How can telltale recover from this
I have few alternatives,
-Ditch ANF completely (continue from s2)
-Give us a free DLC (to compensate for lack of quality and quantity regarding this season)
Whatever it is, its obvious that many people wont preorder next walking dead game. They have to find a recovery strategy for their unsatisfied target audience. They just cant let their cash cow (walking dead) fail. Becasue they do all other projects, which may or may not be profitable (most of them are experimental) for example Batman didnt do that well but TWAU did amazingly well. The point is that, they are experimental projects and could afford to fail but if they fail at walking dead, the impact could be serious, as it is the star of telltale.
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best idea 10/10
When even the mods start taking the piss out of ANF haha. You know it's bad.
I don't even know how someone can have the desire to add minecraft in their basket
Actually, I'll go on record and say that I don't actually hate ANF. I'm just equal-opportunities when it comes to taking the piss out of stuff.
Never said you liked it though lol.
In their minds ANF was a great success so they have absolutely no reason to give away free content.
They can't. Or rather they won't.
Fuck, even I hate Jane but seeing this screenshot makes me miss her compared to what season 3 is.

Oh hell yeah dude!
So in order to hate something you just have to not say you like it? That's pretty solid logic right there.
Telltale gave The Walking Dead a slow and painful death. They think making season 4 will resurrect it but that just can't happen because the damage has already been done.
The only way I could see them fixing the train-wreck we know as season 3 would be by scrapping the whole thing and starting over, but they wouldn't do that. TT put more time than effort into this game so it'd be a waste to just throw it all away.
So there's your answer. They cannot recover from this.
Learning what they did wrong, listen to the legit complaints, take the necessary steps to avoid making the same mistakes in the future, and for the love of God, don't drastically rewrite the whole story months before release, especially when you worked on that story for almost 2 whole years.
amen to that
I think it's already too late for them to listen to anything. Despite the disaster that was the branching endings, they did it again. Not only that but they heavily hinted the Garcias would be back, which means they'll die off, be nothing but a cameo (meaning wasted time for characters we'll never see again) or they'll somehow try to work in the different endings which means even more wasted time on parts of the game many won't even see.
If they're smart, they'll kill them off. Because most people don't care about the determinants or Richmond as much as having a decent story. At any rate it looks pretty bleak. Best case scenario the storyline for S4 will focus on Clem (and maybe Javi) and they can start mostly fresh with something better than what they managed to cook up with ANF. I'm not holding my breath though, I'm fully expecting my fears to be realized.
ANF wasn't that bad in my opinion, I didn't really care for it though. S4 could be a resurrection as long as they take time and use great care like season 1. Clementine was all I cared about S3 anyways.
I think they can recover twd as long as they take the negative feedback seriously. The main thing would be to make the episodes longer again. Like others have said, work on one solid version, no constant rewrites. Create characters with depth and growth, if they die make it meaningful. I feel like if the "one sitting per episode " mentality ruined anf. They cut out so many good ideas causing so many rewrites to make everything fit, but doing that made it lose any character development, for everyone including Javi and Clementine. Honestly I have hope that they can come back from this. I think we need to focus on feedback instead of acting so angry. There are so many possibilities in the twd universe, just keep that in mind. There is a good chance we'll see major improvements, as long as they are willing to listen.
Listen to what the fans want. Don't force any romance. Give players complete control over Clem. Focus primarily on Clem. Have Clem stay the mc. Make episodes longer. Give Clem more than one love interest and have one of those love interest be a female if romance becomes a common thing in the series from here on out. If they add romance to the series as a thing then making a female or females love interests along with a male or males would be a good idea because if it's just males that's not going to work.
I mentioned this in another discussion but honestly there should no same gender relations. People need to think about repopulating the Earth and sorry to all the people who feel attracted to the same gender but reproduction can only be done through a male and a female.
There is insemination but really let's be realistic who would do the procedure? Where would they get the equipment?
They won't ditch ANF and s2. The best solution is to end the series. Story after great s1 is going downhill and it's sad. Wrong direction, lack of interesting ideas or characters. Telltale should leave it and focus on new original projects.
I can't be disagree !
I prefer imagine Clementine ending after she left With her big smile and jacket rather than they screw everything get her killed or even raped !
Damn you telltale !
I don't think it's gonna happen, season 1 and 2 was all about Clementine, season 3 was meant to shape up Clementine character and introduce the Garcias, they will surely be linked with the next AJ/Clem story. Clem has too much potential to kill her off. It would be meaningless making (Lee) the player die to protect Clem. And no point to make her die like Lee to protect AJ, at least not yet. But they could kill off AJ and give some meaning to it.
the story doesn't have to revolve around populating and it's never been about populating to begin with. There could be a cure. And when you're talking about populating who are you factoring into that? I think you're getting a little to realistic here. It's fiction and a videogame. The realism that's involved already is enough. Nothing needs to be added or changed to add more realism. It would make more sense to find a cure then rebuild civilization. Not make babies.
If telltale tried any nonsense involving Clem being forced to do anything and or making babies they would be making themselves walk off a cliff and falling into an abyss they would never escape from.
They can't. The damage which has been done cannot be undone.
Don't worry in TWD more babies = more walkers, there is enough adults for that, since they almost kill off everyone each season
lol true.
they could just have David be unknown because of an attack in Richmond and Have Gabe and Kate be Carley/Doug type determinants if they ever get around to bringing the garcias back since either Kate or Gabe always live no matter what you do in a playthought.
(and if the Kate and Gabe ending was gotten have a Carley/doug type choice between them and if either Gabe or Kate died then just have a QTE where you save the one who lived thought season 3.)) and have them live for one or 2 more episodes and either get Offed or leave because something happened which makes them not appear in later episodes until the finale where they turn up again in the ending.
A TWD season filled with 2-3 hour episodes, more Clementine, a new strong supporting cast, and writing and storytelling on par with season 1 or at least season 2.
Also give us GOT Season 2, and only give us TFTBL Season 2 if it'll be anywhere near as good as the first season.
Oh, of course. She's an absolute bitch but at least she has a personality unlike most of the cast of ANF. She was treated the worst out of all the flashback characters as well. At least Kenny had an honorable death. Jane's death was an absolute joke lmao.
Yeah, this ^
Don't try to fix the already broken season. Move on, listen to the audience and make a damn fine season 4.
I forget the title but there was a zombie novel where the Doctor a team was escorting to a cure, just ended up admitting that there wasn't one and the government had given up looking. They were just going to a secure location to ride the event out.
To put in a short manner the Doctor explained that by this point the volume of zombies was simply too great and that a cure wouldn't prevent you from getting ripped apart by a horde.
They can recover if they do good on Clementines story which i really hope is fantastic. On the other hand if they do poorly with Clementines story it will be quite damaging to the series especially since Clementine is the most loved character of almost any telltale game.
I didn't see it that way....
Did she commit suicide because she was scared and couldn't see any hope with 2 babies and a child?
Was she scared to end up like Rebecca?
Or was it to give AJ and Clem more chances to survive?
you can't help but wonder why...
I think I know why. It's cause they needed an excuse to take her out of the story, so she killed herself. She was all about survival and self preservation. She took out Kenny because she saw him as a threat. Her killing herself made no sense
all deaths need an excuse, even for the poor guy who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.