The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • mostlypoptartsmostlypoptarts ModeratorFormer Telltale Staff

    Most dogs come in a couple times a week max, but there are so many dogs that come into work that there's never a day without at least one in the office :)

    I'd say our most frequent visitors are Indy, Gus, and Rocco, but there is no hard data to back that up. Just my gut feeling.

    AChicken posted: »

    Everything's SOOO cute!! Wherever you are, Thank you Caroline, for making this. Do people's dogs come in everyday, I wonder?

  • I've gone back to my past addiction... Uncharted 3 Multiplayer...
    I know its probably not the best multiplayer out there, but it's fun. :P

  • Oh wow, no I didn't. Cool.

    Would've been funny if he voiced Tommy, though...
    AChicken posted: »

    Fun Fact: Did you know that Nolan North was the voice actor for David?

  • I've seen Breaking Bad, but will definitely check the others. Thank you!

    Here are some suggestions of stuff to watch: * Bojack Horseman * It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia * Breaking Bad

  • U3's multiplayer mode is probably the most fun multiplayer experience I've ever had in gaming. I loved every single second of it.

    All the different modes were great, all the weapons you could mod were awesome and all the maps you could play were just fucking amazing.

    It's a damn shame I sold my Uncharted 3 a long time ago. I'd still probably whip it out and play it.

    I've gone back to my past addiction... Uncharted 3 Multiplayer... I know its probably not the best multiplayer out there, but it's fun. :P

  • samurai jack's ending was like the life is strange ending but 10 times more convoluted, non-sensical and infuriating.

  • The original isn't that great either. It's not as bad but it still isn't any good.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Like always. Can any of the sequels ever beat the original?

  • If everyone in my life can stop recommending Star Wars to me, that would be great.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Star..... Trek

    If everyone in my life can stop recommending Star Wars to me, that would be great.

  • Hey, did you know that it's now free-to-play?
    There are limits to it (e.g. Level capped at 15), but it's worth checking out.

    Findagon posted: »

    U3's multiplayer mode is probably the most fun multiplayer experience I've ever had in gaming. I loved every single second of it. All the

  • It reminded me of Gurren Laggan, mostly. I loved Season 5, but I wish it was longer as I feel like they rushed through it.

    samurai jack's ending was like the life is strange ending but 10 times more convoluted, non-sensical and infuriating.

  • I ran into an interesting game earlier on Gears of War 4.
    I was in a Team Death Match and we were losing pretty hard so this guy was in the lobby trashing everybody, but there was just one problem: he had the lowest score out of both teams.
    Moron: "Epic Frosting (me) you suck bruh kill yourself"
    Me: (Sends a pm: "you sound lobotomized")
    Me: "You're 2-8 though"
    Moron: (Leaves lobby, goes offline and hasn't been back on since that match.)
    I love Gears of War to death but its a super toxic community. If you shit-talk in a game where you're clearly the worst, only to go offline when someone calls out you, you have a very fragile ego and I recommend you seek therapy.

  • edited June 2017

    Radiohead are performing on 9.30pm tomorrow at Glastonbury, I'm so excited. They're there for 2 hours so I'm hoping they perform OK COMPUTER in its entirety, due to its 20th anniversary. Its pretty slim though.

  • I've heard the horror stories about Gurren Laggan's ending. God it's so bad.

    It reminded me of Gurren Laggan, mostly. I loved Season 5, but I wish it was longer as I feel like they rushed through it.

  • Why are you so bugged over it, might I ask? Are you just not interested in the genre?

    If everyone in my life can stop recommending Star Wars to me, that would be great.

  • edited June 2017

    Oh yeah! It's been like that for a while now. It's basically just a free base version of the multiplayer, and you can purchase things to add on to it like level cap extension/removal, extra map content and such, and even the single player story!
    This "free, limited progression" multiplayer is quite a good promotion tactic. Give people a piece of the action, where they can then expand upon that product, if they so desire. I wish other games did things similar to that. (I am personally a big fan of The Last of Us' multiplayer, so I kind of wish they gave that a small free release, for more people..)

    EDIT: This is especially good because it provides a free version of the content many people may not check out for a while. Considering people buy Naughty Dog games for the Single-Player content first and foremost, and the multiplayer mode is just an added bonus, this is good.

