The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Looks cool.

    SaZ-7 posted: »

    Any thoughts on this new Spider-Man game? Looks similar to Arkham if you ask me, but seems pretty good. [If you go to the comment section, Ctrl + F then type: telltale] lol

  • edited June 2017

    That's the million dollar question, my dude.

    AronDracula posted: »

    No seriously, why is this game getting so much attention? It was remastered for the current consoles, then for Nintendo Switch and now Playstation VR? Why are people still playing this 6 year old game? It's not bad but it's so goddamn overrated.

  • I was reading a thread on Reddit and someone name dropped her.

    And exactly how did you learn of this porn star?

  • edited June 2017

    There were a few good things but I think its safe to say that E3 was one big L this year.

  • Nintendo's E3 conference was objectively the best one and that disappoints me greatly as I was excited to see what Xbox and Sony have in store. Oh well. Metroid is still hype.

  • I certainly wasn't expecting them to announce 2 Metroids at E3.

    Nintendo's E3 conference was objectively the best one and that disappoints me greatly as I was excited to see what Xbox and Sony have in store. Oh well. Metroid is still hype.

  • They should be putting full attention to a new Elder Scrolls

    AronDracula posted: »

    No seriously, why is this game getting so much attention? It was remastered for the current consoles, then for Nintendo Switch and now Playstation VR? Why are people still playing this 6 year old game? It's not bad but it's so goddamn overrated.

  • I wasn't expecting them to announce any Metroid games. Ever again. Life comes at you fast.

    Fun story, like an hour before Prime got announced I made the joke of telltale and Nintendo realeasing a Telltale Games Metroid instead of a legit one on Discord. Guess I was wrong.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I certainly wasn't expecting them to announce 2 Metroids at E3.

  • I'm just impressed that Todd Howard has sold it 5 different times now as "different games" and Bethesda fanboys haven't caught onto the fact that Mr. Howard is a rat.

    AronDracula posted: »

    No seriously, why is this game getting so much attention? It was remastered for the current consoles, then for Nintendo Switch and now Playstation VR? Why are people still playing this 6 year old game? It's not bad but it's so goddamn overrated.

  • I wasn't expecting them to announce any Metroid games. Ever again.

    That's because of Metroid Other M.

    I wasn't expecting them to announce any Metroid games. Ever again. Life comes at you fast. Fun story, like an hour before Prime got annou

  • Oh God, a Metroid a Telltale series? XD If that had happened instead, I think I'd have prefered it if the series stayed dead tbh.

    I wasn't expecting them to announce any Metroid games. Ever again. Life comes at you fast. Fun story, like an hour before Prime got annou

  • edited June 2017


    Walking Dead New Frontier - Staff AMA is live over in the Walking Dead forums

  • No, it's because Metroid has been a dead series for nearly 8 years. It has nothing to do with the quality of Other M, just the fact that when Nintendo abandons properties, they usually STAY abandoned.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I wasn't expecting them to announce any Metroid games. Ever again. That's because of Metroid Other M.

  • I have a theory that's he's Loki, god of deception and trickery and he joined Bethesda to prove himself to the other gods.

    I'm just impressed that Todd Howard has sold it 5 different times now as "different games" and Bethesda fanboys haven't caught onto the fact that Mr. Howard is a rat.

  • isn't that the plot to son of the mask?

    papai46 posted: »

    I have a theory that's he's Loki, god of deception and trickery and he joined Bethesda to prove himself to the other gods.

  • edited June 2017

    I'm not sure what to think of Sony blocking cross-play between the PS4 and other platforms (XB1, PC, Switch) when even Nintendo is allowing it.

  • Sorry?

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I'm not sure what to think of Sony blocking cross-play between the PS4 and other platforms (XB1, PC, Switch) when even Nintendo is allowing it.

  • Haven't you heard? Sony isn't allowing cross-platform multiplayer in games like Minecraft and Rocket League, and likely others to come, unless they change their mind. Meanwhile, Nintendo of all companies, is totally okay with it.

    AronDracula posted: »


  • Holy shit. Well, that sucks for multiplayer gamers.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Haven't you heard? Sony isn't allowing cross-platform multiplayer in games like Minecraft and Rocket League, and likely others to come, unless they change their mind. Meanwhile, Nintendo of all companies, is totally okay with it.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited June 2017

    Damnit Tom Perriello lost the Virginia race for the Democratic nomination for governor. He was the only major candidate (of both parties) to oppose this pipeline out in the Blue Ridge that would destroy the beauty and seize a lot land from people (like my family). Doesn't help that the current governor (who is a Democrat) also supports it.

  • I might add a bit to this and make a few clarification laters if you don't mind.

    I don't think it matters if I mind or not at this point, but uh, for whatever it's worth, I don't mind. You know more about political policies and the like than I do.

    hence why it's perjoratively referred to as Stalinism)

    You know, I actually thought about Stalinism, but I couldn't remember if it was an actual thing or not. lol

    To be fair, this wasn't done on a whim. Russia was taking back territory they lost in the Brest-Litvorsk Treaty. That doesn't excuse it of course, but it had more to do with Russian Nationalism than Socialism.

    That's true but I wasn't trying to indicate that the Soviet Union invaded them in an attempt to spread their ideals, I was just pointing out why such actions might have caused some disdain for said ideals.

    And they had a very legitimate grievance in my opinion. Beyond proxy wars, the USA also had a bad habit of sponsoring coups against even the pinkest left-wing governments, including democratically -elected reform socialists like Allende. They also sponsored murderous dictators like Suharto and Agha Khan. The Soviet Union did this less, though that was likely due more to lack of ability than moral objections.

