How did the finale leave you feeling?
For me, it was just sad... and not in the way you'd want. Episode 4 ends with David rampaging off to kill Joan or Clint alone or with a combination of Ava / Gabe, whilst Javier tries to rescue Kate with Clem / Gabe / Tripp / Conrad. I thought that was so cool at the time, and was excited to see how it effected the opening scene... and having replayed it a few times, it doesn't even make a difference. Like, not even cosmetically.
Javi goes for Kate by himself either way, and David is just there fighting walkers alone (and for me, illogically hostile).. in the opposite direction we saw him going before, having completely forgotten his previous motive. Meanwhile, everyone else has just vanished, made worse by the fact the opening makes it pretty clear, it's literally been seconds from where we left off.
And then Kate somehow escaped, without Javier or Clementine noticing... and thus revealed the keyart to be a troll.
So, they head inside some building where Kate switches with all of David's opinions and vice versa. Suddenly, she cares about staying in Richmond and saving it, and he doesn't. He doesn't even care about his revenge any more. He cares about... getting hostile with his younger brother who just saved his life, saved Ava, killed the person who betrayed him, and before all that, stuck by his plan, and supported him in every other way imaginable (up to and including not going through with a relationship with Kate)? Good 'ol forced drama...
So Javier meets docile, naive, Eleanor, who is just furious at him because of Conrad, or because of Tripp (which was her fault) or if neither of those things occurred, because... reasons. Next, David goes all ballistic on Fern, of which I still support him with all the relevant dialogue... doesn't matter of course, he still claims he's all alone, and leaves. The rooftop conversation was pretty great though, too bad, it's not dynamic, like determinant on your relationship, as with the cell scene in Thicker than Water. I think that's the saddest thing about the finale. David and Javier's relationship was the biggest redeeming factor of the season for me.. it felt so dynamic and realistic, here it was just the plot deciding on a whim when he likes you, and doesn't, regardless of anything you do, say, or have done and said previously.
So then, we're off to another water tower, to get another armoured vehicle. And naturally, Tripp and Ava get determinated along the way, Tripp's wasn't that bad... Ava's though deserved a laughter track. Oh well. Everyone got over it, within five seconds anyway. So at the garage, Kate drops the whole "I can't believe I loved either of you" line, of which didn't apply to me, since it was just a platonic relationship. Doesn't matter. David doesn't believe me, despite the fact I've always turned down her advances, and always had his back... and so Javi gets hit.
I was so angry, I actually fought back and broke the promise to Pa (that was an epic moment, unlike the fact it ended only 40 seconds later). So, David goes off... and Clem says she's going to Richmond, and I'm like... but I want us to go on the motorcycle like in the trailer and keyart. Anyway, that basically made the decision for me. I wanted to save Gabe and David anyway, more than Richmond, so having Clem say she'll help Kate no matter what I do, was like... well okay, then.
So I go to save David, but the soldier couldn't survive a car crash, so Gabe had to shoot him. I wanted for his death to be emotional. But, when he was there dying, I'm thinking of Tripp's words from the last episode: "Oh come on, this is fuckin' stupid..."
You literally just left... and now you're dead because Kate couldn't keep her mouth shut about our non existent relationship, and you wouldn't hear me out, even though I've never given you any reason to doubt me. Welp, back to Richmond, where Kate has vanished (thanks, Clem) as well Joan, Clint, Lonnie, Max... At least we have a nice scene at the church, where they magically have all these photos of the people that have died... like Tripp, Conrad, etc, wuhh? Where'd you get them?
Lastly, I give Clem a pretty terrible haircut, turn down ruling Richmond (but stay anyway, apparently) and then tell Clem, since they didn't bother to resolve the AJ arc, to "Leave him be," but she goes anyway... without even as much as a hug, or us having a final dialogue option to say anything to her, like some Lee-like final advice.
Sighs. And it felt really short. Although I really liked the special final choices screen (and the return of a credit song!), it's always cool when they do that... and Season 2 didn't have it, so that's something.
