Yet it's interesting that people for the post part will still defend Rick after all of that, yet when it comes to Kenny, people who are fans of both the tv and game series are less forgiving.
Yeah that is kind of weird. I think one reason why is that most of Rick's crew have absolute loyalty to him and will stand by him despite his loose morality. This isn't really a good thing to me as it makes the show a little boring and stale. I mean can you imagine how boring it would be if Kenny, Lee and Lilly all just got along? Lmao.
Not a Rick fan, not because of his lack of morality but because I just find the character quite boring in general
For those who say Kenny was abusive, and who use the latter parts of S1 and S2 as evidence for their arguments, you have to remember that Ke… morenny had on both occasions gone through serious trauma, that of losing people he cared about.
Both times, he literally had just lost his family, or people that he considered family. And following events were shown to all of happened within a couple of days of those loses. So for him to be irrational, even wreckless is understandable.
Such trauma changes a person. Look at how many times Rick has acted in either an irrational manner, due to loss, or paranoia due to being in a state of constant danger.
Yet it's interesting that people for the most part will still defend Rick after all of that, yet when it comes to Kenny, people who are fans of both the tv and game series are less forgiving.
I mean, sure, she only left sister to a presumably horrible fate with malicious last words and was fantastically racist to the point of blatantly endangering the lives of those far less fortunate than her, but giving Clementine a tattoo?
THAT's going too far!
Wow that's some revisionist history there don't you think? Lets see...left sister...after spending months trying to keep her alive...finally there was a choice of either dying or living...Hmmm wow.
When was she racists? Kenny was with his quips about speaking American and such...but Jane? As for the tat... The fuck is Derp Dork grasping at straws.
Kenny wants Lee to fucking kill Ben.
Is a dick to Arvo.
Is a dick.
Funny how these are two separate things, … morebut proceed. He was also gonna leave him behind, presumably to either starve or be killed some other way.
Kenny did a lot of bad shit, but he was in the game longer.
To be** completely** fair here, that's not fair to anyone. Though considering this is Jane we're talking about and ANF would somehow do it +3x worse, I don't think it really matters too much.
Jane doesn't care if Sarah dies in the trailer.
Oh, she cares...that Clementine is trying to save her instead of listening to Jane.
Jane barely fucking tries to save Sarah.
Jane has sex instead of watching for people.
Jane robs a Russian kid.
Holy shit, did I skim this so fast that I misinterpreted what it said for a second!
Jane fucking brands a little girl with another kid's name.
...Serious… [view original content]
For those who say Kenny was abusive, and who use the latter parts of S1 and S2 as evidence for their arguments, you have to remember that Ke… morenny had on both occasions gone through serious trauma, that of losing people he cared about.
Both times, he literally had just lost his family, or people that he considered family. And following events were shown to all of happened within a couple of days of those loses. So for him to be irrational, even wreckless is understandable.
Such trauma changes a person. Look at how many times Rick has acted in either an irrational manner, due to loss, or paranoia due to being in a state of constant danger.
Yet it's interesting that people for the most part will still defend Rick after all of that, yet when it comes to Kenny, people who are fans of both the tv and game series are less forgiving.
Again with the negative, unneeded crap post. Yep everyone has lost someone, did you ever see Kenny asking for sympathy from anyone? No. Of course it's just yet another thing for haters to put him down over.
Hence me saying FANTASTIC racism, a prejudice which was aimed at Rebecca(sortof), Sarah, Arvo(unofficially I guess, but it's safe to assume), Kenny, and AJ.
Though the fact that all but one of these characters(unless Redneck does count that is) are some form of minority probably doesn't help the matter, admittedly.
I mean, sure, she only left sister to a presumably horrible fate with malicious last words and was fantastically racist… more to the point of blatantly endangering the lives of those far less fortunate than her, but giving Clementine a tattoo?
THAT's going too far!
Wow that's some revisionist history there don't you think? Lets see...left sister...after spending months trying to keep her alive...finally there was a choice of either dying or living...Hmmm wow.
When was she racists? Kenny was with his quips about speaking American and such...but Jane? As for the tat... The fuck is Derp Dork grasping at straws.
Hence me saying FANTASTIC racism, a prejudice which was aimed at Rebecca(sortof), Sarah, Arvo(unofficially I guess, but it's safe to assume)… more, Kenny, and AJ.
Though the fact that all but one of these characters(unless Redneck does count that is) are some form of minority probably doesn't help the matter, admittedly.
Again with the negative, unneeded crap post. Yep everyone has lost someone, did you ever see Kenny asking for sympathy from anyone? No. Of course it's just yet another thing for haters to put him down over.
When?? When does Kenny ever say "i lost my family, that's why i act like this". He never once uses them as an excuse. Just the haters who dig deep to try and use any negative tactics against him
Remember that Jane's philosophy is pretty similar to Carver's Darwinist stance as a leader(which is apparently completely incidental, oddly enough), namely that anyone who is significantly broken, incompetent, or disadvantaged in any way is a threat to the survival of others and so must be treated as such and/or ultimately purged. That was a significant theme of her character arc in Amid the Ruins(as well as a theme of the episode itself, unfortunately) that affected how she interacted with and treated those characters.
I called it by the trope Fantastic Racism because while it doesn't have anything to due with their actual race(one would hope), it's still essentially a type of prejudice, complete with Jane labeling some of those characters "liabilities."
Remember that Jane's philosophy is pretty similar to Carver's Darwinist stance as a leader(which is apparently completely incidental, oddly … moreenough), namely that anyone who is significantly broken, incompetent, or disadvantaged in any way is a threat to the survival of others and so must be treated as such and/or ultimately purged. That was a significant theme of her character arc in Amid the Ruins(as well as a theme of the episode itself, unfortunately) that affected how she interacted with and treated those characters.
I called it by the trope Fantastic Racism because while it doesn't have anything to due with their actual race(one would hope), it's still essentially a type of prejudice, complete with Jane labeling some of those characters "liabilities."
He saves Lee from a walker, even if he let Duck die and told Kenny that he killed Shawn.
Yep he does
Kenny in s1 ep2:
Kenny byes Lee time to save shitbird' teacher.
Kenny doesn't eat unless his family eats.
Kenny gets an RV working in-case of emergency.
Kenny gets suspicious and his suspicion ends up saving everyone.
To be fair...Lilly was suspicious as well and wanted to just get the food and go.
Kenny makes sure a "6 foot 4, 300 pound, seriously pissed of dead guy." Is actually dead.
Yep leading to Lilly becoming unhinged...thanks Kenny
Kenny notices all of the supplies that end up saving everyone from starvation.
Was in the back of the car...even Duck could not have missed them
Kenny in s1 ep3:
Kenny tells lee to leave the girl to by them time. If Lee does then they can get everything from the store.
Logical...cold hearted...but logical
He conducted the train and brought them to where they needed to be.
Train is on rails...he sorta took the engineer job so he did not have to deal with His family
He shows Omid how to conduct the train in case something happens to him.
Kenny in s1 ep4:
All he did was help repair the boat.
Yeah he gassed it up and put the battery in....good job...good job.
Kenny in s1 ep5:
Kenny can cuts off your arm for you if it's just Lee and Kenny and Ben can come too.
Kenny can fight off Vernon alone for the boat.
You mean after he refused to help save a little girl?
Kenny can risk his own life for shitbird (who he hated the entire time).
Yep great moment for of the best arcs in gaming.
Kenny accidentally makes Christa drop Clementine's walkie talkie, so he risks his life for it.
hits a black man and makes a pregnant black woman drop a lifeline to a minority child.....I kid I kid...that was pure accident.
Kenny in s2 ep2:
Kenny feeds and shelters all the people who he pointed a gun at.
No...Walter feeds and Shelter's them.
Kenny tries to kill Carver when he first sees him, trying to avoid future conflict. But then surrensors so everyone lives.
I am glad Walter lived through that.
Kenny in s2 ep3:
Kenny helps everyone escape.
Everyone sorta helped
Kenny gets beaten to avoid a little girl getting in trouble.
Kenny is the one who got her in the situation in the first place
Kenny kills the abusive, rapist, slaver.
William Carver was an honest hard working man, who was trying to save....nah he was a shitheel and the world is better off without him.
Kenny saves people in the herd i think, correct me if I'm wrong.
