As it was promised, here are the alternative choices for Chapter 9! Afterwards, I will write down the What If section, followed by the things that could have been, if my plans wouldn't have evolved. Both are likely to be released later this week. And after that... well, then it's Interlude time Anyways, here's how Chapter 9 could have played out.
Alternative Choices: Chapter IX
Lucas I:
[Sign the confession]
As you can probably imagine, this would have been one of the worst things you could have done in this situation. While Mullendore's offer was about as dishonest as Petyr's, the fact that he would have confessed far earlier would have been a huge problem for him, as Argella was nowhere near ready to come to the rescue. As a result, Lucas would have been seriously roughed up. However, he would have been saved by an unexpected source. None other than Aylard Kawl would have arrived (potentially with John's help, if you would have chosen that), to force the Sphynx and Connor to flee. He wouldn't have exactly saved him, but would have spared him further torture until Argella would have arrived. However, his wounds would have been severe and without a champion to fight for him, he would have lost the trial by combat for sure. In this case, he would even know that and his option to choose a trial by combat would have basically been suicide, to give him a somewhat honourable way out of this situation, where he could die as a big 'Fuck You' against Petyr and Mullendore while simultaneously not putting his liege lady in danger. Being so heavily wounded, he also wouldn't have fought the Tom. Petyr would have been confident with sending Hugo against him, a choice that would have pleased Lord Tyrell a bit more. Hugo would have ultimately killed Lucas with relative ease, though he would have felt heavy regret over it in Book 2.
Jenna I:
[Ask Saerya to do it]
Asking Saerya to distract Hugo Farnham would have, as expected, led to similar results. Saerya would have used her considerable charms to distract Hugo long enough for Leonard to get away. In this case, there would have been a slightly longer talk between Jenna and Leonard. Saerya meanwhile, well, she would have been very successful at distracting Hugo, to the point where the knight would have started to fancy her. This in turn would have influenced his behaviour down the road in Book 2.
Jaron I:
[Agree to go through with Samuel's plan]
This would have been a brutal option, one Jaron would have made only reluctantly. Quite possible, it would have influenced him and turned him into a somewhat darker character, as he would have put his morals behind Samuel's vengeance. Of course, such a choice wouldn't have turned him from a somewhat decent guy into a brutal jerk in an instant, but it would have been a step into this direction. Now, Samuel would have also knocked Farris out instead of talking to him, dragging him into an abandoned warehouse (coincidentally the same one from the fight against the fake Butterfly) and he would have interrogated him, quite brutally so. The next Jaron choice would determine how badly this would have ended for Farris (everything from a mere beating to the loss off an eye would have been in the realms of possible, depending on when Jaron would have stopped Samuel).
Arthur I:
[Talk to Daemion]
This choice would have meant missing out on Ryler's information regarding Lupin and the Alley Cats, as Ryler himself would have left the scene by the time Arthur would have come back to him. As Daemion's information included informing Arthur of Hackor's death, neither would he be in the right state of mind to process such information. Daemion would have been slightly pleased that Arthur followed his order right away.
[Try to talk to Mathea]
Though ultimately a waste of time, as Mathea would have been unwilling to talk to Arthur at this point, being still very hurt by his actions, this choice wouldn't have been all too bad, as he would have done the first step for them to reconcile. At the same time, Ryler would have left the area already, whereas Daemion would be a bit irritated that Arthur lets him wait.
Edrick I:
[Leave Leo behind]
This would have given Leo less of a role in this chapter, as his involvement in getting Edrick and co. captured wouldn't have been made public right away. Instead, he would have been treated as a bit of a hope spot in Edrick's early next chapter, until suddenly arriving at the Codd's keep, demanding his reward for getting them captured. As a result, your opinion on him wouldn't have soured until the next chapter.
Drent I:
[Try to defuse the situation]
In this case, Drent would have gotten some time to shine. Instead of Orys Baratheon getting a chance to prove that he's equal parts badass and one hell of a decent person, Drent would have stolen the show a bit by negotiating with Mullendore, a move that would have surprised and impressed both, Argella and Mullendore himself. Orys would have still come to assist him, but wouldn't have done all of the work on his own and his involvement would have been less embarrassing to Argella, who in turn wouldn't have quite managed to thank him for his help. In turn, this would also mean that her talk with Gordar, which happened offscreen but importantly shaped the relationship between both characters, wouldn't have happened. However, Drent would have been the hero of the day.
John I:
[Go with Aylard to Lucas]
If this would have been chosen, John's storyline would have been slightly longer. He would have gotten the part in which Lucas talked to Aylard, witnessing their conversation, while also getting a chance to say his farewells to Lucas. This would have been good for his mental well-being and for Lucas as well. He would have still managed to find Daghan later on and both would have then went to find Saerya, resulting in the rest of his storyline playing out as you saw it.
Maya I:
[Pay Keat half of the sum]
It's a simple deal here. Half the sum means half the documents. Keat would have been very open about basically denying them half of what they came for and would have left to sell the rest for the highest bidder, somewhat disappointed by Maya's lack of honour. Maya in turn, while partially succeeding at her mission, would have been incredibly annoyed at herself for missing this opportunity.
[Refuse to pay Keat]
In this case, Keat would have left, angry at being double-crossed. He wouldn't have revealed the truth about the documents and Maya would have returned to the Vale never knowing how close she has been to succeeding after all. Keat's actions of stealing the documents would have been revealed in Book 2 when he would have reappeared in Oldtown.
Jaron II:
[Come up with fake names]
In this case, Jaron would have made a mistake. He would have come up with fake names, which I haven't thought of since this hasn't been chosen. Farris would have seen through this lie and would have refused to give them any answer. This in turn would have led to a fight, during which Jaron and Samuel would have overpowered Farris, though both would have been wounded. The fight against Ryder later on would have made these wounds only worse, to the point where Jaron would have still been affected by them after the timeskip. As for Farris, he would have been interrogated by Samuel, resulting in the torture scene you successfully avoided in Jaron's first choice already.
Sadie I:
[Ask Wylie to bring Leo to you]
Sadie would have remained in bed for most of this chapter, resulting in her being even weaker and more hesitant when it comes to accepting her new condition. Leo would have respected her wish and gone to visit her alone, without Rhogarn being introduced. However, you would have still learned about Two-Face's arrival in Maybros, though the man himself wouldn't have appeared in person. Sadie would have eventually gone with Leo to visit Melanie, though at the sight of her sister, she would have outright broken down.
Edrick II:
[Fight Reymond]
Edrick would have fought Reymond himself and would have shown off his skills, mostly dominating the fight much to Reymond's frustration. Alphyn would have been highly impressed by this, resulting in him looking up to Edrick instead of seeing him as an equal. Edrick would have also been the one to reveal Reymond's identity instead of Alphyn, though he wouldn't have done so by accident, but because he suspected this already.
[Try to talk Reymond down]
Now, trying things Dante's way would have surprisingly worked. Dante himself would have done the talking and he would have been pretty smooth about the whole thing, resulting in Reymond actually agreeing to stand down. The duel wouldn't have happened. Unfortunately, these negotiations would have gone on for so long that Gawayne and his Ironborn would have still caught up to Edrick and co.
Arthur II:
[Go with the guard]
What seemed to be a simple choice between duty and some sibling time with Arthur and Aditha actually had huge consequences for Arthur as a character. If he would have gone with the guard, he would have never learned that Aditha lied about Hackor's final words. This in turn would have meant that his opinion on his father wouldn't have soured and that is massive for him as a character. He would have followed Hackor's teachings loyally throughout Chapter 9 and Book 2. In this chapter, this would have led to him clashing with Edonia, due to being less willing to give the archer to Argella and the Stormlanders, instead insisting on this archer to be judged in Raylansfair, as Hackor would have done.
Drent II:
[Decline Garen's help]
This was a bit of a choice where both outcomes led to bad things, although arguably this one would have been a bit more favourable. Garen would have been pissed and disappointed, but not outright angry at Drent for wounding him in their battle against Shortwood, on account of such battle never even happening in that way. He would have still been very pissed for a long time and getting on his good side would have been even harder.
Garthon I:
[Decline the offer]
Interestingly, this would have given Garthon more of a role in this chapter. By refusing Mullendore's offer, his time would have been limited and he would have known this. Instead of him, Rell would have accepted without a second thought. However, to repay him for saving his life in Chapter 8, Rell would have allowed Hjalgar to try and save Garthon. This would have given Hjalgar a big role in this chapter, as he would have tried and eventually succeeded at saving Garthon. Depending on your choices, he would have sacrificed himself in the process, holding off the Moggy so that Garthon can escape, wounding the giant but ultimately failing to kill him. However, he also could have survived and went with Garthon back to the Riverlands.
Jenna II:
[Support Saerya]
In this case, Saerya's plan is the safer one, by far so. Leonard had a risky plan and it only worked thanks to John's help. However, Saerya would have gotten them through this smoothly with or without John. Since you managed to save Leonard regardless, not much would have changed in the long run though.
Lucas III:
[Spare him the details]
Sparing Aylard the details would have been a sensible option, satisfying the man's curiosity while still making sure that he won't utterly break down after learning the gruesome details of Lunett's death. It wouldn't have changed a thing about his thirst for revenge though, but he would have been generally feeling slightly, as much as possible at least.
[Refuse to answer]
Now, this would have angered Aylard incredibly and would have arguably been the worst option for himself. He would have had a complete meltdown at some point in Book 2, unable to deal with never knowing how his daughter died, filling him with an even more reckless thirst for revenge. Ultimately, it would have made his chances of survival far worse.
By not calming Samuel down, Jaron would have missed a chance to calm the entire situation. Though he would have managed to distract both men for long enough, Samuel would have more or less forced the information about Ryder's whereabouts out of Joshawa, therefore not finding a peaceful solution. Eventually, both would have been forced to flee from Lanford, who would have outright tried to kill them. During their escape, Samuel would have confronted Ryder, though their fight would have been broken up by Lanford and Farris, resulting in Samuel getting badly wounded by a crossbow bolt to the leg, a wound that would have slowed him down, probably permanently.
Arthur III:
[Head to the site immediately]
This would have mostly meant that Arthur and Edonia would have faced Sherryl less prepared. Arthur would have been shocked at Sherryl's involvement in this and even given her a chance to talk her way out of this, though her distraught state of mind would have meant that she wouldn't have even tried to convince him of her innocence. It would have also given Arthur a slightly shorter storyline in this chapter, as his entire talk with Nora would have been cut.
Ilish I:
[Check up on Megur and Daisy]
By doing this, Vaasrand and Axell would have gotten smaller roles in this chapter and would have had their talk without Ilish interfering. However, we would have learned more about Megur and Daisy, as well as Audrey's condition. All in all, Ilish could have slightly eased the tension between the two women, possibly preventing an escalation later on.
Willfred I:
[Publicly criticize Tallian for cowardice]
Since the scene itself hasn't happened yet, not much would have changed in this chapter. Roger would have been pleased with his nephew's decision. However, Tallian would have been utterly enraged, turning him into a permanent enemy of Willfred, an obstacle he would have to deal with in Book 2, as Tallian would have made sure that Willfred would fail at most tasks he set for himself.
Sadie II:
[Punch Two-Face]
Well, it is safe to say that Two-Face wouldn't have just taken the punch. Instead, he would have punched back, which, given Sadie's generally weak condition, would have knocked her to the ground, though not out cold. This would have caused tension between Leo and Two-Face. However, in an odd way, Sadie would have felt better, having stood up for herself. Gyles would have also not dared to mock her later on, seeing that she still has some spirit left in her.
Maya II:
[Forgive Irving]
[Don't forgive Irving]
are fundamentally similar choices, in that both wouldn't have affected the current chapter. However, forgiving Irving or not would have had big changes about him as a character, both positive and negative. By forgiving him, Maya would have sent a signal to Irving that he can screw up as he likes, that he can always earn her forgiveness and he wouldn't have tried to better himself as much. Outright not forgiving him however would have caused him to try too much, to become depressed and to endanger himself. I'd say you found the right balance by telling him that he has to earn forgiveness.
