Your thoughts on Episode 2 - Under Pressure [SPOILERS ALLOWED]
I nearly posted my review of EP2 on the spoiler-free thread, with full spoilers. I don't see a "spoilers allowed" thread to discuss the episode more in depth, so I'm making one here and now.
Feel free to post your thoughts on Episode 2, and as in-depth as you'd like, here.
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I... really quite liked this episode. It was much better than the first, which [at least to me] makes it really great! From what I can gather from my memory banks, I'll try to note here:
First of all, the recap? -- "Previously On". And then it shows scenes. I'm not mad at this, but really confused. It looks like something is missing there. "Previously On".... what, exactly? I know what game I'm playing, but it was a tiny thing that had me confused. Why did they not add 'Guardians of the Galaxy' just below that? eh.. me and my nitpicks.
Moving on...
The opening song here was a great choice! (also used in the first teaser, mind you.) I thought it fit the opening sequence really well! Personally, I did not like "Why can't I touch It?" as the opener for the first episode. It was way too mellow of a song for a space battle. Here, this new song works much better.
[I decided to go with Rocket in this save file, both telling Rocket yes, and choosing we go to Halfworld first.] So, naturally, Gamora was fed up with me not trusting her (I chose to give Thanos to the Collector last episode, and I went to Halfworld in this one) so I was promptly kicked out of her room. No interaction with her, unfortunately. She seems to be doing the same thing as Rocket did in Episode 1: if you both angered him at the bar and didn't side with him on the ship, he won't talk to you. If you only did one of those things, he allows you to apologize, and if you did nothing wrong, he talks with you with no problem.
In this hub however, Groot had some very deep, and interesting dialogue choices. Truly a man of good taste, he is.
Rocket, I don't know. You're given the option to talk to him, but it goes from Starting interaction, to ending interaction. Did my game glitch and skip the option of talking to him, or is there truly nothing there?
Drax mentions his regret of not being able to save me on Hala's ship, but I forgave him. It is my duty in this game to create the ultimate bro-friendship between Star-Lord and Drax. They make a good duo. He also mentions wanting to improve himself, and find a new purpose. I told him to go talk with Gamora, and he leaves to talk with her. BUT, I could not go check what that did. I was not allowed in her room, as she was mad at me, so if that does something at all for Drax, there better be something in the future that shows it. Because I may have missed my chance already of finding out the outcome of that choice.
Next: The Tape Deck. In the first episode, when looking at the damaged tape deck, I immediately squealed with joy, as I really wanted to blast some nice tunes through the Milano's speakers. That wish was fulfilled in this episode. Thank you, Telltale. Hopefully we can unlock and play more songs in future episodes. Maybe even choose which song to play during an action sequence?... [nudge, nudge, wink, wink]
So, Halfworld. Rocket's Flashback. This was possibly the best part of the episode. Learning about his backstory, and actually seeing it rather than reading it online... that was cool. I've been really intrigued by it from what the movies have hinted at, and this episode delivers. It was very sad. Cute relationship, good scene, action moment, depressing end. It was a really well paced, 10-15 minute scene. It almost made me cry at the end, when Rocket brought Lylla outside, to where she could see the sun, plants, river, etc. This did a better job at a farewell scene (for a character we barely know, no less!) than a certain other flashback from a certain other series Telltale has done. "Tsk, tsk."
Still, that relationship was set up real nice in the small amout of time it was. Real cute. I wonder why.... I think it was the OTTER. Yup. It was definitely the OTTER
For Nebula's scene, it was pretty good. We at least got to come back to our hub one last time to get our bearings before continuing the adventure. Though, nothing changed much for me. Gamora was still mad, and Drax was probably still with her, so I was cut off from them both. Rocket was pretty hostile about me seeing his flashback, so that didn't help much.
It's cool how you can still call the Nova Corps and the Collector. I called the Collector and warned them about the incoming attack, but of course that didn't help much, and I don't even think that did anything! (well, Nebula did mention "your warning was too late" so, maybe it adds an extra line for her?)
Gamora mentions that the place was trashed because we took our time on Halfworld, but when we got there it just looked like we got there as if we were going there first! I expected maybe a visual change to the location, where we'd still catch Nebula, but that didn't get the work put into it, I guess.
Slow elevator once more! Groot has some more interesting dialogue in the next section. Always a blast to talk to him. He's so inspiring. I left Gamora with Nebula so they could talk it out more (and Gamora even mentions they can talk it out "like you said" (so, was that line added because I said that earlier? if so, cool) Drax wonders why I chose him over Gamora, as he does not trust her to guard Nebula. I told him I want him there. [Bromance, go!!] Rocket still doesn't want to talk... at this point it made me worried for him.
So, after some puzzling, we find the secret mural, and coordinates for some planet. Cool.
