Good Ships v. Awful Ships
What are some of the best and worst ships you've ever seen in The Walking Dead Game? This includes the game itself, fan shipments, and crossover ships. Mine are:
- Lee x Carley
- Kenny x Katjaa/Sarita
- Clementine x Carl
- Clementine x Ellie
- Javier x Kate
- Clementine x Gabe
- David x Kate
- Kenny x Danny St. John
- Lee x Ben
- Lee x Rick
- Clementine x Sarah
- Clementine x Ava
- Clementine x Javier
- Clementine x Kenny
- Clementine x Luke
- Clementine x Nick
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javi x kate is awful. i don't even know why the devs went through with it to begin with, kate is literally javi's sister in law. also, kate is a fucking thot so you shouldn't ship anyone w her
At least it isn't Clem and Javi.
Kenny x Boat
Kenny x Jesus
Javier x Jesus x Tripp
Clementine x Apple Juice
Edit: I forgot Ava x Walker
Love knows no limits, except Gabentine because it's just gross. Also I do not support pedophilia.
I've literally seen people age up Clementine just so they can ship her with Javier/Luke. It's gross af.
Wait, why do you find Gabentine gross? I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm genuinely wondering.
I mean, I guess you forget how the TV show of The Walking Dead started for the first 2 seasons.
Also I really like Javi x Kate. David was gone for years, so she is in no way obliged to keep her loyalty to a potentially dead person.
Hm? What do you mean about the show?
Those people are the real gross shippers. I'd let Clem make her own decision. I don't support Gabe either tbh. He was a dick to me quite a few times throughout the season, but if Clem choose him then so be it.
i don't think gabentine is gross, i think it's lazy, underdeveloped, and cringey. their relationship doesn't make any sense because they've known each other for three days at most. if they actually developed it and showed they had chemistry people may support it. however, this was more freelance writer bullshit.
I think Javi x Kate was great. The triangle drama with David was spicy as hell. Also, we finally got a real power couple in the video game series.
I mean there were power couples in the TV series and comics, but never in video games.
Gabe defy every single rule of sanity, so let's just say they don't fit together for me. There was enough discussions about this and I am not willing to do it again
Myabe "gross" wasn't the right term to describe this relation but it wouldn't work for me.
The conflict between Rick and Shane for his wife? Let me remind you that it wasn't more than 2 months time in the show. While, in the game it's been years.
Oh, that. I haven't watched the show in a long time so I kinda forgot about it.
And Javi x Kate is okay, but I still fucking hate Kate for causing the fight between David and Javi, which happens even if you reject her. I find it to be so fucking stupid.
It goes without saying that any ships involving a kid and an adult are absolutely gross.
Other than that, ship away. It's all good fun. People will ship whatever they want and it's none of my business.
Even Gabe x Clem?
Let's also mention the fact those who write Fanfiction about them always make Gabe seem like a badass like Clem.
Meanwhile the kid whined the entire season and hasn't killed a single walker until Episode 5.
gabe isn't badass, but he isn't bad. they should've definitely shown that gabe was capable in previous episodes, but he knows how to use a gun and kills things on screen in episode five. i still don't know why people ever compared him to ben/sarah, he isn't like them.
That's just bad writing from Telltale. I think her character is nice, but TTG really messes up a lot when we have a lot of choices leading into the final scenes.
I'm pretty tolerant when it comes to ships. Ship whatever you want as long as it isn't a child with an adult. However there are ships I like and don't like. Though I'm not even going to mention pedo ships as that just goes without saying.
Ships I like:
Lee x Lilly.
Lee x Molly.
Bonnie x Mike.
Javier x Kate.
Gabe x Clementine.
Ships I don't like:
Lee x Carly.
So yeah only one ship that I dislike.
Good ships:
Bad ships:
Especially Gabe and Clem, because it isn't your choice, it's theirs. You are not making them spend time together or flirt.
He honestly reminds me a tiny bit of Sam in TWD Michonne. Like she wasn't no fucking badass, but she wasn't Sarah.
Well, he is dead in my playthrough so he won't be anything anymore for me.
Gabentine is no more in my playthrough too. I got the Wellington ending so she didn't even hug, kiss, or hold his hand.
You hate the one ship everyone likes xD. I really like Lee x Lilly too though.
But Kate and Javi aren't related by blood so...
Errr..i will come out. I personally ship gabentie, yeah yeah I get it guys. Gabe is an annoying prick to most of ya all but he is just a teenager with mood swings, it's understandable. Please don't kill me.
double post
i would if it was developed. even then, i don't like teen romance. but at least it makes more sense after gabe improves in ep 5
See I wouldn't even mind Gabe and Clem being a thing if A. Gabe wasn't literally the most annoying character for me by constantly bitching and snitching me out while also being useless. If he were nice and well mannered like Mariana I'd be fine with it. And B. Those two took longer than less than one week to like each other like that. It wasn't that long ago that they had JUST MET. How the balls do those two manage to develop a relationship over the span of a few days? "I thought I'd always be alone. Until I met you." WHAT?!
Agreed. If Gabe was written differently like Mariana, a lot of people will be down for it.
javi x jesus is the one true ship and anyone who disagrees is wrong
Gabe x Clementine (I personally don't mind Gabe x Clementine, but I enjoy the more platonic side of it.)
Javier x Clementine (PLATONICALLY. I wouldn't dare ship them romantically like Lexi Porter does.)
Clementine x Ellie
Lee x Carley
Kenny x Boat
Luke x Clem
Javi x Clem
David x Clem
Javi x Kate
Sam x Paige
David x Kate
Luke x A Lake
At least it isn't Clem x Javi.
YEah, shouldn't have fell back on the angry dad climax yet again and put more effort into doing their lesser received archetypes some justice.
Yeah, TV Tropes just added the same trope(Heroic Wannabe) to his list.