I know how much Clem is badass ... BUT
Why she is invincible? Why she is like superman (supergirl)?
Why 13 yrs old riding a motorcycle? When did she ever learn that?
Clem go with David and Gabe ... Kate worry and what Javi said? "Don't worry, Clem with them" ... it's like she's the strongest human in the world, she need protect David? really?
Again, i know Clem is smart and strong for her age, but come on it's not realistic and even ridicule. In S2 it was too.. but in S2 Clem was in dangers and ppl pick her up and protect her (even if she's "strong" kid). In S3 it was so stupid ... She can protect herself but it's too much telltale ...
I love Clem, but i want see her in big dangers, it's much more exciting, more stressful ... in this thing? 0\10
That how Clem feel in S3:
I love how your picture seems to be trying to be both sexy and gross but just ends up neutralizing itself. Her vaguely out of place head doesn't help.
But yeah, I been having similar feelings since the Deal with Conrad choice.
Well, that's an image I won't be getting out of my head anytime soon...
That picture though...
Clementine has been characterised poorly in season 3. Although, season 2 kind of started it by making Clementine do everything. But at least that had gameplay as an excuse.
that wasn't ideal, but anf deadass showcases her driving motorcycles and pushing david to the ground and putting a gun at his head. a fucking scrawny 13 year old girl pushing and pinning a former soldier to the ground, who is three times her size.
One more from this bullshit.
Cant wait for season 4 where 13 year old clem will be fist fighting grown men, smoking weed and wresting alligators. You know, #ApocalypseGirlThings
and getting dicc
Going off by the haircut they gave her and the way she's acting, she'll probably be gettin some puss tonight
Dammit DLB!
And yet the larger Gabe can't do the same despite David not seeing it coming.

Seems legit.
No ... her haircut it's not the problem ... i think she's looks very cute and younger with this hair.
Why not both?
hell ya. she'll then start working for buzzfeed, make a video on manspreading or some shit applying to feminism, and then get a girlfriend three days after meeting her.
Because she's, ya know, badass.
Wow, that picture
You know Telltale by now. They'll tease multiple options but then take then from Clementine just as quickly.
Like i said ... it's so stupid. She's fucking 13.
I know, I was mocking the game's logic. Oh wait, this game has no logic.
I support this.