TWDG Brainstorming Thread
Pretty explanatory on the title, kind of.
Post ideas on what you’d like to see for the next game, or anything TWD related such as another Michonne type mini-series, or even something on the TV show. These ideas can range from something on storylines, character arcs/concepts, posting pictures or videos for locations or scenarios you think would be interesting in the ZA world, to even music for credits or character themes.
Also feel free to even write out what you liked or disliked in the previous seasons and how you would’ve improved upon them, or where you’d like characters such as Clementine to be taken in the future. Go nuts.
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To start things off, I’d love to see an asexual character. There’s hardly any represented in anything, and been thinking more about it lately, especially after I discovered the show House pretty much fucked that up when it had an asexual patient. From what I know the script was written by an asexual, but the ending got rewritten by a director, so instead of House being unable to find anything wrong with the guy, they stamped him with a tumor and ended it on a sickening ‘honey, a girl has needs’
Also it got me thinking in the past how cool it would’ve been if Clem had been asexual, before she kissed Gabe. T-The agony.
But seriously, it would be cool to see a game character asexual, even if it was in TWDG.
I like to see a significant remnant of the U.S. government/military. Perhaps some Navy sailors aboard a ship or some people who have been hiding in a bunker for a while. This group would preferably have some cool looking gas masks and stuff like that, be heavily armed, well supplied, but bound by old society. Democratic in nature? Probably. It would seem to be a perfect society...
...except that these guys are absolutely ruthless to outsiders and anyone "infected". Think of the Vault Dwellers and how they treated those from the surface. Perhaps they are "purifying" the land of the virus, burning everything and everyone, alive or dead, and do numerous experiments to better understand the virus. Of course, not all members would be bad, and they be largely sympathetic but still awful people and a danger to all. I also like to imagine they are a bit of a cult, priding themselves as the future of humanity and its best and brightest, eliminating anyone who would stop that.
How would I incorporate them? Burning down some settlements, stealing children and other people for science, other shenanigans. Plenty of plot hooks there. Also a lot of chances for action scenes, what if they have flamethrowers, and you happen to get your hands on that?
For settings, I like to see a lighthouse. I really like lighthouses.
Another idea, a lot weirder though, why not just a zombie death cult? Sacrifices of everything, othe distrubing stuff, evil evil evil. Not a good idea in this form? Yeah probably. But I think a zombie cult would work if it was really well thought out.
This Idea builds off of some ideas for the NEXT installment that me and Gohan FGC have been tinkering with for a while. The main Character is obviously Clementine, but it also focuses heavily on a new Male character with a similar upbringing to Clem; Tristan
Tristan, is 14 years old during this time (Just a few months away from 15). He has blue eyes, and dark brown hair in a mushroom cut. He is tough as nails like Clem, and is a decent guy like Luke. He carries a crossbow, a Machete, and a revolver on him.
Background Info:
Tristan's father died in a war before the apocalypse started, so his mother and younger sister (Age 9 at Present) was all he had left at this point. After Lingard Dropped off AJ at the McCarroll Ranch, Tristan assumed responsibility for looking after him when his mother is busy. Soon after Clem arrives and finds AJ, the Ranch is Raided and Burned by bandits and Tristan's mom is killed.
The following describes a MAJOR point in Tristan's life as it would happen in a Flashback:
Just over a year ago, during a raid by bandits, Tristan was knocked out and his older brother (who had been his mentor since the Outbreak) was mortally wounded. Tristan was rescued thereafter by his mom and younger sister in a truck. As soon as he woke up, however, Tristan insisted on going back for his brother; but by the time he found his was too late. In a situation similar to the Easter Egg ending of ANF, It was rainy and Tristan had no choice but to put his brother down after he had turned.
Since then, Tristan has had to step up in order to save what was left of his family.
Big Sister Clementine, Little Sister AJ
Yes, I played Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea. Yes, I'm obessed. Yes, i need psycological help.