Then, Ambush! Stealth cloaking!
It was at this point that I thought Telltale really understands how to time their fight choreography to the music. It wasn't perfect, but my QTE skill matched the intense portions of the song really well. This song that played: "This town ain't big enough for the both of us" or whatever the credits said, is my favourite in this series so far. The one really good thing about this music selection that Telltale is doing is that I think they have a limited budget for licensing songs here. This prevents them from using big name bands or songs, and they surprise us with crazy, unheard of music like the one above. It was an unexpected delight.
I let Nebula fight with us, because "It's better to attract flies with honey" as Star-Lord said earlier.
After the fight, we get another good emotional moment with Rocket. He really poured his heart out in this episode, and that was great. I really felt for him, and for his relationship. I told him to keep the bracelet. I think he has forgiven me now. Now I'll feel really bad for him in the rest of the series! This'll be all I can think of!
Next, we drop our stowaways off off-camera, but then the story takes a turn for the strange. We get to this other temple... we go in, and.... no payoff.
"Look", Gamora says. But we don't see what it is.
This is the main problem I have with this episode. I don't think the writers know what to do with the series. First of all, the ending was a surprising anti-climax. I expected something to be revealed, after all that build up... but no. Secondly, the "Next Time on" was real, real, real, real, real, real, real, REAL vague about stuff, even moreso than the first one. It didn't really tease much, and was once again a jumbled-up portion of interviews. Who is conducting these interviews? Why is the gang back at the bar? Gimme something! But no. We got almost nothing. We know whatever was found is probably going to destroy the Galaxy, but maybe not? What about Hala, where does she fit into all this now? I am kind of worried about the future of this series (because I think that it has opened so well, so far) and I don't want the magic TTG has here to fade.
Overall, this episode was a good step up from the previous one.
* Music has a much large step up this time around. Someone please verify the name of those licenced songs... I love 'em!
* In terms of main thoughts: Rocket's hub-dialogue-option-that-wasn't-really-an-option was confusing. Is my game glitched?
* Yondu was underused in this episode. Especially concerning that final choice in episode 1, where you can be cooperative or not. I thought that'd at least change his personality towards Quill, considering as how that's how it goes in the last "Next time on" for episode 2...
* Also am I going to be disappointing a Guardian every episode? First it was Rocket in Episode 1, (I saved myself however by choosing to sell Thanos to the collector) and now Gamora is because I'm not being rational. How do I win?! Aagghh!
* The writers may or may not know what they're doing. That ending ended 10 seconds too soon. I don't know where this series is going. I'm scared, someone hug me.
* This game may be the next MCSM of choices. This means: Everyone will go from point A to point B. What MCSM did is change how you get from point A to point B., as well as changing a few visuals on your journey (choosing what sculpture to build, and determinately winning the competition or not in Episode 1, to name a few) There have been many little details so far that haven't changed entire subplots, but were noticeable and numerous enough to please me. It make me truly feel as if my series is being Tailored -- (look at Verb, definition 2) towards me.
If I were any good at rating, I think this episode would be a solid 8/10.
It was pretty good. It had some REALLY good moments, but it also had some eh ones too.
Rocket's flashback was the highlight of the episode for me, and all his scenes in the present were superb.
the episode seemed to really drag some stuff out. The scene with Peter revisiting the flashback with his mom was good, but it seemed so long winded with tons of long pauses and the build up with the stars, its necessary info, but I think they could have made the scene more fluid.
the action scenes when piloting the milano look nice, but aren't very thrilling. Your doing all these cool maneuvers, but all the ship does is turn left, go down, fire a missile repeat. Hoping we can spend less time controlling the Milano in future episodes.
Exploration is really great in this episode (The milano is an AMAZING hub), but I was hoping we could explore newer areas.
The Soundtrack is fantastic (Dancing in the moonlight got in the game! Aaaaa!!!), but the songs go on for far too long and the dialogue in between is sorta annoying
Humor was a bit hit and miss
Minor issues in the episode with repeated messages being listed as new, and the game prematurely insisting that Rocket wanted to chat when he didn't at that time.
I grew a bit tired of Drax by the end of the episode, although him tackling Peter when he saw Hala's hologram was pretty funny.
The cliffhanger was pretty weak. Like "oh wow who could it be GASP".
Also the candy subplot was jaw dropping. Just mind blowing. "Who keeps leaving all this candy?!" and then...The big reveal "It...was me". Had me at the EDGE of my seat!
That next time felt super long, like wow.
It may sound like I'm being negative, but I'm really not. It was pretty enjoyable and I'm looking forward to episode 3.