    Hey, did you know that it's now free-to-play? There are limits to it (e.g. Level capped at 15), but it's worth checking out.

  • You know, without Star Wars, there would have been no LucasFilm.

    Without LucasFilm, there would have been no LucasArts.

    Without LucasArts, there would have been no Telltale Games!

    (Because Telltale was formed by former LucasArts employees mad at the new Sam & Max game being canceled and the general direction there.)

    So, bow before Star Wars!

    If everyone in my life can stop recommending Star Wars to me, that would be great.

  • So I played Resident Evil 5 for the first time in 4 years and single player for the first time ever. Got through the first 3 missions, and I have a few things to say.

    • Gameplay is stilted and clunky, but not unbearable. Difficulty is a bit too high even on easier modes and bullets hardly do jack shit sometimes, but the gameplay is fine. I notice hardly any different between 4 and 5, but then again I hate 4 so I might be biased.

    • Sheva's AI surprisingly isn't incompetent. I have no idea why people say her AI sucks. She shoots effectively and kills foes mostly with ease, she's responsive, she's quick to respond to help, etc. A big complaint I see is that she gets in the way a lot, but she doesn't??? If you try and back into her when she's in your way she doesn't move, literally all you need to do is turn around and she moves. Just face her. Worst part about her AI is how competitive she is. She's quick to steal ammo from you, she's usually running really far away, etc.

    • Story's shit but who cares.

    • Atmosphere is missing completely, however there were a few genuinely startling things in the first 3 levels. The monster in the incinerator room is creepy as hell, the random bugs that jumped out of the grunts corpses, etc.

    Overall it's not a bad game at all so far, like in any way, it's competent. It's infuriating sure, but a bad game is a bit much.

    inb4 arondracula responds angrily with numerous links to youtube videos as evidence for how bad it is. (just kidding i love ya buddy)

  • Dear folks down-voting every Take Two game on Steam because of the S&D order regarding OpenVI:

    Grow up, you fucking child.

    That is all. Telling people to not buy games because of your own opinion of business practices is petty and selfish.
    For the record, I'm not happy either. I'm not going to do something that childish about it.

  • johro every day you become closer and closer to being the most admirable and smart person on these forums.

    Johro posted: »

    Dear folks down-voting every Take Two game on Steam because of the S&D order regarding OpenVI: Grow up, you fucking child. That is

  • he is the wisest of us all.

    Impart upon us your knowledge!

    johro every day you become closer and closer to being the most admirable and smart person on these forums.

  • Probably not, but I do feel that I do enough stupid things unintentionally. I'm not doing them intentionally as well.

    johro every day you become closer and closer to being the most admirable and smart person on these forums.

  • Office Space, in my opinion, has the best middle-of-a-movie of any comedy.

  • It doesn't help that this will probably do absolutely nothing.

    Johro posted: »

    Dear folks down-voting every Take Two game on Steam because of the S&D order regarding OpenVI: Grow up, you fucking child. That is

  • On another note...

    I'm excited that Roku is active in "Left 4 Dead 2 Authoring Tools".

    Last time I saw that, I got...

    I love his maps.

    Johro posted: »

    Office Space, in my opinion, has the best middle-of-a-movie of any comedy.

  • that looks fuckin awesome

    Johro posted: »

    On another note... I'm excited that Roku is active in "Left 4 Dead 2 Authoring Tools". Last time I saw that, I got... I love his maps.

  • I thought it was a cool idea too!
    The extra competitive maps are actually free now!

    AChicken posted: »

    Oh yeah! It's been like that for a while now. It's basically just a free base version of the multiplayer, and you can purchase things to add

  • If I had a good internet connection I'd probably be addicted to the Last of Us multiplayer...

    I miss playing online...

    I've gone back to my past addiction... Uncharted 3 Multiplayer... I know its probably not the best multiplayer out there, but it's fun. :P

  • Guardians of the Galaxy?

    If everyone in my life can stop recommending Star Wars to me, that would be great.

  • Aw man, that sucks :(

    Acheive250 posted: »

    If I had a good internet connection I'd probably be addicted to the Last of Us multiplayer... I miss playing online...

