Which Walking Dead game character had the absolute lamest death?



  • edited July 2017

    That would have been beautiful. Just have Kenny run into a horde of zombies armed with a belt of unpinned grenades strapped around his waist while Clem bolts to safety and KABOOM!

    Ladariel posted: »

    Yeah that's what I was thinking. Blaze of glory for Kenny could of been far more fitting. Like the ending to I am Legend. Kenny was a stache bearded boat brained legend.

  • I'd say Kenny and Jane. Those two dying as a cheat out to make Season 2's choices not matter (especially after Kenny's survival from that alley in the first place was not logical whatsoever) is beyond frustrating.

  • edited July 2017

    Maybe taking Christa with him for backup just in case would be the wisest move. She might of been pregnant but can still shoot. I'm also thinking of the fact that they left a 9-10 year old alone unsupervised with a gun as well.. apocalypse or not sounds like a recipe for tragedy anyway. Nobody was thinking and that's because Telltale had to dumb down the characters to prepare a route for a cheap shock death for a main character.

    Sparkeagle posted: »

    Maybe he thought Christa and the baby were more important to have a weapon than himself

  • Hate to break it to ya, but Omid was honestly not much of a major character. He was just there for comic relief and to uphold Christa's character, right down to her coming to Vernon's hideout depending primarily on how you treated him.

    Ladariel posted: »

    Maybe taking Christa with him for backup just in case would be the wisest move. She might of been pregnant but can still shoot. I'm also thi

  • edited July 2017

    What's the definition of a major character?

    Omid helps take down the fuel truck blocking the train..

    Omid is a part of one of Lee's major decisions in episode three.

    Omid and Lee have something in common. Admiration of world history.

    Lee can trust Omid along with Christa to take care of Clem when he's gone just as much if not more than Kenny.

    Omid helps take out the wall to flee from the Walker. infested mansion.

    Lee had Omid along with Christa as one of the potential members of their group to help find Clementine near the end.

    If you choose not to brain walker Bree then Omid does it for you.

    Omid is one of the main plot reasons for the mission to Crawford along with boat supplies.

    So I don't know that I agree with that one, Omid has been involved more than quite a few other characters in the game and probably has just as many lines if not more than Christa. He was mostly incapacitated due to Lee's plan in ep.3 preventing him from helping with that mission. Clem also obviously likes Omid nearly as much as Lee and can even state that she wishes Omid was still with them after she helped get him killed indirectly. Also let's Omid get away with swearing over Lee. LoL

    But if that's your opinion then fair enough but I believe he was a important character.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Hate to break it to ya, but Omid was honestly not much of a major character. He was just there for comic relief and to uphold Christa's character, right down to her coming to Vernon's hideout depending primarily on how you treated him.

  • Well, you can be important without being a major character. Case in point: Chuck.

    A major character implies that the character has a considerable influence on the plot and gets a fair bit of prominence for their self, but isn't a main character that gets the most development. A minor character tends to have much less.

    Ladariel posted: »

    What's the definition of a major character? Omid helps take down the fuel truck blocking the train.. Omid is a part of one of Lee's ma

  • edited July 2017

    A major character implies that the character has a considerable influence on the plot

    So you're saying Omid is a minor charactor? If we took out Omid or at least change his condition then some things would change atleast noticeably if not considerably.

    The tanker would be taken down slower if at all and give that incoming Savannah monster herd enough time to collide with everyone near the freight train.

    Without Omid being hurt Christa wouldn't have a need to risk her life going to Crawford and I'm assured she'd refuse to go if she didn't have to thus reducing the amount of people getting meds to just Vernon until Lee arrives to assist him.

    If Omid isn't around to get shot by Michelle then Clem would likely still remain a bit more optimistic about humanity and Christa not depressed and scornful towards Clem.

    The biggest effects Omid has on the plot seems to be.

    1. The unblocking the train.
    2. The Crawford mission being down a member.
    3. Catalyst for Clem and Christa's depression. Well Clem likely was already pretty depressed by the time she left Lee.

