Secret Sisters - A Walking Dead Fanfiction
Huge thanks to DeviantArt user viralsanctity for letting me user their superb piece as a cover.
Secret Sisters
Clementine was forced to make a difficult choice at the rest stop, and it ended in her oldest friend dying. Now, with just a baby and Jane for company, they try their best to put their difficult journey together behind them and focus on what's ahead. But in the apocalypse, the past is one of the few things that’s never too far away from you.
Rating - T
Characters - Clementine, Jane
Genres - Friendship/Family
Readable on
Chapter One - Prologue
Word count 8,386
Released 02/03/2017
Beta read by Fanfiction users TheDomdotCom (Also found @TheDomdotCom) and Screamin' Eagles.
A sister is both your mirror - and your opposite.
- Elizabeth Fishel
Days after the incident at the rest stop, during one of their rare reprieves from travel, Jane and Clementine have time to process what has happened, and remember the fallen. With nothing but time to think, the girl starts to crack, and Jane is helpless but to watch her friend start to unravel. The pressure of a life on the road has taken their toll on the most stalwart of individuals - what chance does a little girl have, during the end of days?
Chapter Two - Butterflies
Word count - 12,428
Released 18/04/2017
Beta read by Fanfiction user ForeseeObstacles.
"Of all the things you choose in life, you don't get to choose what your nightmares are. You don't pick them; they pick you."
- John Irving
The road an apocalypse survivor must walk is a long and difficult one, something Clementine becomes all too familiar with as her and Jane draw closer and closer to Howe’s. Clementine swears she can feel her heart break a little more every day for all the friends she’s lost, and she can’t help but wonder if this is what she’s doomed to feel for the rest of her life.
Chapter Three - Liability
Word count - 16,037
Released 30/06/2017
Beta read by Fanfiction user ForeseeObstacles
”We must respect the past, and mistrust the present, if we wish to provide for the safety of the future.”
- Joseph Joubert
When one door is closed, another is opened. Their destination upon them, Jane thinks their troubles are behind them, that this is the second chance that so many people wish for but never get. But with the return to Howe’s, demons old and new approach from internally and externally, shattering the peace that a new home should have brought.
Secret Sisters is my latest project as a budding writer, an angsty story detailing a friendship I feel we didn't get to see enough of in the games. That is, the sister-sister bond between Clementine and Jane. Each chapter will highlight a different perspective - either Clementine’s or Jane’s - so we can get the full picture on what their relationship is like, while still telling the story of getting to Howe’s and beyond. Within each chapter, the characters relationships are developed a little more, with the idea of showing the effects isolation can have on the two.
The third chapter of the story, Liability, has finally been uploaded! Taken me forever to beat back writer’s block, real life issues, exams and stuff, but I finally managed to get the chapter done. If you enjoyed, please leave a follow, favourite and a review on, as these all really encourage me to keep writing and keep the project alive. All the best,
- - BHBrowne
It was awesome working on this with you, Browne. I really enjoy your writing style, so it's always a pleasure to read your new content
Can't wait to see what you have in store for Clem and Jane in the future!
I like it. Really interesting and enjoyable.
A pleasure working with you, too! Thanks for all your help ^ _ ^
I'm really glad you enjoyed it! I hope you'll stick around for the next chapter in April \o/
While i dont really like Jane all that much i did like the relationship that Clem had with her in Episode 4 and would like to see something like that .
Episode 5 was the reason why i started to hate her.
EDIT: Im reading thought and i think its pretty good
I'm glad you seemed to enjoy it! Feedback is really important to me, so I'm glad you seem to find my work enjoyable. I hope you'll read the next chapter in April. Thanks!
I would have given this a read until I say the way you described Kenny, "like a demon possessed. Evil incarnate."
Yeah, nope.
Oh, cool, a new story from you guys! I'll have to check that out once I'm able to.
Well, firstly, thank you very much for trying to read this little story of mine.
One thing you have to bear in mind is it's told from Jane's perspective. My original ending was leaving Wellington with Kenny. I don't think he's evil. But Jane views him as a threat. Further, the full quote is -
"He'd looked like a demon possed. Evil incarnate."
So you've kind of taken my quote out of context - sorry if I caused any confusion. I'd really advise you try to look past this little confusing moment, though. The views of the story don't mirror mine, it's trying to interpret Jane's perspective of Kenny. I'd say this story's worth reading, but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it if you don't wish to continue. Thanks for your time, though. All the best!
Well...that was a lot nicer of a response than I had expected lol. Thank you for that! And my apologies, I did a bit of skim reading and did not develop the context that it was from Jane's perspective. Once again, sorry about that. I'll give it another go!
EDIT: Just finished and what an amazing job! I am 110% Pro Kenny, but god damn that was incredible. I loved your writing style. I was able to picture every moment in my head. Hell, I liked it a lot better than ANF so far. It makes me want to write a continuation to Clem & Kenny's story considering I've never killed him. Great job to you and @TheDomdotCom!