I'd like to go back to Clementine's house, maybe she and the group are heading down south and then bam a generic blocked up cars appear and suddenly groups of walkers appear. Clem and group got separated and she happens to see a run down police car with an empty shotgun and skeleton of what appears to be a police officer. She then sees houses and went there for safety. She then notices her treehouse and you know the rest.
Is it a cheap move by Telltale if they do this? Probably. Would it be cool if they did this? Hell yeah.
I'd like to not get voted off the island.
Besides longer episodes and more hubs and others, I hope S4 will also have a companion for Clementine, and no, not Javier but someone her own age. Basically someone she can relate to and rely on if something were to happen to her either mentally or physically.
Hopefully Telltale won't force a romance between them. I wouldn't mind them teasing it like they did with Bigby and Snow or have it be determinant, but don't force it.
I'd like to see a flashback scene during the earliest days of the apocalypse where Clementine hides in her tree house and then hears Lee in the distance. They were supposedly doing something like that in From the Gallows, but we all know what a colossal mess that episode was.
I think it's time for telltale to upgrade and introduce hub mini games. It would be sooo cool to be playing as clem's and doing a jigsaw puzzle with AJ, or playing on an old but working arcade machine, it would really help us lay back and feel calm. I wanted this from Prescott, to be a big hub and have javier be able to play things such as poker and be able to win ammo from it, and he would be able to scavenge for the rest, so unlike previous games ammo can run out rom you can have none at all depending on if you scavenged or won any. You should also be able to get your own customisable weapons and clothing like borderlands.
Idk if this is really the thread to say this, but I'd really like a miniseries before Season 4.
What kind of miniseries? Another Michonne one? o.o
I'd like to see Telltale try and revive Clementine after they brutally murdered her character in ANF, but without the older writers from the previous seasons that probably won't happen.
Lighthouses? You want to kill me?
Since it will most likely be playable Clem next game, I would love to get a throwback to season 1 in a major way that isnt Lee, like arriving in an area that was part of season 1, like Clem taking refuge in the store where Lee met Lilly and Larry, or in the motor inn
Ofc not lol it would have to be about some other character
I've been a house reunion fan since the end of Season 2. It would be cool and (if something similar hasn't happened in the comics or show) a very unique situation and experience.
I would like to see a new type of community/group within the Walking Dead universe. They would be a small mobile group of people. However, there would be several of these groups. They generally circle an area anyway from 25 miles in radius to several states. Migrations are totally dependent upon seasons, natural disasters, and available resources. Different regions have different types of these nomadic herder-like groups. Along the eastern coast of North America, these "floaters" are known for their efficiency in utilizing and recycling everything they use and by the small camps they leave behind. Many people have tried to use these remaining sites as stationary communities but have failed due to weather, mishandling of resources, or by the floaters retuning a year later. Despite that, floaters are rather harmless groups to other communities if not provoked or bothered. The west coast of North America calls them "leeches". They are known for depleting a whole region of its resources before moving on. However, they leave no other trace of their presence with many groups living in portable treehouse-esque dwellings. Unlike the east coast, these groups have a strong sense of community with each other that promotes trade and has formed unofficial migration routes and destinations. There is much hostility between the leeches and the "Jerichos" (the leeches name for fortified stationary communities).
This isn't anything new, but I'd like to see more people with animal friends and partners. It would be nice to see a person in a snow capped area utilize their dogsled team throughout the apocalypse. Anything would be nice: dog owners, horse owners, anything that doesn't copy Ezekiel.
I would love to see the anti-community perspective in TWD. Imagine people who have either been constantly been kicked out of communities, watched too many communities fall, or have been isolated from people for a bit too long. These people have been forced to survive on their own. They develop keen senses for identifying and locating resources and walkers. They also know the land right down to the roots of the trees. However, they have some issues. Both stationary and mobile groups view these "lone wolves" as mentally unstable people. Think of them as Borderlands's bandits meet TWD. They cause trouble and can strip you of your resources quicker than you can imagine. Some say that lone wolves are worse than the walkers. These people generally take up the Midwest of North American and can go down as far as the Panama Canal.
If more ideas come to mind, I'll try to add them up.