Edrick III:
[Tell Alphyn to take it easy]
By doing so, Alphyn would have indeed hold back a little bit in his fight against Reymond. As a result, he would have actually lost the duel. Triumphant, Reymond would have still been a bit upset at Edrick underestimating her and telling his champion to take it easy. In turn, she wouldn't have allowed them to pass over the bridge. Alphyn would have been pissed at himself for losing against a woman and felt humiliated, affecting his personality in the next chapter.
Ellena I:
[Don't go with Noelle]
This was a very big choice, as its inclusion in the choice overview of the final part probably hinted at. One thing first: Ellena would have still ended up at Dragonstone, but later on, first getting a small storyline in Oldtown. She would have gotten there on her own, without Noelle and when re-encountering her at the court of Aegon, she would have had a more antagonistic relationship with her, still seeing her as an enemy to fight. This in turn would have made her open for the lies of the real enemy, the powerful servant of the Great Other Noelle seeks to stop. This is likely going to be a choice I will tell you more about in future chapters.
Lucas IV:
[Refuse Petyr's deal]
Now... as you can probably imagine, it would have been a good thing. It wouldn't quite mean that Lucas would have lived, but he would have made things harder for Petyr and Mullendore. Without him outright confessing, people would have doubted Lucas' guilt, even in Book 2, long after his death. Questions would have grown loud about Mullendore's involvement in all this and without a confession, they wouldn't have quite as much of an effective way of blaming Lucas for all this, only his defeat at the trial. This would have ultimately caused pretty big problems for both even after Lucas' death.
Jaron IV
[Try to convince him to avoid a fight]
As many of you correctly guessed, this wouldn't have convinced Samuel to give up on his vengeance. Quite the contrary, he would have been disappointed in Jaron and would have fought even fiercer for this. In turn, Jaron would have made a stand for his morals, if futile. It probably would have caused him to feel better about this whole thing, knowing that he at least tried his best. He also would have hesitated to attack Ryder, resulting in a less painful beating, though by the time we're going to see him next, the minor wounds he suffered here are going to be healed regardless.
Samantha I:
[Talk to Nymeria]
First of all, this would have given Samantha a longer storyline in this chapter, as she would have actually managed to get a talk with Nymeria. In there, she would have learned more of the bond between Nymeria and Lenrianda and though she ultimately would have achieved little to actually make her feel better, she would have struck up a bit of a friendship with her, surely a useful thing to have in the long run.
Drent III
[Let him go]
By letting Shortwood go, Drent would have avoided a painful fight against him. It would have also been the only option for him and Garen to end this book on a relatively good note. Though surprised by his decision, Garen would have ultimately been pleased, knowing that he now has something he can use to coerce favours out of Drent, knowing he is way closer to the princess than he himself could ever hope to be. This would have meant that Drent would be forced to assist him in the future, to cover for him if things go bad and stuff like that. Shortwood himself, he would have been surprised as well, positively so. Noting that perhaps not all Stormlanders are blind drones, he would have said his farewells and left, keeping a low profile until the Stormlanders would have left.
Richard I:
[Send Alan away]
Well, obviously this would have been a bad choice for the already questionable brotherly relationship between Richard and Alan. The latter would have been pretty pissed, as well as resentful over being belittled so much. He also wouldn't have learned about Kersea's story, which can be good or bad depending on how much you trust Alan with such knowledge.
Arthur IV:
[Follow the bootprints]
This would have given Arthur a slightly longer storyline in this chapter, as he would have ultimately followed the blood regardless. First however, he would have followed the bootprints, noting that they belong to two Solvers, who have met Sherryl together with Mullendore. They stayed behind, debating on wether or not they should kill her despite Mullendore sparing her life. Arthur, having overheard a rather critical part of their talk, would have been spotted by them, at which point a fight would have broken out. In the end, Edonia would have saved his life there, shooting both of the Solvers as they were just ganging up on Arthur.
Ilish II:
[Don't promise him anything]
Though this wouldn't have had any consequences for the current chapter, it would have shaped Ilish's character, pushing her into a more adventurous, daredevil mindset. She would have actively made plans to chase after Carvin at the beginning of Book 2, making her far more prepared for the things she inevitably has to face once the narrative goes back to her.
John II:
[Refuse to help Saerya]
This little choice right here might have been the single most important choice in the entirety of Book 1, because refusing to help Saerya would have been the only way for Lucas to survive the trial by combat. Without John's help, Leonard would have been caught and though Saerya would have managed to talk herself and Jenna out of this, she would have been unable to help Leonard, who would have been dragged away by the guards. His fate would have been originally unknown, but in the end, it would have been revealed that he was brought before Petyr, who would have threatened him quite heavily, making it clear that he could kill Leonard's entire family through Mullendore's remaining assassins and therefore leaving Leonard no choice but to agree to champion for him in the trial by combat. However, he would have had the last laugh. There would have been a very short unmotivated fight between the two friends, as neither actually wanted to wound the other, with both being horrified at having to fight each other. In the end, Leonard would have thrown himself onto Lucas' blade to save his friends' life, revealing with his dying breath that this has been his plan all along, to make sure that Lucas and the Constantine family would all survive this and that Lucas could carry the fight against Mullendore on for longer. His storyline in Book 2 would have been similar to Leonard's, but there will be key differences which you will get to see in future What If sections.
Edrick IV:
[Do nothing]
So, the thing is, the Ironborn don't really care for Leo. Wether you punch him or not, it wouldn't have changed anything about Edrick's situation. It would, however, have changed Leo's number of teeth, because in the choice that won, Edrick is going to give him a seriously heavy beating with Gawayne and his men just looking on. That might also have effects on the way Leo sees Edrick.
Willfred II:
[Refuse to work with her]
Not working with Helenys wouldn't have changed much about the current chapter, this I can say. However, it would have meant that Willfred would lack an ally in the next chapter. Helenys herself, she would have gotten a smaller role in the next chapter, becoming less of a presence at court and doing her schemes more in the background, though she ultimately will make her moves with or without Willfred's support.
Jaron V:
[Refuse Lanford' offer]
Another choice that is solely for character building. In this case, this choice basically determines Jaron's opinion on Oldtown. His road is going to lead him away from there for sure, no way around that. However, if he manages to reach his goals outside of the city, you might have been offered a choice to return. Such a thing might still happen, opinions change and Jaron has to overcome some serious hardships first, but a return to Oldtown would have been more in the realms of possible if he would have refused Lanford's offer here.
Sadie III:
[Agree to work with Gyles]
By not trying to kill him, Sadie would have gained an ally as questionable as he is disgusting. Gyles would have indeed worked with her, but just how much of an asset he would have actually been cannot be said right here. He would have wasted no time to be as much a dick as possible to her, which would have severely affected her, considering that they would have spent a lot of time together figuring out how to help Melanie. However, in the end it might have been worth a shot, but I guess you will learn more about this in future chapters once again.
Richard II:
[Keep some of the details for yourself]
This would have determined Leonard's opinion on Kersea in the beginning of the next book. Now, they are still allies but very much at each other's throats. If Richard would have kept Kersea's full involvement a secret, they would get along way better. However, the last word about their relationship is not yet spoken and will highly depend on a great number of choices in Book 2. Both know they have a common enemy, but if he would have learned the truth about Kersea later on, Leonard might have been very pissed about all this, so I'd say you chose wisely.
John III:
[Refuse to give her your blessing]
In this case, John and Samantha would have parted very bitterly, with him voicing his disappointment and her being crushed at it. It would have affected him and he would have shown regret over this some way down the line in Book 2, at which point it would have been too late to take it back. Samantha would have been very regretful over leaving her friends alone, resulting in basically both becoming quite bitter over this parting.
Arthur V:
[Leave her to die alone]
A brutal choice for Arthur to make, but it ultimately would have decided his view on Sherryl. She already got a pretty miserable death and being all alone would make it only worse for her. Maybe a fitting punishment for her actions, maybe too much. Arthur however would become a bit colder, hateful towards Sherryl and her actions, as well as generally a colder character in Book 2.
Edrick would have fought Reymond himself and would have shown off his skills, mostly dominating the fight much to Reymond's frustration. Alphyn would have been highly impressed by this, resulting in him looking up to Edrick instead of seeing him as an equal. Edrick would have also been the one to reveal Reymond's identity instead of Alphyn, though he wouldn't have done so by accident, but because he suspected this already.
Wow,this is what Edrick need! While I don't dislike to have give to Alphyn a role in this chapter I must admit that Edrick look really cool in this alternative choice! I hope that we will have a chance to see this side of the northern knight in the next book
[Try to talk Reymond down]
This instead would have been a B-O-R-I-N-G choice
Garthon I:
[Decline the offer]
Wow, this choice would have been really interesting! However now I'm curious to know for what Mullendore (aka you ) will use Hjalgar,Rell and the executioner (since I doubt that you will make them go with Garthon and Christian)
Ilish I:
[Check up on Megur and Daisy]
About this it will be weird but I'm curious to read their situation after the timeskip
Willfred I:
[Publicly criticize Tallian for cowardice]
Ah,I knew that this would have been a bad choice!
Maya II:
[Forgive Irving]
[Don't forgive Irving]
Forgive (or not) Useless guy was obviously a wrong choice here so I found it obvious that the middle way was the only one right (and I hope that he will be less useless in the future )
Ellena I:
[Don't go with Noelle]
I'm curious to know what will this sidestory at Oldtown,maybe Ellena would have try to reach her friend at the Pale Princess?
Ilish II:
[Don't promise him anything]
"Things she inevitably has to face" eh? This seems really interesting
John II:
[Refuse to help Saerya]
I am sorry for Lucas but I'm glad that this choice didn't win!Not because I'm a Leonard fan but because I see too many times the "two friends forced by the villain to fight each other" cliché for my own tastes (And even if kill Leonard would still have been a major death it would never reach the same impact of Lucas death to the story and to us readers)
Sadie III:
[Agree to work with Gyles]
I'm really curious of Sadie-Melanie relationship after the time skip (expecially without Gyles help)
Jaron III:
[Distract Lanford and Erik]
By not calming Samuel down, Jaron would have missed a chance to calm the entire situation. Thou… moregh he would have managed to distract both men for long enough, Samuel would have more or less forced the information about Ryder's whereabouts out of Joshawa, therefore not finding a peaceful solution. Eventually, both would have been forced to flee from Lanford, who would have outright tried to kill them. During their escape, Samuel would have confronted Ryder, though their fight would have been broken up by Lanford and Farris, resulting in Samuel getting badly wounded by a crossbow bolt to the leg, a wound that would have slowed him down, probably permanently.
Arthur III:
[Head to the site immediately]
This would have mostly meant that Arthur and Edonia would have faced Sherryl less prepared. Arthur would have been shocked at Sherryl's involvement in this and even given her a chance to talk h… [view original content]
Oh man, I knew we shouldn't have helped Saerya. The way Leonard dies sounds so cool, and a trial by combat with Lucas and Leonard facing each other off is simply too awesome.
Jaron III:
[Distract Lanford and Erik]
By not calming Samuel down, Jaron would have missed a chance to calm the entire situation. Thou… moregh he would have managed to distract both men for long enough, Samuel would have more or less forced the information about Ryder's whereabouts out of Joshawa, therefore not finding a peaceful solution. Eventually, both would have been forced to flee from Lanford, who would have outright tried to kill them. During their escape, Samuel would have confronted Ryder, though their fight would have been broken up by Lanford and Farris, resulting in Samuel getting badly wounded by a crossbow bolt to the leg, a wound that would have slowed him down, probably permanently.
Arthur III:
[Head to the site immediately]
This would have mostly meant that Arthur and Edonia would have faced Sherryl less prepared. Arthur would have been shocked at Sherryl's involvement in this and even given her a chance to talk h… [view original content]
Luckily, I can say Ser Harris Flowers one last time. I doubt I'll be able to say that again, except maybe at the end of book 3 (Who were your favourite characters in the entirety of the trilogy).I'll just go a head and place some PoV's here as well, but Apart from that, Axell (Duh!) obviously, others is Lucas, Leonard, Mr. Gutten, Garthon, Raenna, Samuel, Garen, Aylard, Temari, Richard, Alan, Irving, Vashord, Daghan Argella, Drent, Edward Anturion and Petyr. I've also taken a bit of a liking for The Sphynx and The Tom.