You're too kind! It's been a real delight to write this and to have @TheDomdotCom along for the ride. Sharing it's been pretty exciting, too.
If you're interested in writing, I'd definitely say give it a go. I'm always interested in reading more work, and it's not like you've not got anything to lose. I've actually met some really awesome people through writing, too - TheDomdotCom being one of them, but also getting to read awesome work like the stories written by @leafs_nation and chat with him - I'm a huge fan of his work, if you haven't read it I'd definitely recommend it! @TheBigBadWolf1 is really cool, too!
But, yeah, thank you very much for the glowing compliments! You're too kind, really. I hope you'll read the next chapter when it comes out in April. All the best!
I'm only speaking the truth! Hell yes I will read the second chapter. Can't wait for it. And to your point about writing, I do think it would be quite fun, only thing is whenever I try, I usually screw a lot of stuff up without even realizing, and I'm sure you know first hand that proof reading is a bitch. :P
Being a Jane fan, I'm going to give this a chance.
Plus as I have said before Clem and Jane make a fine team. Maybe this tale could be used as inspiration for when I write my own Season 3 down the line.
Heh, I didn't do too much for this beyond reading over the chapter with a fine comb for any typos or errors, but I'm glad you enjoyed it!
If walking dead made a Telltale novel of unexplained events in the game like the 2 year timeskip, you are the one to go to.
Oh my god, seeing this pop up on Fanfiction made me so happy, you have no idea. So much for pushing it back to April then, huh?
I'm just about to leave a review tonight, but holy crap... THANK YOU! It's awesome reading about Jane and Clem out on their own, facing the world together. It's something I was secretly hoping would've been an option all along, kind of like the Last of Us.
Anyways, thanks for posting this, Browne. I'm gonna get hooked on this, I can feel it
Yooo I didn't know you were on here, too! It's getting to be a bit of a party around here now
How've you been, dude?
Chill, dude! I've been on the forums for years but with another account, and I figured I should get one with my name so people would know it's me xD
Hey, sorry for the delay in replying - time zones, wibbly wobbly timey-wimey stuff.
I hope you enjoyed the chapter, it's something I worked very hard on! Lemme know what you think, I'm really curious. Have a great day!
That's honestly so cool to read! Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I hope you'll read the second chapter in April. All the best \o/
I'll reply to your review in a roly-mo, just woke up, but thank you so so much for the kind words - You've made me a very happy BHBrowne ^ _ ^
Thank you for your support, and I'm looking to seeing your thoughts on my future chapters as-and-when \o/
Heya, sent you a PM (On this forum website) in regards to writing, read your stuff and enjoyed.
Oh xD whoops, my bad.
You've been the wolf among us before this account?
I'm so proud of that joke. Top quality references.
Why do you have to make jokes in each reply? xD And yeah, I guess you could say I was.
Chapter Two - Butterflies
Happy birthday to me!
The second chapter of Secret Sisters is now available for reading on If you press the little link in either the forum post or this comment, you’ll get sent right to the second chapter - which is told from Clementine’s perspective.
If you enjoy reading, please leave a review on the site, and perhaps a follow or a favourite, if you really enjoy it? As a writer, it’s impossible to put into words how much these mean, as it lets us know that we’re doing A-Okay.
All the best!
Umm...hello? Is the story still continuing?
Can confirm that - yes, the story's still continuing. I'm just in the middle of my exams at the current time, so I've got to fit in time to drown my sorrows and sit for three hours at a time in front of papers I haven't prepared for. Whoopsy-daisies!
As a status update, the third chapter - Liability - is about 4,000 words done, with the projected target of about 13/14,000 words in my sights. Assuming I do a fairly tall order of a solid 1,500 words a day, we can expect an update ... soon. Ish.
I like to think that quality supersedes quantity, and that it's better to take two or three months to write something good, rather than churn out something that isn't good in three-to-four weeks. Bear with me!
Please let me know what you thought of the story in a review, I've been excited to read your thoughts since your first comment back in March ^ _ ^
All the best!
Holy moly this was my 100th comment O _ o
I understand. About quality storytelling. And I'll give a review in due time.
Chapter Three - Liability
It’s been a little while, huh?
The third chapter of Secret Sisters, as of right now, is available for reading on The link on the forum post or this comment will take you directly to the third chapter, which is longer than the last one.
Full disclosure now, and in the A/N at the top of the chapter, this chapter does cover a pretty sensitive topic, so beware of that particular little gremlin. No spoilers, but keep your guard up! That being said, I think it’s an issue that deserves the gravitas and weight that I’ve tried to afford it, and I stand by the creative decision to include this content.
If you enjoyed, do let me know, I love interacting with people who enjoy my work. Gives me a nice warm fuzzy feeling. All the best!