Lets Be Honest Season 4 will Suck Donkey Balls

Hi all, So i have been thinking about it since the final Episode of A New Frontier came out and all i can say is Season 4 will Suck Donkey Balls like A New Frontier did. First of all the story and Writting will probably Suck and Rushed. Just look at ANF that Game/Story was Rushed for no good reason, Plus most of the characters Sucked in that game, Even Clementine Sucked Donkey Balls in that Season. Most of the reason S4 will Suck is that Telltale never learns from they're Mistakes and will keep treating the fanbase like they're Stupid. Don't give me "Oh they did do fan service because they are making Clem playable in it" No they didn't do Fan Service, they only did that because they would lose a lot of Sales. Don't believe anyone who is Damage Controlling for Telltale saying S4 will be Amazing because it won't.
I sure as hell won't expect anything good in Season 4.
I don't either like i already said lol, I just expect a Shittier story and shittier characters
A lot of donkey balls were sucked this season and a lot will be sucked next season.
Agreed, I didn't mind the clem thing but the way the story was told and how it ended was Garbage. And yet a lot of people DAMAGE CONTROLLED the ending because it said at the end "CLEM's Story will Continue" I hate it.
I guess it's a good thing that I actually like ANF.
I'm sorry that Telltale has brainwashed you into thinking this.
Agent can you tell me & Sharples what was good about it please
Greatest post ever.
incredibly productive incredible grammar and incredible donkey obsession.
S3 was the worst TWD season yet yes, but it was still a decent game just not a masterpiece like the first 2.
If you pay a bit of attention you could actually see what they tried to do with the game.
They had some great ideas the execution was kinda meh but execution is easier to improve than ideas.
So do I. Was it perfect? No, but I liked it too.
I detect some sarcasm.
I wouldn't call Season 2 a masterpiece by any means...:)
Season 2 was good but awful at the same time because people treated clem like she was a Grown ass woman lol. I would say Episode's 4 and 5 saved the whole season for me. But with ANF/S3 there was nothing good about it.
Besides Conrad i felt that everything in New frontier wasnt even close to the other seasons althought i did enjoy Above the Law and Thicker than water.
Hope for the best, expect for the worst
I'm hoping season 4 will blow me away but i'd doubt it. Telltale has now joined the Scummy Devs club for me. They think they are AAA Devs now but yet they're still a Indie team Lol
What the fuck did you say about donkey bitch?
I feel truly sorry for anyone who foolishly preorders the next season, refusing to learn from the previous three tricks they were dealt.
Yes but many will still buy it. Then the select usual few that somehow love it shall encourage Telltale as legit proof that they are on the right track and pump out another cow pie game. Most of us are supposedly the dismissive minority according to some TTG staff members I've read before from these forums.
Ever hear of James Rolfe the angry video game Nerd?
The pessimist would think that the next season will, in fact, suck donkey balls.
The optimist would think that the next season will be better than ANF.
The realist would think that we won't know before Season 4 is actually released.
I consider myself being the realist here. We won't know until Season 4 is actually released. It might be shit, it might not. Time will tell us. Only thing we can do is just pray that Telltale will get their shit together and release a masterpiece of a season.
We can only hope Telltale listened to our ideas on what Season 4 should have and actually make it happen.
That's pretty much impossible. They can't write interesting characters anymore as they killed them all off which destroys the continuity of the series........it's not being a pessimist. To be honest it's a realistic thing to predict.
Exactly, They should have done what the Comics/Show does and keep a certain group alive through multiple Seasons instead of killing the Decent characters from Seasons 1 and 2 off.
Couldn't have said it better myself. Omid and Christa were killed off too quickly.
Alright, good, I'm glad we got this all cleared up
So what's everyone doing tomorrow
I loved ANF, and am definitely in the minority. Hopefully by that standard I'll love S4 too.
Hojestly I would like the idea of having a story with some old characters left alive or unknown (Lilly, Christa, 400 days crew etc), but at the same time I'm afraid that this would just make these characters less likeable in another disappointing game.
Time will tell if they'll have another Ava or Gabe or even better another Sarah to entice me with before letting me down again.
I hate this constant pessimism plaguing the forums. I agree Season 3 was immensely disappointing. Maybe even rock bottom. But once you've hit rock bottom theirs only one other way to go. Now I'm not going to claim the next ones going to be a masterpiece, it might not even be good. I might just be passable. I think all we can do is off fair criticism to the creators and encourage them and incentivize them to creat the best product for veterans and future fans to come. Vulgar pessimism breeds nothing but despair. Season 4 could be our savior, like Kenny, God himself.
Suck big donkey balls.
Edit: That was fucking terrible. Please take the internet away from me, I've been awake for too long.
Maybe. Maybe not. Telltale might listen to the harsh criticism ANF got and try to improve upon it in Season 4, maybe they won't. Only time will tell.
Encourage? I've been defending them for years and they have just betrayed my trust. Any reasons?
Who knows, what if telltale acts like Capcom and makes season 3 like resident evil 7.
Season 4 not 3
We'll see. I think that they can bounce back after this, as they have mentioned already that they've noticed a lot of our criticism, and realise what fans really want out of a Walking Dead Telltale game. (not just Clem, though! Please!)
I think they just need to take risks. "Not an Authentic Walking Dead Story" shouldn't keep them from scrapping an idea.. especially if they're creating original characters and locations. They just stuck with the same [protag. finds colony.. bad people hunt him down.. colony falls because of him being there] and [Evil dictator rules over city.. protag. overruns and disrupts Dictator's rules.. protag. kills villain, and saves the city] trope we've seen time and time again with TWD. I would have loved to see that "Branded Javier" story from the teaser, and AMA description. They totally could have made it work in the world of TWD! Have him and Clem go on this long journey to find this stash of rare supplies, or friends of the ANF. Add other survivors, colonies of survivors, and hordes of walkers along the way, and you've got The Walking Dead!
I just hope we see something that hasn't been done before in TWD once season 4 comes around. IF it comes around.
They can just reboot it, I'd be fine.
We can't speak for anything in the future with complete confidence. It could be good, but we won't know until it releases. And even then, you'll still have people shitting on it for no reason other than they don't like ANF.
Oh don't be so arrogant and condescending. I have a different opinion than you. Don't twist it to make me look like an idiot or a blind fanboy.
Don't get me wrong, I'm fully aware that ANF has problems, but I still like it. Most obvious problems were the treatment of Kenny/Jane and Ava/Tripp. They're characters deserved better send offs. Firstly Javi was a really nice change of pace. Playing as him was a lot of fun and I got invested in his struggles because I really like his family too. Especially David and Gabe. I haven't got a whole paragraph to explain that it's good because of some hidden message about redemption or whatever crap people make up about season 1. I just enjoyed ANF and I'm not trying to prove anyone wrong. Just voicing my opinion that I don't think ANF is as bad as people say it is.
I like it too, sure there are flaws, but I won't say It's sucking donkey balls.
My expectations are so low right now I can't even...