If killing Walkers counts...sure.
Kenny in s2 ep4:
Kenny helps deliver a baby.
Delivers the hell out of that baby
Kenny kills a walker about to eat the baby.
Yep...saved soft tender juicy AJ so he can live a life of terror and hunger...thanks Kenny! (That's a joke)
Kenny in s2 ep5:
Kenny kills the people who want to kill his group.
Kenny is abusive to Arvo but remember, even if you don't rob him he'll rob you. And he gives Clementine the death stare.
Arvo is still a prisoner...once they decided to not kill him, he should have never been abused like he was.
Kenny gets a truck working for EVERYONE even the people he hates.
Then tells everyone that he got it working and their choice of where to go does not matter
Kenny let's Jane (who he hates) come along with him, Clem, and the baby.
We have no idea what transpired while Clem was having her Lee Flashback
After the truck crashes, Kenny asks the person he hates if she's alright.
Kenny kills the girl who he though killed a fucking baby.
Because not waiting for an explanation is always the right thing
Kenny takes Clementine and the baby to a safe village.
That he had no idea how to get to
Kenny will leave the only people he cares about if it means they're safe.
Kenny in s3 ep1:
Kenny teaches Clementine how to drive in case Kenny can't.
Kenny over corrects and causes the accident
Kenny puts Aj's blanket on after it falls to the floor. Which leads to his death. He dies putting a baby's blanket on.
Kenny never had his seatbelt on...i
Kenny doesn't tell Clementine to save him. Instead he tells her to run.
No saving him
Kenny in s3 ep4:
Kenny gets firewood for 2 kids to stay warm.
Kenny helps Clementine light the fire.
Not rocket science
Kenny tells Clementine she is a good mom.
As you can see all the good shit he did, he is not fucking abusive. Let's look at Jane shall we?
Jane in s2 ep3:
Jane tells everyone about putting on walker guts.
Also comes up with plan to get the radios
Jane in s2 ep4:
Jane teaches Clementine a technique of killing walkers.
Strangely Clem uses that method on the bridge in ep2...also she saves Rebekka and Clem and leads them through the herd
Jane helps save Luke, Clementine and Sarah maybe.
Jane "tries" to save Sarah again.
As in Sarah was pinned under a deck...should have shot her...would have been more humane
Where was the telling Clem that She needed to help Kenny get through his grief?
Jane in s2 ep5:
Jane kills a guy who is about to kill Kenny.
Jane saves Clem from freezing or drowning.
Jane takes Clementine to a giant building that is safe maybe.
And has baby formula
Jane in s3 ep1:
Jane in s3 ep4:
Jane gets piles of dead guys to make walkers think there are no people around.
As you can fucking see, Kenny did more shit than Jane in the episodes they were both in. Let's see all the wrongs.
Kenny in s1 ep1:
Kenny doesn't save Shawn.
Yeah Kenny fucked up there...Duck was evil
Kenny in s1 ep2:
Kenny says Urban
mildly racist
Kenny kills Larry even though he could still be alive.
unhinges Lilly who then kills Carley/or Doug
Kenny steals from people who could come back.
Which gets the Stranger after he killed Lee
Kenny in s1 ep3:
Kenny drops Lee when he says he's good.
Accident...Kenny was still hurt
Kenny suggests letting a girl die a painful death.
Cold and you left out he can refuse to save Lee if you had helped Lilly try and save Larry...major dick move.
Kenny drives off when Lilly isn't in the RV.
He was panicked.
Kenny avoids Duck's bite. Risking everyone's life.
And being an asshole about it.
Kenny in s1 ep4:
Kenny is a dick to everyone.
Kenny drinks alcohol instead of watching a little girl.
Well given he just lost his family and then finding no boats...I give him a pass.
Kenny wants to fucking kill Ben.
That's bad?
Kenny won't save a little girl because of 1 disagreement.
Yeah...he deserved a kick in the nuts
Kenny in s1 ep5:
Kenny makes the pregnant girl cut off someone's arm.
Well to be fair...she had bigger balls than Kenny and Omid and Ben...put together.
Kenny makes Clementine's favourite toy fall in a hole with walkers.
Kenny in s2 ep2:
Kenny Points a gun at people because they showed up.
Did not know them from Adam
Kenny only stops shooting people when it's his wife or a little girl.
he needs to think more..act less
Kenny in s2 ep3:
Kenny is a dick.
Kenny fucking bashes someone's skull in after they're dead.
Kenny yells at a little girl.
Kenny in s2 ep4:
Kenny yells at a little girl and blames the little girl for his wife's death.
Kenny sad
Kenny overkills a walker.
how do you overkill a dead thing
Kenny in s2 ep5:
Is a dick to Arvo.
you don't say
Is a dick.
Kills someone in front of a little girl.
he does that
Kenny in s3 ep1:
Kenny in s3 ep4:
Kenny did a lot of bad shit, but he was in the game longer. The episodes with Jane and Kenny make Jane do more bad shit than Kenny.
Jane in s2 ep3:
Jane is a bitch.
Hmmm not in ep 3
Jane shoots a guys dick off after she convinces him to be good.
There was more to it
Jane doesn't wait for anyone.
Apparently she did
Jane doesn't help anyone.
Apparently she did help
Jane in s2 ep 4:
Jane gets mad at a little girl for no reason.
If you mean Sarah...she was more upset than anything
Jane doesn't care if Sarah dies in the trailer.
Wrong...but Jane does not believe in getting good people killed in trying to save someone who does not want to be saved.
Jane barely fucking tries to save Sarah.
Jane has sex instead of watching for people.
Not the first time sex has won out over common sense in the world..wont be the last
Jane robs a Russian kid.
Who had pulled a gun on a little girl.
Jane fucking abandons the group for no reason.
Sarah's death was bring back bad vibes about her sister
Jane in s2 ep5:
Jane waits until the end of the gun fight to help.
She may have just got there.
Jane gives a little girl alcohol.
Yeah that sip is dangerous
Jane doesn't help Luke or Bonnie, only Clementine.
Luke told people not to help...think she was shooting walker though...not sure.
Jane is a bitch to Kenny for no reason.
Did you miss the entire beating of Arvo...his calling Arvo a liar...his not helping start a fire...accidently busting Clem in the mouth? Did you also miss the part where Jane played mediator between Mike and Kenny?
Jane leaves a kid in a blanket, in a car. Baby could over-heat.
It was super cold..but yeah...that was just a crutch the "writers" used to get a fight going
Jane makes Kenny go fucking insane.
Yeah...not sure how true that is...he was already on that drive
Jane fights someone in front of a little girl.
Jane makes a little girl shoot her father figure.
She made Clem shoot Lee? Because Kenny is not her father no way shape or form.
Jane expects you to go with her after everything she does.
Writers for the win
If you go with her, she doesn't even consider letting the family in.
Wrong...if you do not say anything...she is the one who takes them in.
Jane in s3 ep1:
Jane fucking brands a little girl with another kid's name.
Are you serious?
Jane kills herself when she's taking care of a baby and a little girl and is pregnant with a baby.
Happens in the real world more often than you think...prenatal depression hits around 12% of pregnant women in the western hemisphere...luckily there are things like vitamins and other help...chemical imbalance in the pregnant female does things. However in the apocalypse there are no planned parenthood(Yes they do more than abortions) No medical doctors to vitamins to help even out the body's lack of certain nutrients.
Jane in s3 ep4:
Jane doesn't at all fucking help Clementine. In fact she says Clementine is better than her.
Get rid of season 1 bad stuff for Kenny, and Jane did more wrong than Kenny. I don't get why some people like Jane. Even people who hate Kenny hate Jane more than Kenny. Stop saying Kenny is abusive and Jane is a day of sunshine. Kenny had a loving kid and Wife. He had 2 other kids that weren't related either. So get your fucking facts straight.
Reply 2
I was playing Road To Survival (a mobile game for the comics which features game characters too.) I said in my faction how I want Kenny. Som… moreeone said the same thing. "Kenny is abusive, I'm glad I picked Jane." I told them off, listing reasons why Kenny is good and Jane is bad. I told them that it's their turn. They said "well if you pick Kane, Clem is nicer to Gabe. That's my defence." WHAT!?!?? What kind of fucking defence is that?
