Anyone else kind of upset on the way David was handled in episode 5?
throughout the season David has always had some reason for his actions, albeit controversial.
this time it's literally just him going bonkers about war
I backed him up the entire time and didn't touch Kate yet he still escalated
He didn't even speak to Ava let alone recognize she narrowly escaped death
We went from hugging to abandonment in the span of one episode.
I'm just kind of bummed there's virtually no pay off for being his bro aside from honoring Papi's wishes which I just found out about at the start of the episode
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You're not the only one. David was disappointing this episode, so much that I didn't even feel bad he died. I felt nothing.
That's why I think having David live in the end was a horrible ending, even if you forgive him or not.
The entire season I was on board with David. But it became literally impossible to justify his actions this episode.
Not only that, but he wanted to leave his family again. A second time.
I get the people don't change message but siding with him made little to no difference whatsoever. it would have been cool if he turned good yknow
and I agree. I'm doing a third episode 5 playthrough just to make it so Kate/Gabe live and David die.
By the second time, he barely had a family. Kate had left him, and Gabe had clearly come to care for Javi more too. David had also realized that, no matter how badly he wanted to, he couldn't change. If he stayed with a family that already seemed terrified of him, perhaps he was worried things would only get worse-that they'd hate him more or that he'd hurt them.
To me, both David and Gabe dying is a good ending. Javi's reaction to seeing David's corpse was a fitting reaction and Gabe's farewell gave me Lee and Kenny feels. Not to mention it was poetic in a twisted sort of way.
I hated Gabe for the most part but his death made me realize that he really is just a kid and deserves a second chance.
I'm redoing my playthrough just to save him and Kate once it's figured out what gets Clem to split up with me without killing Conrad.
The writing of the whole season is...bleh.
Davids writing for ep 5 is so obnoxious you might think they actually intended for him to appear this way all along. Portraying him as troubled yet overall a good guy with a plan was actually just a friggin accident or something.
No they do everything in their power to suddenly make him go insane the most during this ep. Inconsistencies flying all around.
People justifying Kates really cold behavior towards him as oh he clearly abused her and is terrified of him despite there never actually being confirmation it ever happened at all. Yet feels confident to slap him when he basically seems like hes gonna go absolutely insane any second. And does.
He was mostly speaking and acting intelligently-- if belligerently-- throughout my whole story.... until episode five.
Telltale went Telltale. He was lashing out at me for petty things because even though I had a great rapport up to that point, Telltale loves to turn everyone around 180 on you.
As other people have noted, the extreme violence toward his family also felt shoehorned in.
There was also his utterly moronic statement "I know war. Even if we had FIVE HUNDRED MEN out there we couldn't fix this mess."
Uh, actually, it required all of four people-- and two of them barely knew the town's layout. #completelyoff
Yet another mishandled Telltale character.
He was all over the place, one thing i think was way off though was kate wanting to save richmond and david wanting to leave. They had been the opposite all game
I was more bothered that there is no closure for his character at the end. I saved him and he came back and yet all we get is that he isn't talking to Javier or Gabe. wth?? Telltale dropped the ball by not showing his reaction to Kate's death and having an additional conversation with Javier. Like he's going to man up and be there for Gabe and help Javi lead Richmond. Nope he's just being a dickwad...
With millions of players, yes there will highly likely be someone else that's the same.
I mean he had pretty consistently been show n to be capable of going off the rails (to the extent that Kate is terrified of telling him she broke a glass while she's bleeding profusely) so I'm not sure his actions didn't fit his character.
Also in most 'feuding bro' storylines there's some resolution and I'm glad this doesn't have to happen - less cheesy
Yeah, I thought that entire scene was terribly written. There was no reason for David and Javi to fight if Javi didn't romance Kate, and Kate had been pushing to abandon Richmond and run with the family ( the very thing David suggests ) when they were supposed to wait at David's house.
Even with the weird switch, when David had suggested they all load up in that truck, Clementine included because she had helped protect his family, I expected this to be the moment he added in to go find AJ. At least then one of the main conflicts of the narrative could've been resolved.
Yeah he was so out of character in this episode acting like a psycho for no reason just to create drama.
Finale was all about getting rid of all new characters in s3 once and for all so that Clem's story can come back as main plot
wow your right
Me that man in episode 5 that wasn't my david telltale just screwed up the best character in the season that I cared about.