    I agree. I added that tidbit in because I realized that my post, for the most part, was pointing out how the Soviet Union had negatively affected peoples perception of Communism, but they did have a lot of people see it in a positive light. I should have wrote more about America's habit of helping pull coups to establish dictators simply because they were staunchly anti-communist, but I honestly just didn't think about it. Hindsight and all that.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Interesting post. I might add a bit to this and make a few clarification laters if you don't mind. I'm not as well versed on differen

  • sony why my son

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I'm not sure what to think of Sony blocking cross-play between the PS4 and other platforms (XB1, PC, Switch) when even Nintendo is allowing it.

  • Apparently part of the reason is for the children:

    Jim Ryan: Yeah. We've got to be mindful of our responsibility to our install base. Minecraft - the demographic playing that, you know as well as I do, it's all ages but it's also very young. We have a contract with the people who go online with us, that we look after them and they are within the PlayStation curated universe. Exposing what in many cases are children to external influences we have no ability to manage or look after, it's something we have to think about very carefully.

    I guess Sony got arrogant with being on top once more, and are using Nintendo type excuses (yet even Nintendo is fine with it)

    sony why my son

  • I was very excited after E3 I liked everything I saw but now I feel nothing... Sad I liked all but now not so much:(

  • edited June 2017

    The Whatever's on your mind Megathread?
    I want some ice cream.
    And more Lukesse scenes on MCSM Season 2!!!

  • edited June 2017

    House majority whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) and a few others were shot in what was apparently a "deliberate attack" on a GOP congressional baseball team practice. The shooter, who is still unnamed, is in police custody, and as of now, no one has been killed.

    I don't care what side of the aisle you may be on, this is tragic no matter what. My prayers go to Congressman Scalise and to all those who were injured during the shooting.

  • M O N E Y

    Skyrim is a winning bet for raking in money: since it's even more profit for very little further investment in the game. Rest-assured, if the VR version was to tank, Bethesda would probably drop Skyrim like a sack of potatoes.

    AronDracula posted: »

    No seriously, why is this game getting so much attention? It was remastered for the current consoles, then for Nintendo Switch and now Playstation VR? Why are people still playing this 6 year old game? It's not bad but it's so goddamn overrated.

  • Yikes. That's disconcerting. A terrible thing to happen, regardless of how you feel about the person.

    House majority whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) and a few others were shot in what was apparently a "deliberate attack" on a GOP congressional base

  • Skyrim is slowly becoming like Minecraft. They'll never convince me to play that overrated cash maker

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    M O N E Y Skyrim is a winning bet for raking in money: since it's even more profit for very little further investment in the game. Rest-assured, if the VR version was to tank, Bethesda would probably drop Skyrim like a sack of potatoes.

  • Don't forget that they'll be charging you for the pleasure too. That's how state capitalism works. Socialize the costs, privatize the profits, human costs be damned.

    The government is full of sociopaths, I swear to god.

    Damnit Tom Perriello lost the Virginia race for the Democratic nomination for governor. He was the only major candidate (of both parties) to

  • It's right in Alexandria, I could walk there (actually, I kind of want to see an active crime scene, but that's neither here nor there). Seriously though, not cool. I hope everyone recovers quickly and fully.

    House majority whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) and a few others were shot in what was apparently a "deliberate attack" on a GOP congressional base

  • Could've been a helluva lot worse. Thankfully, it's looking like everyone will survive.

    House majority whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) and a few others were shot in what was apparently a "deliberate attack" on a GOP congressional base

  • edited June 2017

    I fucking love Skyrim and all The Elder Scrolls in general, but this is just getting ridiculous.

    I mean, Special Edition was fine (mainly because it was free for some people, including me) but releasing a Nintendo Switch version was just dumb.

    And now we get a fucking VR version? I mean, it's a very cool idea and I bet it will be amazing to play with, but come on Bethesda. Lay off Skyrim... People want The Elder Scrolls VI, not a new version of Skyrim...

    AronDracula posted: »

    No seriously, why is this game getting so much attention? It was remastered for the current consoles, then for Nintendo Switch and now Playstation VR? Why are people still playing this 6 year old game? It's not bad but it's so goddamn overrated.

  • When you try to use House of Cards as an escape from the political mess of your country but then you realize the show itself is pretty accurate to the actual truth.

    enter image description here

  • Not the shooter, then again, it's not a huge loss.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Could've been a helluva lot worse. Thankfully, it's looking like everyone will survive.

  • Even if I were a full on Democrat, it would sicken me.

    Apparently the shooter was a Bernie Sanders supporter and even volunteered on his presidential campaign. Bernie commented on what happened saying that it "sickened him and violence of any kind in our society in our society is unacceptable."

    Couldn't agree with him more.

    House majority whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) and a few others were shot in what was apparently a "deliberate attack" on a GOP congressional base

  • I agree that the shooter is a dick, but saying stuff like "it's not a huge loss" is kinda messed up regardless of what they did.

    Not the shooter, then again, it's not a huge loss.

  • When a person goes into a crowd of people with the intent to kill or cause serious harm or injury to them, to me, they loose all sense of humanity. If they fail to respect the value of another person's life, then they will not have my respect nor will I value theirs. So forgive me for not feeling sorry that this nut-job is no longer a problem for anyone.

    I agree that the shooter is a dick, but saying stuff like "it's not a huge loss" is kinda messed up regardless of what they did.

  • [removed]

    When a person goes into a crowd of people with the intent to kill or cause serious harm or injury to them, to me, they loose all sense of hu

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