Kenny in s1 ep1:
He gives Lee a ride even if he let Duck die.
He saves Lee from a walker, even if he let Duck die and told Kenny that he killed Shawn.
Kenny in s1 ep2:
Kenny byes Lee time to save shitbird' teacher.
Kenny doesn't eat unless his family eats.
Kenny gets an RV working in-case of emergency.
Kenny gets suspicious and his suspicion ends up saving everyone.
Kenny makes sure a "6 foot 4, 300 pound, seriously pissed of dead guy." Is actually dead.
Kenny notices all of the supplies that end up … [view original content]
I notice you like to throw accusations like that around when people who are disagreeing with you get is childish...and no...I have no other accounts.
So you thrown TVTropes lingo around when it does not apply...just because it sounds good? I expect more out of you than being purposefully ignorant....that is My and Dan's thing.
I guess.... It's the best description I could give it, though I don't think TV Tropes applied it to Jane or Carver for that matter now that you mention.
So you thrown TVTropes lingo around when it does not apply...just because it sounds good? I expect more out of you than being purposefully ignorant....that is My and Dan's thing.
The LORD, our God, Kenneth of Florida abuses not, only punishing those who fail to follow his 10 Commandments which he blessed us with on a mountain in the wilderness of North Carolina. There would be times the lord would consider such travesties, but would remember his covenant with the Urbans, and he would show mercy unto his people.
I notice you like to throw accusations like that around when people who are disagreeing with you get is childish...and no...I have no other accounts.
So you thrown TVTropes lingo around when it does not apply...just because it sounds good? I expect more out of you than being purposefully ignorant....that is My and Dan's thing.
Yes everyone reacts differently to loss, but that doesn't mean he doesn't show traits of a verbal or emotional abuser. He takes his grief out on everyone around him with major aggression. I think what they were saying is that there are ways to handle grief without taking anger out on those around you. Everyone surrounding Kenny had also lost everyone, especially near the end of season 2. I can definitely understand where he's coming from, some people just have anger issues. But there comes a point where your anger starts affecting the people around you, weather intentional or not. Just because he is grieving doesn't give him a free pass. Imagine it was a new character you didn't have any nostalgia for, with Kenny's exact back story and personality, and he was losing it on everyone and acting like Kenny. I'm going to guess you wouldn't defend his actions so hard.
The tone of season two was so well orchestrated, and this angle of Kenny's character was really well explored, in my mind.
I'm happy we can agree Kenny is one of the most fascinating characters to come out of video games, regardless of how good or bad a man he really is. It also reaffirms my own view that the Wellington ending is S2's "definitive" ending, as it allows Clem and Kenny to say goodbye properly, and enables Clem to walk away from the abusive cycle you've described.
In my opinion, unfortunately, YES, but that doesn't make him a bad person by default.
While I may be biased, not being Kenny's biggest fa… moren - though that isn't entirely the character's fault, as much as ... certain communities - I did say, even before the choice at the end of the season and I got my preferred ending, that Kenny did show signs of being abusive. Does that make him some vile piece of work? Absolutely not. I may not like him, but it takes more than one thing for a bad person to be evil. One of my favourite books, a short story by Robert Cormier called Heroes, has a fantastic line about this kind of stuff:
"Does that one sin of mine wipe away all the good things?"
And I think it's worth remembering for all characters. Just because they fuck up, at any one point, that doesn't systematically wipe away all the good they've done. So Luke isn't a bad person, just because he made the mistake of slipping up and having sex… [view original content]
Imagine it was a new character you didn't have any nostalgia for, with Kenny's exact back story and personality, and he was losing it on everyone and acting like Kenny. I'm going to guess you wouldn't defend his actions so hard.
So basically, what they likely would've done with Carlos? Yeah, that likely would've been the case.
Yes everyone reacts differently to loss, but that doesn't mean he doesn't show traits of a verbal or emotional abuser. He takes his grief o… moreut on everyone around him with major aggression. I think what they were saying is that there are ways to handle grief without taking anger out on those around you. Everyone surrounding Kenny had also lost everyone, especially near the end of season 2. I can definitely understand where he's coming from, some people just have anger issues. But there comes a point where your anger starts affecting the people around you, weather intentional or not. Just because he is grieving doesn't give him a free pass. Imagine it was a new character you didn't have any nostalgia for, with Kenny's exact back story and personality, and he was losing it on everyone and acting like Kenny. I'm going to guess you wouldn't defend his actions so hard.
I'm not asking for people to give him a free pass, i am asking for certain people to understand why he reacts the way he does and that he is not all bad. There are some people who hate him for the sake of hating. Even when he does good, some haters find something to turn that good thing into a negative.
Imagine it was a new character you didn't have any nostalgia for, with Kenny's exact back story and personality, and he was losing it on everyone and acting like Kenny. I'm going to guess you wouldn't defend his actions so hard.
You'd think that wouldn't you but no i would treat a new character the same way as Kenny. I would understand why he or she acts angry after losing someone because that is what can happen to you, how it affects someone. But of course anyone would like one character more over the other if they had been around much longer so naturally i'd have more of soft spot for Kenny but it doesn't mean I would think Kenny's behaviour is more acceptable over a new character's actions for the same reason.
Yes everyone reacts differently to loss, but that doesn't mean he doesn't show traits of a verbal or emotional abuser. He takes his grief o… moreut on everyone around him with major aggression. I think what they were saying is that there are ways to handle grief without taking anger out on those around you. Everyone surrounding Kenny had also lost everyone, especially near the end of season 2. I can definitely understand where he's coming from, some people just have anger issues. But there comes a point where your anger starts affecting the people around you, weather intentional or not. Just because he is grieving doesn't give him a free pass. Imagine it was a new character you didn't have any nostalgia for, with Kenny's exact back story and personality, and he was losing it on everyone and acting like Kenny. I'm going to guess you wouldn't defend his actions so hard.
So you think it was Kat that talked him into offering them the ride? Despite there being no evidence that it was her idea and you can't imagine Kenny doing a nice thing for the strangers they just met?
To be fair...Lilly was suspicious as well and wanted to just get the food and go.
At least Kenny was actually doing something about it, trying to find out for sure what was going on.
Yep leading to Lilly becoming unhinged...thanks Kenny
Lol they wouldn't have even lived past the meat locker to see Lilly unhinged if what happened didn't happen! Oh because sparing someone's feelings is sooo much more important than saving a bunch of lives from being killed isn't it? Thanks Kenny (ps. As usual you forget Lee's involvement despite it being determinant, still counts.)
Logical...cold hearted...but logical
Yes it was wasn't it?
Yeah he gassed it up and put the battery in....good job...good job.
And yet no one else seemed to have a clue how to fix up the boat but him. Seems harder than it seems then unless you are boat expert?
You mean after he refused to help save a little girl?
You mean the determinant event that happens depending on the players choices?
Kenny is the one who got her in the situation in the first place
Except that it was actually Luke who got her in that situation because she would have got the radio to him had it not been for his "hunger and recklessness" as Luke himself admits. Plus, the entire group agreed to the radio plan in the first place.
Arvo is still a prisoner...once they decided to not kill him, he should have never been abused like he was.
Ah fuck Arvo!
Then tells everyone that he got it working and their choice of where to go does not matter
And why should their choice be any more superior to Kenny's either? Personally if i got that truck working for everyone i would want some fucking gratitude and quite frankly I don't blame him for how he felt. I suppose if he spoke in a sweet natured tone would have changed things for some people eh? Aww.
We have no idea what transpired while Clem was having her Lee Flashback
Well her dream actually but anyway the point is, they were together in the truck despite not seeing what transpired.
Because not waiting for an explanation is always the right thing
An explanation that he didn't believe based on the fact that she acted like she never wanted the baby around, example when she implied Rebecca should get rid of it once born, he lost trust with her long ago. Why wait for an explanation when you already don't trust someone? She turns up without the baby, she claims it was an accident. That's the vague explanation right there (waits for usual, predictable response about this scene).
That he had no idea how to get to
Yet they miraculously found it anyway.
Kenny over corrects and causes the accident
Oh really? Because even as a learner driver, said person is the one in control of the car. The instructor telling her to go slightly faster (which by the way, 3rd gear at roughly 30 miles an hour is not that fast at all) on a wide stretch of road does not make it Kenny's fault. Simply put, Clem losing control was down to shit, unrealistic writing just so Kenny would be killed off and you know this. If a walker had stepped into the road, that would have been different and the crash would have made more sense.
