Clementine's Last Name Debut In Episode 5
I feel that this will be the last season. If they are going to reveal Clem's last name it would have to be on episode 5. I feel that the scene that her last name is going to revealed is going to be a emotionally powerful scene that's going to either symbolize Clem's identity or going to come up when she is finally reunited with AJ and her house in Richmond would be called [last name] house.
I have two scenes in mind in her last name debut:
- Branding Flashback: Joining the NF, she is forced by David to get the brand to be part of the group. Clem refuses to get the brand even considering going back to the road. Later that day, she notices that AJ condition isn't getting better. She reconsiders David's offer.
Before David brands her, he reads the NF creed: " I swear the mark as my new identity. Those without it are my enemies. I will prioritize group before me. I act with justice and will enact without Clemency."
(Lingard,Ava,Joan,and Clint are here to see Clementine make her pledge to the group and branding )
David: Are you ready to contribute, Clementine?
Clementine: (I'll do want ever it takes)(I'm doing this for AJ)(yes)( Just do it)
David brands her and Clem passes out from the pain. She wakes up in a tent, depressed because the times has to resource to being branded to survive. But confronts herself by believing that it had to be done.
Ava walks in the tent
Ava: Are you ok? I have apple juice if you need any.
(Clem gets angered)
Clem:( I don't want to owe you anything. I just want to help AJ. That's why I got your people's mark. I don't identify by it! I'm Clementine [last name]!)
( AVA shows concern)
Ava: I know it's hard, but just keep a cool head. I believe in you Clem.
What do you guys think the scene will be like when the name is revealed? I would be pissed if telltale handles it by just having Javi ask for her last name.
So you say her last name is Marsh?
that is so random.
Her last name is Rhee or whatever Conrad's last name is. Jones or Jenkins or whatever fits him.
I accidentally put that there. I can't edit it.
Neither, since both of them are not her dad, biological or other.
We talked about this already... Conrad is her father. You can't tell me they don't look alike.

Her last name is Everett, everyone knows this, it was decided long ago.
It doesn't matter how often you say it, it doesn't make it more true.
Her last name may be Everett, but it is also Jones or Jenkins or Thomas or whatever fits Conrad.
They don't.
I recommend looking closer and trying harder to see their similarities or to go see an eye doctor.
Conrad, Glen, Lee, or Michone are not the father. But perhaps it is one of Michone's boyfriends. You guys have any ideas how telltale is going to reveal her last name?
Guess a lot of people need to see an "eye-doctor".
I still don't see it
I don't know why but I rather do not want to know to keep the mystical feeling be.
I did not know her last name in the first time, and rather keep it that way.
Clementine, daughter of Diana and Ed.
Amen to that.
Put that in the URL bar.
Odds on her full name being Clementine Tangerine
Wait do you actually think they're gonna dedicate any part of the story to revealing clementine's last name? As if that somehow... matters?
It would be some random name, possibly even that random name, Marsh, and then everyone would be like "oh, okay. Moving on."
Clementine Darling
Ed huh? Strong name!
I'm about 95% sure that ANF won't be the last season.
If it makes dollars, it makes sense. And A New Frontier, isn't making any. in that note, I don't think that they are going to make another unless they get the all star writers from season 1. Personally, I think season 3 is way better than season 2, but gets so much hate. Season 3 is like Bernie Sanders, unappreciated.
this literally made me laugh out loud, thanks
Sure you don't mean irrelevant? Regardless, no. It may not be rated as well or selling nearly as well as season 2, but as of the last numbers I saw posted its still by far one of the most popular franchises TT has, regardless of whether it was as well received as the previous seasons.
Are you a troll? If yes, then good job.
It's making enough, and Telltale knows we'll still buy and play them. They'll make another season. I'll be really surprised if they don't.
Lol. Enact without CLEMency.
I'll show myself out.
They look alike in the sense that they are both black and share common features of African Americas( my people!). Asides from that, they look like strangers.
I do not like this surname-mystery at all. Because Clem's surname would only be important if Telltale came up with some cliché Darth Vader "I-am-your-father"-reveal. That would be absolutely terrible. Clem is and should remain just a normal girl, their one and only parents died, Lee and her saw them as zombies in Season One and that's it. Leave it like that please. She should not have a mysterious "real dad", just to add some low quality drama.
Clementine Grimes or Clementine Garcia.
Or a Chinese dad: Clementine Lee.
It's probably going to be some random last name, to be honest. She's not a Garcia, I think that'll be a terrible idea and lazy writing. She's not a Rhee because I'm sure Glenn would've recognized her by her name. She's definitely not Conrad's daughter or a Grimes for that matter.
I think at this point her last name wouldn't contribute to the story unless it has something to do with any of the characters in the game.
I don't understand this fascination with Clem's last name. Unless her last name is Grimes or someone else important to the comics (which it isn't), revealing her last name does nothing for the story and would, no matter what it is, leave people just thinking, "Oh, that's her last name?" It would just be some random name like Smith, or Stewart, or Pipinpadaloxicopolis, so I don't know why people get so worked up over a possible reveal of it.
That would be a giant plot twist
I'm pretty sure Michonne can't be a father
wouldn't it be nice if Clem choose her own last name? Like, maybe not in this season, but in the next one, there are like, factions? But well written, or something like that, and she kind of just chooses her last name? Plus, I like the No Last Name Idea. It means you don't belong to anywhere or anyone, not even your family, just a lonely bastard, alone to the world with no chains to keep you tied to anywhere and you can be totally free, just walking from one side of the frontier to another and fucking things up and being more like a shapeshifter? (I mean this in a totally metaphorial way not literal but i'm kinda high right now so don't take anything I say too serious)
did you just google "The weirdest last name ever" or something?
I just don't see the point of a surname in a world like this. We need them in real life, but in the apocalypse where you only see a handful of people most of the time, the first name or even a made-up name like "Jesus" is enough.