Who were your favourite characters in the entirety of Book 1?
Obviously, Acting Lord of Raylansfair, Ser Harris Flowers. But well, apart from the characters I listed above I do miss Terroma, Marak, The Burned Man, Martin Wilshere, Archmaesters Wulvren and Quent (I know they aren't dead!), Jaylon Gordus (really liked Team Jaylon and Samuel), Jax (Teller, well-liked member of the Sons of Anarchy), Hackor, Torvin, The Lord of Bridges, Funeral Snow (May the man rest in piece!). I also like Septon Corbin, which is weird. And man, Maester Eaton seemed like a nice guy, would've liked to se more of him. And who can forget Dimitri the Wise! And the Introduced kings are so far great, especially Harren and Argilac. We haven't seen to much of motherfucking King Lannister, have we?
Who were your least favourite characters in Chapter 9?
I usually want to make this question two questions. The first one being Which character do you dislike, because he is a good villain and which character do you just find boring and uninteresting, or because they killed your favourite character cough Kersea coughcough. If we start with the second question first: Sasha, not a big fan of her. Hjalgar hasn't won me over yet, he was badass last time we saw him, but not yet enough. Illish I've never been a big fan of. For villains, the villain I dislike the most is probably Mullendore, which is good. I really like him as a villain, but man.. Fuck him. Edward as well, he's a man who gets a place on both favourite and least favourite, fantastic. Clayton was also real good, so was Sherryl. Then we have characters I utterly hate... Kersea.. and Leo fucking York, fucking fuck him.
Who were your least favourite characters in the entirety of Book 1?
Probably the same as above! Add Alysanne though, despise her!
Who were your favourite PoV storylines in Chapter 9?
Lucas showed my man Harris, so that definitely is up there. I enjoyed Jenna, Gutten, Sammy, Richard, Jaron, Drent and Edrick actually, the most.
Who were your favourite PoV storylines in the entirety of Book 1?
Same as above, just add Marak, Torvin and Wilfred (enjoyed his storyline a lot, just not as much in chapter 9) to the bunch. Lucas storyline was just fantastic, and so was the rest mentioned above.
Who were your least favourite PoV storylines in Chapter 9?
Who were your least favourite PoV storylines in the entirety of Book 1?
Illish, Lyria, Sadie. Sadie was good, the battles and all, but I didn't feel as into the story during Sadie's part as I have to most others. Did enjoy chapter 9 Sadie though, therefor not listed above.
What has been your favourite part and your favourite moment in Chapter 9?
Trial by combat was pretty fucking great, nevermind the results of it. The ghost of Harris was also great. I liked the Raenna part as a whole this chapter, and Alan wanting to throw Kersea out was hilarious!
What has been your favourite part and your favourite moment in Book 1?
I really like Ilhan, and I absolutely adore Harris, so the confrontation between the two was pretty fucking good. Wolfius killing Lyria was nice, a good, graphic scene. Hackor's last moments, Harris vs Torvin, Harris vs Darren and Lucas, Harris vs Alyssane, Clayton and Kersea on his fucking own, aka the Lighthouse scene. The hunt for the Direwolf was great, introducing my first (well, second created) character, which of course is Axell. Mullendore vs Burned Man crew in the alley was pretty epic as well.
What has been your favourite chapter in Book 1?
I mean, I started to read when you started Chapter 3, which is one I liked, but I was so bloody slow, so I didn't get to voting and shit before the end of Chapter 6/beginning of chapter 7 I think. All those 3 are great, chapter 2 is as well, but I think chapter 8 takes the bloody pie. Harris had so many moments there.
Is there anything you disliked?
Well, apart from that Harris was killed off (I loved the way he went out, didn't like that Kersea couldn't even meet the badass in real combat, instead stabbing him from behind.) As I think I have stated, or someone else maybe (can't remember) last chapter, there was a little to many fight scenes where our heroes got out safely, which kinda felt like you were afraid to kill them off. That wasn't a problem in this chapter though. Orys interrupting just before all hell breaks lose between Argella and Mullendore (which also was a great scene) is the only one I can think of, and he really comes to the rescue often doesn't he? Samantha, and now Drent. Good habits I suppose.
Do you have further advice, anything you'd like to see more, anything you're anticipating in Book 2?
I am anticipating my other 10 or so characters of course, and some should be introduced rather early, I seem to recall. At least them lords. I'd like to see more direwolves Semi-friendly direwolves though, kinda like Knightfang (R.i.P.)
Otherwise, keep up the good fucking work, Liquid! I hope that the following books, interludes and all other madness will be just as good as Book 1, maybe even better.
Well, what can I say... surprise epilogue! I knew writing wouldn't take me all that long, yet I surprised myself by actually finishing it al… morel so quickly. I surely hope that it lives up to the hype. All I know it, it made me even more excited for the things to come in the next book. For now, this means Book 1 is officially over! My friends, it has been a crazy awesome ride. Wether you follow this story for the entire two and a half years or have just joined, you are the ones I owe my gratitude. At the danger of sounding cheesy, writing this story has been one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life and it has shaped the plans I hold for my future in quite magnificent ways. Hell, without the confidence I received from your support, I likely would have never decided to study something I actually want to do. Neither would I have made plans to remain a creative writer hopefully for the rest of my life, first with Forum of Thrones, then hopef… [view original content]
Luckily, I can say Ser Harris Flowers one last time. I doubt I'll be able to say that again, except maybe at the end of book 3 (Who were your favourite characters in the entirety of the trilogy).I'll just go a head and place some PoV's here as well, but Apart from that, Axell (Duh!) obviously, others is Lucas, Leonard, Mr. Gutten, Garthon, Raenna, Samuel, Garen, Aylard, Temari, Richard, Alan, Irving, Vashord, Daghan Argella, Drent, Edward Anturion and Petyr. I've also taken a bit of a liking for The Sphynx and The Tom.
That is certainly a question I will include at the end of Book 3. Oh man, it seems to me the questions I'll ask at that time are going to be even more I am certainly happy to see that you still hold Harris to such high regards. It is a shame he had to die, but ultimately, well, little I could have done there. The sum of his mistakes would have caused his undoing sooner or later.
Obviously, Acting Lord of Raylansfair, Ser Harris Flowers. But well, apart from the characters I listed above I do miss Terroma, Marak, The Burned Man, Martin Wilshere, Archmaesters Wulvren and Quent (I know they aren't dead!), Jaylon Gordus (really liked Team Jaylon and Samuel), Jax (Teller, well-liked member of the Sons of Anarchy), Hackor, Torvin, The Lord of Bridges, Funeral Snow (May the man rest in piece!). I also like Septon Corbin, which is weird. And man, Maester Eaton seemed like a nice guy, would've liked to se more of him. And who can forget Dimitri the Wise! And the Introduced kings are so far great, especially Harren and Argilac. We haven't seen to much of motherfucking King Lannister, have we?
Some of these names to surprise me, quite positively. I can confirm, both Wulvren and Quent will reappear in Book 2. Frenchman Snail on the other hand, I am afraid we won't ever see someone like him again. You either die a memorable character or live long enough to see yourself become a meme, that's what's standing on his gravestone. We also indeed haven't seen too much of Loren Lannister, but Book 2 should give him a larger role. Still, Harren and probably either Argilac or Meria Martell are going to have the most present role in Book 2. Loren himself, we will learn more about him, that I promise
Well, apart from that Harris was killed off (I loved the way he went out, didn't like that Kersea couldn't even meet the badass in real combat, instead stabbing him from behind.) As I think I have stated, or someone else maybe (can't remember) last chapter, there was a little to many fight scenes where our heroes got out safely, which kinda felt like you were afraid to kill them off. That wasn't a problem in this chapter though. Orys interrupting just before all hell breaks lose between Argella and Mullendore (which also was a great scene) is the only one I can think of, and he really comes to the rescue often doesn't he? Samantha, and now Drent. Good habits I suppose.
Heh, though it was basically her taking the chance in the heat of the moment, I can confirm that yes, in a fight one on one, Harris would have killed Kersea. He would have killed most in single combat. Hell, Clayton stood chanceless and even Alysanne, who has been so much more dangerous than Kersea can ever hope to be. That said, she didn't even want to fight him, so a genuine one-on-one fight between these two simply wasn't happening. If things would have gone her way, he would have just put his sword away and they would have separated peacefully. When it comes to Orys, well, he likes doing that. A knightly oath and stuff like that, though it is not only him being a good guy and saving others, it's also him wanting to prove himself. We're going to see more of that in Book 2, but aside from really being this pretty great guy, Orys also wants to prove this. His heritage as a bastard is an open secret and given how bastards are seen in the Westerosi society, it is a big part of his character to have this desire to prove that he is better than what people usually assume about bastards.
I am anticipating my other 10 or so characters of course, and some should be introduced rather early, I seem to recall. At least them northern lords. I'd like to see more direwolves Semi-friendly direwolves though, kinda like Knightfang (R.i.P.)
Aye, it won't take long. Actually, due to the Interlude, I might have found an even earlier and better way of introducing some very particular ones. You know which ones I mean And direwolves... well, Wolfius has one and he is going to reappear in Book 2, but I have the feeling that is not what you want to see more of. A semi-friendly direwolf... we will see. We will see.
Who were your favourite characters in Chapter 9?
Luckily, I can say Ser Harris Flowers one last time. I doubt I'll be able to say that ag… moreain, except maybe at the end of book 3 (Who were your favourite characters in the entirety of the trilogy).I'll just go a head and place some PoV's here as well, but Apart from that, Axell (Duh!) obviously, others is Lucas, Leonard, Mr. Gutten, Garthon, Raenna, Samuel, Garen, Aylard, Temari, Richard, Alan, Irving, Vashord, Daghan Argella, Drent, Edward Anturion and Petyr. I've also taken a bit of a liking for The Sphynx and The Tom.
Who were your favourite characters in the entirety of Book 1?
Obviously, Acting Lord of Raylansfair, Ser Harris Flowers. But well, apart from the characters I listed above I do miss Terroma, Marak, The Burned Man, Martin Wilshere, Archmaesters Wulvren and Quent (I know they aren't dead!), Jaylon Gordus (really liked Team Jaylon and Samuel), Jax (Teller, well-liked memb… [view original content]
Wow,this is what Edrick need! While I don't dislike to have give to Alphyn a role in this chapter I must admit that Edrick look really cool in this alternative choice! I hope that we will have a chance to see this side of the northern knight in the next book
Ah, Edrick will get some action-packed scenes in the next book. Reminds me, I accidentally forgot to include him in the Next-Time segment A shame, but you'll see where his storyline is going to head to soon. I believe it should be very exciting, with the finale of his next arc being planned as one of the highlights of Book 2, which says a lot.
I'm curious to know what will this sidestory at Oldtown,maybe Ellena would have try to reach her friend at the Pale Princess?
I will explain more about it in the future What If parts. Ellena would have tried to search for Talea and the Pale Princess crew, but unfortunately, they would have already continued their journey. Instead, she would have met a character whom I cannot fully reveal much about without spoiling. Said character is however loosely involved with Noelle's enemy and they would have pushed Ellena into the Dragonstone storyline, which would have headed towards a completely different outcome than it is now.
"Things she inevitably has to face" eh? This seems really interesting
Aye, as said before, I am really going to increase Ilish's screentime over the course of Book 2. With her, I think the main problem is that I made her a PoV too early. She has exciting stuff planned, but what comes inbetween, I probably should have found a way to fill that with more content. Expect quite big stuff for her in Book 2.
My own opinion about the alternative choices:
[Fight Reymond]
Edrick would have fought Reymond himself and would have shown off… more his skills, mostly dominating the fight much to Reymond's frustration. Alphyn would have been highly impressed by this, resulting in him looking up to Edrick instead of seeing him as an equal. Edrick would have also been the one to reveal Reymond's identity instead of Alphyn, though he wouldn't have done so by accident, but because he suspected this already.
