s03e5 bug?


So I got to the part where the party is going for the reinforced trucks, led by David.

In episode 4, I chose to save Tripp, but was betrayed so Ava was the one who got to live after that.

When crossing a really narrow part, and the car almost drops Javi off the bridge, Ava saved my life but ended up dying because of a walker grabbing her from inside the car.

Lo and behold - as soon as Ava fell off the bridge and everyone starts to disperse, Tripp is there casually walking along as well but doesn't come up again.

Anyone else got something similar?


  • Everyone who saved Ava got the ghost Tripp in Episode 5. It's obviously Telltale's laziness.

  • I wouldn't call a glitch laziness

    AronDracula posted: »

    Everyone who saved Ava got the ghost Tripp in Episode 5. It's obviously Telltale's laziness.

  • they never went back and updated it. it was most likely laziness, considering that the vast majority of the episode was clearly rushed. there were so many glitches and inconsistencies that didn't belong in the episode to begin with, such as the glitching horse, kate's eyes if you tell her she killed conrad, truck door opening and closing, etc.

    Melton23 posted: »

    I wouldn't call a glitch laziness

  • Not every game is perfect. Most games out there have way more glitches and bugs than a new frontier but nobody calls that laziness. If people are running out of things to complain about that they have to resort to bitching about glitches, then they should just move onto something else rather than playing something they dislikes. It's the only logical thing to do.

    they never went back and updated it. it was most likely laziness, considering that the vast majority of the episode was clearly rushed. ther

  • edited July 2017

    give me a list of the games that have more glitches and laziness than anf. please. name them.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Not every game is perfect. Most games out there have way more glitches and bugs than a new frontier but nobody calls that laziness. If peopl

  • and it isn't just us "bitching about anything we find because we dislike the game," there are SO many negatives in this game. the writing is so inconsistent, especially the characters, the time duration in each episode is extremely short despite the fact that mcsm has an episode that is nearly two hours long, games are prioritized over this one when they should all be equally prioritized, game crashes and there have been many complaints pertaining to it, choices dont matter in some of the episodes, flashbacks with kenny and jane are half-assed, clementine was advertised as if she was pc or someone more crucial than fanservice, "we are implementing feedback" yet we're begging for hubs and longer episodes when we don't get them, character development is sacrifised for the sake of action, etcetcetc. it isn't just pandering at this point, the game is extremely flawed, and we shouldn't have to trigger the minority that likes it by giving constructive criticism and calling telltale out.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Not every game is perfect. Most games out there have way more glitches and bugs than a new frontier but nobody calls that laziness. If peopl

  • not just this episode's a bug, I've seen a bug when Javi found Kate in the car.. soon after clementine took off-- but then she was randomly appear somewhere in the scene
    well, doesn't really matter now, cause what they have to focus is season 4

  • A game you clearly hate but play anyway. You know how stupid that sounds? Explain to me why you still play this series. And I hardly see this as true constructive cristicism. Most of you are complete assholes to the devs instead of calmly discussing the issue, you think it is better to argue and sounds like a little shit. Don't you think it would be better to be open with the developers while calmly discussing the issue? You ever think about that?

    and it isn't just us "bitching about anything we find because we dislike the game," there are SO many negatives in this game. the writing is

  • i didn't play it, but i stay because so many people have been shitting on it and giving feedback that is very relevant and i hope that it will improve. i like to call out the very shitty things that not only me, but many other fans find, in the hopes that they will try to find out how to improve them. isn't it better to complain and give criticism if the product has low quality, rather than defending it at every chance you get? many fans are also upset with the devs because they have been lying about certain things, like how they're implementing feedback. in fact, i was incredibly positive about anf until the finale came out.

    Melton23 posted: »

    A game you clearly hate but play anyway. You know how stupid that sounds? Explain to me why you still play this series. And I hardly see thi

  • I said glitches. Glitches aren't laziness but if you insist to be proven wrong...

    • Fallout 4
    • assassin's creed unity
    • the elderscrolls 4
    • GTA 4
    • GTA online
    • the sims 3
    • Team Fortress 2
    • Farcry 4
      You want more? I've personally played every game on this glitch and I know plenty more with plenty of glitches that weren't considered as lazy because the fans of those games are actually normal people who know how to laugh at glitches and not criticise them.

    give me a list of the games that have more glitches and laziness than anf. please. name them.

  • we clearly are invested in the series and want it to be good like Season 1

    If that's your intention, I'm totally backing you up

  • edited July 2017

    What isn't glitchy in ANF? I got Javi's backpack model being teleported away from his body into some place very far off the map which results in bizarre lines going through his body. I also got cutscenes where some characters would just freeze up for like two minutes.

  • Wanting isn't going to get you nowhere so there is no point sticking around, playing a game you hate. It's a completely valid argument and playing something you hate and won't stop complaining about is stupid. That's like getting addicted to super man 64, you're gonna hate it but you keep playing it for some reason. Tell me why you people are still playing this game when you know the series is never going to be season 1 quality ever again.

  • Don't get me wrong, I love the series.

    Can't say this has been my favorite as I didn't get as emotionally invested but it wasn't half bad!

    I still crave the suspense in season 1, and I did really enjoy season 2.

    I was merely curious if I missed some update. Didn't mean to start a cuss session against the Devs. I like these guys, one of my favorite studios!

  • one of many glitches.

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