Walkind Dead New Frintier Episode 5 Changed My Decision
I finally started episode 5 and when I started the episode it said I killed Clinton instead of Jones which I'm sure I didn't and it carried over into the actual episode with people talking about it. Any idea what might be causing it and how to fix it?
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I dont know what it is but that happend to me on ep 2-3 all my choices was messed up so i had to re start, for example i shot conrad in ep2 but on ep3 when it said previously on the walking dead it showed me that i traded clem which i didn't so I went off the ep and when i tried to start it again it said i had to start a whole new story and deleted my old one
To answer your question i think its a save file issue and i dont know about you but i had to re start from ep 1 and it then fixed it
Lol, the game resurrecting Conrad is a gift from the boat god, accept it.
No. We already have another game for that, it's called Life is Strange.
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