Wow,this is what Edrick need! While I don't dislike to have give to Alphyn a role in this chapter I must admit that Edrick look really cool in this alternative choice! I hope that we will have a chance to see this side of the northern knight in the next book
[Try to talk Reymond down]
This instead would have been a B-O-R-I-N-G choice
Garthon I:
[Decline the offer]
Wow, this choice would have been really inte… [view original content]
Well, it would have been a big death for sure, although probably not quite as big as Lucas' death. At the same time, I consider it a very fitting death for Leonard, having the final laugh at Mullendore and saving Lucas' life in the process. It would have also, though not as big, probably been the only thing to make the Book 1 ending more tragic. But well, I was pretty sure most would ultimately help Saerya, given that it not only had benefits for Leonard, but also for John.
Oh man, I knew we shouldn't have helped Saerya. The way Leonard dies sounds so cool, and a trial by combat with Lucas and Leonard facing each other off is simply too awesome.
Edited in a few more things in the first post. Not much, meant to do it earlier.
That... is a lot of characters, wow! I won't comment on all of them, or else I'd still be writing that comment in a week from now, but I am happy to hear that so many have managed to win your favour. And again, some names I have never expected to see there. I mean, Trymon Brune, Ulaf, Gabin, Davith, Behara and the likes. Or characters such as Jaylon, the Burned Man, Harpy, Quent or Alan, whom, if I remember correctly, have initially been among your least favourites at some point. I loved writing them all and I am glad you have enjoyed them so much! Since this in turn makes me very happy, here's a little hint. Among this super big list of your favourites are, coincidentally, all three introduced characters that will receive a PoV status at some point in Book 2
Lord Brune, that bloke, can't forget him. I would have ensured he would have survived. As for POV's, well, Kyra, and uh, I don't really know, damn. We'll see.
Back at his castle of Mander's Mouth, safe and sound. However, he also feels humiliated, quite angered and thrice screwed over. A proud man such as him won't take this easy and you surely haven't seen the last of him.
I am glad the Lord of Mander's Mouth is alright. After his exit stage left, I wasn't sure how our guy was doing. Good thing he probably isn't with Mullendore right now.
Leonard is probably the one character I am the most happy you managed to save with your choices. He had a chance of dying if Jenna would have screwed up by picking the wrong plan to follow. In that case, well, alternative choices. But truly, with the deaths of Lucas and Torvin, Leonard is among the longest living and most developed characters in the story right now and he has not reached the end of his road yet
Noice. Victory.
I admit, this was one of the situations I splitted the questions into Chapter 9 and Book 1. I knew that in its entirety, Jenna is likely still among your least favourites, even if more recent developments might have given you at least a somewhat more neutral opinion on her. True enough, I don't spot her among your list of least favourites for Chapter 9. I doubt you're ever going to be a fan of hers, but perhaps she can remain on a neutral level.
Hehe, can't say she will be one of my favorites for a while. But we'll see.
Same situation as with Jenna. That be said, her role is going to change drastically in Book 2. In Book 1, she has been this forced, reluctant villain for most of the time. Now freed from Clayton, she might actually win some sympathies. Just like with Jenna, I don't really think you're ever going to praise her greatly, but she's arguably in a better position to change opinions.
Chapter 9, the way that it was set up, didn't have me change my opinions on characters too much. It was just kind of there. So, this list is… more kind of small. It's not to say there aren't other characters I like, but this chapter didn't really do anything for them. Samantha, John Gutten, Lucas Flowers (gone, but never forgotten), Arthur Nathamer, Saerya (thanks for your help), Alan Harking, Ser Daghan Oxus, Ser Orys Baratheon, Princess Argella Durrandon, and of course the noble Ser Leonard Constantine.
Yeah, a big part of this chapter was preparing for the next book. I still hope to have shown some different sides about a couple of characters, but all in all, it was mostly wrapping up some existing stuff. I am glad to see some names such as Samantha, who had a really small storyline, or Alan, who is, well, probably not the character that is the easiest to like. Very interesting to see you like him
Think that's a lot of characters?… [view original content]
As you can probably imagine, this would have been one of the worst things you could have done in this situation. While Mullendore's offer was about as dishonest as Petyr's, the fact that he would have confessed far earlier would have been a huge problem for him, as Argella was nowhere near ready to come to the rescue. As a result, Lucas would have been seriously roughed up. However, he would have been saved by an unexpected source. None other than Aylard Kawl would have arrived (potentially with John's help, if you would have chosen that), to force the Sphynx and Connor to flee. He wouldn't have exactly saved him, but would have spared him further torture until Argella would have arrived. However, his wounds would have been severe and without a champion to fight for him, he would have lost the trial by combat for sure. In this case, he would even know that and his option to choose a trial by combat would have basically been suicide, to give him a somewhat honourable way out of this situation, where he could die as a big 'Fuck You' against Petyr and Mullendore while simultaneously not putting his liege lady in danger. Being so heavily wounded, he also wouldn't have fought the Tom. Petyr would have been confident with sending Hugo against him, a choice that would have pleased Lord Tyrell a bit more. Hugo would have ultimately killed Lucas with relative ease, though he would have felt heavy regret over it in Book 2.
Really glad this didn't happen.
John I:
[Go with Aylard to Lucas]
If this would have been chosen, John's storyline would have been slightly longer. He would have gotten the part in which Lucas talked to Aylard, witnessing their conversation, while also getting a chance to say his farewells to Lucas. This would have been good for his mental well-being and for Lucas as well. He would have still managed to find Daghan later on and both would have then went to find Saerya, resulting in the rest of his storyline playing out as you saw it.
I wish we did this. A bittersweet farewell.
Arthur II:
[Go with the guard]
What seemed to be a simple choice between duty and some sibling time with Arthur and Aditha actually had huge consequences for Arthur as a character. If he would have gone with the guard, he would have never learned that Aditha lied about Hackor's final words. This in turn would have meant that his opinion on his father wouldn't have soured and that is massive for him as a character. He would have followed Hackor's teachings loyally throughout Chapter 9 and Book 2. In this chapter, this would have led to him clashing with Edonia, due to being less willing to give the archer to Argella and the Stormlanders, instead insisting on this archer to be judged in Raylansfair, as Hackor would have done.
I'm not sure if this is good or bad? We'll see with What ifs.
Garthon I:
[Decline the offer]
Interestingly, this would have given Garthon more of a role in this chapter. By refusing Mullendore's offer, his time would have been limited and he would have known this. Instead of him, Rell would have accepted without a second thought. However, to repay him for saving his life in Chapter 8, Rell would have allowed Hjalgar to try and save Garthon. This would have given Hjalgar a big role in this chapter, as he would have tried and eventually succeeded at saving Garthon. Depending on your choices, he would have sacrificed himself in the process, holding off the Moggy so that Garthon can escape, wounding the giant but ultimately failing to kill him. However, he also could have survived and went with Garthon back to the Riverlands.
I wish we did this. I knew Garthon wouldn't just die, it wouldn't make sense.
As it was promised, here are the alternative choices for Chapter 9! Afterwards, I will write down the What If section, followed by the thing… mores that could have been, if my plans wouldn't have evolved. Both are likely to be released later this week. And after that... well, then it's Interlude time Anyways, here's how Chapter 9 could have played out.
Alternative Choices: Chapter IX
Lucas I:
[Sign the confession]
As you can probably imagine, this would have been one of the worst things you could have done in this situation. While Mullendore's offer was about as dishonest as Petyr's, the fact that he would have confessed far earlier would have been a huge problem for him, as Argella was nowhere near ready to come to the rescue. As a result, Lucas would have been seriously roughed up. However, he would have been saved by an unexpected source. None other than Aylard Kawl would have arrived (potentially with John's help, if you would ha… [view original content]
are fundamentally similar choices, in that both wouldn't have affected the current chapter. However, forgiving Irving or not would have had big changes about him as a character, both positive and negative. By forgiving him, Maya would have sent a signal to Irving that he can screw up as he likes, that he can always earn her forgiveness and he wouldn't have tried to better himself as much. Outright not forgiving him however would have caused him to try too much, to become depressed and to endanger himself. I'd say you found the right balance by telling him that he has to earn forgiveness.
Wow I would have really disliked him either of these ways. Still gonna screw up.
Lucas IV:
[Refuse Petyr's deal]
Now... as you can probably imagine, it would have been a good thing. It wouldn't quite mean that Lucas would have lived, but he would have made things harder for Petyr and Mullendore. Without him outright confessing, people would have doubted Lucas' guilt, even in Book 2, long after his death. Questions would have grown loud about Mullendore's involvement in all this and without a confession, they wouldn't have quite as much of an effective way of blaming Lucas for all this, only his defeat at the trial. This would have ultimately caused pretty big problems for both even after Lucas' death.
Ack if only I didn't miss this when it happened, maybe we could have avoided what we got and gotten better.
Arthur IV:
[Follow the bootprints]
This would have given Arthur a slightly longer storyline in this chapter, as he would have ultimately followed the blood regardless. First however, he would have followed the bootprints, noting that they belong to two Solvers, who have met Sherryl together with Mullendore. They stayed behind, debating on wether or not they should kill her despite Mullendore sparing her life. Arthur, having overheard a rather critical part of their talk, would have been spotted by them, at which point a fight would have broken out. In the end, Edonia would have saved his life there, shooting both of the Solvers as they were just ganging up on Arthur.
Not Wolfius and Kreep. Hm. Okay then. Still wondering where those two were/are.
John II:
[Refuse to help Saerya]
This little choice right here might have been the single most important choice in the entirety of Book 1, because refusing to help Saerya would have been the only way for Lucas to survive the trial by combat. Without John's help, Leonard would have been caught and though Saerya would have managed to talk herself and Jenna out of this, she would have been unable to help Leonard, who would have been dragged away by the guards. His fate would have been originally unknown, but in the end, it would have been revealed that he was brought before Petyr, who would have threatened him quite heavily, making it clear that he could kill Leonard's entire family through Mullendore's remaining assassins and therefore leaving Leonard no choice but to agree to champion for him in the trial by combat. However, he would have had the last laugh. There would have been a very short unmotivated fight between the two friends, as neither actually wanted to wound the other, with both being horrified at having to fight each other. In the end, Leonard would have thrown himself onto Lucas' blade to save his friends' life, revealing with his dying breath that this has been his plan all along, to make sure that Lucas and the Constantine family would all survive this and that Lucas could carry the fight against Mullendore on for longer. His storyline in Book 2 would have been similar to Leonard's, but there will be key differences which you will get to see in future What If sections.
;( That's so tragic. Man that be worse than what we got, especially for me.
Richard II:
[Keep some of the details for yourself]
This would have determined Leonard's opinion on Kersea in the beginning of the next book. Now, they are still allies but very much at each other's throats. If Richard would have kept Kersea's full involvement a secret, they would get along way better. However, the last word about their relationship is not yet spoken and will highly depend on a great number of choices in Book 2. Both know they have a common enemy, but if he would have learned the truth about Kersea later on, Leonard might have been very pissed about all this, so I'd say you chose wisely.
Jaron III:
[Distract Lanford and Erik]
By not calming Samuel down, Jaron would have missed a chance to calm the entire situation. Thou… moregh he would have managed to distract both men for long enough, Samuel would have more or less forced the information about Ryder's whereabouts out of Joshawa, therefore not finding a peaceful solution. Eventually, both would have been forced to flee from Lanford, who would have outright tried to kill them. During their escape, Samuel would have confronted Ryder, though their fight would have been broken up by Lanford and Farris, resulting in Samuel getting badly wounded by a crossbow bolt to the leg, a wound that would have slowed him down, probably permanently.
Arthur III:
[Head to the site immediately]
This would have mostly meant that Arthur and Edonia would have faced Sherryl less prepared. Arthur would have been shocked at Sherryl's involvement in this and even given her a chance to talk h… [view original content]
Edited in a few more things in the first post. Not much, meant to do it earlier.
So I noticed! Edit notifications can occasionally be actually useful But yeah, I checked the submission box and noticed that the Donnel has been submitted on July 1st 2016, meaning he had his first anniversary two weeks ago. I am very confident that he will already be introduced before the same time next year. As for the things you mentioned... Book 2 will hold more battles and it will also be a lot more bloody. I actually fear how long the list of deceased characters will be before the end of Book 2. Quite a number of actually beloved characters will join the ranks of Lucas, Torvin and co., but I can promise that some of the villains will also get their comeuppance
Lord Brune, that bloke, can't forget him. I would have ensured he would have survived. As for POV's, well, Kyra, and uh, I don't really know, damn. We'll see.
