it like a COD game, but it doesn't work well at all. Hiding and maneuvering behind cover just isn't a thing in this game. Unless that's something that can be patched, you can only crouch and fire guns while in cover. Biotics, turning, moving at any angle that isn't straight, are pulling people out. That's unfortunate. It's just like the original Mass Effect, if you remember that game.
I haven't played that much yet, just got back from Eos, but I've already heard Sam make an exact same joke Codsworth makes in Fallout 4. Which was kind of lame.
Now if my suspicions are right and they did a 'reversed Curie' on Ryder's mom, I'm going to eat my copy of the game and send the poo to Montreal.
Overall though, I'm enjoying the game enough to warrant the purchase. I'm just not hooked on it like I've been on all the other Bioware games I've played.
Yeah, the story isn't really compelling to me either. I like my crew though(except Liam) and it's really their ambition to do their own missions which has kept me in it for some stretches of the game. The combination of a weaker story and a protagonist without a strong personality is a bad mix. I get that you're supposed to be a character who's in over their head, but it's a damn good thing all the side characters are gung ho about the plot, or I'd completely forget what the current story is(cough Skyrim).
I haven't played that much yet, just got back from Eos, but I've already heard Sam make an exact same joke Codsworth makes in Fallout 4. Whi… morech was kind of lame.
Now if my suspicions are right and they did a 'reversed Curie' on Ryder's mom, I'm going to eat my copy of the game and send the poo to Montreal.
Overall though, I'm enjoying the game enough to warrant the purchase. I'm just not hooked on it like I've been on all the other Bioware games I've played.
It also depends if you like Sudoku puzzles. Those are really pissing some people off. If you've done them before, it's easy. They aren't hard at all. Of the 6 I've done so far, none have needed more than 2 steps of logic.
I haven't had too much interaction with the crew yet, so it's a bit early to tell how I feel about them. The team usually is a big, if not the biggest, part of Bioware games and what makes them so much fun, so I'm hoping I'll feel the same way about them as you do.
Look at Mass effect 2, it had no (main) story at all, yet it was enjoyable as heck. All because of the crew.
Yeah, the story isn't really compelling to me either. I like my crew though(except Liam) and it's really their ambition to do their own mis… moresions which has kept me in it for some stretches of the game. The combination of a weaker story and a protagonist without a strong personality is a bad mix. I get that you're supposed to be a character who's in over their head, but it's a damn good thing all the side characters are gung ho about the plot, or I'd completely forget what the current story is(cough Skyrim).
I couldn't make it past the character creator. As a pale, red headed person, I want to play as one in any game that lets me, and this game does it's best to not let me. If the game let you be as white as the default male ryder, then I'd deal with the issue, but it doesn't. Default male ryder is like 10 shades lighter than the game lets you be, on top of being the most unugly mess.
Played a round of the multiplayer and didn't really have fun. Enemies damage on bronze against level 1's is stupid high, and they take so much ammo to put down. Game didn't handle the vanguard too well, lots of visual issues when you suddenly teleport across map.
Well I love playing the game and I'm already played so far(without finishing the game)44 hours into it.I'm already overwhelmed by the fame and I like it and yeah,it does have big problems like the facial animations and some bugs that will be fixed.Which I'm happy they are listening.I will I've it so far a 7.5/10 a little above average game which I will love.
Also since we ate discussing the me in here in this thread?I wonder if we will talk about DLCs soon.I'm already looking forward to it.Also those puzzles are hard in some cases and I do like them.I'm already wondering if they will focus on story dlcs?Do you think it's time to talk about DLCS?
One thing the writing has going for it, is that they finally brought up issues that would arise with translators. After being a throw away line in the first game, it gets brought up a lot in the new one. Colloquialisms and proper names not translating are brought up frequently. As you'd expect though, as you bring attention to something, imperfections come further to the surface. How do we instantly have translations for a new language? It could have been addressed and I just missed it. I doubt it. I just don't have the faith in the writing right now.
One thing the writing has going for it, is that they finally brought up issues that would arise with translators. After being a throw away … moreline in the first game, it gets brought up a lot in the new one. Colloquialisms and proper names not translating are brought up frequently. As you'd expect though, as you bring attention to something, imperfections come further to the surface. How do we instantly have translations for a new language? It could have been addressed and I just missed it. I doubt it. I just don't have the faith in the writing right now.
