Most evil antagonist

Who do you guys think is the most fucked up antagonist out of all three seasons?

I personally think Carver is the most evil.


  • More like Joan

  • edited June 2017

    The Save Lots bandits. They murdered, extorted, raped, kidnapped, purportedly laughed at the pain they caused Jolene and her daughter, and didn't even have all that much loyalty to each other, as proven when Bandit #1 gunned down Bandit #2 for not sharing food. And all of it was done just to satisfy their needs and desires at any given time. There was no plan, goal, or structure to them. Just a gang of destructive bastards.

    Close runner up would be Badger, who at least wasn't killing his own guys, but still was a complete sadist who enjoyed killing and showed no reservation in killing children. Carver was pure asshole, but he wasn't an over the top sadist like the others (just an over the top dictator). He used violence as a means of intimidation and getting what he wanted, while never necessarily expressing any overt enjoyment of it. The closest he got to that was torturing Alvin for no real gain, but that could be seen as an extension of the obvious (though underdeveloped) bad blood between them and Carver exerting his dominance over the whole Rebecca situation and the baby he wanted. Overall, Carver actually followed some form of philosophy and believed his way was the only way.

  • St. Johns. Eating others is pretty fucked.

  • Who do you think was more fucked, Danny, Andy, or their mother?

    St. Johns. Eating others is pretty fucked.

  • I would say Danny. Originally the writers wanted to make him a pedophile, but they scrapped that. He still has a pedo vibe to him, though.

    Who do you think was more fucked, Danny, Andy, or their mother?

  • I completely agree, he has that creeper feel.

    ralo229 posted: »

    I would say Danny. Originally the writers wanted to make him a pedophile, but they scrapped that. He still has a pedo vibe to him, though.

  • Duh, but add in that it's 3 months in and they've been eating people the entire time.

    Like they were ready to turn to cannibalism but law enforcement prevented them until civilization collapsed.

    St. Johns. Eating others is pretty fucked.

  • edited June 2017

    Not sure if the mini-series count, but I'd say the most evil antagonist was Randall from TWD Michonne series. He was a fucking beast.

    I consider him being more evil than any other antagonist in Telltale's TWD.

  • say the most evil antagonist was Randall from TWD Michonne series. He was a fucking beast.

    We need someone like Randall as a villain next season.

    Findagon posted: »

    Not sure if the mini-series count, but I'd say the most evil antagonist was Randall from TWD Michonne series. He was a fucking beast. I consider him being more evil than any other antagonist in Telltale's TWD.

  • Wasn't it because a lot of people depended on their food but then they would run out of their own after trading for supplies and started using human meat instead

    Jimayo posted: »

    Duh, but add in that it's 3 months in and they've been eating people the entire time. Like they were ready to turn to cannibalism but law enforcement prevented them until civilization collapsed.

  • Gasp The

    (suspense for drama)


  • enter image description here

    Gasp The (suspense for drama) WRITERS

  • What was he even doing in the series?

    Asking this because I cannot watch that Michonne DLC.

    Findagon posted: »

    Not sure if the mini-series count, but I'd say the most evil antagonist was Randall from TWD Michonne series. He was a fucking beast. I consider him being more evil than any other antagonist in Telltale's TWD.

  • It's between the Save Lots Bandits and Oberson

  • Danny was much more fucked up. Andy is pretty anxious and worries when they are discovered, but Danny just keeps on eating. Then he sets that sick trap in the barn. Fuck that guy.

    Who do you think was more fucked, Danny, Andy, or their mother?

  • I would say Danny but it is pretty clear that he is sick in the head.

    Randall, however, takes pleasure in killing kids and knows exactly what hes doing. That is true evil to me.

  • Uh, not that I saw. And not that they ever said. They argued that it was the way of the world and it looked way more like they just wanted to add meat to a diet that would otherwise be veggies and dairy.

    Sparkeagle posted: »

    Wasn't it because a lot of people depended on their food but then they would run out of their own after trading for supplies and started using human meat instead

  • Randall is also sick in the head.

    I would say Danny but it is pretty clear that he is sick in the head. Randall, however, takes pleasure in killing kids and knows exactly what hes doing. That is true evil to me.