Also comes up with plan to get the radios
Err no she doesn't? Jane's only input is to cover themselves in guts so the walkers can't detect them. She didn't come up with the radio plan at all.
As in Sarah was pinned under a deck...should have shot her...would have been more humane
Where was the telling Clem that She needed to help Kenny get through his grief?
What does Kenny's grief have to do with Sarah's death?
And being an asshole about it.
If your child was dying, you would be upset too and possibly say things you don't mean if you wanted to shut it out of your mind. As i have said many times, everyone deals with grief differently.
Well given he just lost his family and then finding no boats...I give him a pass.
Wow i must be seeing things!
Hmmm not in ep 3
Technically she was. She happened to say as they were covering themselves in guts "you better hurry and get to smearing if you wanna live...or you can die here "doesn't matter to me", along with a hurry the fuck up line that follows.
Wrong...but Jane does not believe in getting good people killed in trying to save someone who does not want to be saved.
It doesn't matter that she had that experience with her sister wanting to die, Sarah didn't know what was going on and wouldn't have wanted to die if she knew im sure. If she cared enough she wouldn't have constantly pressured Clem into leaving her and then the same at the deck, asking to be pulled up because trying to save her wasn't worth it.
Not the first time sex has won out over common sense in the world..wont be the last
The point is that it couldn't have happened at a worse time and a time where they both put everyone in danger because of it.
Sarah's death was bring back bad vibes about her sister
I totally get that but it didn't make it alright for her to leave without telling anyone either. Selfish. Even though she did slightly redeem herself later...probably through guilt though.
Yeah...not sure how true that is...he was already on that drive
So someone beating someone up means they are insane? Every time Kenny "hit" Arvo was never without reason. Let me list the times:
Right after the gunfight he went straight up to attack Arvo to get his frustration out and that was because he was upset at seeing Rebecca dead and blames Arvo for it for his involvement in the ambush.
He pushes Arvo to the ground in the woods because Arvo didn't stop when he told him to.
At the power station, Kenny determinantely knocks him out because he is screaming his lungs out and putting everyone in danger.
He is annoyed about Luke's death and blames Arvo for the ice breaking and beats him up because Arvo said "fuck you" to him.
And before you say it, no his actions are not acceptable and i don't agree with how extreme they were, however, i understand the reasons behind them which a lot of people turn a blind eye to and just see him as nutjob. I would agree with you if he was doing it for no reason but the fact is, everytime he did have a reason. I do not put that in the same category as a genuine insane person.
She made Clem shoot Lee? Because Kenny is not her father no way shape or form
Well of course that's your opinion. Kenny was no Lee i agree, but he was all Clem had left from the beginning like it or not and that is what i think @TheDerpGod was meaning.
Wrong...if you do not say anything...she is the one who takes them in.
She constantly is against the idea of letting them before the choice is made though and she lets them in if Clem doesn't say anything, personally because i think she'd feel she would disappoint Clem if she didn't let them in or because the writers needed the choice to be made and thought "ok if the player stays silent we'll let them in". It's not like the writers had a good mind set to think otherwise.
Kenny in s1 ep1:
He gives Lee a ride even if he let Duck die.
Kat expected nothing less
He saves Lee from a walker, even… more if he let Duck die and told Kenny that he killed Shawn.
Yep he does
Kenny in s1 ep2:
Kenny byes Lee time to save shitbird' teacher.
Kenny doesn't eat unless his family eats.
Kenny gets an RV working in-case of emergency.
Kenny gets suspicious and his suspicion ends up saving everyone.
To be fair...Lilly was suspicious as well and wanted to just get the food and go.
Kenny makes sure a "6 foot 4, 300 pound, seriously pissed of dead guy." Is actually dead.
Yep leading to Lilly becoming unhinged...thanks Kenny
Kenny notices all of the supplies that end up saving everyone from starvation.
Was in the back of the car...even Duck could not have missed them
Kenny in s1 ep3:
Kenny tells lee t… [view original content]
We definitely cannot ignore the fact that people go through trauma and that trauma can inevitably shape the individual that person becomes afterwards, but there is an extent to how much people can tolerate abuse created from that trauma.
He's tried to let people die who did one thing he didn't like, he's killed people out of assumptions for the sake of his family's protection only to risk the entirety of the group's protection when the same thing happens to him, he's verbally, emotionally and physically abused teenagers and adults to the point where he becomes the catalyst that inevitably divides a group of people. He practically becomes a dictator who shits on everyone that doesn't do what he wants and people defend him because of his losses - which is understandable - but just because Kenny had lost people like everyone else, doesn't meant that he gets to kill, harm and degrade others whilst using that loss as a shield from criticism.
For those who say Kenny was abusive, and who use the latter parts of S1 and S2 as evidence for their arguments, you have to remember that Ke… morenny had on both occasions gone through serious trauma, that of losing people he cared about.
Both times, he literally had just lost his family, or people that he considered family. And following events were shown to all of happened within a couple of days of those loses. So for him to be irrational, even wreckless is understandable.
Such trauma changes a person. Look at how many times Rick has acted in either an irrational manner, due to loss, or paranoia due to being in a state of constant danger.
Yet it's interesting that people for the most part will still defend Rick after all of that, yet when it comes to Kenny, people who are fans of both the tv and game series are less forgiving.
So you think it was Kat that talked him into offering them the ride? Despite there being no evidence that it was her idea and you can't imagine Kenny doing a nice thing for the strangers they just met? the look she gave him and Kat's personality would accept nothing less.
To be fair...Lilly was suspicious as well and wanted to just get the food and go.
At least Kenny was actually doing something about it, trying to find out for sure what was going on.
And if the St. Johns were up to nothing the deal would have been you break into peoples houses because they are strange?
Yep leading to Lilly becoming unhinged...thanks Kenny
Lol they wouldn't have even lived past the meat locker to see Lilly unhinged if what happened didn't happen! Oh because sparing someone's feelings is sooo much more important than saving a bunch of lives from being killed isn't it? Thanks Kenny (ps. As usual you forget Lee's involvement despite it being determinant, still counts.)
Sure...but just pointing out that actions have outcomes that are unfortunate at time
Logical...cold hearted...but logical
Yes it was wasn't it?
Yeah he gassed it up and put the battery in....good job...good job.
And yet no one else seemed to have a clue how to fix up the boat but him. Seems harder than it seems then unless you are boat expert?
They just wanted Kenny out of the house for a bit..
You mean after he refused to help save a little girl?
You mean the determinant event that happens depending on the players choices?
Just like your example of it being a player choice if Lee helps whack Larry. It happens.
Kenny is the one who got her in the situation in the first place
Except that it was actually Luke who got her in that situation because she would have got the radio to him had it not been for his "hunger and recklessness" as Luke himself admits. Plus, the entire group agreed to the radio plan in the first place.
Sure they agreed...but not to put it on an 11 year old...that was Kenny.
Arvo is still a prisoner...once they decided to not kill him, he should have never been abused like he was.
Ah fuck Arvo!
Then tells everyone that he got it working and their choice of where to go does not matter
And why should their choice be any more superior to Kenny's either? Personally if i got that truck working for everyone i would want some fucking gratitude and quite frankly I don't blame him for how he felt. I suppose if he spoke in a sweet natured tone would have changed things for some people eh? Aww.
Why does he assume taking the truck to find a place he even later states might be a story instead of at least more solid plans of checking out Howes or heading South is the proper use of a vehicle with limited gas?
We have no idea what transpired while Clem was having her Lee Flashback
Well her dream actually but anyway the point is, they were together in the truck despite not seeing what transpired.
Because not waiting for an explanation is always the right thing
An explanation that he didn't believe based on the fact that she acted like she never wanted the baby around, example when she implied Rebecca should get rid of it once born, he lost trust with her long ago. Why wait for an explanation when you already don't trust someone? She turns up without the baby, she claims it was an accident. That's the vague explanation right there (waits for usual, predictable response about this scene).
It was bad writing
That he had no idea how to get to
Yet they miraculously found it anyway.