Eh, I just really wanted to like this season, and the finale. I really didn't want to become bitter and negative about it like most people, but I just can't help it... I'm over the Kenny / Jane thing, but that aside, the more I think about the season, the more it just kinda makes me feel sad. I even went back and finally got a save where David lives, and first of all, he doesn't even come back with me when I ask... although then he reappears at Richmond in the background for a moment, and then apparently he just refuses to talk to anyone any more? He doesn't even show up in the church, or out on the street at the end like Kate does? I guess Telltale really wanted him to die... he'll probably commit suicide by Season 4.
Not that any of it matters. We'll probably see Javier again, but there's no way we're seeing any of the others.
So, yeah, how did this finale leave you feeling? Oh and thanks for reading!
Does Lingard always tell Clem where AJ is if he lived?
Empty and wondering
Yes, Lingard says it at the end before Clementine leaves.
Excited, pumped, and emotional that clem is now grown up
I thought every episode except for 5 was shit, I'm happy to see TTG is getting their shit together.
Annoyed. Most disappointing series for telltale. I have a million complaints, really embarrassed for telltale, THIS is their published game? I was laughing more than anything.
I honestly feel most are blind who play these games. Do they not see bad things just because Clem is there? Or do they not care that the quality has been dropping over the years
honestly i think season 2 should have ended the series. anf was okay (it had its cool moments) but overall the game felt weak and forced. and that haircut was complete shit. (hopefully it will grow back by s4)
Javis story ending made me feel like "we'll alrighty". And Clems last scene made me feel HYPED AF
To be honest, I'm glad that the ending is a positive bittersweet ending for Javier. He lost David and Gabriel, but he is able be together with Kate and is determined to build a better community.
Also he is looking forward to welcome Clementine back to Richmond when she returns back with AJ.
Pretty good actually. They are definitively lighter than previous seasons by far though I would say the one where both Gabe and David die is definitively the worst but also the most emotional to me.
I mean, Davids death scene was the highlight of the season for me (not in a "I hate this season, everyone should die"-way but in a "wow I actually started to care about this dude, even if it took 5 episodes" (please telltale longer episodes)), but I would be lying if the most exciting thing to me wasnt "Clementines story will continue" now heres hoping its an actual full season, since I already felt that A New Frontier had a hard time keeping me interested with how short it was.
Hoping for a DLC that tells her New Frontier story, and then a season about AJ and Clem meeting new people, I already found season 2 very interesting with the whole playing as a fragile girl rather than a buff ass male adult hero type, so I think it would be an interesting thing to have Clementine and AJ be the main focus for a season (with Clementine as the playable character), and the reason Im saying that, is the same reason season 2 was so good to me, playing as Clementine made me make alot different and perhaps harder choices than when playing Lee, because Clementine couldnt afford to take risks like trusting the wrong people and stuff due to her small/young stature and body strength, the same way I think having AJ along would be interesting for changing the choices you make, a part in A New Frontier made me think this way, the first flashback when you meet Ava as Clementine, I didnt hesitate to point a gun at her, since you cant take risks when you are already at a disadvantage due to having a baby around
Overall, I felt satisfied with the Finale. It had its ups and downs and it was nowhere near as good as 1x05/2x05 but I definitely didn't feel shortchanged by it.
I can see quality is dropping and it definitely isn't as good as the previous season. But that doesn't mean you have to be "blinded by Clem" or whatever to enjoy it.
The quality has definitely gone down over the years, but they made a good effort to save this season, and it does some things much better than the previous games.

Hopeful and excited for clementines story in the future. Otherwise the ending was ok at best.
Annoyed, angry, disappointed...these are all words I would use.
"Wait, that's it? Oh, is that credit music I'm hearing?"
I wasn't emotional at all, if that's what you're asking. It was like a watched a mediocre action movie and it was the time to get off my seat and get back to existing. I played it two days ago and by now, I don't remember the half of things that happened in this game. With other ones, I could discuss theories forever, constantly making new ones or look for details.
Yeah... a mix of excited, unfulfilled, disappointed, and anxious.
