Dartigan: I've reached the point where I no longer consider this funny anymore Telltale. The Walking Dead: A New Frontier is boring, plain and simple, and it is not helped by tired game mechanics.
This guy deserves a lot subscribers for taking perfect inspiration from CinemaSins.
I prefer Dartigan's work over GCN. Dartigan comes across as more professional and restrained, hence more enjoyable for me to watch.
And this is one of his videos where I've nodded at almost every one of his sins. The sins are well deserved.
Yes, GCN is too much of an asshole to video games and Dartigan cares a lot about them.
Really? No more comments about it.
until now im actually enjoying his far better than GCN s version currently in the above the Law part.
Damn I never noticed half this stupid shit.
He only shows sins from 1 play through.
Still great points.
I hope TT will see it.
Dartigan > GCN
He's much closer to Cinemasins in my opinion, that kind of dry humor that GCN just doesn't have.
Ehhhh. Cinema/Gaming Sins isn't really for me. It's tiring hearing someone nitpick every single line in a given movie or game. I get that that's the point, but it just sounds petty most of the time. It's kind of just someone nagging for half an hour, which isn't very entertaining. It's also annoying to hear when they're obviously making reaches to add another sin, and sometimes it's hard to determine whether they're joking, or whether they actually don't like something. The formula's okay a few times, but it's so exhausted at this point.
He's really reaching with a few of these, is that a running gag on his channel or is he trying to give as many "sins" as he can?
I really like Dartigan, he's pretty fair when it comes to this stuff.
Plus he saved Conrad so that's good.
Yeah, he saved him so he could sin more of Telltale's poor writting.
Frankly I don't give a rat's ass about who is sinning this because anyone with half a brain can see how this game is rightfully shit.
But he actually pointed out better details than GCN.
My god, are you telling me I'm missing HALF OF MY BRAIN RIGHT NOW
Saving Conrad is saving Conrad.
idk deltino you might be missing three quarters of it
that is a much more accurate assumption
Good video but I still think GCN better than him people say gcn is an asshole to the games, well he is going to sin them of coures his not going to be nice to them, and him being a jerk to the games that doesn't mean he hate those games but people always take him as a hater and seriously especially when he sins the last of us.
He miss alot from episode 4 and 5 worse sin ever
People die when they're killed.
Wow...out of all that nitpicking, only one of them was something that I agreed with. What a load of crap.....
Edit: in case you're wondering which one I agree with, it's the one where David talks about Soldiers only being Soldiers.....that bit annoyed me when playing it aswell.
If you dont break the ice Bonnie dies.
If I would have known that I wouldn't have broken it