9 days later...despite having only 1 day of baby formula...dead Baby...I submit that they found another baby along the way and agreed to call him AJ
Kenny over corrects and causes the accident
Oh really? Because even as a learner driver, said person is the one in control of the car. The instructor telling her to go slightly faster (which by the way, 3rd gear at roughly 30 miles an hour is not that fast at all) on a wide stretch of road does not make it Kenny's fault. Simply put, Clem losing control was down to shit, unrealistic writing just so Kenny would be killed off and you know this. If a walker had stepped into the road, that would have been different and the crash would have made more sense.
Kenny grabbed the wheel...but I agree...they could have gone along a blind curve and run into a herd...causing the crash...then Kenny get ejected...but his death due to car crash was fine either way.
Also comes up with plan to get the radios
Err no she doesn't? Jane's only input is to cover themselves in guts so the walkers can't detect them. She didn't come up with the radio plan at all.
I meant on how to get them using the pulley to get clem to the roof
As in Sarah was pinned under a deck...should have shot her...would have been more humane
Where was the telling Clem that She needed to help Kenny get through his grief?
What does Kenny's grief have to do with Sarah's death?
It doesn't..I was pointing out that his list of Jane's good deeds was missing this
And being an asshole about it.
If your child was dying, you would be upset too and possibly say things you don't mean if you wanted to shut it out of your mind. As i have said many times, everyone deals with grief differently.
Yeah way to be a stand up guy and helping his wife through that emotional time...
Well given he just lost his family and then finding no boats...I give him a pass.
Wow i must be seeing things!
Hmmm not in ep 3
Technically she was. She happened to say as they were covering themselves in guts "you better hurry and get to smearing if you wanna live...or you can die here "doesn't matter to me", along with a hurry the fuck up line that follows.
Wrong...but Jane does not believe in getting good people killed in trying to save someone who does not want to be saved.
It doesn't matter that she had that experience with her sister wanting to die, Sarah didn't know what was going on and wouldn't have wanted to die if she knew im sure. If she cared enough she wouldn't have constantly pressured Clem into leaving her and then the same at the deck, asking to be pulled up because trying to save her wasn't worth it.
The deck...saving her was impossible
Not the first time sex has won out over common sense in the world..wont be the last
The point is that it couldn't have happened at a worse time and a time where they both put everyone in danger because of it.
Sarah's death was bring back bad vibes about her sister
I totally get that but it didn't make it alright for her to leave without telling anyone either. Selfish. Even though she did slightly redeem herself later...probably through guilt though.
Yeah...not sure how true that is...he was already on that drive
So someone beating someone up means they are insane? Every time Kenny "hit" Arvo was never without reason. Let me list the times:
Right after the gunfight he went straight up to attack Arvo to get his frustration out and that was because he was upset at seeing Rebecca dead and blames Arvo for it for his involvement in the ambush.
Yes hitting the kid who was obviously crying over his sister...but sure Kenny needed to vent
He pushes Arvo to the ground in the woods because Arvo didn't stop when he told him to.
In Arvo's defense...Kenny had probably been verbally abusing him the whole way and so tuned him out
At the power station, Kenny determinantely knocks him out because he is screaming his lungs out and putting everyone in danger.
What a protector
He is annoyed about Luke's death and blames Arvo for the ice breaking and beats him up because Arvo said "fuck you" to him.
Awwe a tied up prisoner tells you fuck you so you beat him to a pulp...what a MAN.
And before you say it, no his actions are not acceptable and i don't agree with how extreme they were, however, i understand the reasons behind them which a lot of people turn a blind eye to and just see him as nutjob. I would agree with you if he was doing it for no reason but the fact is, everytime he did have a reason. I do not put that in the same category as a genuine insane person.
His actions were way out of proportion to the situation
She made Clem shoot Lee? Because Kenny is not her father no way shape or form
Well of course that's your opinion. Kenny was no Lee i agree, but he was all Clem had left from the beginning like it or not and that is what i think @TheDerpGod was meaning.
There is little evidence that Clem and Kenny actually interacted in S1 in any positive way...but sure I can see that
Wrong...if you do not say anything...she is the one who takes them in.
She constantly is against the idea of letting them before the choice is made though and she lets them in if Clem doesn't say anything, personally because i think she'd feel she would disappoint Clem if she didn't let them in or because the writers needed the choice to be made and thought "ok if the player stays silent we'll let them in". It's not like the writers had a good mind set to think otherwise.
Kat expected nothing less
So you think it was Kat that talked him into offering them the ride? Despite there being no evidence that … moreit was her idea and you can't imagine Kenny doing a nice thing for the strangers they just met?
To be fair...Lilly was suspicious as well and wanted to just get the food and go.
At least Kenny was actually doing something about it, trying to find out for sure what was going on.
Yep leading to Lilly becoming unhinged...thanks Kenny
Lol they wouldn't have even lived past the meat locker to see Lilly unhinged if what happened didn't happen! Oh because sparing someone's feelings is sooo much more important than saving a bunch of lives from being killed isn't it? Thanks Kenny (ps. As usual you forget Lee's involvement despite it being determinant, still counts.)
Logical...cold hearted...but logical
Yes it was wasn't it?
Yeah he gassed it up and put the battery … [view original content]
In Season One, Kenny was honestly kind of a prick: he was good for you only if your goals fitted 100% with them. In Season 2? That´s the story of a man on the road of going far, far off. He was trying to fight it, sometimes, but his, ahem, natural kennytude made it hard. Dude was unhinged and a timebomb: I can pity him (and I do) but you have to recognize he was the danger. Jane is... well she was another asshole honestly, and maybe, maybe could have take her side...
Except for the friggin´last fight.
Are you fucking kidding me!? What a manipulative crock of shit ma´am! I´m still surprised most people didn´t catch the attempt as soon as it appeared, but, for fuck´s sake woman: yes, by all means, exploit the buttons of a sick, sick man to manipulate a young girl into your wiles! Sweet mother of shite. To me, Jane´s trust fund reached zero with that exploit, so going with her was out of the question. Honestly, both were out of the question, but you are now responsible for a baby, so Kenny took us to Wellington and we parted ways wit him, kid and babby safe. I didn´t want him to live that cycle again and again, dude deserved a little rest: he may be Kenny, but he wasn´t the worst guy ever. Just, well... Kenny. An unhinged Kenny at that.
And yes, I know about the flashbacks, I´ve seen them.
Honestly, after playing through "A New Frontier," I think any further accusations about Kenny being an unlikable, abusive character are downright laughable. Imagine getting stuck in the St. John's meat locker for the ENTIRE SEASON, except with multiple clones of Larry and not a single salt lick available. the look she gave him and Kat's personality would accept nothing less.
Fair enough.
And if the St. Johns were up to nothing the deal would have been you break into peoples houses because they are strange?
Suppose it no longer applies when the world goes to shit but anyway the point is that he was right about them and right to be paranoid.
Sure...but just pointing out that actions have outcomes that are unfortunate at time
Which is why it was unavoidable. The group either die there and then or face having Lilly become unhinged. Not really a choice to be honest.
They just wanted Kenny out of the house for a bit..
You really are the class clown aren't you dear?
Sure they agreed...but not to put it on an 11 year old...that was Kenny.
And yet they rely on Clem for every other damn thing so what's to say they wouldn't have this time either? Besides, i already explained that it was Luke's fault that the plan failed and the radio would have got to him if he had been there. Kenny putting the radio on her proved also to be right at the time because they split up and Troy ended up watching him and Mike and would have noticed a lot easier if he had tried to deliver the radio but Clem was able to slip in unnoticed.
It's ok i know you won't listen or care about what i said but had to say my piece here.
Why does he assume taking the truck to find a place he even later states might be a story instead of at least more solid plans of checking out Howes or heading South is the proper use of a vehicle with limited gas?
Because their's was not a solid plan either. They were not to know that the walkers had moved on from Howe's. What if they got there and they were still there? What if some of Carver's cronies were still alive hiding inside and shot on sight if they approached? Plus hadn't they already travelled several hours in the other direction anyway? And going South without knowing where to go is just as stupid as going North to find a place that may not have existed as well. Just so we are clear, I didn't agree with finding Wellington either. Quite frankly i thought the whole group was fucked with no hope at that point and I didn't know what they'd do.
It was bad writing
Glad we agree on something.