OH right a rating! I give this episode currently a 8.2/10
Ok, good. That's not just me. I know the Codex never updated existing entries for characters, it only added new ones for characters such as Lylla. All other characters had either no update, or the singular one from Episode 1. "Rocket is mad at me... and he wants to leave?! WHY?" --- I fixed that! We're friends now!
Oh, yeah. If only they showed us whatever the surprising thing was, it would have made the last bits of the episode very intriguing. Right now it's just "Now I'm going to wait a month to se who that is... what fun."
I thought it was too long. It didn't reveal or explain much, it just repeated the same things but from the different Guardians' perspectives on the matter (which was, yes, the same things said differently)
If there's going to be a next time, it should be about what happening next, not about answering questions about what we just saw and what "might happen next, but we're being super vague about it so you'll never know"
Other than that, the episode was great. Totally.
I thought it was gonna be Drax or something considering all the snacks he's been eat. But that plot twist was hilarious!
"It was ME..."
I could not stop laughing for 4 minutes after that line.
Just the way he said it made me lose it.
My thoughts for Ep. 2:
You would think that coming back to life, everyone would be thrilled. Nope. Instead, you get called a demon, have to narrowly avoid getting a fire extinguisher thrown at your head and have to bust a move to prove you're the real deal.
Meeting Yondu again was... something. We weren't in his place for five minutes and he and Rocket are in a standoff with each other. But it turns out it was just a joke. Real funny, jackasses. ;-|
Being in control of Rocket while reliving his memory was interesting. I never got to see this side of Rocket, and I never knew that he had girlfriend. I felt very bad for him, for what happened to Lylla. I wonder if we'll be in control of the other guardians reliving their memories with the Eternity Forge in the other episodes? If we are, then Gamora is up next.
I was honestly not expecting to see Nebula until Ep. 3. She is definitely something. At least until I disarmed her. :P
Drax made me laugh plenty of times. Like when he was in the temple and the Time Scanner showed a hologram of Hala, he tackles me and says "I saved you." Though, I worry about him. I haven't exactly sided with him much, and when he pointed that out to me, I felt bad about not helping out with his whole "lacking purpose" problem he was having.
I got to talk with Groot plenty of times in this episode. Well... sort of.
I was really looking forward to seeing what we were gonna find in Emnios, and inside, we find a very bright white room and Star-Lord sees something that surprises him... and we won't know what until the next episode. Damn you, cliffhangers! Also, that "next time on" interview with the Guardians and Yondu was pretty long. What the hell was inside that bright room?
Pretty "meh" all around honestly. (Episode 1 wasn't that great the more I think about it).
Humor missed way more times than it hit.
The characters and the story are kind of dull and didn't really go anywhere interesting other than the Rocket flashback.
Action scenes are bland and not very exciting.
The choice of music and it's implementation in the intro was atrocious, it doesn't match the scene at all and it's like background noise.
Still not bad, just lacking an identity and some creativity.
The Rocket/Lyla section was really well done. Nebula is potentially a very interesting character, as is her dynamic with Gamora. The rest was pretty mediocre IMO.
Your tape deck played music? I turned it on and got silence.
I liked this episode more than the first one but still iffy on this series
The bad
Humor is still not really doing it for me.
No appearance from Hala
Wow that cliffhanger was shit
Rocket spilling his heart out to me when I've been a jackass to him all game felt off
The good
Rocket backstory was pretty good, probably didn't get all of it since I went after Nebula but what was there was solid
Nebula is pretty rad (blue girls do it for me I guess)
space fight with the Nova corps was cool
I never solved the candy mystery. Boy is that a plot twist.
"disarmed" hehe
Hi! I can confirm the fight song from episode 2 is "This Town Ain't Big Enough" by Sparks!
The earlier song is "Dancin' in the Moonlight" by King Harvest (as you mentioned, also the song from the announcement trailer). Glad you're enjoying the tunes!
Great episode, better than the first and is a huge step in the right direction for Telltale.
Overall, I'd probably give it somewhere between an 8.5-8.7/10.
The episode was written really well if you can look over some "just for convenience" moments. Rocket's flashback was handled very well, it really struck a chord with me. But on that same note, why did Rocket go to try and revive her if we had just established that you have to sacrifice someone for it to work? The length was so good, and I haven't been able to say that about a Telltale game for a long time. The hubs on the Milano felt natural, and I looked forward to checking in with my crew any time I could. The cliffhanger was all right I guess, but they could have ended it like a minute earlier and it would've felt better to me. The humor was like 40% hit and 60% miss for me sadly. There were some good moments but it couldn't outweigh the flat jokes. It was kind of odd how I laughed when they weren't trying to be funny and cringed when they were. Best part though was the candy mystery. The twist legitimately had me dying because of how he looked around all suspiciously and revealed that it was him the whole time. 10/10 twist.
