What are your thoughts about this guy's thoughts, fellow forumites? I really enjoyed watching it, and his analysis is on point, in my opinion, and he did a good job identifying why there was so much disconnect between the creators of the game and the fans when it comes to this season.

This sort of amplifies that S2 was more about Kenny than Clementine and that's still disappointing.
Still bothers me how the relation to Kenny is based more on the player rather than Clementine herself which also amplifies how little personality and character Clem really had in S2 and was just an avatar the player used to basically just react to what Kenny was doing.
That was the most hair-brained shallow buzzword video I've ever watched.
Nice insight into nothing by youtube philosophers.
It's trash, but congratulations it actually managed to make me angry.
and the guy has 52 thousand subscribers meaning pretty much half of his fanbase will blindly follow his theory and not question it.
You guys want to elaborate on what you disagreed with?
Absolutely. For me, a lot of the stuff that happened before Kenny appeared felt like set up for his appearance and story. Especially the stuff with Carver. It was his rivalry with Carver that felt more intense and heated than any Cabin group members hatred of Carver.
Which is silly considering it's just a dickmeasuring contest between two assholes compared to whatever the fuck was going on between him and the Spanish duo.
Lmao, remember watching this from way back I think. I seem to remember him starting the video with ramblings about how much he hated season 2 in general. Wasn't really agreeing with what he was saying and felt like closing tab. Closed tab at the speed of fucking light when he revealed he was a sympathiser of Larry.
Yeah, I thought about making a thread for this myself.
Then I saw it was about Kenny.
The sheer hatred that Kenny had for the guy made it interesting in my opinion. I just didn't see that in the Cabin group members. Carver had taken away Kenny's stability and happiness. He had just reunited with Clementine and was probably happier than he had ever been since his family died and then Carver came and took it away. I could feel the hatred when Kenny was trying to shoot the guy with the rifle.
Then Carver's stare when he realises how dangerous Kenny really is before he beats the hell out of him - awesome scene imo. All the Cabin group members also feared Carver, which Kenny didn't.
I suppose; the scene where the group decides what to do with him is probably the best scene in that whole episode. Though I'd argue that Rebecca either wasn't as afraid or just expressed it through anger, but just couldn't do anything about it either way.
I'm just saying that those two seemingly trying to prove which one is is the more brutal mustachioed hick for the little bit of time they've known each other is a small, but important part of why Carver came up really short as a villain.