9 days later...despite having only 1 day of baby formula...dead Baby...I submit that they found another baby along the way and agreed to call him AJ
Same for the Alone and Jane ending eh?
Kenny grabbed the wheel...but I agree...they could have gone along a blind curve and run into a herd...causing the crash...then Kenny get ejected...but his death due to car crash was fine either way.
He grabbed the wheel to correct the swerve Clem made. It's only natural to grab the wheel if it starts spinning out of control right?
I meant on how to get them using the pulley to get clem to the roof
Ok my bad.
It doesn't..I was pointing out that his list of Jane's good deeds was missing this
Yeah way to be a stand up guy and helping his wife through that emotional time...
Both were going through an emotional time. Whilst Kat was with Duck, Kenny was burying his head in the sand because he was too upset to cope with it. That is what grief does with people in different ways as i have said numerous times.
Hmmm not in ep 3
Technically she was. She happened to say as they were covering themselves in guts "you better hurry and get to smearing if you wanna live...or you can die here "doesn't matter to me", along with a hurry the fuck up line that follows.
No?? But that's asshole behaviour right there. That is what she actually said.
In Arvo's defense...Kenny had probably been verbally abusing him the whole way and so tuned him out
Not necessarily but i would see why someone like you would think this lol.
What a protector
Yes he is lol. Maybe not in a way you deem acceptable but he used that initiative to keep the group safe from a noisy idiot.
Awwe a tied up prisoner tells you fuck you so you beat him to a pulp...what a MAN.
Well you know how easy it is to annoy Kenny but in his defence though, if someone along with his friends had ambushed me, tried to rob and kill me, and said something to provoke me like that, then i would detest the little fucker as well.
His actions were way out of proportion to the situation
Depending on how you look at it i guess.
There is little evidence that Clem and Kenny actually interacted in S1 in any positive way...but sure I can see that
Kenny's relationship with Clem in S1 was through Lee. She was friends with his son and despite not being seen talking much, it's obvious they had a positive relationship because of the kids friendship.
Kat expected nothing less
So you think it was Kat that talked him into offering them the ride? Despite there being no evidence that it… more was her idea and you can't imagine Kenny doing a nice thing for the strangers they just met? the look she gave him and Kat's personality would accept nothing less.
To be fair...Lilly was suspicious as well and wanted to just get the food and go.
At least Kenny was actually doing something about it, trying to find out for sure what was going on.
And if the St. Johns were up to nothing the deal would have been you break into peoples houses because they are strange?
Yep leading to Lilly becoming unhinged...thanks Kenny
Lol they wouldn't have even lived past the meat locker to see Lilly unhinged if what happened didn't happen! Oh because sparing someone's feelings is sooo much more important than saving a bunch of lives from being killed isn't it? Thanks… [view original content]
And let's not forget, dear brother, how everyone thought he was dead yet came back, to lead his people, Clementine and Aj to the promised land, and how they walked on water during their sojour through the wilderness.
The LORD, our God, Kenneth of Florida abuses not, only punishing those who fail to follow his 10 Commandments which he blessed us with on a … moremountain in the wilderness of North Carolina. There would be times the lord would consider such travesties, but would remember his covenant with the Urbans, and he would show mercy unto his people.
Yeah that is kind of weird. I think one reason why is that most of Rick's crew have absolute loyalty to him and will stand by him despite his loose morality. This isn't really a good thing to me as it makes the show a little boring and stale. I mean can you imagine how boring it would be if Kenny, Lee and Lilly all just got along? Lmao.
Not a Rick fan, not because of his lack of morality but because I just find the character quite boring in general
THAT's going too far!
Wow that's some revisionist history there don't you think? Lets see...left sister...after spending months trying to keep her alive...finally there was a choice of either dying or living...Hmmm wow.
When was she racists? Kenny was with his quips about speaking American and such...but Jane? As for the tat... The fuck is Derp Dork grasping at straws.
Oh please..everyone has lost people in TWD..Kenny is not a special snowflake.
Again with the negative, unneeded crap post. Yep everyone has lost someone, did you ever see Kenny asking for sympathy from anyone? No. Of course it's just yet another thing for haters to put him down over.
And the fact that everyone reacts differently to loss should be understood by people as well
Hence me saying FANTASTIC racism, a prejudice which was aimed at Rebecca(sortof), Sarah, Arvo(unofficially I guess, but it's safe to assume), Kenny, and AJ.
Though the fact that all but one of these characters(unless Redneck does count that is) are some form of minority probably doesn't help the matter, admittedly.
She was never racist...
No he just whines like a little bitch and uses his losses as an excuse for his behavior.
I have to shockingly agree with KSDIS1, how was Jane ever racist?
When?? When does Kenny ever say "i lost my family, that's why i act like this". He never once uses them as an excuse. Just the haters who dig deep to try and use any negative tactics against him
Remember that Jane's philosophy is pretty similar to Carver's Darwinist stance as a leader(which is apparently completely incidental, oddly enough), namely that anyone who is significantly broken, incompetent, or disadvantaged in any way is a threat to the survival of others and so must be treated as such and/or ultimately purged. That was a significant theme of her character arc in Amid the Ruins(as well as a theme of the episode itself, unfortunately) that affected how she interacted with and treated those characters.
I called it by the trope Fantastic Racism because while it doesn't have anything to due with their actual race(one would hope), it's still essentially a type of prejudice, complete with Jane labeling some of those characters "liabilities."
Ive also noticed how you always "thumbs up" your own posts probably using another account or some fan of yours follows you round lol
I think discrimination is the word you actually mean which is a bit different to talking about one's race
True enough. But using Fantastic Racism allows me to throw TVTropes lingo around.
Well its not as bad as fucking "Kensplainers" or Kenapologists i guess
Yeah, that never did sound very funny in a misinterpreting away, nor does it roll off the tongue very well.
Kenny in s1 ep1:
Kat expected nothing less
Yep he does
To be fair...Lilly was suspicious as well and wanted to just get the food and go.
Yep leading to Lilly becoming unhinged...thanks Kenny
Was in the back of the car...even Duck could not have missed them
Logical...cold hearted...but logical
Train is on rails...he sorta took the engineer job so he did not have to deal with His family
Yeah he gassed it up and put the battery in....good job...good job.
You mean after he refused to help save a little girl?
Yep great moment for of the best arcs in gaming.
hits a black man and makes a pregnant black woman drop a lifeline to a minority child.....I kid I kid...that was pure accident.
No...Walter feeds and Shelter's them.
I am glad Walter lived through that.
Everyone sorta helped
Kenny is the one who got her in the situation in the first place
William Carver was an honest hard working man, who was trying to save....nah he was a shitheel and the world is better off without him.
If killing Walkers counts...sure.
Delivers the hell out of that baby
Yep...saved soft tender juicy AJ so he can live a life of terror and hunger...thanks Kenny! (That's a joke)
Arvo is still a prisoner...once they decided to not kill him, he should have never been abused like he was.
Then tells everyone that he got it working and their choice of where to go does not matter
We have no idea what transpired while Clem was having her Lee Flashback
Because not waiting for an explanation is always the right thing
That he had no idea how to get to
Kenny over corrects and causes the accident
Kenny never had his seatbelt on...i
No saving him
Not rocket science
As you can see all the good shit he did, he is not fucking abusive. Let's look at Jane shall we?
Jane in s2 ep3:
Also comes up with plan to get the radios
Strangely Clem uses that method on the bridge in ep2...also she saves Rebekka and Clem and leads them through the herd
As in Sarah was pinned under a deck...should have shot her...would have been more humane
Where was the telling Clem that She needed to help Kenny get through his grief?
And has baby formula
Jane in s3 ep1:
Jane in s3 ep4:
Jane gets piles of dead guys to make walkers think there are no people around.
Yeah Kenny fucked up there...Duck was evil
mildly racist
unhinges Lilly who then kills Carley/or Doug
Which gets the Stranger after he killed Lee
Accident...Kenny was still hurt
Cold and you left out he can refuse to save Lee if you had helped Lilly try and save Larry...major dick move.
He was panicked.
And being an asshole about it.
Well given he just lost his family and then finding no boats...I give him a pass.
That's bad?
Yeah...he deserved a kick in the nuts
Well to be fair...she had bigger balls than Kenny and Omid and Ben...put together.
