The Thread of general TWD-related questions



  • edited June 2017

    Thanks for the detailed response. I've thought things through and I'll try to respond as best I can.

    All fair points about Luke causing the least amount of harm through his actions, but I would argue that Luke caused a lot of harm through his inactions and unwillingness to make difficult decisions. Examples of this are:

    • Not making a hard call to trust Clementine about the dog bite
    • Not taking action to help her out while she was in the shed despite feeling conflicted about it
    • Not helping Kenny and Clem defend his group against Carver, i.e. running away
    • Didn't take action after biding his time in Howe's and got caught stealing food, leading to the plan being discovered and Kenny losing an eye
    • Not performing his assigned walker duty

    I could probably go on but this isn't necessarily about Luke's merits, it's about his influence in ANF. With these listed inadequacies in mind, I think that the "Luke quotes" are not about Luke as a good guardian, but reflects on him as a rather flawed one.

    Examples can be found in all of his known quotes:

    • "That's what i get for trusting people... again" This line was just so cringe and out of place, but in the context of Luke it could show how Clem regrets how she trusted him for his poor decisions or about how they both trusted Mike/Bonnie and got betrayed.
    • "Sometimes there's no other way to make things right" Luke was a guy who chastised Clem for killing a rabid dog, for godssakes. He also opposed to killing Carver, a man who hunted him and killed some of his friends. Clementine can determinately defend herself to Luke in s2, and in the context of Lukes character i believe this quote is Clementine acknowledging both her and Javier's willingness to get their hands dirty, unlike Luke.
    • "But you're no dummy, I know you'll make the right call" Once again contrast this statement and Javi's character with Luke's character and his tendency to be a dummy. I believe that Clem remembers Luke as a kind but naive man, and remembers how she had to defend her actions to him constantly.

    And last thing i want to say is that I was extremely weary and tired of Luke the whole season and still tried saving him largely because Bonnie was yelling at me. MY Clem definitely does not value him more than Kenny just because of one reckless decision.

    Tldr; Clem's "Luke quotes" imply that she remembers him more of a kind hearted doofus than a beloved guardian.

    For the record, I usually try not to do in depth analysis about anything regarding ANF since most of it was rewritten or just shoehorned in

  • What are some interesting symbolism found in the entire series?

  • Omid is a name meaning Hope. Michelle ended up killing him at the beginning of Season 2. Therefore, Hope is Dead in Season 2.

    What are some interesting symbolism found in the entire series?

  • Do you think Alvin was actually pretty strong when he got his Irish up?

  • Haha it's my favourite of the new ones, he looks so funny

    Bonbomb posted: »

    Let's talk about the new avatars. Is it just me or does Conrad appear stoned as all heck or getting ready to reanimate?? lol

  • In All That Remains Clementine find a box full of toys but ignores the toys and scavenges for food instead. Pretty much showing how she's a kid but has to function as an adult in the za.

    Really now? I don't recall that.

  • edited July 2017

    No. Vince and Glenn are not brothers.

    There is literally no evidence to back up this theory asides from the fact that they're both Asian and they both exist in the same universe.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Do you think Glenn could be Vince's younger brother? They somewhat look alike, within close age of one another and from Macon. Glenn, in the

  • I thought the same thing, too. My guess is that he just got caught up in the fight and wasn't thinking straight, and didn't immediately think to shoot Wyatt/Eddie on sight. Perhaps he even wanted to capture them alive, to do all kinds of sick shit to them for killing his buddy.

    Clemenem posted: »

    In 400 Days, if Nate had a loaded gun why did he spend the time trying to struggle to pull Eddie/Wyatt out of the car? He could have just shot them

  • Really now? I don't recall that.

    Yes, Clem can search through a box of toys, and you can even see a doll in there that looks exactly like Bonnie (foreshadowing her appearance later on), Clem ignores them to find beans regardless.

    DabigRG posted: »

    In All That Remains Clementine find a box full of toys but ignores the toys and scavenges for food instead. Pretty much showing how she's a kid but has to function as an adult in the za. Really now? I don't recall that.

  • I never saw Alvin as a beefed up guy like Larry was honestly.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Do you think Alvin was actually pretty strong when he got his Irish up?

  • And they both live in Macon. There's not any direct evidence that ties to it yes but I believe it is possible given what Glenn has said about his past

    No. Vince and Glenn are not brothers. There is literally no evidence to back up this theory asides from the fact that they're both Asian and they both exist in the same universe.

  • Most likely considering he killed George while escaping

    DabigRG posted: »

    Do you think Alvin was actually pretty strong when he got his Irish up?

  • Yeah, that was my second thought.

    Most likely considering he killed George while escaping

  • I was taking the fact that it's inferible that he and Carver were friends once and that Carver seemingly has some respect for him. Plus, given that his lack of a clear role in the group despite clearly being important in their background is one of the reasons people tend to feel eh about him, I think it makes sense that he might be a bruiser when he needs to be.

    Spodes posted: »

    I never saw Alvin as a beefed up guy like Larry was honestly.

  • edited July 2017

    Did David shoot himself or did Gabe shoot him when you see his corpse in the Gabe dying ending? Because he has a giant hole in his head.