Yeah. Some of them have. You reminded me. When you first meet them, they mention that they've heard of our expedition and whatforth. I forgot since a few of the other colonies you meet later on, don't even know what you are.
I have a question about multiplayerWhich classes (race) are the best and the worst?I unlocked a Salarian and I'm not sure if he's actually that good maybe I'm using him wrong,but he is my rarest character so idk
I don't know what they're talking about. I've never seen a more realistic drunk NPC in my life.
Seriously though, I've only encountered a couple idle animation glitches.. and both were with Peebee for some reason.
One was her "working" at a table while facing the opposite direction, and the other was her leaning on a railing(she turns 270° to talk to you instead of 180, so when she turns 180° back, she's again facing the wrong direction).
The only problems I have is the lack of credits and the need to scan items in order to be able to buy blueprints and minerals in order to make weapons and armor. I don't mind scanning and mining when I can do it on my own time, but this game kind of forces you to do it as soon as possible so you can get better weapons and armor to keep yourself alive. I'm usually the type to play the main missions and side quests first and save scanning things for towards the end. Can't do that here.
Ok halfway through the game I think....glitches and horrible dead eyes set against some beautiful planets. The story is it Mass Effect Good? No..not even close. But I am having fun with it. It does irk me somewhat that with a small change here and there the story could have been way better. Hopefully the next Mass Effect Game will be done by people who have seen humans before.
Actually I stopped minding the faces when I thought about how the father told the brother and sister to get to the bridge by saying Ryders to the bridge...I thought about Thunderbirds...and how Supermarionettvision looks...then it clicked...this could be a Gerry Anderson production. I was good after that.
Avoid talking to humans and asari(Peebees facial animations aren't bad, but something is terribly wrong with her body positioning on pc) and it's decent. I thought it was improving greatly until I realized I've only been talking to aliens for the past 5hrs.
I'm starting to wonder if maybe EA actually is part of all this. Usually Bioware is pretty defensive on social media of their products and right now, it's just... quiet. They asked people to report issues and they'll look at them. Very formal. No one has said anything about the game at all other than that. At least they're taking it seriously. No one's cracking jokes about it there.
I'm hoping it was EA forcing a Q1 release. I'd really like to know that Bioware didn't think it was perfect. I keep using that word: Polished. It's just not polished.
I think some animators have explained that the facial animations aren't done by hand (some are,) but the rest are actually generated using an algorithm and somehow that algorithm was shit for ME:A that's why they look tired and lifeless when they talk.
Haven't played the game, but for now it's just another No Man's Sky with the memes circulating around the internet.
19% complete; 18hrs of game time.
Anyone who's complaining that it's too short is either missing a whole bunch of missions or playing on too easy of a difficulty. Unless the ending is coming fast and hard with everything else being fetch quests, I don't see how I could say the game is short. You can 100% Mass Effect 1 in under 50hrs, playing casually, listening to all dialogue.
They said they were going to improve the controls on pc, but absolutely nothing was improved in that regard, which made the game infuriating to play in tactical mode, and the game felt like it lacked challenge, depth or tactics due to that.
Dragon Age 2 is a huge guilty pleasure of mine.
I loved FemHawke and quite a lot of the companions, and the great banter they had, the combat seemed to be just as good as Origins in regards to depth, tactics, and ranged of skills, and has the most fluid and impactful melee in the series for me, attacks felt solid and like they had weight, and as a Rogue the agility animations and movement felt a lot more natural, Inquisition sadly lacked for me in all of these regards.
I enjoyed the game so much that I played through it twice, ignoring the repetitive recycled dungeons and unfinished nature, simply because I loved a lot of the characters and their writing.
That's partly why I was so sad about how poorly Hawke was shown in Inquisition.
So, aside from the disaster in the facial animation department, how is it? I'm too poor to afford the game now so I'll have to buy it on sale, but what would you guys rate it?
I'd say it's a 7 objectively. It's a fun game, with problems in execution.
Personally, I'm really enjoying it regardless. The real reason there's all the hate and stigma surrounding it is because of the problems with execution and polish. Problems a triple A developer, working for 5 years, shouldn't have. It's not excusable. It's just not.