Did not know them from Adam
he needs to think more..act less
Kenny sad
how do you overkill a dead thing
you don't say
he does that
Kenny in s3 ep1:
Kenny in s3 ep4:
Kenny did a lot of bad shit, but he was in the game longer. The episodes with Jane and Kenny make Jane do more bad shit than Kenny.
Hmmm not in ep 3
There was more to it
Apparently she did
Apparently she did help
If you mean Sarah...she was more upset than anything
Wrong...but Jane does not believe in getting good people killed in trying to save someone who does not want to be saved.
Not the first time sex has won out over common sense in the world..wont be the last
Who had pulled a gun on a little girl.
Sarah's death was bring back bad vibes about her sister
She may have just got there.
Yeah that sip is dangerous
Luke told people not to help...think she was shooting walker though...not sure.
Did you miss the entire beating of Arvo...his calling Arvo a liar...his not helping start a fire...accidently busting Clem in the mouth? Did you also miss the part where Jane played mediator between Mike and Kenny?
It was super cold..but yeah...that was just a crutch the "writers" used to get a fight going
Yeah...not sure how true that is...he was already on that drive
She made Clem shoot Lee? Because Kenny is not her father no way shape or form.
Writers for the win
Wrong...if you do not say anything...she is the one who takes them in.
Are you serious?
Happens in the real world more often than you think...prenatal depression hits around 12% of pregnant women in the western hemisphere...luckily there are things like vitamins and other help...chemical imbalance in the pregnant female does things. However in the apocalypse there are no planned parenthood(Yes they do more than abortions) No medical doctors to vitamins to help even out the body's lack of certain nutrients.
Jane in s3 ep4:
Jane doesn't at all fucking help Clementine. In fact she says Clementine is better than her.
Get rid of season 1 bad stuff for Kenny, and Jane did more wrong than Kenny. I don't get why some people like Jane. Even people who hate Kenny hate Jane more than Kenny. Stop saying Kenny is abusive and Jane is a day of sunshine. Kenny had a loving kid and Wife. He had 2 other kids that weren't related either. So get your fucking facts straight.
Reply 2
Kenny was bat-shit crazy, I try my best to stay away from people like him.
Plus he should have died in S1 IMO
I notice you like to throw accusations like that around when people who are disagreeing with you get is childish...and no...I have no other accounts.
So you thrown TVTropes lingo around when it does not apply...just because it sounds good? I expect more out of you than being purposefully ignorant....that is My and Dan's thing.
I guess.... It's the best description I could give it, though I don't think TV Tropes applied it to Jane or Carver for that matter now that you mention.
The LORD, our God, Kenneth of Florida abuses not, only punishing those who fail to follow his 10 Commandments which he blessed us with on a mountain in the wilderness of North Carolina. There would be times the lord would consider such travesties, but would remember his covenant with the Urbans, and he would show mercy unto his people.
Haha and how did i guess you'd say something so predictable. I guess we have more in common than I thought.
Only reason i said that is because you get the "likes"' virtually instantly after posting your comments
Yours and "my" thing? When did i ever agree to that shit? Its of the worst things ever thought of to describe a fan and a hater lol
Yes everyone reacts differently to loss, but that doesn't mean he doesn't show traits of a verbal or emotional abuser. He takes his grief out on everyone around him with major aggression. I think what they were saying is that there are ways to handle grief without taking anger out on those around you. Everyone surrounding Kenny had also lost everyone, especially near the end of season 2. I can definitely understand where he's coming from, some people just have anger issues. But there comes a point where your anger starts affecting the people around you, weather intentional or not. Just because he is grieving doesn't give him a free pass. Imagine it was a new character you didn't have any nostalgia for, with Kenny's exact back story and personality, and he was losing it on everyone and acting like Kenny. I'm going to guess you wouldn't defend his actions so hard.
I'm happy we can agree Kenny is one of the most fascinating characters to come out of video games, regardless of how good or bad a man he really is. It also reaffirms my own view that the Wellington ending is S2's "definitive" ending, as it allows Clem and Kenny to say goodbye properly, and enables Clem to walk away from the abusive cycle you've described.
So basically, what they likely would've done with Carlos? Yeah, that likely would've been the case.
I'm not asking for people to give him a free pass, i am asking for certain people to understand why he reacts the way he does and that he is not all bad. There are some people who hate him for the sake of hating. Even when he does good, some haters find something to turn that good thing into a negative.
You'd think that wouldn't you but no i would treat a new character the same way as Kenny. I would understand why he or she acts angry after losing someone because that is what can happen to you, how it affects someone. But of course anyone would like one character more over the other if they had been around much longer so naturally i'd have more of soft spot for Kenny but it doesn't mean I would think Kenny's behaviour is more acceptable over a new character's actions for the same reason.
So you think it was Kat that talked him into offering them the ride? Despite there being no evidence that it was her idea and you can't imagine Kenny doing a nice thing for the strangers they just met?
At least Kenny was actually doing something about it, trying to find out for sure what was going on.
Lol they wouldn't have even lived past the meat locker to see Lilly unhinged if what happened didn't happen! Oh because sparing someone's feelings is sooo much more important than saving a bunch of lives from being killed isn't it? Thanks Kenny
(ps. As usual you forget Lee's involvement despite it being determinant, still counts.)
Yes it was wasn't it?
And yet no one else seemed to have a clue how to fix up the boat but him. Seems harder than it seems then unless you are boat expert?
You mean the determinant event that happens depending on the players choices?
Except that it was actually Luke who got her in that situation because she would have got the radio to him had it not been for his "hunger and recklessness" as Luke himself admits. Plus, the entire group agreed to the radio plan in the first place.
Ah fuck Arvo!
And why should their choice be any more superior to Kenny's either? Personally if i got that truck working for everyone i would want some fucking gratitude and quite frankly I don't blame him for how he felt. I suppose if he spoke in a sweet natured tone would have changed things for some people eh? Aww.
Well her dream actually but anyway the point is, they were together in the truck despite not seeing what transpired.
An explanation that he didn't believe based on the fact that she acted like she never wanted the baby around, example when she implied Rebecca should get rid of it once born, he lost trust with her long ago. Why wait for an explanation when you already don't trust someone? She turns up without the baby, she claims it was an accident. That's the vague explanation right there (waits for usual, predictable response about this scene).
Yet they miraculously found it anyway.
Oh really? Because even as a learner driver, said person is the one in control of the car. The instructor telling her to go slightly faster (which by the way, 3rd gear at roughly 30 miles an hour is not that fast at all) on a wide stretch of road does not make it Kenny's fault. Simply put, Clem losing control was down to shit, unrealistic writing just so Kenny would be killed off and you know this. If a walker had stepped into the road, that would have been different and the crash would have made more sense.
Err no she doesn't? Jane's only input is to cover themselves in guts so the walkers can't detect them. She didn't come up with the radio plan at all.
What does Kenny's grief have to do with Sarah's death?
If your child was dying, you would be upset too and possibly say things you don't mean if you wanted to shut it out of your mind. As i have said many times, everyone deals with grief differently.
Wow i must be seeing things!
Technically she was. She happened to say as they were covering themselves in guts "you better hurry and get to smearing if you wanna live...or you can die here "doesn't matter to me", along with a hurry the fuck up line that follows.
It doesn't matter that she had that experience with her sister wanting to die, Sarah didn't know what was going on and wouldn't have wanted to die if she knew im sure. If she cared enough she wouldn't have constantly pressured Clem into leaving her and then the same at the deck, asking to be pulled up because trying to save her wasn't worth it.
The point is that it couldn't have happened at a worse time and a time where they both put everyone in danger because of it.
I totally get that but it didn't make it alright for her to leave without telling anyone either. Selfish. Even though she did slightly redeem herself later...probably through guilt though.
So someone beating someone up means they are insane? Every time Kenny "hit" Arvo was never without reason. Let me list the times:
Right after the gunfight he went straight up to attack Arvo to get his frustration out and that was because he was upset at seeing Rebecca dead and blames Arvo for it for his involvement in the ambush.
He pushes Arvo to the ground in the woods because Arvo didn't stop when he told him to.
At the power station, Kenny determinantely knocks him out because he is screaming his lungs out and putting everyone in danger.
He is annoyed about Luke's death and blames Arvo for the ice breaking and beats him up because Arvo said "fuck you" to him.
