The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited April 2017

    Today in school, I made a hard decision. My teacher was sitting on her chair and a gun went off. If I wasn't fighting with the boy beside me, she would stayed at her chair and the gun would have hit her. So I fought that boy and I made him cry so loud then she stand up and came over to me and the bullet JUST hit the chair, NOT HER! After that I got scold by the principal and a detention... Do u guys think it was worth fighting that boy?

  • I was completly fine one minute then next minute I was in agony I was on the floor screaming. Thought I would die.

    It turned out my fallopian tube got twisted it couldn't be saved I had to have my ovary removed. it was completly terrifying there was no warning I have a 7 inch scar across my lower abdomen now

    Im fucking devastated I feel so low today

    Wait you were at the hospital? What happened? O_O

  • Check tobis comment

    Thank you for the concern

    joshua007 posted: »

    What Tobi said what happened?

  • Bury the bodies under the floor Josh nobody has to know... It be our little secret- Mother in Vietnam

    Oh no... Vietnam flashbacks...

  • Okay would you please go in more detail like who was this boy where did he come from and why?

    jhti0612 posted: »

    Today in school, I made a hard decision. My teacher was sitting on her chair and a gun went off. If I wasn't fighting with the boy beside me

  • Wut. The. Fuck.

    Where the fuck is your school

    jhti0612 posted: »

    Today in school, I made a hard decision. My teacher was sitting on her chair and a gun went off. If I wasn't fighting with the boy beside me

  • this a leaked choice from the episode 4 of ANF?

    jhti0612 posted: »

    Today in school, I made a hard decision. My teacher was sitting on her chair and a gun went off. If I wasn't fighting with the boy beside me

  • Are stray bullets common in your neighborhood? Maybe the teacher should have been wearing a flak vest. Anyway, she got lucky. In general, you shouldn't pick fights, even though it happened to work out in this case.

    jhti0612 posted: »

    Today in school, I made a hard decision. My teacher was sitting on her chair and a gun went off. If I wasn't fighting with the boy beside me

  • I've been getting addicted to Skyrim again. <3 I decided to join the Stormcloak army in this playthrough. :)

    enter image description here

  • edited April 2017

    The boy's name, Samuel and he comes from America. He's little crybaby. Everytime we play football and when the ball hits him, he screams!

    joshua007 posted: »

    Okay would you please go in more detail like who was this boy where did he come from and why?

  • So at that moment, I called the teacher to tell the boy to stop shaking table, and she didn't say anything... MAN! What else was I suppose to get that boy out of his misery? So I pushed him and he hit the corner of the table and then he screamed

    joshua007 posted: »

    Okay would you please go in more detail like who was this boy where did he come from and why?

  • What's ANF?

    MarijaaNo7 posted: » this a leaked choice from the episode 4 of ANF?

  • edited April 2017

    Man, I thought someone was gonna say "yo dude! U hell save the teacher's life! It was definitely worth it!"But at least those "idiot didn't understand me! They are not really nice to me! U know, every Christmas those teachers and principals get lots of presents, I wasn't gonna give them a present after what they did, and my mom told me it will be fine and she said I have to give the teacher a gift just to thank her and she's gonna teach me for at least a year... I actually don't know

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Are stray bullets common in your neighborhood? Maybe the teacher should have been wearing a flak vest. Anyway, she got lucky. In general, you shouldn't pick fights, even though it happened to work out in this case.

  • The Walking Dead - A New Frontier

    jhti0612 posted: »

    What's ANF?

  • I think I get u now, u mean "A New Frontier"...

    MarijaaNo7 posted: » this a leaked choice from the episode 4 of ANF?

  • Congratulations to the 2017 Masters Champion, Sergio Garcia, finally winning his first ever major.

  • enter image description here

    jhti0612 posted: »

    I think I get u now, u mean "A New Frontier"...

  • Yeah, I saw that a few days back. I'd really like for this to be a full fledged series if possible, as I think kids would benefit from more than just hyper-active comedy.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Cartoon Network released a really cool short animation titled "Welcome to my Life". It's documentary styled and follows the life of a teenag

  • Ehhh..... we gonna do any special event for the TTG Guardians premiere?
    I just remembered our Batman TF2 event we had for its premiere... just a thought that came up, that's all.

  • Bullet? What the hell are you talking about? Who the hell shot a bullet at her? This story's as believable as the easter bunny.

    jhti0612 posted: »

    Today in school, I made a hard decision. My teacher was sitting on her chair and a gun went off. If I wasn't fighting with the boy beside me

  • Jesus, that does sound terrifying. Glad you're okay.