In this instance the Theme of Family STILL carries over from ANF in a MODEST fashion, but you would also now have TRUST (Can You TRUST Anyone? If so, who DO you trust?) which mind you is VERY important for Clem's character.
If there's one idea I'd like to see, it would be showing just a couple of people who aren't living in a community that have settled somewhere. And not just 'we're going to survive solely by scavenging for supplies' like many are doing, but are actually living off the land. Like they've got a nice little setup with their defenses, got some greenhouses, plants growing, have a routine to go out hunting and setting animal traps, fishing etc. Maybe they even have some cattle or a goat like that one guy did in the TWD show when he was living alone.
You could say there have been a couple of cases like this in the game, but never fully living depend. Sam and her family had to scavenge still to survive, like the Motor Inn did that was struggling too. Cabin group, while they did fishing [and supposedly hunting] never stayed at the cabin long enough to do more with that place, and same with Kenny's group who only had peaches and beans to eat. There was the st Johns in a way too, but, well they ate people and it was still early into the ZA.
I really liked how there was the little greenhouse on top of Howe's, and the crops you saw growing at Richmond. Just to see something authentic, with a small number living off the grid and by their own rules instead of what's dictated to them by someone like a Carver Tyrant would be cool, and also how living that type of isolation might have an effect on them.
But that said, it could be that ranch we got word of in Season 3 where AJ is, might end up doing something like that anyways. I can't imagine too many people living in a place like that unless they've built it up. But I might be entirely wrong on that.
The episode wasn't that bad.
I personally would like to see more hubs and more in-depth character progression. I felt little to no connection with many of the characters in ANF. I hope they can put more time into that in the next season, because I felt like both of that was more present in the previous season, especially in Season 1.
Maybe a bit of storytelling about Clementine's past (pre-season 1) would be nice, but I think somebody else here said this already. I'm interested in her past and how her parents were before the outbreak.
Another thing that might be interesting is to show us parts of Europe or the other side of the world. We have barely seen or heard anything about the outbreak in other continents, so maybe that would become a nice addition to the story, to show people what the world looks like outside the U.S.
That being said, I don't think I would like to see another DLC from the walking dead anymore. I'd prefer it if telltale would fully focus on Season 4 instead.
8 Likes? Holy Shit!
The Walking Dead: The Final Season of Fishing Trout.
Yis, fishing is like the most obvious thing, it's definitely easier than hunting (traps are time consuming, guns waste bullets, and with bow you need a hella practise or beginners luck). Fishes are easy to prepare, to cook, they are quite tasty and have a lot of nutrition value, especially for band of rednecks somehow surviving on peaches-beans diet.
The only problem I see here is the water being contaminated with cadaveric poison, or with general junk, shit, etc., but it's not like every single lake or river have dead swimming in it... And I'm pretty sure running water reduces the chance of infection. Or the old good boiling water shower.
The Walking Dead gives place to so many possibilities... I want crazy religious cults that believe the Apocalypse is a punishment from God, I want people that use zombies as some kind of workers (making them pull and push things by attracting them with animals or shit), I want to see people that say "well, fuck it, If I'm going to die I'm going to die having fun" and just go around fucking shit up because they couldn't care less. Or communities that formed some kind of new country-union and, like, there are bars and hotels and shit and people just stay aroud and it kinda remindes me of Borederlands but less fun. Radio stations that people listen to at night. Social classes, the rich ones live in the safer houses, the poor ones have to take care of the wall and they tend to die a lot. A "faction" system, but well made. People that want a new world, more idealitic and fair and better. People that want the old world. People that want a new and core chaotic world where they can do whatever they want. Evolution of art in this new era, historians that start writing books to record what is happening, new inventions to make the life in the apocalypse easier, philosophic ideas, schools, universities, new babies are born and everyne is named after someone that died before they were born. Ideology revolitions, etc. Basically the world but starting all over again.
