Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Javi can say almost the exact same line twice to Gabe in Episode 5.:

    When going after Gabe and David, once you save Gabe and he apologises for all the bad things he's done, you can say:

    "Eh, you had your moments. But, nothing I couldn't handle."

    When in the church with Gabe after all's said and done, and he apologises for all the bad things he's done, endangering his family, you can say:

    "Eh, you had your moments. But, nothing we couldn't handle."

    I chose both of these things. And let me tell you: Having the same line said almost the exact same way as one earlier, all during an emotional moment really kills the mood.

  • Welp, I don't know if it's implying anything...

    enter image description here

  • The parallels between Kenny and David are endless.

    • Both are separated from their loved ones and reunited at a later time after one of them has died.
    • Both have a significant role in taking care of AJ.
    • Both can die in a car crash while protecting their kids.
    • The car crash can be caused by their kids, Clem and Gabe respectively.
    • Both have either a good or bad relationship with the protagonist in their respective seasons.
    • Both used their jobs as an escape from the responsibility of their family.
    • Both had a child die during the apocalypse.
    • Both had tempers and can determinately hurt the kids they're protecting while beating someone else.

    I could go on

  • Clementine shouts at you when you're given the choice to go after Gabe or save Richmond. But, not choosing anything will eventually lead to her saying "listen to your heart." That was easily the most "eye roll" moment of the season for me.

  • Both died in a stupid af way

    The parallels between Kenny and David are endless. * Both are separated from their loved ones and reunited at a later time after one of

  • I like how if you go with Kenny, Clem kind of compares him to David herself. I don't remember the exact line but it happens before the helicopter scene where Clem, Javi, and David are talking about AJ being a brat.

    The parallels between Kenny and David are endless. * Both are separated from their loved ones and reunited at a later time after one of

  • This death scene.

  • So instead of putting effort into their determinant characters they instead have a pointless death scene that barley anyone will see?

  • Both command a vessel (boat and truck) and dictate who comes or stays based on their perceived merits.

    The parallels between Kenny and David are endless. * Both are separated from their loved ones and reunited at a later time after one of

  • edited May 2017

    She says that David wasn't perfect but he tried his best for AJ, which reminded her of someone she knew and made her smile :)

    I like how if you go with Kenny, Clem kind of compares him to David herself. I don't remember the exact line but it happens before the helicopter scene where Clem, Javi, and David are talking about AJ being a brat.

  • You gotta admit it was a nice touch, but who the hell even fails at quick-time events these days? lmao

    So instead of putting effort into their determinant characters they instead have a pointless death scene that barley anyone will see?

  • No it depends on two dialogue options.

    The first one you can choose sounds like flirting, and then Jesus flirts directly. You can then either deflect (nice armour bro) or continue.

    I mean the fact that a telltale member of staff said you can flirt back with Jesus should be evidence enough :p

    bobshaw posted: »

    Theres a quote you can choose that comes across as flirty but if you continue it, hesus realises you werent trying to make a move and were just complementing him. It doesnt make javi bi


    Out of all the characters in the game, including two children, Javi is the character that is most bothered by using Walker guts. Seriously his reaction was so amusing. Reminded me of Rhys having to deal with Vasquez's face in Tales from the Borderlands.

  • Javi all this time has really just been squeamish XD

    Imagine him as a kid like cutting his knee, he'd just be screaming. A bug lands on his shoulder? Screaming. A fly lands in his food at a picnic? Well, let's just say that picnic did not end well... food, everywhere...

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    MINOR ANF AND TFTBL SPOILERS!!! Out of all the characters in the game, including two children, Javi is the character that is most bothere

  • I'd just rather have Ava or Tripp live than this tbh

    You gotta admit it was a nice touch, but who the hell even fails at quick-time events these days? lmao

  • edited May 2017

    Clementine and Gabe can... kiss.

    Clementine kisses Gabe

    Yep. It happened.

  • I chose that. 10/10 would flirt again

    In addition to this, Javier can reply to Jesus' flirting with "C'mon, stay..." (flirt back) which confirms Javier is bisexual.

  • Well, at least Conrad survives the season. One of the very few good things about ANF.

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    It feels like all the bits that spices the experience got shafted. Only the Garcia's and their preexisting relations got the spotlight, besi

  • It seems like they would mess up the pacing of this episode. It's hard to fit these all in whilst focusing so much on the Garcias. Whilst I don't think they should have been totally ignored, including choices like this would have made the episode feel a little too packed and messy, constantly shifting between the Garcia's and the supporting characters.

    Here are some choices @Megami_Kizukanai found in the game files after the episode 4 update (these were some of the spoilers that were out on

  • I got the impression that javi wasnt intending to be homo flirting when he was saying that

    Flog61 posted: »

    No it depends on two dialogue options. The first one you can choose sounds like flirting, and then Jesus flirts directly. You can then ei

  • edited May 2017

    A telltale member of staff literally said you can optionally flirt with Jesus. It's not that hard to understand. :P

    bobshaw posted: »

    I got the impression that javi wasnt intending to be homo flirting when he was saying that

  • Tripp and Kenny's determinant death scenes have a lot in common.

    • Both tell their friends to leave so they dont have to watch them being devoured
    • Both die while grappling and cussing out the walkers
    • Kenny is paralyzed when thrown from the car, Tripp falls and hits his back on a steel bar.
  • Having Tripp or Ava survive till the end would require a lot more work than just adding one small scene with only a few lines of dialogue.