  • Gabe bludgeoned David's walker in each of those endings and eventually decides to try fighting the other walkers off, eventually getting bitten if no one comes to help him in time.

    Though I don't recall what Clementine says if she goes after them instead.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Did David shoot himself or did Gabe shoot him when you see his corpse in the Gabe dying ending? Because he has a giant hole in his head.

  • Gabe bludgeoned David's walker in each of those endings

    Oh, now I'm glad I got the Gabe dying ending. I wanted Gabe to be the one to end his Dad yet I want him out of my hair. To me, his ending was so emotional which makes it the best ending.

    Though I don't recall what Clementine says if she goes after them instead.

    She says David got bit and Gabe had to kill him. It's pretty much the same ending you get with Javier but replace him with Clementine.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Gabe bludgeoned David's walker in each of those endings and eventually decides to try fighting the other walkers off, eventually getting bit

  • Okay, then official: Gabe puts down David most of the time.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Gabe bludgeoned David's walker in each of those endings Oh, now I'm glad I got the Gabe dying ending. I wanted Gabe to be the one to

  • where does he not put david down?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Okay, then official: Gabe puts down David most of the time.

  • If David is alive (obviously) and you can choose whether to shoot him yourself or let Gabe do it.

    where does he not put david down?

  • link?

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    If David is alive (obviously) and you can choose whether to shoot him yourself or let Gabe do it.

  • edited July 2017


  • edited July 2017

    Here's several new questions instead of Repeats for once:

    What is stance on characterization shifts? When is it good and when is it bad?

    What do you think Carver would've named AJ?

    Shouldn't your relationships with Kate and Gabe have played a larger part in the finale?

  • i meant if javi chose to shoot david.

  • Oh. Having trouble, but I'll keep looking.

    i meant if javi chose to shoot david.

  • Wait...I'm wrong...Javier CAN'T shoot David. Only Gabe can, which is weird.

    So @DabigRG was right, Gabe is the only one who kills David.

    i meant if javi chose to shoot david.

  • I think Carver would have name AJ something like Hunter or other survivalist-ish names.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Here's several new questions instead of Repeats for once: What is stance on characterization shifts? When is it good and when is it bad?

  • edited July 2017

    Or Carver Jr., aka "CJ". Who knows, maybe he wanted a successor to his name?

    I think Carver would have name AJ something like Hunter or other survivalist-ish names.

  • enter image description here

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Or Carver Jr., aka "CJ". Who knows, maybe he wanted a successor to his name?

  • ...What? Then why bother having Javier give an answer there?

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Wait...I'm wrong...Javier CAN'T shoot David. Only Gabe can, which is weird. So @DabigRG was right, Gabe is the only one who kills David.

  • Was there any real point in bringing back Lonnie in Above the Law?

  • To allow Javi revenge on all the bandits?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Was there any real point in bringing back Lonnie in Above the Law?

  • What year is it in s3? I don't really follow the comic and tv series just this game and ftwd..

  • I suppose. Except Lonnie was indeed supposed to be dead in Ties that Bind and David is the one to determinately kill him. Otherwise, there's literally no point, as he gets banished offscreen by Clint(which they never tell you in game) and, unlike Max, has no significant history with David or Javier to make his absence jarring.

    To allow Javi revenge on all the bandits?

  • I can't remember if it's been stated what Clem's favorite color is, but I get the feeling it is blue. Yellow would be my 2nd guess.

    I have no clue on all the other characters though.

    DabigRG posted: »

    What do you think everyone's favorite color is?

  • Yeah he was still a main goon though and one of David's men. It would have been worse if he just never reappeared, everyone would be speculating whether Javier killed him with the pistol whip to the face.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I suppose. Except Lonnie was indeed supposed to be dead in Ties that Bind and David is the one to determinately kill him. Otherwise, there's

  • Carver would have names him William Carver Jr. Naming the kid Alvin probably makes him turn in his nonexistent grave.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Here's several new questions instead of Repeats for once: What is stance on characterization shifts? When is it good and when is it bad?

  • edited July 2017

    2007 give or take couple months

    What year is it in s3? I don't really follow the comic and tv series just this game and ftwd..

  • He was supposed to be dead to begin with! All they really changed is not having the animation where Max shoots him after realizing he's dead--otherwise, he and Rufus more or less act like that's what happened.

    I don't know, it just bothers me that he's such a nothing character since as far as we're told, he's apparently just some mook under Max's command who was also in on the raids because...Max needed an extra hand? And they don't even really capitalize on his role there by having what Javier did to him play a part(perhaps a bandage over his nose to reflect this visually) or better yet, not having David outright kill him there in favor of just being promoted by Joan or something else to make him stand out since having David know his name doesn't really say much beyond making him seem like that much of a great guy. And that's one of the reasons why I don't care for the Shoot Max ending.

    Granted, this installment has numerous instances like that, but it's still something I can bitch about.

    Yeah he was still a main goon though and one of David's men. It would have been worse if he just never reappeared, everyone would be speculating whether Javier killed him with the pistol whip to the face.

  • This is old but, what we're the St. John's going to do if Mark wasn't shot with an arrow since they still needed to feed the group?

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