Which is the best Assassin's Creed game?
Which should I buy? Do not say Unity and Syndicate as I am 101% sure I cannot run it.
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Which should I buy? Do not say Unity and Syndicate as I am 101% sure I cannot run it.
Please state the reasons why as well. Thanks!
Black Flag. Because the Assassin vs Templar and future plot line is garbage and Black Flag mostly ignores that stupid crap and mostly focuses on telling a pretty good pirate story. Also the ship combat is a breath of fresh air for the series, and shantys are my favorite collectible ever.
I only played 1 and 2. The second one is garbage...
Okay, so anything other than 4? I've seen a gameplay and it never felt like Assassin's Creed. It felt rather like a pirate simulator.
Not really, Assassins Creed kinda sucks. That's why Black Flag is really good because it has the least to do with the series.
Edit: well to answer the below question gameplay wise they are all basically the same so I don't get what you want. I guess go with the newest one that isn't crossed off your list as it would be the most updated version.
How can you say that? AC1 did nothing better than 2 other than being original.
I'm sorry I did not phrase it properly.
Can anybody recommend me an Assassin's Creed game other than Blag Flag, Syndicate and Unity?
Tell me what you liked about it. Dont tell me story, I dont care for it.
My opinion.
Black Flag
Don't buy Unity its was awful, you will waste your money.
If it's a choice of those you gave, get Syndicate, not amazing but I enjoy it being in London. And I like playing as Evie.
There's so many faults with each title but I still like them
Definitely Black Flag if you're into pirates. The ship mechanics are awesome, You actually feel as though you're a pirate, and the historical accuracy is impressive. Let me say this though, Black Flag is good at being a pirate game, not an assassin's creed game. Which was fine with me. The assassin's creed elements really got in the way of Black Flag. They just take you out of the action most times, and feel dull compared to searching for treasure and partaking in ship to ship combat. But over all it's a solid game. I think it's my favorite as far as the assassin's creed series goes.
I have to agree.
AC3 in my opinion was the best.
A lot of people didn't like AC 3, but I really liked it. Maybe I'm just weird, but still.
What the actual fuck are you talking about!? I am oke with opinions but don't state it as fact! I love that storyline, the future gives me a reason to care about the past or else it would hardly effect the world in anyway, I love the Creed of the Assassin's and Templar codes because I can relate to it, I love the genetic part because it makes me think humans have something interesting build structure in their body and I can write a entire wall...
Story, protagonist, atmosphere, music, writing, Modern Day, main assassinations, supporting characters, time period.
The first one, because it's the first one. Would you start playing TWD with the New Frontier?
The Ezio-Trilogy. Everything else is between "meh" and "terrible".
It's probably my favourite video game ever, alongside TWD S1. Everything about this game is just perfect. I've never felt so attached to a video game character like I did to Connor. The writing was amazing, even better than the first game's. And the music.... AH don't get me started. Definitely my favourite video game score. I mean just listen:
Also the relationship between Desmond and his father is so relatable to me, I love it.
I know I'm kinda rambling but I just can't express enough how much I love this game. Only other work of fiction that affected me this much would be Bojack Horseman. Both AC 3 and BH help me undestand myself better and find a better way in life.
Nope, you're not.
Connor didn't get the chance to develop in a sequel.
At first people saw him as emotionless brick of a character because everyone missed Ezio. We only saw his revenge side.
We do get to see a good part of Connor's character through the homestead missions.
There are thieves everywhere and you can ask them for help and they have side missions for you but some might kill you, you can rebuild your Assassin order... Story wise speaking the main character is really really good he stands for justice and believes in humanity and he is also a charmer. But somethings might not make sense if you haven't played two so I recommend reading on Ezio and watch the Modern Day on youtube doesn't take long!
Assassin's Creed 2: I am personaly not the biggest fan of two anymore I was a big fan as a kid but eh not anymore but it's still worth to check out.
Assassin's Creed Revelations: I am not the biggest fan of this game either and first I hated it but I slowly start liking it more and more, the storyline is really good but the over arc from Brotherhood didn't really work if you ask me because suddenly the main character is so meh still good but he is a old man now but still a bad ass. There aren't many side missions though and it has in my book one of the best motherfucking endings of all in gaming I recommend watching AC Embers on youtube after your done!