For people, for example, a woman that makes sure to be always pregnant so that people will take special care of her, but once the baby is born she makes sure it dies to get pregnant again. A quadraplegic or something ill character that is bery nice and smart and everyone loves them but they're a burden so they're all the time trying to make things up and there is always this guy that wants to kill them. An arsonist dude that fucks things up in a community and now this country-union of communities are kind of after him. There are "Wanted" posters all around, mercenaries, little armies, "cops" just going around trying to find him. The communities are in a valley and they closed all the exits so that he can't scape, but there are so many communities, they know he could be anywhere, in a hotel, in the sewers, in the rooftops of buildings only he managed to break in. He's seriously considering going to the "outside", where dead people wander aimlessly and no walls will protect you, and take refuge there, like his parents and grandparents did at the begining of the century. People that just go around acting as mercenaries and doing shit for other people for resources. A group of kids that started in a middle/high school that survived alone for a while and they belueve all adults are horrible and corrupt. People that is looking for a cure. People that already gave up on a cure.
And pirates.
Fucking pirates.
Like, some dudes that live in this big boat and raid other boats and coast/sea communities. Kinda like Michonne but betterand mor pirate-esque.
I would definitely be interesting to see that, given how someone like that might mentally break down. Maybe they'd used said reasons to kill in God's name, like burning people at the stake, believing they are 'cleansing' their souls to make them worthy of God's love and allow them to be let into the gates of heaven, as if they think they're saving them.
I actually really want a character like that to exist now, just so the woman gets her just desserts by having her unborn baby die in the womb and tear her apart from the inside, thus unknowingly avenging their dead siblings. You gotta be manipulative and ruthless if you can go carrying around a baby for 9 months only to kill it. Wonder how that would work in a community setting if she'd give birth it privately and pretend it was stillborn or kill it later and say it was cot death.
What about, crazy religious cults pirates, and one of them is pregnant?
Edit: and I do mean this btw because it'd be friggin cool T.T
I would like to see TellTale create a time machine and send someone back to the past right after S1 of the walking dead game finished and tell them how bad it all became from S2 onwards and that they must do it all differently.
Got me thinking...I hope we hear some nice tracks in the final season. At least, one or two that stand out and make you feel something. I was kinda bummed out Season 3 reused a bunch of music from past seasons.

Somebody used this last one ‘Near Light’ on a memorial video for their rabbit. Now I just think of my bunnies or something sad. Still, nice track.
Why didn't the new comment marker show up for this? Huh.
You know this song would have played PERFECTLY With lee in No time left, perhaps while he is passed out this song would have played:
Sounds like something to the end of Clementine’s story:

It's gonna take awhile before this song can be replaced in my head T_T
So I was thinking about this... the walkers are dead right (in a way). They can’t grow back cells of their body. And throughout the game, show and comic you see walkers at different states of decomposition. As an example in season one the outbreak was recent so you saw very little decomp compared to in ANF where it had been years since it happened and a lot of the walkers were in bad condition. So here is my thought/question, if the walkers a decomposing over time, after a while won’t they loose so much muscle and skin that they won’t be able to travel and a the worst would just lie on the ground not able to move? Given that it would be a long time before they decompose that bad, but think about it zombies or humans can’t walk or move without muscle fibers to move their limbs. So what do you all think?
Oh god! That song just hit me in the-
The feels! T.T that's a really good remix. Do you know any others?
Yeah I could definitely see it getting like that, to where the old walkers can barely move and it would make sense if their bodies are gradually breaking down. But even if the numbers do indeed eventually decline, there may always be fresh walkers causing trouble so long as there are people. So unless whatever it is stops reanimating the body after death, there'd always be walkers around, but cases of them being so rotten their muscles can't do anything I definitely can see happening.
I guess you can take the brain and spinal cord into account as well. After a certain point if that wasted away enough that would effect movement too and what little cognitive behavior they have. Maybe some walkers might not even attack because they're so far gone mentally long before their bodies give out.
Yeah I mean the only thing is it would take a long time. I don’t know how long but it would take 10s of years at least.
Here's a collection of my thoughts on another companion and/or kid/youth character:
I didn't bother editting it down because I'm lazy Read, boi!