Some parts I did like: such as Episode 3 where it did seem like the story was back on track, we got explanations for Richmond, development for Javi and his brother... Also, some choices in this back-half of ANF were pretty good, and there were many determinant effects that either mattered, or were just extremely minimal, but that was appreciated. Though, I didn't like the plot all that much: It went too fast, certain moments felt very forced, and it really didn't seem like Telltale knew where this season was going to end ("Ooh, brother is back!" "Ok, he's not really the boss, and this woman is an expert manipulator..." "Kate what have you done." "Oh... it's mostly OK in the end.... BUT WHERE'S AJ?")
The last episode was a little weak compared to episode 3 and 4 but I appreciated a happy ending for once in TWD
I just finished the episode. By far the worst telltale episode I've played. Just terrible.
This. The game just ends with following Clem in the sunset. Javier losing focus on what's supposed to be his story.
I hope both get expanded on.
Getting their shit together?? LOL! Say these words again if they ever replicate the way they made
Season 1 and i'll agree with you but we all know this won't happen. They are so far from "getting their shit together" its laughable
Without being funny in response to this, i would love to hear exactly what you think they have done better than previous games? Because this to me is a laughable thing to say. No offence intended to you btw
unsatisfied, disappointed
It's my opinion, fucking chill man.
Sounds interesting.
Leaving me wondering if "Clementine's story continues..." means that Telltale is going to charge me more money to continue her story when we were shorted an episode in the first place.
Disappointed. As an episode, it was just... okay. Not godawful, not anywhere near great. Just okay. As a finale? It was fucking wretched. It's almost impressive how unfulfilling it all was. The only part I really got into was Javier and David's fight, because it was the only moment that felt like it had been decently built up to, even though the catalyst was fairly stupid. Or should I say the Kate-alyst... Eh? Eh? Anyone? No? Eh, screw you guys.
Everything else, though? God, I can't believe I'm saying this... but "No Going Back" was a better finale. At least pissing me off royally is more of a powerful outcome than just disappointing me and leaving me entirely cold to the "emotional" bits of the episode. The Kenny and Jane fight may have been forced as all hell, but the central dilemma was still somewhat compelling, helped along by the brilliant performances of the actors and the fact that we were deciding the fate of a longtime character. Still a shitty episode, but at least it felt like a conclusion.
Everything in "From The Gallows" just felt so slight. Once I got to the epilogue section, I was seriously waiting for Joan to come out from behind something and try to stop us taking over or something. Anything to make me feel like I hadn't just wasted my time. Only in this episode can the characters be fighting against a horde to save a community while dudes on horseback armed with friggin' swords assist them in the battle... while in the meantime, I'm just staring at the screen, feeling like the stakes have never been lower. Maybe different choices will help... but judging from what I'm seeing from others... I doubt it.
Really fuckin horny
Did anyone else feel the same way?
I wasn't having a dig at your opinion i was merely saying i disagree.
So why do you think they are getting their shit together then? Because from what i have seen it is far from it
Back when S2 came out and the forum was the most active, it was the golden age of theories. Hell, the Details thread alone went from page 30 to about 200. I was super invested in all that was happening (mainly in Carver tho), but people were so much creative and open back then.
Well, the entire season was shit, like I said, with the exception of episode 5. When I say "get their shit together" I mean they are learning that they don't need to kill every determinant character (Conrad) and they are actually not drowning us in depression at the end of the season, since episode 5 ended in a happy manner. Also, they finally found someone who mixes well with Clem (Javier). They still have a ton of issues to work on, but I'm seeing improvements little by little. Hopefully season 4 brings even more.
I definitely remember seeing and hearing about the speculation that was going on in Season 2 even if I was deliberate limiting myself about the specifics and I also remember there being a thread about first time theories, even if it was made last year or two. You wanna bump it or make another one?
I went looking and it's a real mess there, I only managed to find two theories threads - only because they were mine and I had them saved in the "followed discussions". Back then they had working images but I remember deleting them because they somehow weren't working, so threads sure do lack evidence but it's not like I can help it.
That's the first one and here's the second one.
...Oh. Well, the first one should be neat read.
Ok thanks for the reply. What they did still isn't anywhere near enough for though I'm afraid. Each to their own i guess