Actually, I noticed that there is another, a certain PoV that appeared as a minor Book 1 character, whom I constantly forget about, mostly because the starting point of this PoV is so much more open. The other three, I have a clear idea. Kyra will have her first part in Chapter 1, the second PoV will first appear in Chapter 2 and the third in Chapter 4. This other one though... well, anywhere from Chapter 2 to Chapter 5 is possible, to be honest.
Hehe, can't say she will be one of my favorites for a while. But we'll see.
Certainly not for a while, no. I am not even sure if she's ever going to be among your favourites, but perhaps she'll permanently leave your least favourites. The development she received recently has been a step in the right direction and this development won't end anytime soon.
Don't underestimate my stubbornness!
Knowing my own stubbornness, especially when it comes to disliking a character, I never make the mistake of underestimating anyone's ability in these regards, trust me That be said, Kersea's character development is arguably going to be even more massive than Jenna's. While Jenna will always retain something of herself, the Kersea we have seen for most of Book 1 has been a wholly different person from the one we have met in the latest two chapters. Being reunited with Briar, however briefly it was, and gaining the strength to free herself from Clayton, it has restored her. I won't say for sure that I will get you to like her, but as said, she is in a better position than Jenna.
Edited in a few more things in the first post. Not much, meant to do it earlier.
That... is a lot of characters, wow! I won't comment … moreon all of them, or else I'd still be writing that comment in a week from now, but I am happy to hear that so many have managed to win your favour. And again, some names I have never expected to see there. I mean, Trymon Brune, Ulaf, Gabin, Davith, Behara and the likes. Or characters such as Jaylon, the Burned Man, Harpy, Quent or Alan, whom, if I remember correctly, have initially been among your least favourites at some point. I loved writing them all and I am glad you have enjoyed them so much! Since this in turn makes me very happy, here's a little hint. Among this super big list of your favourites are, coincidentally, all three introduced characters that will receive a PoV status at some point in Book 2
Lord Brune, that bloke, can't forget him. I would have ensured he would have survived. As f… [view original content]
Finally, the What If section for this chapter! Next will be the hopefully interesting things that could have been if my plans would be static, unchanging things and then, Spring Forth, my friends
What would have happened...
... if Lunett would have survived her experiences in Oldtown?
As you know, through certain choices you could have saved Lunett, though at the cost of Aylard. The loss of her father and Lucas' colder personality would have put a strain onto their growing relationship though. After Lucas would have declared his loyalty to Argella, Lunett would have even been downright hurt, noticing how smitten her knight is by his new liege lady. However, she would have still had feelings for Lucas, as complicated as they would have been, leading to her trying to break him out of his imprisonment. Depending on your choices, this could have ended with her death. In either way, she would have failed to free him. Importantly, Mullendore wouldn't have been able to pin her death on Lucas, for obvious reasons, making his claim that Lucas is this wicked killer a lot less believable. There would have been a very specific route that could have prevented the trial by combat, if you would have saved Lunett, not knelt to Argella and managed to save the lives of both, Harris and Darren (the latter of which you did), at which point Lord Tyrell would have been so convinced of Lucas' innocence that he would have insisted on a septon's judgement instead of a trial by combat. This however wouldn't have saved Lucas for sure, it would still come down to your choices.
...if Lucas wouldn't have knelt to Argella?
Lucas' decision to swear loyalty to Princess Argella gave him a very powerful ally in this chapter. Argella's biggest flaw here was her lack of experience, as she wasn't able to use her tremendous power well enough against a man as callous as Mullendore. However, her support gave him better chances and arguably a new perspective in life, as much as it ultimately led to nothing. Without him kneeling to her, she would have by now lost any interest to this knight, despite the sympathy she would have felt. For someone that does not belong to her court, she wouldn't have taken these risks, making Lucas' chances arguably worse. At the same time, Lord Tyrell would have had a better opinion on Lucas. After kneeling to Argella, he honestly saw him as a bit of a traitor. As for the princess herself, instead of focussing onto Lucas, she would have personally hunted for the one that murdered Jax, leading to her joining Arthur in his search.
...if Willfred would have supported a side during the power struggle in Chapter 6 and 7?
Like, any side really. A lot of the political landscape in Raylansfair was influenced by Willfred's decisions in these two chapters. Or, more like his lack of clear decisions. Supporting Hobert against Harris, then switching back to Harris, then switching to Argella, then backstabbing her and therefore not supporting anyone that could have opposed Sherryl... well, not everyone's born to be a Littlefinger. Willfred's support could have seen either Hobert or Argella as temporary victors, before the raid would have undone their fragile victory. However, they would have both offered Lucas to bend the knee to them, with Argella obviously having the better arguments. Both would have genuinely tried to safe him and if they would have won the power struggle, they would have been in a way better situation to do so. Depending on your choices, Argella could have even outright succeeded, walking away with Lucas and leaving Mullendore and Petyr humiliated.
...if Hackor would have survived the raid?
As you know, through certain combinations of choices, Hackor could have survived the raid, though wounded to a crippling degree. Never quite the same ever again, he would have spent much of this chapter in critical condition. However, he would have been able to give orders, leading to the whole situation in the city being much less chaotic. Arthur would have also still had his role model to look up to, though Hackor's life would have come at consequences for Aditha, who would have been raped and nearly abducted by an Ironborn soldier, traumatizing her severely.
...if Jaron would have never started his relationship with Harpy or they would have quickly broken up again?
Through certain choices, mostly in the timing when to speak to Harpy after the warehouse fight and how to act in Chapter 7, Jaron's relationship with her could have either never started (leaving both with unspoken feelings, regret and quite some bitterness) or already ended again (mostly by not supporting her in Chapter 7, especially when it comes to the Burned Man). This would leave Jaron heartbroken and to be honest, Harpy would have felt this ways just the same. However, it would have had serious consequences for his post-Oldtown plans, as he would have left her after the events of Chapter 7, to tie up his loose end with Samuel and then to leave Oldtown to head north. Now... well, his path might be a little eastbound now.
...if Richard would have died in Chapter 3?
Far less likely than Jenna, but still possible would have been Richard's death at the hands of Wolfius. In this case, quite a lot would have changed about the assassins and stuff. Urid would have likely lived, Hal would have likely died. Most importantly, Kersea wouldn't have been brought back to the farmhouse. Instead, she would have collapsed in front of the lighthouse, where Brandon would have found her. He would have nursed her and Raenna back to health. However, she would have gone back to Raylansfair in the next chapter, to atone for her role in Mullendore's scheme. In this case however, she wouldn't have been outright allied with Leonard and Jenna, neither would any of them know about her past. Speaking of, Jenna would have saved Leonard with Saerya's help, bringing him to Richard's farmhouse, now occupied by Alan, who would have gotten quite some tension with his niece over ownership of the farm.
...if Jenna would have died in Chapter 3?
The biggest one right to the very end. I have seen a number of comments in which some wish that Jenna would have died in Chapter 3. Well... think about what she actually did since then. Without her, Septon Corbin would still be around, preaching and pushing the smallfolk into Mullendore's arms. Saerya would have never gotten an ally, leading to her getting into a bit of trouble with Arthur and the law. Most importantly though, nobody would have been around to help Leonard. Remember the alternative trial by combat? While it is unlikely to be the only option and unlikely that Jenna's death would have inevitably doomed Leonard, it would have made this outcome way more likely. Admittedly, not too much planning has went into this since she survived, but it was always planned that Jenna would play an important role in this part of the Book 1 endgame.
Who were your favourite characters in Chapter 9? I thought Orys Baratheon really shined in this chapter. Even though I chose to talk our way out of the situation instead of drawing the sword, I'm glad we got to see more of his character fleshed out further into the story. Ryder Harrington seems like a decent guy. Leonard is always quite the charmer, isn't he? Also Sur Hugo Farnham quickly became a favourite of mine despite just meeting him. It seems like his heart is in the right place but he's working with the wrong people. Hopefully, he'll come to realize what monsters they are. Some honorable mentions include Edonia, Saerya, Wylie, and Davith.
Who were your favourite characters in the entirety of Book 1? I enjoyed Lord Hobert Lowthar a lot. Like, a lot a lot. He's just one of those characters where, if we were ever able to run into him again, I'd love to make choices to support him, but then back stab him later just for giggles. I really enjoyed all of the assassins working together (Alysanne, Kersea, Clayton). Man, I'm really going to miss them. As hell as it was for Kersea, I'm going to miss the missions and the adventures they went on. Another group I enjoyed reading that's splitting up is John's group. Some others include Harris Flowers, Lucas Flowers, Martin Wilshire, Federico Snipe, Hackor Nathamer, Kyra Greyjoy, and Lady Halla (I guess )
Who were your least favourite characters in Chapter 9? Besides the characters who you'd expect, Gyles was a huge scumbag. I'm all willing to cooperate or work out something, but Melanie is the only family Sadie has left and to see her as a broken mess because of him didn't make me hesitate to want to kill him. Leo York was a piece of crap too. Sherryl probably would've made it on this list too if not for her expressing regret for the actions she has done. Then, of course, Mullendore.
Who were your least favourite characters in the entirety of Book 1? I could never really sympathize with Jaylon. As much as I wanted to, he never really got to me, so I wasn't too sorry when he died. Sherryl is obviously not. I can't forget the things she's done and how many soldiers/smallfolk she got killed for the sake of love. Not too big of a fan of Harren's sons.
Who were your favourite POV storylines in Chapter 9? I found myself enjoying Arthur's storyline quite so in this chapter. Of course, out of respect, I got to say Lucas. May he see his Lunett again. Others include Jenna and Drent.
Who were your favourite POV storylines in the entirety of Book 1? Easily got to say Marak. Ever since Chapter 1, I knew there was something I liked about him. Anytime his POV came back, I was overwhelmed with enthusiasm to read his next part. I still can't believe he's gone... A close second for me would be Jenna. I really enjoyed her growth as a character over the entirety of this Book. Jaron's and Ellena's were really entertaining too.
Who were your least favourite POV storylines in Chapter 9? Hmmmmm. I thought all of them were really interesting honestly. IIish's wasn't all that exciting, but that's only because it was a set up for the things to come in her storyline.
Who were your least favourite POV storylines in the entirety of Book 1? This is probably going to be one of my most unpopular opinions in FoT but I have to say Torvin. Something about his story never could really capture my interest all that much. Even when his story was connected with Garthon's and Alys', I always preferred to hear it told from them rather than Torvin. However, I did enjoy his last moments before his death. He went out like a badass.
What has been your favourite part and your favourite moment in Chapter 9? Lucas' trial by combat was sad, but well written I'd say. I figured he would die, though, since we didn't really know much of the Tom's backstory at that point whereas we knew too much about Lucas'. Still, he was a brave and loyal knight to the end. I really liked reading the showdown between Argella and Mullendore. I love me some good drama!
What has been your favourite part and your favourite moment in the entirety of Book 1? I would have to say the Chapter 6 finale is a memorable one for me. That entire Chapter was a major game changer for a lot of characters.
What has been your favourite chapter in Book 1? Chapter 5 made for a very interesting storyline for Samantha. It was an intense chase of whether or not they can make it to Lucas before Butterfly would get away with it. The assassination attempt was great, too.
Is there anything you disliked? No not really. I thought it was weird to finish the first two chapters of the book in a short matter of time but I know that's changed.
Do you have further advice, anything you'd like to see more, anything you're anticipating in Book 2? Some characters I'm looking forward to meeting: Donnel Selwyn, the daughter of the Anturion family, Otho Wayland, and that new member of the Alley Cats that was mentioned way, way back. A cannibal if I'm correct? So yeah, basically people we should be afraid of . Also I'm going to try to enjoy these characters while they last because I highly doubt Books 2 & 3 will be as merciful as Book 1 was. Also, as a suggestion, I'd like to see more lighthearted moments in the story, much like that game Jaron, Martin, and Harpy played together.