    4. Nobody would be frustrated by his bad joke timing.

    Perhaps you could be accurate, Omid might be more minor then major. But not to over shadow my main point of the fact that he was offed in such a nonsense way for a charactor that was atleast well known, liked and armed.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Well, you can be important without being a major character. Case in point: Chuck. A major character implies that the character has a cons

  • Most of them? lol

    Sarita's death only cemented the fact she was around as a plot device to mollify Kenny and eventually justify Kenny's bad behavior. I think it's stupid to have a character as a means to an end. Nick and Sarah's deaths were stupid too but at least they had some development first. Bonnie's death is probably the weirdest since it was so unexpected and the other characters were like "whatever". ur forced to be around her most of the game and don't get the option to react to her death. Like I said: weird.

  • Folks dropped like flies in that second season.

    Bonbomb posted: »

    Most of them? lol Sarita's death only cemented the fact she was around as a plot device to mollify Kenny and eventually justify Kenny's b

  • Now you wish they had given Kenny that blaze of glory fate?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Honestly, I just rolled my eyes and held my tongue whenever I saw comments to this effect before the game finally came out.

  • GohanFGCGohanFGC Banned
    edited July 2017

    Definitely Ava. She literally just falls to her death and that's it. It would've almost been COMICAL if it hadn't been so TRAGIC.

  • edited August 2017

    Nope. Never wanted/expected it in the first place, bub.

    Mostly because it'd be stupid and out of place.

    Ladariel posted: »

    Now you wish they had given Kenny that blaze of glory fate?

  • Yeah and it's even colder when they rationalize how David would have wanted this and Kate leaves her ring to go make try to make babies with Javi.

    They just act like they came across someone they barely knew. It's super weird and unrealistic. Just like you said- He's your damn brother!

  • Honestly they should have just extended the episode 1 intro a bit longer and show what happened to Hector and them on the way to the hospital before cutting to present day.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    I know right! I really wish the Episode 5 flashback was about Hector, but no. Nobody even mentioned him. Poor Hector.

  • Or just leave her ring with a smile and then fall into a depression days later. Which I think she will regardless, but whatever.

    I'd be surprised she even held onto that thing all that time honestly.

    Yeah and it's even colder when they rationalize how David would have wanted this and Kate leaves her ring to go make try to make babies with Javi.

  • Agreed.

    Honestly they should have just extended the episode 1 intro a bit longer and show what happened to Hector and them on the way to the hospital before cutting to present day.

  • A few months ago, I would've said Nick in a heartbeat

    But Ava....

    Fucking Ava

    That was the most comical shit I've ever seen in any of Telltale's games.

    The fact that it's so clear Telltale just said "fuck it" with that scene makes it so beautiful.

  • edited July 2017

    That might of been the funniest death. I could just hear that Disney Goofy goof troop scream as she fell down with that zombie on her back. And a crowd laughing and applauding in the back ground like it's a silly sitcom show.

    A few months ago, I would've said Nick in a heartbeat But Ava.... Fucking Ava That was the most comical shit I've ever seen in any

  • "Both"? Did he not only get one?

    Both of Luke's deaths.

  • The one where bonnie walks to him anyway and he gets stuck and the one where the walker drags him

    Ladariel posted: »

    "Both"? Did he not only get one?

  • A cheap death for a cheap character.

    Ava's death. It happened so super fast that it was unintentionally hilarious.

  • kenny's death was the lamest because he didn't die faster

  • Ava is a funny way to spell Tripp, then.

    A cheap death for a cheap character.

  • Ooh thought he got dragged as well even when Bonnie walks toward Luke on weak ice. Maybe I'll replay that scene to check out what happens then.

    The one where bonnie walks to him anyway and he gets stuck and the one where the walker drags him

  • Kenny i miss u

  • i dunno maybe have something like him being in Wellington with Clem since a few months passed since the ending of season 2 then have him get involved in the shootout and sacrifice himself giving Clem time to escape and have her appear after the dust has settled and see Kenny as a walker Clem then tries to end Kenny s misery but Walker Kenny scratches her which gives Clem her Scar which she gets in every flashback.

    That would have been beautiful. Just have Kenny run into a horde of zombies armed with a belt of unpinned grenades strapped around his waist while Clem bolts to safety and KABOOM!