Assassin's Creed 3: This game helped me through a difficult time so I can't really criticise it that hard. The opening takes long and it's extremly linear, it is 3 hours or so, than we play the real and the game explains again how the game works after three hours. The homestead missions are freaking fun and develop the main character a lot. There are three main characters in the game: Desmond Miles, Haytham Kenway and Connor Kenway. Desmond is oke to play and has it's own missions but after replaying his story you realize you can't skip cutscenes because bullshit! I know what she is going to say please let me skip! Haytham is basicly Mr Perfect and gives the player a feel of power in the World he never does anything really wrong which annoys me a bit. Connor Kenway I didn't like at first but the second time I liked him more and playing at the third time he was way better and you must play the homestead missions because the best part of the character is in those missions. AC3 has a special place in my heart because it came out on the right time.
Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry: If you don't have much time to play games I recommend it and love ships it is a short game with fun gameplay.
Assassin's Creed Unity is perhaps the worst game I have ever played in my life it is fasinating to me how bad this game is here check out I had to make a entire rant series on it

he didn't even say his opinion is fact what are you talking about lol
AC3 really has a special place in my heart:)
EDIT: Wait wtf your father hit you in the face?
IMO Connor has more development in one game than Ezio in three. Ezio really only changed between Brotherhood and Revelations, but it was off screen so I don't think it even counts.
As much as I dislike him, I think that even Jacob have better character development than Ezio in II.
AC2 and black flag
Lol no
I was talking generally about their relationship, how they love each other but they can't really understand one another and there's a hostility between them.
To me he sounded like he was speaking for everyone else if I had never heard of AC I would probably take it as fact.
I would like to hear from himself if it isn't fact
if you'd take some rando's word on the internet as a factual statement without any solid evidence then that's on you, not him. don't blame him for how easily you trust people.
you sure can good buddy, just read his original comment again but this time s l o w l y
I'd put 'em in this order:
AC 2 (My boy Ezio's story starts off, it has it all)
Brotherhood (I should probably put this one over, but AC 2 started something that became on par, if not even slightly better than AC 2)
Black Flag (People say it isn't too much Assassin going on in the game, which I can agree upon, but it is still a fan-fucking-tastic game.)
Revelations (Apart from that Tower Defense crap they pulled, I really liked the third, and final GAME-installment of Ezio. I could recommend the short film, Embers afterwards you played 2, Brotherhood and Revelations (in that order)).
AC 3 (I'm really into the American Revolution. That's why I put this so high up as I did, that and Haytham. How I wish that we play more Haytham than we did, such a shame. I know people, especially TheClemAmongUs (whom I argued with before on this matter, twice I think) disagree with that Connor is rather flat, with a very boring voice, but that is what I think. I do like those Homestead missions though, that makes Connor a bit more playable to me.)
Syndicate (I am one of those that liked Syndicate, but I am easy to please. I still think some things were pretty ridiculous, but I liked the London-setting.)
Rogue (good but to damn short)
Unity (such a mess)
AC-Chronicles: China (Seriously, who the fuck asked for this shit?)
I think that would be all the ones I have played. Also, I just want to add that in general, the top 3 of the AC games are 1. AC 2. 2. Black Flag. 3. Brotherhood. If you check, for example lists of different kinds, and IMDb.
No I still read it as fact what he says about the Assassin's Creed storyline
then that's your problem, not his.
Assassin's creed 2 is my favorite one in the series, with Brotherhood being my second one. Both of these games are amazing. Assassin's creed 1 is Okay, unity is garbage and syndicate had potential but felt rushed and lazy. I for one really enjoyed assassin's creed 3, especially the future segments but couldn't bring myself to finish Assassin's Creed 4 since it felt like some pirates of the Caribbean game and not assassin's creed.
Lol this was hilarious
Assassins Creed 2 of course. Ezios story is unrivaled. But I also love AC Unity. The french revolution with the most beautiful openworld to date - what more could you wish for?
May I ask in what way is Assassin's 3 good? I am planning to either get this or AC 2.
Do not say story, character development etc.
Gameplay wise please.
Double comment.
Why Assassin's Creed 2? Other than the story and setting. I am planning to get this or AC3.
I thought that was a political activist until I realized it was a telltale worker.
Gosh. Does everyone who shows their face on the internet get turned into a meme?
Which one is 4? Is that Brotherhood or Black Flag or something else?
I've only played Liberation on PS Vita and watched someone play about an hour of the second one. And honestly, the second one seemed really... Bad. I liked Liberation (never finished it), but in AC2, the graphics, animation, characters... I thought they seemed quite bad. Anyway, I know an hour isn't really much to judge a game by so I'll give it another chance at some point and get a little further to see if I can get into it. (But that's a while in the future, I've got about 6 games waiting to be finished at the moment...)