Who will be at the ranch?
Who is with AJ at the ranch? I bet i
We'll see at one person from clementine's past. Hopefully it will either be lily christa or Kenny (he's still alive in my version). Cant wait for season 4!
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It'd be nice to see at least one person from the past. I'd like to see Lilly/Christa return.
I think it would be cool to have Clementine and Molly as a duo in search of AJ. It would also be cool to see Lily after 3 years and seeing how we recreate our relationship with a new Lily. Unfortunately I don't trust telltale to handle either one.
I would seriously laugh my ass off if the writers decide to have Clem stroll up to the farm, only to find Mike, Arvo and Lily taking care of AJ. Maybe a drawing of Kenny on the barn wall with a few darts sticking out of it for spice.
... Lee

Bring some season 1 magic to this.... it needs to be Christa,Lilly,Kenny....or someone else
probably Lord Forresters bastud children.
I still have Hope for Molly making an appearance she was Pretty much Jane except she actually cared about the Mentaly ill and Children while Jane just wanted to leave those types of people.
oh my god molly has bot been seen since 2012 its 2017 now get over it k your freaking us all out
If Lilly shows up I hope she's determinant.
Christa would be interesting considering she spent the most time with Clem, but I find her boring.
Kenny showing up if you picked the wellington ending would blow my mind but it's not gonna happen.
It's probably AJ's caretaker saying AJ left
well its not like She actually died just like Lily she s been unknown ever since episode 4 and its not like that ´´Death´´ scene she has in episode 4 actually looks like a death scene since you can clearly see her running towards the place she jumped off from but Lee still tells the other she s dead for some reason.
i hope either Christa or Molly shown up.
Ashes and smoke.
You find Lilly, Arvo, Bonnie and a resurrected Larry at the Ranch.
You have two bullets.
Who do you shoot?
That would be a dark way to start the episode.
I like it, but I also want AJ already.
The remaining St. Johns you didn't kill.

Lillys situation has been explained hundreds of times, pay attention
Myself, twice.
I would love me some darkness in TWD. AJ's presence depends on whether "Clementine story" will be a DLC or another season, I'm sure it takes some build-up and drama to create necessary tension, for the reunion to be emotional.
a couple reused models.
her being in the Comics is not cannon anymore ever since a new backstory got released for her unless Larry died trying to get her into a bus.
Seriously Lilly detriment? Christa boring. These characters need to survive as the new cast has always been trash.
I Hope
Kenny , Lilly , Christa , maybe Molly and the Survivors of Season 3 show up
**They must do a perfect Season 4 with all decisons count from the series **
That would actually be kinda cool
If Kenny can survive being trapped with shi*bird in an enclosed alleyway with a horde of walkers then Luke can come back from the lake.
Okay, not gonna lie, that'd be really fuckin funny.
Ch'yeah, probably.
Also, edgy!
Watch it be Joan for pro-Kate playthroughs and we get a mix between The ending of The Incredibles and the occasional uncomfortable GTA mission giver.
Some new characters. It would be so cringy and unbelievable for a character from the past to show up.
And Kenny is dead. Period. Telltale's not going to bring him back for the small percentage of people who left him alive. That would be ridiculous and unfair to the other players.
pls 400 days characters
Wait, wait wait... it HAS to be Maybelle taking care of Aj, it just makes so much sense if you look at the solid evidence in season 1
fck no
fck yes
i recon lilly will be the leader of Mccarol ranch
New characters that will be killed off 10 minutes later.
-A Llama
-Cannibal llama
-Llama skeleton
You mean, Juanita Sanchez? I would love a character like her, but I'm not sure she would be best introduced at the ranch. I have a feeling it would downgrade her to an interesting background character if she had to compete with the other people at the ranch for limelight in the plot. I can't see someone like her as a main role on the Ranch. In fact, I don't think it would even be a ranch if she was running it.
I'm glad you caught on to my specific reference.
It's no secret that I haven't actually read the comics and honestly don't really intend to, but what I've seen of her kinda makes me wanna pick up whatever arc she's in.
Very true. I was really just hoping to mess with people, particularly Louche.