Well, what can I say... surprise epilogue! I knew writing wouldn't take me all that long, yet I surprised myself by actually finishing it al… morel so quickly. I surely hope that it lives up to the hype. All I know it, it made me even more excited for the things to come in the next book. For now, this means Book 1 is officially over! My friends, it has been a crazy awesome ride. Wether you follow this story for the entire two and a half years or have just joined, you are the ones I owe my gratitude. At the danger of sounding cheesy, writing this story has been one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life and it has shaped the plans I hold for my future in quite magnificent ways. Hell, without the confidence I received from your support, I likely would have never decided to study something I actually want to do. Neither would I have made plans to remain a creative writer hopefully for the rest of my life, first with Forum of Thrones, then hopef… [view original content]
I enjoyed Lord Hobert Lowthar a lot. Like, a lot a lot. He's just one of those characters where, if we were ever able to run into him again, I'd love to make choices to support him, but then back stab him later just for giggles. I really enjoyed all of the assassins working together (Alysanne, Kersea, Clayton). Man, I'm really going to miss them. As hell as it was for Kersea, I'm going to miss the missions and the adventures they went on. Another group I enjoyed reading that's splitting up is John's group. Some others include Harris Flowers, Lucas Flowers, Martin Wilshire, Federico Snipe, Hackor Nathamer, Kyra Greyjoy, and Lady Halla (I guess )
I realized out of this quite sizable list, only Hobert, Kersea and Kyra are still alive, as well as probably Clayton. Man, I killed too many favourites in Book 1 I don't even like doing that, but at the same time, it seems my attempt to make the doomed and dying characters sympathetic was a little bit too successful. That be said, the ones you mentioned there will be pretty important in Book 2 as well. Especially Kyra's story is just going to get started.
Easily got to say Marak. Ever since Chapter 1, I knew there was something I liked about him. Anytime his POV came back, I was overwhelmed with enthusiasm to read his next part. I still can't believe he's gone... A close second for me would be Jenna. I really enjoyed her growth as a character over the entirety of this Book. Jaron's and Ellena's were really entertaining too.
It is safe to say, Marak is one of the characters whom I regret killing off. At the time, it felt like the right decision, but I enjoyed his unique view on many events and find myself really wanting to write more stuff for him. That said, his departure made room for Ellena to become Noelle's travelling companion and her storyline should also be highly exciting. Still, there won't be anyone quite like Marak again and I am glad he left such a good impression on you.
No not really. I thought it was weird to finish the first two chapters of the book in a short matter of time but I know that's changed.
Well, way less storylines, as well as a generally faster writing speed back then did wonders These first two chapters are still not exactly short, but I believe Chapter 1 has roughly 1/6 of the length of Chapter 5, which still holds the crown as the longest to date. I'd love to finish them all that quickly, but at the same time, this gives me more time to plan and to enjoy the actual story.
Some characters I'm looking forward to meeting: Donnel Selwyn, the daughter of the Anturion family, Otho Wayland, and that new member of the Alley Cats that was mentioned way, way back. A cannibal if I'm correct? So yeah, basically people we should be afraid of . Also I'm going to try to enjoy these characters while they last because I highly doubt Books 2 & 3 will be as merciful as Book 1 was. Also, as a suggestion, I'd like to see more lighthearted moments in the story, much like that game Jaron, Martin, and Harpy played together.
All of these should make their first appearance at some point in Book 2, though the currently unnamed Lady Anturion is likely the last to be introduced out of these. This new Alley Cat is indeed a cannibal, yet surprisingly far from the worst of the bunch. We'll meet a couple new Alley Cats and their associates in Book 2 now that they get comfortable in Raylansfair, aside from some development for the Tom and the Sphynx. The former already received a bunch lately, but the latter, well, he has a couple of interesting secrets. And well, Book 2 and 3 are indeed going to be very bloody. There's the war coming and I think it goes without saying that the hesitation I might have felt in Book 1 is gone by now, given how many developed characters I have. That said, I hope to include more light-hearted moments as well, no matter how dark some storylines are going to become. As much as the story can be grim and bloody, I know there is no joy in making it as crushingly depressing as possible.
By the way, I have sent you a PM yesterday, something I wanted to ask about a minor change I would like to make about one of your characters. It's nothing bad, but I'd like to speak about this before writing the Vale Interlude next week.
Who were your favourite characters in Chapter 9? I thought Orys Baratheon really shined in this chapter. Even though I chose to talk our way… more out of the situation instead of drawing the sword, I'm glad we got to see more of his character fleshed out further into the story. Ryder Harrington seems like a decent guy. Leonard is always quite the charmer, isn't he? Also Sur Hugo Farnham quickly became a favourite of mine despite just meeting him. It seems like his heart is in the right place but he's working with the wrong people. Hopefully, he'll come to realize what monsters they are. Some honorable mentions include Edonia, Saerya, Wylie, and Davith.
Who were your favourite characters in the entirety of Book 1? I enjoyed Lord Hobert Lowthar a lot. Like, a lot a lot. He's just one of those characters where, if we were ever able to run into him again, I'd love to make choices to support him, but then back stab him later just for giggles. I reall… [view original content]
Alright then, here it is, the promised section in which I try to honour those of my plans that never got to see the light of day, to at least share them with you, for your amusement and mine. Maybe some are even curious what stuff I considered at different points in the story. They are abandoned plotlines, stuff that never happened, characters that survived my initial deadly plans for them and those that died despite earlier plans to keep them around for longer. The reasons for such changes are quite complex. In some cases, it's the submission of a new character, who inspires me to change earlier plans. In others, I realize flaws with my plans, things I am unhappy with. The relatively slow pace, as well as your direct feedback to some developments is incredibly helpful there. And now, without further ado, let us come to the first of several points.
Those that got lucky
Believe it or not, some characters actually survived my initial plans for them. They are a bit of a rarity, but they certainly exist. Take a look at those:
Kersea Catelins
The most prominent example right away, Kersea was planned to die in a pretty spectacular way in Chapter 8. These plans existed for a long time and were only changed in Chapter 6. My first draft of the lighthouse scene included Harris and Kersea teaming up on Clayton after the latter disposed of Alysanne. In this fight, Harris gets mortally wounded, but Kersea manages to kill Clayton, suffering a grievous wound at his hands. Harris realizes that the wildfire must not fall into the hands of men like Clayton ever again and with his final words (being “We Write History”), he throws a torch into the wildfire stash, killing himself, Kersea and Mullendore's hopes to use the wildfire against his enemies. It would have been a pretty horrifying scene for Kersea, as she lies immobilized, probably not dying, but unable to stop the knight on her own. I have changed this because I realized what a massive waste it would have been to kill off Kersea, Clayton and Alysanne all in the same part without anyone to witness their fate (Harris doesn't count, as he would have been vaporized), especially with no one who has any genuine connection to them and without any lasting consequences. It would basically killing off a PoV without any reason and a massive waste of potential. Once I realized this and once I realized how much I love writing Kersea, my change of plans was born, probably for the better.
Clayton Teryl
A consequence of the above was that I couldn't grant Kersea her deserved revenge just yet. Clayton was originally planned to die shortly before her (in some drafts, he is even the one to blow up the tower to spite her, instead of Harris who would have succumbed to his wounds by then), so even if he lost his arm, his skill, his dignity and his job, he still got lucky to have escaped with his life. We'll see how long his luck remains.
Ayden Blackwell
Originally, it was Jarek and not Ayden who was planned to survive the massacre in the Chapter 6 finale. Ayden was going to die heroically, killing several guards before being killed by the Moggy. Jarek was going to be taken, only to be found wounded but alive in a cell below the Hightower in Chapter 7. And a part of me regrets this, as Jarek had a very interesting backstory I barely delved into. The reason for Ayden's survival is that I already knew that Book 1 would end as a downer, with many dead, wounded or overall in a bad shape. I wanted to include a couple of hopeful pieces as well, such as giving Ayden and Taria a happy Book 1 ending. So, lucky Ayden.
Martin Wilshere
I know, I know, lucky is not quite the right word there and interestingly, my plans for him remained the same in that he died during this ambush. However, at first the ambush was planned to happen earlier, in Chapter 5 already and he would have been cut down by Samuel, then still Butterfly's top enforcer. So, he survived for an entire additional chapter and that counts. My reason for this is that I wanted to give Jaron a calmer chapter, focussing on his growing romantic relationship with Harpy, the Burned Man's next steps and general state of the city after the supposed death of Butterfly in Chapter 4. I felt this to be much needed. As such, Martin lived for longer than I first planned him to.
Audrey Marigold
For some time, I had plans for Audrey's death in Ilish's storyline in Chapter 8. During the raid, the roof of the tavern would have caught fire, while Megur would have been knocked out by a piece of debris. Saving her daughter, Audrey would have managed to do so, before being hit and possibly heavily wounded by one of the support beams of the tavern. Buried beneath it, she knew that there would have been no way for her to survive, so she urged Ilish and Daisy to leave her and save themselves and Megur, which they would have done, if reluctantly, as they were powerless to watch as the entire roof of the tavern would have given in with Audrey beneath. My reason for sparing her was that well, her death wouldn't have had the consequence I wanted it to have. It would have felt like just some random death to fill a quota. Even worse, Ilish's storyline in Book 2 would have made it impossible for me to give Audrey's death all that much meaning afterwards, for reasons you will see soon.
Rosalie Mettel
It sounds a bit cynical to speak of lucky in her case, because the poor girl got it really bad, but my original plan was for her to die. Lyria would have survived in that case, grieving for her daughter and becoming vengeful towards Wolfius. However, it would have felt too similar to the kind of storyline I want for Aylard and Mullendore. On top of that, Lyria had fulfilled her role in the story. I saw little potential in her, so to get a PoV death and a leaner, less cluttered storyline as a result, she had to go instead of her daughter, whom I see far more potential in.
Maron Mullendore
Last, but not least, the one you would have all loved to see dead and the one I denied you for now. Sorry! Mullendore is many things. Hateful, hateable, a visionary, a pathological liar and lastly, a guy that can be truly terrifying and effective if he wants to be. In short, the sort of villain that is so easy to hate that even I have developed a certain dislike for him, though not for writing him. As such, I was tempted two times to kill him off. Once in the Chapter 6 finale, where he would have been killed by Harpy's dagger and once in the Book 1 finale, where the final action the Tom would have done in the duel, after mortally wounding Lucas, would have been to kill his apparent master by throwing his sword at him. In both cases, there was no grand plan of mine leading up to these scenes, I was merely incredibly tempted by it. In the latter case, I even noticed how little sense it would make for the Tom, previously established to be loyal out of pragmatism, knowing that Mullendore is the only one to give his men a chance, to be the one to kill his employer. Cutting off the hand that feeds him, that is a Wolfius move, but the Tom ain't no wolf. This mean, I am afraid my plans for Good Guy Maron are going to remain.
Those that got unlucky
Far more prominent and probably painful is the list of characters who were originally planned to live for longer. Keep in mind, initially can mean a pretty long time here. At some point, many characters who are now dead were planned to live for longer. In some cases however, my plans for their death were made only few parts after their introduction. In others, it was a more recent decision. And in most, it was a painful decision.
Lucas Flowers
Once again, the big name right at the beginning. When the story started, up until the first half of Book 1 actually, Lucas was not supposed to die at the end of it. It was only later that I decided that his death would be the best way to end Book 1. Before this was planned, Lucas was supposed to survive, but it felt too much of a cliché to have this sort of a storyline. He was in many ways the hero and that is why he had to die. And the moment I had this idea, I felt it was the right one, as much as I am going to miss writing about him.
Ilhan Lagoon
Well, in Ilhan's case, his survival was never planned. The moment I received Ilhan, I just knew that he'd be the kind of guy to die a tragic death sooner or later. Initially settling for later, I ended up deciding in favour of sooner. Ilhan's original death was meant to be very similar to Hackor's eventual death, as he would have lied grievously wounded at the courtyard, with Jenna having to choose between saving him and another character (not Aditha in this case). These plans changed the moment I received Hackor and realized that he would fit far better for this particular scene, whereas Ilhan's quarrel with Harris would realistically get very explosive early on in the story.
Dairon's death has actually been decided upon relatively shortly before it happened, when Chapter 5 had already started. Originally, he was meant to survive all the way to the end of Book 1. However, I realized that I simply had no role for him in Book 2 anymore and that Petyr would find a way to get rid of his potentially dangerous knowledge. So, my original plan was for Dairon to die between Book 1 and 2, with his death being confirmed in Jenna's first PoV for the next chapter. I realized however how incredibly lame that would have been, so I ditched these plans for a memorable death scene instead.
