Someone ship Petra and Jesse?Romance episode?

Well season 2 is soon (Not soon soon but more like "winter is comming soon") on it´s way and one thing i whould want is a episode for romance. Think about it because it makes so much more sense to make a "light episode" that has a more of an "personal quest" then "saving the world again quest". For example Ivor likes Harper and wingmaning (that´s a word right?) him whould be a ton of fun(Him being ivor and all of that stuff). Axel and Em might have a thing or two going on also. The players choices in the past can finally have a big impact and depending on how you act the story changes.


Jesse (Boy) and Petra -> Lucas and Olivia

Jesse (Girl) and Lucas -> Lucas and Olivia

Jesse (Boy) and Olivia -> Lucas and Petra

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Jesse (Girl) and Petra/Olivia or Jesse (boy) and Lucas. Bonus Lenny face ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Or nothing happens because you where an asshole. That to.

So am I alone with this opinion? I hope not because Jesse and Petra does actually have light romantic moments in the series.

Worth to mention that i like romance because i have experience it in the past and now I mostly have alot of pointless......X.E.S at weekend parties. My god I´m of the subjekt i end it here.


  • The last thing I want is an entire episode about Block Romance.

  • ha fair point

    Acheive250 posted: »

    The last thing I want is an entire episode about Block Romance.

  • Oh hell no, to the no no, no

  • Tbh i dont think there will be a season 2.

    But i did really ship Jetra and I was really disappointed that despite saving her and being kind constantly, there was never even a vague romance option. Even an awkward blocky hug or kiss, but nah.

  • O there will be an season 2 trust me. There are multiple hints of soran being a mayor part of the plot and episode 8 ending was setting up the next season. It´s only a matter of time and time it will take.

    Tbh i dont think there will be a season 2. But i did really ship Jetra and I was really disappointed that despite saving her and being kind constantly, there was never even a vague romance option. Even an awkward blocky hug or kiss, but nah.

  • Oh cool which hints though? I probably didn't notice them.

    O there will be an season 2 trust me. There are multiple hints of soran being a mayor part of the plot and episode 8 ending was setting up the next season. It´s only a matter of time and time it will take.

  • -On Twitter, Eric Stirpe says he is working on a big project. He posted a picture of him at work and holding a Creeper coffee cup. Could mean nothing, but it could also be a very subtle, clever way of conveying something bigger.

    -Soren was never found at the end, only hinted at.

    -After the series was over, someone asked on Twitter about what happened to Jesse's enchanted sword in ep. 5 (it disappears when you destroy the command block). Eric stated that everything the command block did was reversed, which could give a season 2 a lot of different paths to choose from for the writers.

    -Question mark at the end of "A Journey's End?"; an "or is it?" was hinted on its bio on the front page soon after the series concluded (removed now, I think).

    -Refer to the series as "season 1." (From what I've been told, they do this with all their games though)

    Oh cool which hints though? I probably didn't notice them.

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