Something sad ...

I do not know if this will sadden you, but it makes me a bit sad.
People say they do not care anymore about Clementine. I do not think Season 3 was good, but no matter how this kid behaves now, it's still the same kid I raised. People change, Clem has changed in some ways but things made her like that, everything she went through ... She's still amazing, although she's not perfect, wrong many times ... but still, I can never hate her if I loved her character, I think anyone who says "I do not care about Clementine now" just did not liked her character for real.
People make mistakes, it does not mean that's i like her character less, or I will not care about her. But that me and it's make me sad to see ppl like that.
what you think?
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She looks overweight in that picture.
About Clementine, I blame Telltale for this.
Though I hold that true for real friends and relatives, the same can't be said where fictional characters and worlds are concerned for me. There comes a time after certain alterations or reboots that I have walked away from entire franchises because they simply didn't entertain me anymore or I didn't feel invested in the characters anymore. I don't believe that it means that anyone didn't like a character or a franchise for real.
lol her face is always fatty (the cheeks) and i just wanted to say ... Telltale or not, it's still our Clem.
Even though some of the decisions she made this season I didn't agree with, imma still picture her as my daughter no matter what.
It sounds weird but it's true.
This isn't just down to Telltale's writing. Films like Boyhood are rarely around today, with aspects focusing on the WHOLE journey one goes through from adolescence to adulthood - Not just huge time-skips. A example for a good character arc I can think of that people go back to, is that of Luke Skywalker (Star Wars), who matured from a whiny young man who didn't know his path in life, to a defender of the galaxy. The problem with this example, as well as many others, is that Luke was technically a adult in all three films. Clementine who was just springing into teenage in S1, requires multitudes more depth, and a wider span of instalments for her arc to be truly fulfilled than any regular character. Its very true that children are very hard to write in mediums including games, TV shows and films. What I've seen sprout up again on these forums is the moment in ANF when Clem kills Eli. Accident or not, Clementine murders him without dealing with the situation in a better way or with rational thought. Many forget that although Clementine is almost always the cleverest person in the room. She is still a teenager, teenagers do stupid things and this (although a small 'blip' of a moment) isn't as pointlessly placed as it sounds. Scenes of Clementine of all people screwing up, are scenes to me that add a lot more to her development.The seasons past ANF is where the true development should hopefully shine, under wing of good writers. Clem going through the many phases of life hopefully will have payoff in the long run. Like @Dont_look_Back said 'Quantity = Quality', it may be frustrating but I think fans have to stick around for the future instalments, I believe their will be an emotional payoff in the number of instalments. This is just my opinion.
Of course episode length and hubs contribute to this too, I just forgot to mention this before and was thinking on the bigger picture. I'm just hoping the writing just plays it safe. Playing it safe is all we can hope for when wanting a TWDG to being considered canon at least , and relevant to Clems story.
The big problem with Clem as it stands is she's alone.
Give her at least some people she can trust or interact with on a longer timescale.
No relation means no way to show her character in a meaningful way in relation to other people. AJ is just a baby, not exactly character development material, actually more like a ball and chain to create problems.
Right now she has no equals, no friends(since she's leaving alone again), no rivals, no nemesis. That's not a good thing.
I am really excited to play as Clementine in her story, however I did not care the slightest about Clementine at all this season. I often found myself being reminded she actually is in the season because she was so forgettable and discarded that I just didn't care at all. The period scene was meaningless to me since I have no clue why I should care about her being on her period especially since she's gone half the time or is just there with no purpose or even meaningful dialogue. Her relationship with Javier was blatantly forces and completely inorganic which did nothing to invest in her character. Granted I've never seen Clementine as a "daughted" or even a "friend" more so as a really objectively liked character to me. I hope telltale truly does her justice in her story which is the best we can hope for.
I think Clementine is much better off as a character in the hands of her fans in fanfics (excluding some) than Telltale in continuing her story.
They're softening us up for her eventual death. Trying to break us emotionally from her slightly, so we won't break Telltale themselves when they finally kill her off.
Same thing they did in Episode 4 & 5 of S2 with Kenny. Deliberately writing him to be over the top like that, so everybody wouldn't automatically side with him in the final fight.
We see through your game Telltale....
The thing is which telltale knows is that Clementine is the life support pumping this series life. Without her they essentially kill the series which could be a slow but imintent death. They realized this after ANF which is why we are getting a Clementine focused installment. Kenny was an important character, however he was ultimately expandable like virtually everyone else in the series. Lee's purpose was to protect and develop Clementine who has become the poster child of telltales walking dead and Lee did have nowhere near the universal love Clementine has amassed. If you truly think telltale would risk seeing their most prized series wither and die to have an emotional death scene is comical.
Prepare yourself for the comedy then.
Please explain why?
"Your choices matter"
Endings in S2 matter! characters you stayed with die in a 10 minute flashback just so you could wind up alone and tie all the endings up
Seriously, the way they treated Clem this last season, and their track record. Clementine is going to die at some point. Don't know when, but it's going to happen.
Not saying it's a bad thing per say, if they handle it right. But I'd almost wager money on it that Clem won't make it out of this series alive.
Which is why I think her having a friend/partner her own age in Season 4 is the right way to go. It doesn't have to be romantically, unless you want it to. They can have a Rick and Michonne relationship from the comics (Those two are best friends).
I think it'll be good because it can allow her to relate with them, build chemistry with someone her own age, and finally realizes she won't be alone anymore. Of course, the friend better not be a Gabe character. I'm leaning towards a Carl type or maybe even a Ellie type from Last of Us.
If you're going to suggest platonic relationships then I feel like it'd be a shame to waste Javi.
Granted they're not the same age but their relationship isn't really on the paternal side and they had some good character development together.
She still doesn't relate to him in anyway. To me, Javi and Clem's relationship was rushed this season. If Clem were to run into someone her own age who's just as dangerous as she is, I'd wait an episode or two before the two start to bond and trust each other.
I guess that's where we differ, I thought they worked together pretty well this season.
They did work well together, but I'm just trying to say I want Clem to work with someone her own age for once. I want to see her work with another teen like her by taking down walkers and handling dangerous situations like bandits or being held hostage.
Gabe sure as hell couldn't fill in those shoes. I just hope Telltale makes her new friend likable and not cringy and annoying like Gabe.
From a financial,marketing,fan and series sake it's a bad perspective. Telltale is a corporation in the business of making a profit and building a good reputation. Killing her off kills off the last saving grace and life source that draws it's majority of revenue. Telltale wanted the best of both worlds by having Clementine while also not having to put much work into ANF and try a different take which did not work. Thus is why we are getting clementines story because they know it will sell and appease their fans which helps them all around. They kill her and they will have an immensely negative backlash to a massive extent that telltale does not want at all. You have to look at this from not just a game perspective, but a business perspective which is best for Clementine to continue to live.
We'll just have to see. I think you're wrong, you think I'm wrong. Only time will tell.
Ffs playing two video games where shes in it doesn't mean you raised a kid. wtf is wrong with you?
I never felt the personal connection to her that a lot of other people do. I have my favorite video game characters, etc. but I'm not going to draw any real life connection with them. In this case, I'll have a real life child of my own if I want the feeling and responsibility of raising a child
I'd like to see her and javier team up next season. Of course I want to play as her though
I love her as a character, but not as a PC. I just want her to stop making hasty decisions (Killing Eli) and actually act like how Lee raised her.
YES. I wanna see her and Javi as a tag team, they were great.