    I was completly fine one minute then next minute I was in agony I was on the floor screaming. Thought I would die. It turned out my fall

  • When you get suspended for punching another classmate in his balls and then that's how (my) vacations started

  • edited April 2017

    So I just saw Logan a flawed master piece and is perhaps the best super hero movie ever and it isn't really a super hero movie

    This trailer doesn't give the movie justice
    enter image description here

  • edited April 2017

    Gearbox and G2A, both shitty and shady companies, in a pissing match. I hope they end up destroying each other.
    Oh and another reason o hate that douchebag Randy Pitchford: he tried to throw People Can Fly under the bus by basically blaming them for making the deal with G2A in the first place... even though his company is the game's publisher and they should be well aware of what's going on.
    Oh well, not like a company ever got thrown under the bus by Randy and Gearbox. Oh wait! Timegate Studios closed down thanks to all the shit that went down with Aliens Colonial Marines. The game that they (Gearbox) pretended to develop for 6 years, produced fake demos and trailers and siphoned Sega's money to make Borderlands.

  • When I watched some videos of Resident Evil 5 on youtube, I used to hate it cause of action over horror but when I rewatch it, I changed my mind because it looks so fun and better than Resident Evil 6.

  • Sorry, what? Where is this place? What was this fight about? WHO had a gun and why?

    jhti0612 posted: »

    Today in school, I made a hard decision. My teacher was sitting on her chair and a gun went off. If I wasn't fighting with the boy beside me

  • Javier Garcia must be pretty jealous right about now...

    Congratulations to the 2017 Masters Champion, Sergio Garcia, finally winning his first ever major.

  • edited April 2017

    I know right?!

    So good. This is probably the only superhero movie that actually made me feel really sad emotions. Made me really care for the characters. And that's probably because they're just doing normal people things: (Logan having a limo driver job, Charles being a deteriorating old man) And it's just got such a good plot, it's an antithesis! A superhero movie about a guy who doesn't want to be a superhero anymore!

    joshua007 posted: »

    So I just saw Logan a flawed master piece and is perhaps the best super hero movie ever and it isn't really a super hero movie This trailer doesn't give the movie justice

  • Wow. I really wonder who thought of putting this in the website?

    This is cheezy, funny, and oh so cool at the same time. Bravo, Canada... We did it?


    There's a new post up on the News section that shows off the Telltale Pets. It's really adorable! :p

  • Awww.... I love it! :3

    Shout out to Turtle the Turtle and Brendan Q. Ferguson (who is unfortunately not on the list) for the only two pet names I remember seeing throughout many Telltale series! <3 There's a new post up on the News section that shows off the Telltale Pets. It's really adorable!

  • I'm really ill.
    I thought I'd mention that in case I die from it.

    P.S. I'm not going to die... Unless it escalates into pneumonia and I refuse to get antibiotics or take time off work again. Then, I might die.

  • I hope you start to feel better. dont rush it eat your veggies take time off if you need it and dont be embarrassed or too proud to ask for help.

    And for the love of god dont play dark souls it almost fucking killed me yesterday.

    Good luck

    (Damn I need to follow my own advice)

    Johro posted: »

    I'm really ill. I thought I'd mention that in case I die from it. /dramaqueen P.S. I'm not going to die... Unless it escalates into pneumonia and I refuse to get antibiotics or take time off work again. Then, I might die.

  • is ark survival evolved available on disc or us it diwnload only i dont really want to spend ages downloading the game on the ps4 but will have to if it isnt on disc

  • As far as I know, it doesn't have a disc version (yet).

    is ark survival evolved available on disc or us it diwnload only i dont really want to spend ages downloading the game on the ps4 but will have to if it isnt on disc

  • edited April 2017

    I've just found out that my sister's boyfriend had cut off half of his thumb in an accident at work today, which then had to be amputated and closed up. He could end up being forced to change jobs as well if he's not able to keep his job.

    I just hope that he can pull through this.

  • Damn, that's fucked up. Amputation is the WORST.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    I've just found out that my sister's boyfriend had cut off half of his thumb in an accident at work today, which then had to be amputated an

  • I also remember Max the Dog from the Sam & Max credits, to distinguish from Max the Lagomorph. But in this list, it turns out Max is a Horse!

    AChicken posted: »

    Awww.... I love it! Shout out to Turtle the Turtle and Brendan Q. Ferguson (who is unfortunately not on the list) for the only two pet names I remember seeing throughout many Telltale series!

  • shame i guess i will have to download it

    As far as I know, it doesn't have a disc version (yet).

  • so my dad has blocked my phones connection to the wifi the only thing i can connect to wifi is with my ps4 so that has really pissed me off

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