I'll have a better idea when I finish it, but right now around an 8/8.5. The gameplay is the best its ever been in the series imo, and I'm glad they brought back planet exploring from the first game and injected it with steroids. The characters are good, there's a few I still don't particularly care for but overall I enjoy my crew, a few of them had me with their introductions alone. Loot is also a thing again, like it was in the first. Pretty happy about that too.
On the other side, the story. I'm about 32% done in 32 hours since the trial, and the story really hasn't picked up much. It's just not as compelling as the original, I've seen what I assume is the big bad one time briefly, compared to Saren where I spent the majority of the game with a clear antagonist to focus on. And the soundtrack is a huge step backwards. The original trilogy was loaded with memorable and sometimes pretty epic music, I really can't remember anything I've heard in this game so far. I kinda just want to load up iHeart, but I'm worried I might miss something when the soundtrack actually kicks in.
It also depends if you like Sudoku puzzles. Those are really pissing some people off. If you've done them before, it's easy. They aren't hard at all. Of the 6 I've done so far, none have needed more than 2 steps of logic.
If you're a Mass Effect fan maybe a 7 it has some decent moments buried in the padding and bad animation/glitches. If you're not one, a 6.
Highly recommend doing Liam's Movie Night mission the ending to it is cheesy but really adds to the characters.
Oh no. What is the Sudoku involved with, exactly?
Ya the soundtrack sucks can't even remember the music in the final mission. Even Mass Effect 3 had some fantastic music in the shitty ending.
Some consoles activate via solving them. They give you some symbols and you fill in the rest.
There's a way to override them, like the other Mass Effect games, but it's not really worth it. They're easy.
Hm, alright, thanks.
I fell into "telltale" three hours ago and I can't escape and get to bed! 1am: so got to explore the universe and head for Andromeda.
alright so is it worth getting now or should i wait for it to get cheaper since i am planing on building a new pc anyways so better experience if i play it on the new one i guess? am a fan of the series so from what i have heard i might enjoy it a bit more
One buyer-beware about gameplay, since I did say a lot of good things about it:
I don't play Soldier. I just saw someone try it on hard. The cover system does not work well for that style at all. It's actually pretty bad since it's a snap system without a button. I don't know why someone would want to play it like a COD game, but it doesn't work well at all. Hiding and maneuvering behind cover just isn't a thing in this game. Unless that's something that can be patched, you can only crouch and fire guns while in cover. Biotics, turning, moving at any angle that isn't straight, are pulling people out. That's unfortunate. It's just like the original Mass Effect, if you remember that game.
I haven't played that much yet, just got back from Eos, but I've already heard Sam make an exact same joke Codsworth makes in Fallout 4. Which was kind of lame.
Now if my suspicions are right and they did a 'reversed Curie' on Ryder's mom, I'm going to eat my copy of the game and send the poo to Montreal.
Overall though, I'm enjoying the game enough to warrant the purchase. I'm just not hooked on it like I've been on all the other Bioware games I've played.
Yeah, the story isn't really compelling to me either. I like my crew though(except Liam) and it's really their ambition to do their own missions which has kept me in it for some stretches of the game. The combination of a weaker story and a protagonist without a strong personality is a bad mix. I get that you're supposed to be a character who's in over their head, but it's a damn good thing all the side characters are gung ho about the plot, or I'd completely forget what the current story is(cough Skyrim).
I don't even know how to play sudoku so that'll be a blast.
I haven't had too much interaction with the crew yet, so it's a bit early to tell how I feel about them. The team usually is a big, if not the biggest, part of Bioware games and what makes them so much fun, so I'm hoping I'll feel the same way about them as you do.
Look at Mass effect 2, it had no (main) story at all, yet it was enjoyable as heck. All because of the crew.
I couldn't make it past the character creator. As a pale, red headed person, I want to play as one in any game that lets me, and this game does it's best to not let me. If the game let you be as white as the default male ryder, then I'd deal with the issue, but it doesn't. Default male ryder is like 10 shades lighter than the game lets you be, on top of being the most unugly mess.
Played a round of the multiplayer and didn't really have fun. Enemies damage on bronze against level 1's is stupid high, and they take so much ammo to put down. Game didn't handle the vanguard too well, lots of visual issues when you suddenly teleport across map.
I really regret buying this game.