    I'd just rather have Ava or Tripp live than this tbh

  • edited May 2017

    Clementine has a determinant line after David explains why he left AJ with Lingard depending on your ending. She can either forgive him (Jane and Kenny's ending), be resentful (Alone ending) or outright pissed and unforgiving (Wellington ending).

    Wellington ending:

    Clem: "He was your responsibility! No matter what!"
    David: "I thought... It was best."
    Clem: "You thought wrong!"
    David: "Yeah... maybe I did."

    Jane ending:

    Clem: "No one survives by doing what their hearts say. They survive by doing what their brain says. If that was his best chance to live - I get it."

    Alone ending:

    Clem: "We're all abandoned, one way or the other, eventually. I guess AJ's no different."

    Kenny ending:

    Clem: "Eheh, he was a brat, uh? That goofy little brat... You were trying to take care of him. Sometimes, that's not so easy. Reminds me of someone who did the same thing for me... You did the right thing."

    I guess it's up to us to figure out Clem's reasoning behind each one of the lines, and how it relates to each ending.

  • If you accept Ava's offer and inject AJ, your Clem will be loyal and she will follow Javi's lead.

    If you accept Ava's offer and obey them with AJ, your Clem will be understanding and will go after Gabe.

    If you reject Ava's offer and inject AJ, your Clem will be levelheaded and will go wherever Javi doesn't.

    If you reject Ava's offer and obey them with AJ, your Clem will be forgiving and will, again, go after Gabe.

    If you reject Ava's offer, inject AJ and spit in David's face, your Clem will be cold and will go with Kate.

    If you reject Ava's offer, obey with AJ and spit in David's face, your Clem will be honest and will, again, go wherever Javi doesn't.

    If you accept Ava's offer, inject AJ and spit in David's face, your Clem will be bold and will, again, follow Javi's lead.

  • I didn't shoot Kenny and she just pointing the gun at him.

    bobshaw posted: »

    Yeah i think it was. Maybe shooting him in the shoulder was the right thing to do in her opinion instead of letting it happen like in s2. If you dont shoot, she shoots david. If you do shoot she doesnt shoot david?

  • Lol no I litteraly COCK blocked him and said nice armor bro. Not into that gay shit.

    bobshaw posted: »

    I got the impression that javi wasnt intending to be homo flirting when he was saying that

  • edited May 2017

    Lol, and those of us theorizing that it depended on the s1/2 personality and Javier's choices all along.

    This means you can easily get the endings you want then.

    If you accept Ava's offer and inject AJ, your Clem will be loyal and she will follow Javi's lead. If you accept Ava's offer and obey them

  • David is a Kenny rip-off.

  • Someone tell me how I get Clem to go with Kate save Richmond only?

  • Wow, choices we made as Clementine this season actually had an impact, that's something I did not see coming.

    If you accept Ava's offer and inject AJ, your Clem will be loyal and she will follow Javi's lead. If you accept Ava's offer and obey them

  • there are a lot of similarities, but kenny was really a good man. david was extremely selfish when he desired to leave javi and take his family with him. his selfishness resulted in the fall of the garcia family, however, with kenny and jane, jane was at fault.

    clem_entine posted: »

    David is a Kenny rip-off.

  • Read my post right above this.

  • Wellington - No Idea

    Jane - Jane was always thinking smart, she didn't have much feelings for the others around her, thus the line from Clem "They survive by doing what their brain says", like Jane did

    Alone - "We're all abandoned" - She was alone (abandoned maybe) as well in the "Alone" ending

    Kenny - Kenny took care of Clem and AJ no matter what despite it not being easy

    At least that's my understanding of these lines

    Clementine has a determinant line after David explains why he left AJ with Lingard depending on your ending. She can either forgive him (Jan

  • Wait is this correct?

    If you accept Ava's offer and inject AJ, your Clem will be loyal and she will follow Javi's lead. If you accept Ava's offer and obey them

  • The first time when REAL choices matter. Thanks.

    If you accept Ava's offer and inject AJ, your Clem will be loyal and she will follow Javi's lead. If you accept Ava's offer and obey them

  • edited May 2017

    Thank you for this I've been trying to find out all today how to get Clem to go with Kate.

    If you accept Ava's offer and inject AJ, your Clem will be loyal and she will follow Javi's lead. If you accept Ava's offer and obey them

  • If you accept Ava's offer and obey them with AJ, your Clem will be understanding and will go after Gabe.

    Does "obey them" mean Clem can't inject AJ and leaves without spitting in David's face? Does it matter what she says (like calling New Frontier monsters, etc)?

    Anyway. I don't think I could live with these choices. It would not fit my Clementine to not-try everything to save AJ or rejecting Ava's offer to join them in the first place. Guess I have to stick with dead Gabe then. Replaying the entire Season 3 would be a boring pain as well.

    Thanks for finding it out tho, I appreciate it. Assuming that it is correct.

    If you accept Ava's offer and inject AJ, your Clem will be loyal and she will follow Javi's lead. If you accept Ava's offer and obey them

  • David's death was great (relatively speaking of course), at least the one when Javier goes after David and Gabe alone.

    Both died in a stupid af way

  • Longest Non-canon Death cutscene EVER!!!

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