The episode was good, but it would have been better if all the sounds were there. I think I didn't do something with the patch I needed. Does anyone know what you're supposed to do with the patch? I'm playing on PC and bought all the episodes already if that's important information
Yes! Thank you.
One of that main reasons I like the movie-esque continuity of Guardians is the amazing tunes Peter has.
You guys have replicated that aspect pretty well so far.
About Rocket assuming things about the forge:
I was confused about this too. Though, I think he didn't think the Forge's power came at a 1-to-1 ratio. I think he assumed that since it was already powered up by a sacrifice (Thanos), it now had that power indefinitely.
Plus, he was grieving for his girl. He'd do anything to bring her back, but I guess he just didn't think it through.
I thought this was a lot more cool and heart-felt than the first one. I also like how Telltale is taking their time and making their episodes monthly. It lets them add more things and not rush episodes.
Overall, I was really impressed with how emotional the Rocket flashback was. I was expecting it to be "tragic" in a goofy, comic sense, going off of Rocket's character, but they actually managed to give him a genuinely emotional story.
I also liked the fight scene in the ship as "This Town Ain't Big Enough For The Both of Us" played in the Background; there were some really good shots and cinematography.
He certainly has a way with words.
I enjoyed the episode, especially the aspects with Rocket. I felt bad for my furry friend. The hubs too. I loved them, I think I spent like 20 minutes in the Milano checking everything out. There is also a lot of choice stuff, even little things that I enjoyed. The episode was long too, that was nice. There were a bunch of funny bits, but they don't always land (the ones that do, like Drax tackling Peter, are good though). The cliffhanger was kind of eh, but you know, maybe it's actually quite shocking.
Also, for some reason I thought the message from the Universal Church of Truth was quite funny. Actually all of the messages are really funny, like Howard's and Groot's.
I Am Groot!
I chose not to go with Rocket to Halfworld. Didn't expect him to steal a ship. Was an interesting difference instead of just having him be angry at you on your ship.
First run (atm only) I did was in hurry, wanted to play but didn't have much time. Kinda liked it but something it wasn't awesome. But I have checked on youtube another options and I started to like this episode more because of diversity in choices (like if you are never with Gamora, she have special dialog and don't want to help you in Kree temple).
Whoa, she doesn't want to help you if you've been against her a lot?
I saw a video on youtube. After you choose Drax to guard Nebula, Gamora says to Peter that she sees pattern here, and then refuses to interact with you like not pressing button (you need to ask Groot for that) or being dissapointed why you are so slow/bad in Kree temple with finding things out.
For this scenario AFAIK you need:
But I am yet to see if Drax will have new dialog also.
When all episodes will be out I will try some runs with siding with one guardians and at the same time not siding at all with another :P
Seriously... Yikes.
She gets really cold-hearted of you don't side with her, then.
Interesting detail they thought to add. I like it!
Gamora will help you with the button no matter what. She'll just be annoyed. She doesn't like me either and she still helped with the button. This is after I sold Thanos to the Collector, took Drax to the ship, went with Rocket to Halfworld and picked Drax to guard Nebula. She told me she saw a pattern and threw me out of her room and she still pressed the button when I asked.
I wish who you sold Thanos' body to mattered a littler longer. I liked the idea of the Guardians being connected with either the Collector or the Nova Corps depending on who you chose. But it seems Nebula gets his body back no matter what.
Yeah, I was expecting maybe one more scenario where you either team up with the nova Corps, or fight alone.
But, they linked up earlier than expected. That's fine. There are many other determinant things that happen (whether or not they have a long-lasting effect), so it makes up for that in spades.
Same here with the weird start interaction, end interaction with Rocket. Guess there really wasn't anything to say, even though before that Rocket told me to meet him down in that room if I wanted to talk haha. Oh well.
I enjoyed the episode despite some tech issues or whatever I had.
Like my save file got corrupted or something, so the game thought I was a jerk to everyone in the bar. Drax, Gamora and Rocket took their time to remind me of the things I didn't do in the original playthrough ("I didn't have my revenge", "you said to forget about Nebula" etc). Weird how it registered that I brought Gamora with me on the Kree ship.
Yeah, I died there too. Was pretty annoying to replay the previous ~5 minutes once again.
Ok maybe I was wrong then. But situation I was talking about was like in this video here:

How do you die in a Telltale game? Must be quite the loser.
Play Season 1, Episode 5 of The Walking Dead.
I wanted to help Rocket first, but Gamora really made it sound like if Nebula wasn't stopped that Thanos might come back. I'm a little annoyed that I wasn't even able to TRY to argue to Rocket that stopping Nebula was more important than his personal business, or that I promised him. I would have been OK with him being unconvinced (or running off on his own anyway), but the option to try would have felt right.
But, I mostly liked it.