Okay, so here's some bad ones, even if they may not exist so much as were vaguely suggested by the fans/game.
* Bad:
* Clementine x Da… morenny
* Clementine x Stranger
* Clementine x Carver
* Clementine x Mariana
* Kenny x Christa
* Kenny x Danny(This fucking shit exists!)
* Russell x Nate
* Luke x Rebecca
* Luke x Jane(I sorta get the idea now, but it's still pretty pastiche)
* Rebecca x Carver
* Sarah x Troy
* Javier x David
Yeah, I only reference that because there seems to be a recurring impression in older threads that Troy is an pedophile/ephebophile/jailbaiter who wants to go with her or Clementine. Including one pseudo-rewrite where she nominates feeding him to walkers for raping her.
Yeah, I only reference that because there seems to be a recurring impression in older threads that Troy is an pedophile/ephebophile/jailbait… moreer who wants to go with her or Clementine. Including one pseudo-rewrite where she nominates feeding him to walkers for raping her.
Cheese and Rice.
The hilarious thing about that rewrite is that it came out of nowhere; I wasn't looking for anything related to either of those two I believe. I was just reading something about making the people in Howe's matter more and one of the post in the same thread was this thing about capturing Carver happens and then they suddenly note that Sarah wants to feed Troy to the herds for raping her.
It's like "What kinda shit is this?! Where the hell did THAT come from?!"
Yeah, I know.
The hilarious thing about that rewrite is that it came out of nowhere; I wasn't looking for anything related to either of t… morehose two I believe. I was just reading something about making the people in Howe's matter more and one of the post in the same thread was this thing about capturing Carver happens and then they suddenly note that Sarah wants to feed Troy to the herds for raping her.
It's like "What kinda shit is this?! Where the hell did THAT come from?!"
Lee x Lilly, Mike x Bonnie and Christa x Omid are the only ships that matter.
Would have loved some dynamic between Javier and Eleanor, but the lack of hubs/character interaction in ANF prevents that. And no, I don't hate Eleanor.
I also like Carlos x Sarita and Alvin x Rebecca.
My Comic Book OTPs are Rick x Andrea and Carl x Sophia.
Ships I don't like:
Clementine x Adults
Sarah x Adults
Russell x Nate
Lee x Carley
Javier x Kate - I'm not a fan of romancing my brother's wife. They work better as a team.
Nick x Luke
Just for you @MRSHYGUY45, Gabentine is the best ship. JK, lol. I dislike it.
Lee x Lilly, Mike x Bonnie and Christa x Omid are the only ships that matter.
Would have loved some dynamic between Javier and Eleanor, b… moreut the lack of hubs/character interaction in ANF prevents that. And no, I don't hate Eleanor.
I also like Carlos x Sarita and Alvin x Rebecca.
My Comic Book OTPs are Rick x Andrea and Carl x Sophia.
Ships I don't like:
Clementine x Adults
Sarah x Adults
Russell x Nate
Lee x Carley
Javier x Kate - I'm not a fan of romancing my brother's wife. They work better as a team.
Nick x Luke
Just for you @MRSHYGUY45, Gabentine is the best ship. JK, lol. I dislike it.
Lee x Lilly, Mike x Bonnie and Christa x Omid are the only ships that matter.
Would have loved some dynamic between Javier and Eleanor, b… moreut the lack of hubs/character interaction in ANF prevents that. And no, I don't hate Eleanor.
I also like Carlos x Sarita and Alvin x Rebecca.
My Comic Book OTPs are Rick x Andrea and Carl x Sophia.
Ships I don't like:
Clementine x Adults
Sarah x Adults
Russell x Nate
Lee x Carley
Javier x Kate - I'm not a fan of romancing my brother's wife. They work better as a team.
Nick x Luke
Just for you @MRSHYGUY45, Gabentine is the best ship. JK, lol. I dislike it.
>:( >:( >:( >:( >:(>:( >:( >:( >:( >:(>:( >:( >:( >:( >:(>:( >:( >:( >:( >:(>:( >:( >:( >:( >:(>:( >:( >:( >:( >:(>:( >:( >:( >:( >:(>:( >:( >:( >:( >:(>:( >:( >:( >:( >:(>:( >:( >:( >:( >:(>:( >:( >:( >:( >:(>:( >:( >:( >:( >:(>:( >:( >:( >:( >:(>:( >:( >:( >:( >:(>:( >:( >:( >:( >:(>:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

Danny St John x Larry
Okay okay, I'm sorry--Sheesh!
Still, kind of a weird pairing either way.
good ship:
carver x troy
bad ship:
all the other ones
Yeah, I only reference that because there seems to be a recurring impression in older threads that Troy is an pedophile/ephebophile/jailbaiter who wants to go with her or Clementine. Including one pseudo-rewrite where she nominates feeding him to walkers for raping her.
Cheese and Rice.
I'll have to find it, but people back then had concerning fascination with rape.
I... am not feeling well.
Basically Clementine x AnyoneNotHerAge
Yeah, I know.
The hilarious thing about that rewrite is that it came out of nowhere; I wasn't looking for anything related to either of those two I believe. I was just reading something about making the people in Howe's matter more and one of the post in the same thread was this thing about capturing Carver happens and then they suddenly note that Sarah wants to feed Troy to the herds for raping her.
It's like "What kinda shit is this?! Where the hell did THAT come from?!"
Exactly! What is going on in these people's minds??
Idk. Also, there was a whole thread before Season 2 came out talking about how Clementine might get raped--clearly the deepest lore!
Anyway, I can't seem to find that thread now that I need it. Isn't that always the way?
Yeah, but I don't think I would want to read that about Sarah and Troy... you know.
Yeah, I know. It's just briefly mentioned, but I definitely understand.
If it's brief it's fine!
Ships I like:
Ships I don't like:
Clem/Any Adults
Sarah/Any Adults
Who is Troy ? The guy with one arm ?
Best ships :
Kenny ships boat
Kenny boats ship
Ah ok, he looks indeed like a bastard
Here's one I forgot I joked about: Gabe<Baseball Kid
Lee x Lilly, Mike x Bonnie and Christa x Omid are the only ships that matter.
Would have loved some dynamic between Javier and Eleanor, but the lack of hubs/character interaction in ANF prevents that. And no, I don't hate Eleanor.
I also like Carlos x Sarita and Alvin x Rebecca.
My Comic Book OTPs are Rick x Andrea and Carl x Sophia.
Ships I don't like:
Clementine x Adults
Sarah x Adults
Russell x Nate
Lee x Carley
Javier x Kate - I'm not a fan of romancing my brother's wife. They work better as a team.
Nick x Luke
Just for you @MRSHYGUY45, Gabentine is the best ship. JK, lol. I dislike it.
I can't stand stand Javier and Kate together.
Sooo... you're not really digging Clem with anyone are ya? Me either.
In the Lily~or~Carley choice... I'd go with Carley. I hated Lily once she got paranoid and lost and, ya know, shot an innocent woman.
Pretty sure Larry had a thing for Brenda... but why not?
They were best friends, and that's close enough.
I am assuming Omid x Little Omid refers to masturbation in this context...
Well, I dislike Carley, she is overrated.
I agree! Carley is majorly overrated.
Lee x Lilly
Well, she's certainly not the only one to have murdered another... ;--;
Nice to see this thread back again! I was honestly considering posting something here a few days ago myself.