  • My top 5:

    1.- Sarah's second death, that was definitely forced and lame.

    2.- Speaking of forced deaths, Mariana's death was really bad, the writers killed her
    just for shock value.

    3.- Ava's death, it was hilarious XD

    4.- Mathew's death, he seemed very nice, he had potential.

    5.- Edith's death in ANF. Too Forced as well.

  • edited July 2017
    1. Ava's. It wouldn't be so bad if A) there was more of a reaction from David and Clem and B) Tripp wasn't able to so easily avoid the same death.
    2. Sarah's 2nd death. I mean, it just feels so much like a waste after saving her.
    3. Ben's Episode 5 death. While it did fit Kenny's storyline well, it just sucked he never got a chance to make up for the crappy things he did.
    4. The Russians'. They were surrounding the Clementine's people. How did they get wiped out without killing one person. It was close to point blank range, and they had cover.
    5. Kate's (missing). I mean, it just feels lame. It's like they threw it in there because they wanted 4 endings. I'm all for multiple endings. I really liked the way Season 2 did it's endings, and I have stated my hope that Season 4 will have a bunch of endings. But this one is the only one that feels like there's more while all the other endings feel like they have definite resolution.

    EDIT: Forgot about 5

  • edited July 2017

    Nothing will ever top Nick and Sarah's deaths.

    Like holy fuck, build ups, complexity, then POOF such wasted potential thrown out for "muh shock value" oh and for Jane to point her finger at it "everyone dies, be a emo" talks, for some brilliant reason.

    Then there's Ben & Chuck, kinda lame not fulfilling their character arc but being a helpful hand to develop other characters instead.

  • oh and for Jane to point her finger at it "everyone dies, be a emo" talks, for some brilliant reason.

    :joy: Well, that's one way of putting it.

    TheMPerson posted: »

    Nothing will ever top Nick and Sarah's deaths. Like holy fuck, build ups, complexity, then POOF such wasted potential thrown out for "muh

  • Ava because she died in like 1 millisecond.

  • [removed]

    Chromid posted: »

    kenny's death was the lamest because he didn't die faster

  • flying ava, no doubt

  • Lee, like wow what a snooze fest.

  • Kenny and Jane - just ugh.

    Jane's death was a fitting ending for a shitty character. Kenny on the other hand...

    fallandir posted: »

    Marianna - shock value, nothing more. Ava and Tripp - terrible pacing, awful writing. Kenny and Jane - just ugh.

  • edited August 2017


    Usually writers at least attempt to inject tension into their death scenes by like having a door be stuck at a crucial moment, or having someone to drop their weapon at the last second. But big ol' sack-of-potatoes Sarah literally just sat there doing nothing until the zombies made her into a snack. I couldn't nope out of that trailer faster - I'm not sticking around for someone who won't even move their freaking butt like 5 metres.

  • Lame deaths include:

    • Roman (Appears as a copse)
    • Nick (Off-screen death, if he appears as a walker)
    • Sarita (If Kenny shot her off-screen)
    • Sarah (If she was killed by walkers at the deck)
    • Mrs. García (Bitten then off-screen death)
    • Hector (Bitten then off-screen death)
    • Kenny (Car crash death then devoured by walkers)
    • Jane (Hangs herself then turns as a walker)
    • Edith (Shot by an unknown group)
    • Lonnie (Shot off-screen by David then appears as a corpse)
    • Ida (Off-screen death with no appearance)
    • Ava (If she falls off the highway)
    • David (Gabe kills him off-screen)
    • Kate (If she appears as a walker)
  • Basically all saved determinant deaths

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    My Top 5 Worst Deaths: * Ava's death in Ep.5 * Nick's death in Amid the Ruins * Sarah's 2nd death * Zachary's 2nd death in the mini-series * Kenny's death in New Frontier

  • Spoiler

    Either Ava's S3/ANF, Ep5 death, Nick's S2, Ep4 death, Sarah's death if you save her, Kenny's S3/ANF, Ep1 death, or Jane's S3/ANF, Ep1 death.

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