Well I love playing the game and I'm already played so far(without finishing the game)44 hours into it.I'm already overwhelmed by the fame and I like it and yeah,it does have big problems like the facial animations and some bugs that will be fixed.Which I'm happy they are listening.I will I've it so far a 7.5/10 a little above average game which I will love.
Also since we ate discussing the me in here in this thread?I wonder if we will talk about DLCs soon.I'm already looking forward to it.Also those puzzles are hard in some cases and I do like them.I'm already wondering if they will focus on story dlcs?Do you think it's time to talk about DLCS?
One thing the writing has going for it, is that they finally brought up issues that would arise with translators. After being a throw away line in the first game, it gets brought up a lot in the new one. Colloquialisms and proper names not translating are brought up frequently. As you'd expect though, as you bring attention to something, imperfections come further to the surface. How do we instantly have translations for a new language? It could have been addressed and I just missed it. I doubt it. I just don't have the faith in the writing right now.
The nexus or at least the exiles must have met the Angaran during the year before we woke up.
Yeah. Some of them have. You reminded me. When you first meet them, they mention that they've heard of our expedition and whatforth. I forgot since a few of the other colonies you meet later on, don't even know what you are.
I have a question about multiplayerWhich classes (race) are the best and the worst?I unlocked a Salarian and I'm not sure if he's actually that good maybe I'm using him wrong,but he is my rarest character so idk
AAA quality at it's finest.
I don't know what they're talking about. I've never seen a more realistic drunk NPC in my life.
Seriously though, I've only encountered a couple idle animation glitches.. and both were with Peebee for some reason.
One was her "working" at a table while facing the opposite direction, and the other was her leaning on a railing(she turns 270° to talk to you instead of 180, so when she turns 180° back, she's again facing the wrong direction).
Tonight is the last night of my week of vacation. Just thought I'd mention that. Feel free to post criticism now without my smart-ass remarks.

I'm still enjoying the game with all it's faults.
Hm, the more that I play the game, the more I feel I'm playing an mmo, and everybody else is playing on a different server.
Its obvious that hard life in Andromed has pushed her to take drugs. Jeez, why so insensitive...
The only problems I have is the lack of credits and the need to scan items in order to be able to buy blueprints and minerals in order to make weapons and armor. I don't mind scanning and mining when I can do it on my own time, but this game kind of forces you to do it as soon as possible so you can get better weapons and armor to keep yourself alive. I'm usually the type to play the main missions and side quests first and save scanning things for towards the end. Can't do that here.
Ok halfway through the game I think....glitches and horrible dead eyes set against some beautiful planets. The story is it Mass Effect Good? No..not even close. But I am having fun with it. It does irk me somewhat that with a small change here and there the story could have been way better. Hopefully the next Mass Effect Game will be done by people who have seen humans before.
Actually I stopped minding the faces when I thought about how the father told the brother and sister to get to the bridge by saying Ryders to the bridge...I thought about Thunderbirds...and how Supermarionettvision looks...then it clicked...this could be a Gerry Anderson production. I was good after that.
wtf happened to all their faces
Alright, after watching some playthroughs and scenes, I think I am starting to get unnerved by the faces.
Avoid talking to humans and asari(Peebees facial animations aren't bad, but something is terribly wrong with her body positioning on pc) and it's decent. I thought it was improving greatly until I realized I've only been talking to aliens for the past 5hrs.
I'm starting to wonder if maybe EA actually is part of all this. Usually Bioware is pretty defensive on social media of their products and right now, it's just... quiet. They asked people to report issues and they'll look at them. Very formal. No one has said anything about the game at all other than that. At least they're taking it seriously. No one's cracking jokes about it there.
I'm hoping it was EA forcing a Q1 release. I'd really like to know that Bioware didn't think it was perfect. I keep using that word: Polished. It's just not polished.
We'll see what they can fix.
I think some animators have explained that the facial animations aren't done by hand (some are,) but the rest are actually generated using an algorithm and somehow that algorithm was shit for ME:A that's why they look tired and lifeless when they talk.
Haven't played the game, but for now it's just another No Man's Sky with the memes circulating around the internet.
20 minute Crowbcat video?
Completed Mass effect andromeda. Loved it (but I might be biased because I like rpg and story centric games)