And that thing that called kate that snake, even after I rejected her and I was on her side for saving Richmond I did not escape from her evil, she stills throw me in a fight with my brother by saying (I don't believe I loved both of you) what is wrong of this women is she Intentionally trying to put hatred between me and my brother and make me turn on my own brother this women is the real villain of this season.
I like in episode 4 i turn her down but she didn't slap me either because i never kiss her in episode 2. Somehow she slap Javi after slapping David in the episode wtf telltale
It was Kenny all over again. Did someone notice almost identical scenes with Kenny accidentally hitting Clem and David accidentally hitting Gabe? They both even justify their action by saying they were trying to protect "their family". Such creativity.
It also pissed me off. The first half of the episode was alright, I actually enjoyed that scene on the roof... But then it went absolutely terrible. Anyway, I stood on David's side till the end. That flashback in the beginning really reminded me of my mom who always says "one day I'll be gone so you and your sister will be left alone, hold on to each other no matter what". When David was beating me up, I kept repeating "i love you". I'd rather let Javi die than punch David back.
You just described Kenny.
I think that parallel was deliberate, since Clem herself notices the similarities too.
Yeah, I agree with you. David acted very differently in episode 5 then the other episodes. He started doing some messed up stuff like killing Rufus and hurting his girlfriend, even though she wasn't going to shoot Kate. He was very different this episode and it just doesn't make much sense to me why he changed so much in one episode.
Wait, David can survive?! But how?
Your mother is a cool person with a big heart take care of her and enjoy every moment with her before she's really gone.
Surprisingly yes. David was so selfish about Richmond residents. I liked him and I sided with him all the time but this episode just changed my mind. I had to save Richmond over him, I told him that I never touched Kate and he didn't listen. After he punched Javi in the face, I gave him the same treatment. There was no way I was gonna let Javier get pushed again by that fucking bully. Now he is dead in my game, hopefully he is happy for his stupid actions.
I was on his side the entire time and didn't bother with Kate, but Telltale just really wanted him going insane despite me calming him down and not escalating things before then. Drama for the sake of drama.
I think it depends on whether or not Clementine helps you and you have to ask him what type of legacy he wants to leave for him to come back.
I was surprised when he said he wanted to leave Richmond, too! Like the writers mixed him with Kate or something.
The "Make Peace With A David" was a fake choice after all...
Poor Javier indeed. David probably abused him when they were kids, too.
A little but I had braced myself for a fight even though I didn't try and get with his wife. At the same time, his storyline was the only one I was interested in though. The other characters just weren't interesting enough and not offering enough drama.
Thank you for these kind words
She's far away from dying and even being old, but I take her words seriously. I love her and my sister very much, family means a lot to me.
I really don't like how they made him into a 2.0 Kenny from S2. I was disappointed in how they handeled him especially at the end.
I even broke (Javi's father) Rafa's promise but I didn't give a damn because he wasn't introduced to the zombie apocalypse.
This lunatic got what he deserved. Had it coming for a long time.
Also, with David like this, people should finally realise that Kenny was a good man or at least better than that fucking hot-head.
As much as I don't care for David, I do believe that David character, as well as Kate's, were handled poorly because of this love triangle plot that forced drama down our throats, purely to create cheap drama and not meaningful conflict.
All it did was turn nearly every character into an unlikable jackass in the room, besides Clementine. Kate throws Javier under the bus out of spite or kisses him to provoke David, which causes David to abruptly go insane and try to kill his little brother over the thought of Javier now dating Kate even if he isn't, and then there's Gabe still standing by his father's side after making a speech earier about wanting to be more like his uncle, as well as having been hit on the head by his father when he tries to stop David from killing Javier.
This wasn't a meaningful and engaging conflict, this was a soap opera.
Kenny and David are pretty much different even if there were some callbacks.
I never said there were the same, only that theres too much similarity between ANF and other games. For example David beating Javi was so similar to Griff and Rodrick scene from GoT.
I think he was mostly in character, with the exception of him hitting Gabe the second time and not reacting.
And he could've been handled much worse coughsarahcough
um he thinks Javier has been screwing his wife and he's realised his wife and child are afraid of him and look to Javier for protection. I don't see his reaction as out of character. His resentment toward Javi has been brewing for a while. Now he has lost his family to him.