Himani Sand
Similar to Dairon, Himani's death happened relatively shortly after it was first planned. Originally, I meant for him to play a role in Chapter 9, where he would have helped Ellena (who would have been captured by Abbas in this draft), to escape. In the process, he would have been captured himself and would have been dragged to Essos with Janae, Behara and Harpy. By accident, he would have been killed during a bandit ambush in mid-Book 2. I eventually scrapped these plans because I really wanted to go all out in the Chapter 6 finale. A massacre on both sides, with not even children being safe from it.
As said above, Jarek was originally planned to survive the ambush instead of Ayden. It would have made sense, as I could have delved deeper into his backstory, making him a semi-loyal ally to Jaron in the remainder of Book 1. As I decided that Ayden's survival and reunion with Taria would be one of the few truly happy moments of Chapter 9, it was clear to me though that, with a heavy heart, Jarek had to go. It simply would have felt a bit ridiculous that Mullendore's brilliant ambush would have ultimately only caused the deaths of Himani, Keira and Martin. I would have loved to write more about Jarek and if I could write the story again, I would put a less complex character into his role, with him appearing in a different storyline to shine.
Otis Shiff
When first receiving him, I had plans for Otis to become a semi-recurring villain, a threat to the children of Raylansfair and a bit of a boogeyman. The sort of villain that is really unsettling, you know. However, my main reason for killing him is that well, I gave in to the hatred I have for him. Unlike Mullendore, he is not this menacing big bad that I love to hate, he is simply a complete monster, a force of nature, and the story already has one of these in Wolfius. Second, even though I gave you the choice, it would have made no sense for Marak to spare him and later for Ellena to escape him without killing him. That would have been too much of a stretch. I would have been willing to make this stretch for a character I actually like, but Otis, he's worse than Clayton in terms of how much I dislike him.
Another big one here. Marak was originally planned to be revived by Noelle, who is a Red Priestess after all. However, I was struggling to come up with an entertaining storyline for him, but even more with a reason why Noelle's ritual would be successful. After all, the revived person should hold some importance to the plans of R'hllor, some kind of value in the things to come. People with special talents or important roles to fulfil. Beric Dondarrion, possibly Lady Stoneheart, Jon Snow. These guys. Marak is expendable for R'hllor and for Noelle, as harsh as it sounds. Unable to find a good reason for him to return to life, I scratched that, because allowing him, a random sellsword, to return without effort would mean that death as a whole would become cheap, with there being really no reason for Noelle to not revive anyone she encounters. While she is probably capable of that trick, I want to reserve it for those she sees as having an important role to play in the events to come.
Jax Montclair
In my first draft and for a long time, Jax was not among the characters I planned to die right here. My first draft however was significantly different, as I will tell you more about below. In it, Jax would have defended the castle alongside Drent and Emphryus during the raid. In this battle, he would have been wounded, as his lower leg would have cut up so badly that an inevitable infection would have forced Mathea to amputate part of it in Chapter 9. He would have received a peg leg and a knightly title for his effort. That said, he was planned to die relatively early into Book 2. I realized that there was no way around this second death scene and that it would be a bit of a waste to put him into this new situation first, having him lose part of his leg, only to die a few chapters later, in a relatively unspectacular way on top of that.
Dan Ornon
Let us conclude this section with the one death I agree has been truly unfair. No character has lost more when my plans changed than him, because poor Dan has originally been planned to be a PoV character. These were big plans, which you can still see in earlier comments of mine, where I mention him as an upcoming PoV. Then, everything changed when the fire nation attacked Sadie got submitted. I saw potential in Sadie and her personal quest to save her sister, way more than in Dan. Reduced to a secondary role in Sadie's storyline, not even his death was decided by then, that only came when I chose to have Sadie lose her sword hand, because losing her best and only friend at the same time felt like the right thing to do to push her into the direction I want her to be in Book 2. So, I really feel bad for Dan, I cannot deny it, but it is for the best when it comes to Sadie's upcoming storyline.
Of storylines that could have been and never will be
Finally, to conclude this overview of scrapped plans, there are a couple of storylines, not involving any characters that survived or didn't. Storylines that never happened in that way because my plans changed significantly, making them happening simply impossible. In some cases, your choices could have still offered a chance to make them happen, but it has always been a smaller chance.
The amazing Riverlands adventures of Ser Jaron the... Lucas?
Sit down, friends, it's story time. Once upon a time, in the early chapters, where long-term plan weren't all that long term, a fledgling storyline caught my interest. It was about the life and hardships of Jaron, Ser Bastard. And it was about me weirdly struggling to find more for him to do in Book 2. This has changed eventually, but back then, I wanted him to leave Oldtown at the end of Book 1. While his road is still going to lead away from Oldtown now, this early plan saw a much more bitter parting. Back then, he would have unwittingly caused the death of the Burned Man, a plan I eventually dropped for making no sense in the way the story developed. Harpy would have been hurt, heartbroken and in a moment of possibly justified anger, she would have sent him away, telling him she never wants to see him again. And Jaron... well, in what I eventually saw as being completely out-of-character, Jaron would have followed her wish. He would have travelled north, not east, becoming part of a storyline in the Riverlands. I cannot say too much about this storyline, but it would have made him an enemy of Edward Anturion, himself a character that received many changes. The main reason for dropping it was not only that it was out of character, but also that it was really inconsequential, as his development in Oldtown and the characters he met there would have played no role in his further storyline. So, I drastically changed my plans for him. Not yet willing to drop my Riverlands plans, I tried to shift them to Lucas, but dropped them for similar reasons. Even worse, Lucas already is an enemy to Mullendore. It made no sense to make him one to Anturion as well. At least some aspects of this storyline are still existing though, they will be shifted to a different Point-of-View now.
The Burned Woman
One of the planned twists that actually even was fully planned while I was writing Chapter 1 was revolving around Harpy. Though far from a perfectly moral character, my original plans for her were way darker. In this original plan, she was planned to be the true crimelady of Oldtown, the mastermind behind the Burned Man, whereas he, though still fulfilling the role of her adopted father, would mostly be the figurehead. While not a true villain and still with some fairly sympathetic traits, Harpy would have been a much darker character there, that much is for sure.
Things really gotten a bit... out of hand with this change. You might say, it's... armful. On the one hand, it is a pretty big change. On the other... oh yeah, nevermind...
As you can probably imagine, this is about Sadie and I got all the awful puns out of the way immediately, because she doesn't deserve to suffer any more of these, especially not from me. Her losing a hand was not part of the original character plans. In these plans, she would have remained a fully capable fighter, loosely affiliated with Leo's sellswords and mostly focussed on her sister instead of her own personal hardships. She would have been majorly important to bring down one of the villains of the story, one whom I cannot name for spoiler reasons because it might still happen and never would have lost her hand. This was a change I only decided upon when I realized that Sadie is lacking something to make her truly engaging and unique compared to other PoV's. Now, her development will make her a hopefully very interesting PoV, much more so than before.
The Three Stormlanders and the Mystery of the Absent Princess.
I think this one has been stated before, Argella was not originally a part of the Stormlander storyline in most of Book 1. Though appearing in Chapter 4, she was planned to stay in Storm's End, not receiving any development until Book 2. Instead, the Stormlander expedition to Raylansfair would consist of three characters only, Drent and Jax, led Emphryus. Coincidentally, they were the only Stormlander characters submitted until Chapter 4. Two things changed my plans. First, the submission of Torrence and Edonia Bernile (many thanks to Partition for them), which gave me the idea to have the three Stormlanders be accompanied by a larger unit of soldiers. Second, Argella herself, whose unapologetic bitchiness won me over and convinced me to give her some important development in Book 1 already. This resulted in a big change for Drent's storyline, who was now part of a unit of fifty, led by the heiress to the Stormlands herself. Safe to say, this is the change I have always felt the most certain about and I knew I made the right choice, as it ultimately gave the Stormlanders way more of a presence in Book 1.
Which character has avoided death (choice-wise) the most?
I recall Wolfius could have died from Richard in some alternate line. Where else could, if any, could we have put a stop to him.
Halla. If she had survived Chapter 3, what would she be up to now.
Lord Brune. That bloke. What would have been?
Lying fake news Liquid didn't tell them about the fantastic adventure where Ser Jar Jar of Binks, the good General Grievous, King Mike Rotch, Bump, the man Ross Bob, and Lord Donnel "The Donnel" Selwyn journey to save Westeros from the evil of Ser Ted Liquid of Chicago. It was cut for being to perfect. Sad!
What could have been...
Alright then, here it is, the promised section in which I try to honour those of my plans that never got to see t… morehe light of day, to at least share them with you, for your amusement and mine. Maybe some are even curious what stuff I considered at different points in the story. They are abandoned plotlines, stuff that never happened, characters that survived my initial deadly plans for them and those that died despite earlier plans to keep them around for longer. The reasons for such changes are quite complex. In some cases, it's the submission of a new character, who inspires me to change earlier plans. In others, I realize flaws with my plans, things I am unhappy with. The relatively slow pace, as well as your direct feedback to some developments is incredibly helpful there. And now, without further ado, let us come to the first of several points.
Those that got lucky
Believe it or not, some characters actual… [view original content]
Here I will write my opinion about the alternative plan of the book 1
Those that got lucky:
Kersea Catelins
If I must be honest I'm not against this alternative outcome of Kersea storyline,btw I admit that her actual situation is interesting and I'm curious to read what her future will be
Clayton Teryl
I know that I'm going to repeat myself but I'm glad that he survive,while the other villains died or suffer "minor injuries"(outside Wolfius but he has a Kreep and can be a beast so I won't count him) he is the only one that lost EVERYTHING and I believe that he has a high chance to obtain some character developments (obviously that doesn't mean that he will be a good person)
Audrey Marigold
I agree with your choice,her death at this point wouldn't have any kind of impact to us readers (except her creator)
Rosalie Mettel
Well,she need some character development and her mother wasn't a good choice as a PoV so...good job!
Maron Mullendore
Really you had that plans for his death? While I believe that as a villain obtain too much focus in the first book your plans for his death were terrible!Expecially the second one! Killed by The Tom without any reason?WTF!!XD
Those that got unlucky:
Ilhan Lagoon
I'm sorry for him but I feel that his death at the beginning of the story was essential;btw I have noticed that between the characters in the waiting list there is some characters with the "Lagoon" surname,are they members of his family?
If I remember correctly he was a friend with Hightower knight so you can maybe use him to show something more of Jarek backstory
Otis Shiff
I'm glad he died,the role of the psychopath is already taken
Despite he was one of my favorite PoV's I'm glad that you decide to not resurrect him and I hope that you decide to not resurrect any character during the story (because it cheap any deaths during the story if the author can resurrect them when s/he want and,yes, that is a mistake that even GRMM make)
Dan Ornon
You still have Sadie to show something of his backstory problem!
Of storylines that could have been and never will be:
The amazing Riverlands adventures of Ser Jaron the... Lucas?
For sure this plan would have led to a very different book 2
The Burned Woman
This plan instead would have made Harpy role be very different (and her relationship with Jaron much more complicated)
Things really gotten a bit... out of hand with this change. You might say, it's... armful. On the one hand, it is a pretty big change. On the other... oh yeah, nevermind...
Sadly for Sadie as a reader I can say that this choice was for the best (and I'm curious to know who is the "villain")
The Three Stormlanders and the Mystery of the Absent Princess.
This for sure would have made the Stormlanders role at Raylainsfair much less interesting,it is funny btw that there was a period where you had few characters of certain countries (a problem that I doubt you still have)
What could have been...
Alright then, here it is, the promised section in which I try to honour those of my plans that never got to see t… morehe light of day, to at least share them with you, for your amusement and mine. Maybe some are even curious what stuff I considered at different points in the story. They are abandoned plotlines, stuff that never happened, characters that survived my initial deadly plans for them and those that died despite earlier plans to keep them around for longer. The reasons for such changes are quite complex. In some cases, it's the submission of a new character, who inspires me to change earlier plans. In others, I realize flaws with my plans, things I am unhappy with. The relatively slow pace, as well as your direct feedback to some developments is incredibly helpful there. And now, without further ado, let us come to the first of several points.
