Amazing episode, thank you Telltale! (Spoilers) What ending did everyone choose?
I just want to say thanks to Telltale for creating such a amazing series, maybe Im just fanboying but The New Frontier from the Gallows was such an amazing episode, so many Easter eggs, Javier cutting Clem's hair and much more. That cliff hanger why Telltale? Well I look forward for the futurestrong text of Telltales The Wallking dead!
What was everyone's ending?
Mine was:
I stepped up and took charge of Richmond, I gave my blessing to Gabe/Clem romance, I stuck with Katie to the end and now we are going to start a family, Clementine is still on the search for AJ.
I want to know everyone's ending and in a few hours I'm going to replay it again to see all the different ending.
Thanks Telltale!
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My ending:
I shut the game of, punched a wall, looked at my collection of TellTale Games and then I died inside.
I haven't been this dissapointed in a game since AC: Syndicate.
I had Gabe and David die in my game and the scene was really emotional.
Well, considering that AC: Syndicate released late 2015, it can't be that much of a disappointment.
Glad you enjoyed it but as always it truly baffles me how people have liked this awful game...sorry not game, more like a sit-through tv episode
my ending was keep Gabe and David alive poor Kate
I loved it too. My Javi actually risked everything to save Gabe and David and ended up losing Kate. However he did step up to take over Richmond.
I ended up with Kate and Gabe, I loved that you could end up with different options.
I'm not sure if I want to buy this game or not.
It truly baffles me how people can hate this game so much. Yes it isn't nearly as good as season 1, but it isn't as shit as a lot of people are making it out to be.
I agree it was an amazing episode! My Javi stepped up to help Richmond and Gabe and David lived but Kate died. I also liked how in the credits it showed how everyone felt towards Javi and most where positive.
I wonder if it's possible to have Kate, Gabe, and David all live?
dang why
My ending, resulted in me vowing never buying another Telltale game again. This episode just had too much bad stuff in it. A 70 minute fuck up, with plot holes, no development, no playtime as Clementine, no climax, the bad treatment of determinant characters and horrendous technical issues. Fuck A New Frontier, Fuck Javier, Fuck the lack of explanation in the AJ plotline and fuck the writing
When you pay near enough the same price for Season 3 as you did for Season 1 but you get short episodes, little to no gameplay per episode, lack of hubs, character development/interaction, no puzzles or optional side quests to do and just sitting back and choosing dialogue options for 90% of the time where our choices hardly matter or have the feeling that they don't like they used to, then you will probably see why many of us are pissed off when i know this company are capable of replicating the way they made S1. Sure this isn't the worst game/cinematic i've ever played but it sure as hell went down like the Titanic for me...
David died off screen in my playthrough in what was one of the worst payoffs to a seasons worth of build up that' I've ever seen. Left a really bitter taste in my mouth. However I'm willing to cut TTG some slack due to the fact that your choices have actual consequences and there are quite a few different endings. At the very least it has some replayability.
Sucks to be you.
Lol k
I have played the episode twice now and I still dont know how to get Gabe killed, not saying I want to I think he redeemed himself this episode.
RIP Katie!
On my second play through thats the exact same ending I got, glad you enjoyed it. RIP Katie!
Me to, it was such a great episode, but that cliff hanger!
If you have played season's 1 and 2 I would highly recommend it, the one problem I have is that the episodes are to short but they have been amazing.
I know it was great, just like they did in season 1. I just looking forward to season 4!
I don't think so.
David died in what I think was the best way possible, got bit and had a very emotional moment with Javier, I ended up forgiving David for fucking up the deal, and it was actually the only time this season that I felt emotion, sooo, I guess... good job Telltale?
Kate died as well, but Gabe is alive, surprisingly, I havent been very fond of Gabe, but this episode made me 180 on him, he supported Javier, but still loved his dad, and I think Davids death was a well executed scene
Clementine apparently became a "Liberated warrior", and got a questionable haircut, but I guess I kinda like it
My relationship with David was apparently "dysfunctional" and said that I wasnt there for him in his time of need, which seems weird to me, since I tried supporting him whenever I could, I stood with him on the roof and reassured him that he wasnt a terrible father, the only thing I did was tell him he was wrong when he shot Clint. Although I still think the brotherly love in this episode was exceptional, and David seemed to be on good terms with Javier in the end
Also, "Clems story will continue" Hype!
That's fair point, I know if you go with Clementine to rescue Gabe you can save him but then Katie dies of screen.
Went with Kate because Clem told me to, got David killed. Gabe survived, shot David when he turned.
At least I saw Jesus again! And damn he looked handsome, all dressed as a knight and killing walkers with a sword. I love that man.
Rest in peace, Tripp. I can't believe you forgave me. You were truly too good for this world, too pure. Ultimate cinnamon roll right there, the big guy. You are going to sit next to Luke in my "Hall of Bullshit Deaths that Shouldn't Have Happened".
What do you mean "no climax"? If anything, I can't put my finger on which moment was the most tense or exciting because there were multiple. David fighting Javier should be a climax but the story doesn't slow down from there just yet. Then, at least for me, you have the reveal that not only is David dead, but Gabe is bitten and has to be put down. Either of those are the climax of the story, and there's no rule against multiple being present.
I wanted to like it, I really did. I just feel disappointed. Maybe it was just the ending I got, but the lack of closure was just so disappointing, especially not seeing AJ after all that? Disappointing.
I pretty much sided against Clementine in all major decisions involving her, but she still followed Javier.
So I got the ending where Gabe & David dies and Kate lives.
I have no fucking idea how this happened, since I didn't shoot Conrad, I didn't side with her at Prescott and I didn't kill Lingard in order to get info on AJ's whereabouts.
But hey, I'm not complaining. Kate is probably my favorite character besides from Javier & Clem.
Also, my Clem became a "graceful gunslinger". I have no fucking idea what that means. Is she John Marston reborn?
I was actually really impressed with the episode even though it had a few flaws to it. I had a very bittersweet, Breaking Bad-esque ending with Gabe (who I've never actually hated) getting bitten and dying, Kate telling me she needs time before we can be anything more than coworkers, Javier leading Richmond, and Clementine leaving happily to bring AJ back to Richmond. There was some good to my ending but it was very jaded and still felt depressing.
I thought it was pretty good to be honest. A solid 7.5-8/10 for me. It didn't fucking saved the season mind you. I just thought the quality of the last eps was way above the former eps which were mostly around the 4.5-6 range at best
My ending

Great ending and I agree, I never hated Gabe to begin with but in this episode he was amazing and for Clementines new look, I like it, at first I didn't like it but after replaying it I like it.
RIP Tripp! I just cant wait for season 4 now!
Can someone post Javier death ending
I really enjoyed this episode!
I ended up getting the ending where Gabe is alive, but Kate is 'missing' and David is dead (ALSO CONRAD IS ALIVE AND THATS MY MAN). I plan on re-playing on a different save file to get the ending where Kate can also live.
Loved the episode.
In my ending, Gabe and David died (cried a lot at Gabe's death) and Kate survived. She asked me to give her space before we can become friends. I chose to step up and become the leader.
While its not the perfect ending I'd have liked (I wanted Gabe and Kate alive ending), I actually kinda prefer this way. If David had been the only one to die, I wouldn't have given a rates ass. Gabe's death actually got an emotional reaction from me.
Also I loved having Kate and Javier be awkward at the end, because that's just real life sometimes. It felt super original my ending.
Also I flirted with Jesus and I was so happy that was allowed lol, so my Javier at least is bisexual in canon.