  • I was a bit overracting about Resident Evil 5. I watched Dangerous To Go Alone's (John Wolfe and MrKravin's Co-op Channel) whole RE5 playthrough on youtube and I was angry to see:

    • Clunky shooting mechanics.
    • Terrible AI partner, forcing you to play with a friend.
    • Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine's models. What's with Chris' muscles? Did he eat steroids or what? He looks a lot like a Gears of War character and Jill looked so sick, even worse with blonde hair, my poor bae.
    • Wesker is not himself in this game, he is basically based on a Matrix character.

    It definitely looks like a decent action game but as Resident Evil, doesn't feel like it, at least not as bad as Resident Evil 6 because I always said stuff like "Fuck you / Eat Shit / Fuck Off / HOW ARE YOU NOT DEAD?" every time a character survived the impossible.

    So I played Resident Evil 5 for the first time in 4 years and single player for the first time ever. Got through the first 3 missions, and I

  • I just started playing it and my Mom was watching it too! XD
    I thought it would be too violent for her but she seemed pretty interested...
    I played it for 4 hours but I'm only up to the downtown area... I tend to goof off when I see a flock of birds flying in the sky or a puddle of water on the ground...

    There are some things that I noticed this time that I didn't when I watched it on YouTube (Yes, I spoiled the beginning of the game for myself...)
    It's amazing how much you can find out about someone by searching through their house...
    Like, Sara is a really good soccer player, she's won many trophies, and she can skateboard, and she has an electric guitar (I assume she can play it).
    I assume Joel can play the guitar as well since he has a guitar case in his room as well as in the hallway.
    There are also what looks like plans for buildings or possibly houses scattered around the house, so maybe that was Joel's job?

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Yes, you've gotta play it!

  • edited June 2017

    I played it for 4 hours but I'm only up to the downtown area...

    Is that before or after you meet Ellie?

    I just started playing it and my Mom was watching it too! XD
    I thought it would be too violent for her but she seemed pretty interested...

    The story pulls you in from the very beginning, I don't blame her!
    Of course, being a mum, the beginning must've been pretty upsetting for her...

    I just started playing it and my Mom was watching it too! XD I thought it would be too violent for her but she seemed pretty interested...

  • After you meet Ellie, just about to go in that building...

    Of course, being a mum, the beginning must've been pretty upsetting for her...

    Actually, she didn't see that part because she started watching it right when you meet Ellie and she said "Is that the girl with the hat?" (Meaning Clementine) :P

    Acheive250 posted: »

    I played it for 4 hours but I'm only up to the downtown area... Is that before or after you meet Ellie? I just started playing

  • edited June 2017

    Actually, she didn't see that part because she started watching it right when you meet Ellie

    NOOOO!!! Y-You can't just. Just jump in like that, you... you... Oh, nevermind...

    After you meet Ellie, just about to go in that building... Of course, being a mum, the beginning must've been pretty upsetting for her

  • Ha ha, oh well XD
    She just came in the lounge room and saw some of it and said "They look like real people!", I don't think even she expected to be interested in it.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Actually, she didn't see that part because she started watching it right when you meet Ellie NOOOO!!! Y-You can't just. Just jump in like that, you... you... Oh, nevermind...

  • I think it is. He's done 1, 2a, 2b, 3. Pretty impressive since he was making them in his spare time. /gush

    that looks fuckin awesome

  • edited June 2017

    She just came in the lounge room and saw some of it and said "They look like real people!"

    Haha. Just wait 'till she sees Uncharted 4...

    just about to go in that building...

    Uhhh, which building, again?

    EDIT: Oh wait, I think I know which one. The one where they'll wait for Tess at?

    Ha ha, oh well XD She just came in the lounge room and saw some of it and said "They look like real people!", I don't think even she expected to be interested in it.

  • edited June 2017

    Haha. Just wait 'till she sees Uncharted 4...

    That's actually what I said to her! XD

    Uhhh, which building, again?

    The one that's about to collapse any second.

    I've enjoyed our conversation together so far, I didn't think that I would get along so well with someone on these forums... :)

    Acheive250 posted: »

    She just came in the lounge room and saw some of it and said "They look like real people!" Haha. Just wait 'till she sees Uncharted

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