  • Damn you RavenSnowstorm for stealing the joke I was going to make when I saw this thread :/

    Gasp The (suspense for drama) WRITERS

  • I don't think any of the villians in the TellTale series have been very well thought out so far. Plus they all have for the most part just reimaginings of villians we have seen from the show or comic.

    A third thing against them is with how much moving around the main characters do during the course of the game no one villian is really around any longer than an episode or two.

  • Carver isn't to evil compared to the rest imo. He's definitely a psychopath but he made sense overall. He used violence to make a point. He killed Reggie because he felt he was gonna get people killed. A bad guy but... nothing on Badger or... save lot gang.

  • Hehe, I came first!

    Damn you RavenSnowstorm for stealing the joke I was going to make when I saw this thread

  • edited June 2017

    As much you could use Carver as an obvious choice, his goals actually made sense overall but his punishments were way out of proportion.

    I would say David is the worst in the series so far. He acts relatively normal those that are not part of his family, but when it's related to his family, he would rather kill someone than allow them to leave him. Heck, he is so delusional that he couldn't even process obvious hints that Javier does more than is his wife's personal guard or something.

  • St John's - all of them equally as bad as each other for me.

  • To me the St. John's though was just a total ripoff of the Hunters storyline from the comic. Even down to one of the group members getting his leg cut off just like Dale did in the comic.

    wdfan posted: »

    St John's - all of them equally as bad as each other for me.

  • It depends on what do you consider "evil", as it's quite large subject to talk.

    I'd say either Randall or Badger, enjoying life with no boundaries, not hesitating to do horrible things and clearly showing no remorse or will to change.

  • I guess the St. Johns. Learn to scavange, grow food, and hunt (not people). Then again the save lot bandits put them in this position kinda. Both are fucked up.

  • Jane or Arvo. Torn between them

  • Spoiler

    He kills a girl's unarmed dad and laughs about it in front of said girl and one of her little brothers. When you have him captured, he says that he'd bash the two little brother's heads in if he could (and judging from how he describes it, it seems like he's done it before).

    TheMPerson posted: »

    What was he even doing in the series? Asking this because I cannot watch that Michonne DLC.

  • edited June 2017

    Either Randall or Badger. Joan and Carver were bad but at least they didn't go out of their way to try and kill kids for fun.

  • Either Oberson Crawford or William Carver. I'd even argue Carver more so because he screwed over his former friends, coerced his friend's wife into cheating with him, brutalizes his own people for minor slights, and killed people just to make a point, using with a smug smile.
    With that said, Randall is easily a close third, given what he did to the residents of that ferry and planned to do to Sam's family.
    Also Jake the Bandit Leader may or may not be up there, depending on how often you think he was tweeked and how that affected his decision making. He did some unforgivable things regardless.

  • I'm surprised Bonnie isn't in the list.People overlook the ultimate betrayal that she does to the 400 days group. She followed a plan that gets them all killed. And she survives with the 400 days group for months in the wilderness. That means nothing to her.

    damkylan posted: »

    The Save Lots bandits. They murdered, extorted, raped, kidnapped, purportedly laughed at the pain they caused Jolene and her daughter, and d

  • Shit, I forgot her. Yeah, fuck her. She was a bitch.

    I'm surprised Bonnie isn't in the list.People overlook the ultimate betrayal that she does to the 400 days group. She followed a plan that g

  • edited June 2017

    If the Michonne DLC counts then prolly Randall

    If not, then prolly Badger from season 3

  • I will say Randall from the Michone mini series.

    Randall was imo just a complete psychopath....It seemed like he actually got off on murdering people. The ferry of people that he slaughtered, it was so unnecessary. If I remember correctly, they were already all tied up and what not. They executed everyone including children. I can't see any real logical motive for that, especially when they have a relatively thriving community that has the man power to use other methods of obtaining food and other survival supplies. Given the way he was with Sam's family as well, to me he absolutely had no moral compass or real motive behind the violence compared to other ones who were trying to keep their community thriving and in their minds were doing the "right" thing, even if they were being horrible and using needless violence (like Carver or Joan).

  • [removed]

  • Arvo. r/FuckArvo.

  • Really? :confused:

    azmianuar posted: »

    Arvo. r/FuckArvo.

  • He did shoot a child. But yeah, I kinda don't agree with this. Randall, now that I'm looking at it, is the most fucked IMO.

    DabigRG posted: »


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