And before you say it, no his actions are not acceptable and i don't agree with how extreme they were, however, i understand the reasons behind them which a lot of people turn a blind eye to and just see him as nutjob. I would agree with you if he was doing it for no reason but the fact is, everytime he did have a reason. I do not put that in the same category as a genuine insane person.
Well of course that's your opinion. Kenny was no Lee i agree, but he was all Clem had left from the beginning like it or not and that is what i think @TheDerpGod was meaning.
She constantly is against the idea of letting them before the choice is made though and she lets them in if Clem doesn't say anything, personally because i think she'd feel she would disappoint Clem if she didn't let them in or because the writers needed the choice to be made and thought "ok if the player stays silent we'll let them in". It's not like the writers had a good mind set to think otherwise.
We definitely cannot ignore the fact that people go through trauma and that trauma can inevitably shape the individual that person becomes afterwards, but there is an extent to how much people can tolerate abuse created from that trauma.
He's tried to let people die who did one thing he didn't like, he's killed people out of assumptions for the sake of his family's protection only to risk the entirety of the group's protection when the same thing happens to him, he's verbally, emotionally and physically abused teenagers and adults to the point where he becomes the catalyst that inevitably divides a group of people. He practically becomes a dictator who shits on everyone that doesn't do what he wants and people defend him because of his losses - which is understandable - but just because Kenny had lost people like everyone else, doesn't meant that he gets to kill, harm and degrade others whilst using that loss as a shield from criticism.
Kat expected nothing less the look she gave him and Kat's personality would accept nothing less.
To be fair...Lilly was suspicious as well and wanted to just get the food and go.
And if the St. Johns were up to nothing the deal would have been you break into peoples houses because they are strange?
Yep leading to Lilly becoming unhinged...thanks Kenny
Sure...but just pointing out that actions have outcomes that are unfortunate at time
Logical...cold hearted...but logical
Yeah he gassed it up and put the battery in....good job...good job.
They just wanted Kenny out of the house for a bit..
You mean after he refused to help save a little girl?
Just like your example of it being a player choice if Lee helps whack Larry. It happens.
Kenny is the one who got her in the situation in the first place
Sure they agreed...but not to put it on an 11 year old...that was Kenny.
Arvo is still a prisoner...once they decided to not kill him, he should have never been abused like he was.
Then tells everyone that he got it working and their choice of where to go does not matter
Why does he assume taking the truck to find a place he even later states might be a story instead of at least more solid plans of checking out Howes or heading South is the proper use of a vehicle with limited gas?
We have no idea what transpired while Clem was having her Lee Flashback
Because not waiting for an explanation is always the right thing
It was bad writing
That he had no idea how to get to
9 days later...despite having only 1 day of baby formula...dead Baby...I submit that they found another baby along the way and agreed to call him AJ
Kenny over corrects and causes the accident
Kenny grabbed the wheel...but I agree...they could have gone along a blind curve and run into a herd...causing the crash...then Kenny get ejected...but his death due to car crash was fine either way.
Also comes up with plan to get the radios
I meant on how to get them using the pulley to get clem to the roof
As in Sarah was pinned under a deck...should have shot her...would have been more humane
Where was the telling Clem that She needed to help Kenny get through his grief?
It doesn't..I was pointing out that his list of Jane's good deeds was missing this
And being an asshole about it.
Yeah way to be a stand up guy and helping his wife through that emotional time...
Well given he just lost his family and then finding no boats...I give him a pass.
Hmmm not in ep 3
Wrong...but Jane does not believe in getting good people killed in trying to save someone who does not want to be saved.
The deck...saving her was impossible
Not the first time sex has won out over common sense in the world..wont be the last
Sarah's death was bring back bad vibes about her sister
Yeah...not sure how true that is...he was already on that drive
Yes hitting the kid who was obviously crying over his sister...but sure Kenny needed to vent
In Arvo's defense...Kenny had probably been verbally abusing him the whole way and so tuned him out
What a protector
Awwe a tied up prisoner tells you fuck you so you beat him to a pulp...what a MAN.
His actions were way out of proportion to the situation
She made Clem shoot Lee? Because Kenny is not her father no way shape or form
There is little evidence that Clem and Kenny actually interacted in S1 in any positive way...but sure I can see that
Wrong...if you do not say anything...she is the one who takes them in.
She still took them in...which was the point
This again?
In Season One, Kenny was honestly kind of a prick: he was good for you only if your goals fitted 100% with them. In Season 2? That´s the story of a man on the road of going far, far off. He was trying to fight it, sometimes, but his, ahem, natural kennytude made it hard. Dude was unhinged and a timebomb: I can pity him (and I do) but you have to recognize he was the danger. Jane is... well she was another asshole honestly, and maybe, maybe could have take her side...
Except for the friggin´last fight.
Are you fucking kidding me!? What a manipulative crock of shit ma´am! I´m still surprised most people didn´t catch the attempt as soon as it appeared, but, for fuck´s sake woman: yes, by all means, exploit the buttons of a sick, sick man to manipulate a young girl into your wiles! Sweet mother of shite. To me, Jane´s trust fund reached zero with that exploit, so going with her was out of the question. Honestly, both were out of the question, but you are now responsible for a baby, so Kenny took us to Wellington and we parted ways wit him, kid and babby safe. I didn´t want him to live that cycle again and again, dude deserved a little rest: he may be Kenny, but he wasn´t the worst guy ever. Just, well... Kenny. An unhinged Kenny at that.
And yes, I know about the flashbacks, I´ve seen them.
Kenny may not be the best guy ever but he s certainly not abusive.
Honestly, after playing through "A New Frontier," I think any further accusations about Kenny being an unlikable, abusive character are downright laughable. Imagine getting stuck in the St. John's meat locker for the ENTIRE SEASON, except with multiple clones of Larry and not a single salt lick available.
this thread s starting to look like The two best friend s New frontier comment section with the exception that there are no jokes about LA noire.
(X) Doubt
Fair enough.
Suppose it no longer applies when the world goes to shit but anyway the point is that he was right about them and right to be paranoid.
Which is why it was unavoidable. The group either die there and then or face having Lilly become unhinged. Not really a choice to be honest.
You really are the class clown aren't you dear?
And yet they rely on Clem for every other damn thing so what's to say they wouldn't have this time either? Besides, i already explained that it was Luke's fault that the plan failed and the radio would have got to him if he had been there. Kenny putting the radio on her proved also to be right at the time because they split up and Troy ended up watching him and Mike and would have noticed a lot easier if he had tried to deliver the radio but Clem was able to slip in unnoticed.
It's ok i know you won't listen or care about what i said but had to say my piece here.
Because their's was not a solid plan either. They were not to know that the walkers had moved on from Howe's. What if they got there and they were still there? What if some of Carver's cronies were still alive hiding inside and shot on sight if they approached? Plus hadn't they already travelled several hours in the other direction anyway? And going South without knowing where to go is just as stupid as going North to find a place that may not have existed as well. Just so we are clear, I didn't agree with finding Wellington either. Quite frankly i thought the whole group was fucked with no hope at that point and I didn't know what they'd do.
Glad we agree on something.
Same for the Alone and Jane ending eh?
He grabbed the wheel to correct the swerve Clem made. It's only natural to grab the wheel if it starts spinning out of control right?
Ok my bad.
Both were going through an emotional time. Whilst Kat was with Duck, Kenny was burying his head in the sand because he was too upset to cope with it. That is what grief does with people in different ways as i have said numerous times.
No?? But that's asshole behaviour right there. That is what she actually said.
Not necessarily but i would see why someone like you would think this lol.
Yes he is lol. Maybe not in a way you deem acceptable but he used that initiative to keep the group safe from a noisy idiot.
Well you know how easy it is to annoy Kenny but in his defence though, if someone along with his friends had ambushed me, tried to rob and kill me, and said something to provoke me like that, then i would detest the little fucker as well.
Depending on how you look at it i guess.
Kenny's relationship with Clem in S1 was through Lee. She was friends with his son and despite not being seen talking much, it's obvious they had a positive relationship because of the kids friendship.
Yep she did, bravo.
well now its officially the same lol.
And let's not forget, dear brother, how everyone thought he was dead yet came back, to lead his people, Clementine and Aj to the promised land, and how they walked on water during their sojour through the wilderness.