Those that got lucky
Believe it or not, some characters actual… [view original content]
Which character has avoided death (choice-wise) the most?
Hm, this is a hard question, one I myself am not sure about. I believe Darren Tallwood had two chances of dying, maybe even three, which puts him way ahead of others, who had only one chance of dying in this book. Though perhaps there are more, he's the one I can name off the top of my head.
I recall Wolfius could have died from Richard in some alternate line. Where else could, if any, could we have put a stop to him.
Here is another secret for you that is essential to answer this question: Wolfius has not been submitted as a warg. Back then, he was the same in personality, but without the warging superpowers. His creator came up with this addition after Chapter 3 and I loved it. After all, Wolfius is not a very deep character. He is like the Joker, a force of nature villain whom you cannot expect to gain many, if any, sympathetic traits over the course of the story. This type of character works better when they are literally not quite human. Wolfius' whole personality starts to make sense when you realize that he does not perceive things in the same way as normal human beings do. He operates by different rules, has a different mindset than any other character in the story. Even characters such as Mullendore or the Sphynx (believe it or not) have traits that can be related with, motives, goals, emotions that we have all felt at some point. Wolfius doesn't. His claim to be more a god than a human might be a bit audacious, but given how alien his mindset is, he's not entirely wrong either. With that explanation out of the way, you can probably understand why I agreed to this quite big change after Chapter 3. Before that, he was merely some killer, so I offered the chance to kill him off in Chapter 3, which obviously would have made this later addition impossible. Now, my original plan, if he would have survived Chapter 3, saw his inevitable death in Chapter 8. In there, he would have mortally wounded Rosalie, before getting his head smashed in by Lyria. With him becoming this incredibly powerful monster, I knew I had to expand his role a bit. And well... then it got expanded a bit more beyond that, but more about that one later For now, his death in Chapter 3 was the only one you could have actually achieved, as my plans already changed by the time Chapter 8 happened.
Halla. If she had survived Chapter 3, what would she be up to now.
Halla would actually get along splendidly under their new rulers. She likes order, Petyr likes order, a new friendship would have been under way. Surprisingly, he would have been rather fond of her services and she would have readily accepted him as the lord of Raylansfair. As a result, she would have been quite the obstacle for Jenna and Saerya and it is very likely that Saerya would have personally and permanently taken care of her eventually, to prevent her from harming the mission.
Lord Brune. That bloke. What would have been?
Brune, I remember he could have easily survived if you wouldn't have stabbed him (duh). He would have gotten some mentions in Book 1, but his location would mean no further appearances in the narrative, until Book 2 that is. The Crackclaw Point houses never had any love, not even nominally, to their Hoare overlords, neither to their former Durrandon rulers. As such, he would have personally declared loyalty to Aegon pretty early into the next chapter and would have sent a sizable amount of his men to support him, almost a dozen half-trained peasants. Though they would have been barely useful, it's the sentiment that counts.
Lying fake news Liquid didn't tell them about the fantastic adventure where Ser Jar Jar of Binks, the good General Grievous, King Mike Rotch, Bump, the man Ross Bob, and Lord Donnel "The Donnel" Selwyn journey to save Westeros from the evil of Ser Ted Liquid of Chicago. It was cut for being to perfect. Sad!
The failing and dishonest InGen is treating me very unfairly here! Just because this fantastic adventure is not happening now doesn't mean it'll never happen, it's so fantastic. Great talks with Ser Jar Jar of Binks, amazing progress, great deal on the way. Travelling to Selwyn Tower tomorrow for more great talks. Not for golf as fake news claim. Working hard to give you, the readers, the best storylines. #MFoTGA
Kersea Catelins
Clayton Teryl
So close, yet so far.
Rosalie Mettel
Eh, at least we got Lyria.
Maron Mulle… morendore
Why? WHY?
I guess I'll throw in some questions for here:
Which character has avoided death (choice-wise) the most?
I recall Wolfius could have died from Richard in some alternate line. Where else could, if any, could we have put a stop to him.
Halla. If she had survived Chapter 3, what would she be up to now.
Lord Brune. That bloke. What would have been?
Lying fake news Liquid didn't tell them about the fantastic adventure where Ser Jar Jar of Binks, the good General Grievous, King Mike Rotch, Bump, the man Ross Bob, and Lord Donnel "The Donnel" Selwyn journey to save Westeros from the evil of Ser Ted Liquid of Chicago. It was cut for being to perfect. Sad!
If I must be honest I'm not against this alternative outcome of Kersea storyline,btw I admit that her actual situation is interesting and I'm curious to read what her future will be
It would have been quite a difference for sure. I just felt like it would basically mean that her entire Book 1 storyline led to nothing. While such tragic endings can happen as well (and in one case, probably will happen), Kersea's death would have been a waste. Her Book 2 storyline is going to be too important for that and hopefully, it'll be enjoyable
I know that I'm going to repeat myself but I'm glad that he survive,while the other villains died or suffer "minor injuries"(outside Wolfius but he has a Kreep and can be a beast so I won't count him) he is the only one that lost EVERYTHING and I believe that he has a high chance to obtain some character developments (obviously that doesn't mean that he will be a good person)
Yeah, a good person might be a stretch. Clayton is a jerk, but now he is a bitter jerk who lost everything. Some interesting developments will come out of this, that much I can promise, but don't expect much sympathy for him anytime soon. In fact, don't expect him to reappear anytime soon, it might take me a bit until I can reveal what he's been up to in the meantime.
Really you had that plans for his death? While I believe that as a villain obtain too much focus in the first book your plans for his death were terrible!Expecially the second one! Killed by The Tom without any reason?WTF!!XD
Not without any reason, this I can promise. I haven't included the Tom's reasons, because they could be seen as spoilers. Let's just say, his motivation wouldn't have been all that outlandish, even if I ultimately decided against it. It was a momentary impulse, but one I put so much thought into that it actually made sense.
I'm sorry for him but I feel that his death at the beginning of the story was essential;btw I have noticed that between the characters in the waiting list there is some characters with the "Lagoon" surname,are they members of his family?
Indeed, the Lagoon family will appear in Book 2. They are minor dornish nobility, with Oberyn Lagoon being Ilhan's father and Dariel and Jahaer being his brothers. That said, I can say this without spoiling anything as it is really not a big detail, Dariel is a member of the Night's Watch, so he won't appear in the same storyline I have in mind for Dariel and Jahaer.
If I remember correctly he was a friend with Hightower knight so you can maybe use him to show something more of Jarek backstory
Hm, maybe. He and Arryk Bulwer are acquaintances. It is just going to be hard to get Arryk to talk about his fallen friend without making it sound like a blatantly obvious way to show Jarek's backstory. Maybe I'll find a way, we will see. If not, there is always the wiki, once I get around to work more on that one.
Despite he was one of my favorite PoV's I'm glad that you decide to not resurrect him and I hope that you decide to not resurrect any character during the story (because it cheap any deaths during the story if the author can resurrect them when s/he want and,yes, that is a mistake that even GRMM make)
I'm actually not that much against resurrection. It is a narrative device that exists in the world GRRM envisioned and used correctly, it can be great. However, there should be ways to make it really important. For starters, it should be a rare occasion, something to be used by powerful red priests to save someone that actually holds something important to their god. In Noelle's case, she could use this to resurrect someone whom she deems important in her fight against the Ancient Enemy, or important for the future of Westeros as a whole. If she would use it on a random sellsword whom she grew somewhat fond of, it would lose its meaning, because Marak had nothing to offer for R'hllor. That way, these resurrections can be the special occasion they should, by all means, be, while deaths would still keep their meaning.
This plan instead would have made Harpy role be very different (and her relationship with Jaron much more complicated)
Much more complicated, yes. These plans however would have included her breaking up with him and him getting this Riverlands storyline I mentioned before, so the moment I decided to have Jaron continue his story and development from Book 1, I tossed this idea about Harpy away as well. Now, her role is going to be much different.
Sadly for Sadie as a reader I can say that this choice was for the best (and I'm curious to know who is the "villain")
In one draft, this villain was Rodrik Stone, this much I can say. Since I decided on his death shortly afterwards, I have considered other villains, who might be more of a spoiler. Now, I can tease that one of the main villains of her storyline is a currently unintroduced character who will be a pretty big threat in the future.
This for sure would have made the Stormlanders role at Raylainsfair much less interesting,it is funny btw that there was a period where you had few characters of certain countries (a problem that I doubt you still have)
Aye, it was for the best this change, I know it. And well, for a while I had very few characters from some regions. The Vale and the Stormlands stood out for a long time, with Maya, Gregar, Irving and the soon-to-be PoV Lachlan (a Vale knight sworn to House Royce) being the only characters I received from the former for the first six months of writing. Things are different now, but the Vale is still the region that has the least amount of native characters submitted, many from the upcoming Vale storyline will be characters who came there from other regions.
Here I will write my opinion about the alternative plan of the book 1
Those that got lucky:
Kersea Catelins
If I must be ho… morenest I'm not against this alternative outcome of Kersea storyline,btw I admit that her actual situation is interesting and I'm curious to read what her future will be
Clayton Teryl
I know that I'm going to repeat myself but I'm glad that he survive,while the other villains died or suffer "minor injuries"(outside Wolfius but he has a Kreep and can be a beast so I won't count him) he is the only one that lost EVERYTHING and I believe that he has a high chance to obtain some character developments (obviously that doesn't mean that he will be a good person)
Audrey Marigold
I agree with your choice,her death at this point wouldn't have any kind of impact to us readers (except her creator)
Rosalie Mettel
Well,she need some character development and her mother wasn't a g… [view original content]
What could have been...
Alright then, here it is, the promised section in which I try to honour those of my plans that never got to see t… morehe light of day, to at least share them with you, for your amusement and mine. Maybe some are even curious what stuff I considered at different points in the story. They are abandoned plotlines, stuff that never happened, characters that survived my initial deadly plans for them and those that died despite earlier plans to keep them around for longer. The reasons for such changes are quite complex. In some cases, it's the submission of a new character, who inspires me to change earlier plans. In others, I realize flaws with my plans, things I am unhappy with. The relatively slow pace, as well as your direct feedback to some developments is incredibly helpful there. And now, without further ado, let us come to the first of several points.
Those that got lucky
Believe it or not, some characters actual… [view original content]
Have to say, I think this would've been pretty cool. But I guess it just wasn't meant to be.
It does have some charm to it, I gotta admit. One big problem however would have been Harpy's age. She is 18 years old, meaning if I go down that route, she has built up a major faction in Oldtown's underworld starting with age 8. Of course, she has been forced to make decisions way beyond her age for pretty much all her life, but the sheer brilliance needed to start the Burned Man's empire from nothing is something else entirely. It would have been a nice idea, but it wouldn't have worked under closer inspection.
Haha, I'm so glad this didn't come to pass.
As am I. I got to admit, I didn't even have all that many ideas for the Stormlanders there. While I guess I would have found something for them to do, I doubt it would have been all that entertaining as it has been in the storyline you eventually got.
...And I hate to ask you this but when can we expect the interludes?
Ah, no worries, the first Interlude part will be released today! Due to taking one additional day with writing down the things that could have been, I needed another day for the first Interlude. Progress is coming along nicely and I think I will be able to post it in a couple of hours
The Burned Woman
Have to say, I think this would've been pretty cool. But I guess it just wasn't meant to be.
The Three Storml… moreanders and the Mystery of the Absent Princess
Haha, I'm so glad this didn't come to pass.
...And I hate to ask you this but when can we expect the interludes?
What could have been...
Alright then, here it is, the promised section in which I try to honour those of my plans that never got to see t… morehe light of day, to at least share them with you, for your amusement and mine. Maybe some are even curious what stuff I considered at different points in the story. They are abandoned plotlines, stuff that never happened, characters that survived my initial deadly plans for them and those that died despite earlier plans to keep them around for longer. The reasons for such changes are quite complex. In some cases, it's the submission of a new character, who inspires me to change earlier plans. In others, I realize flaws with my plans, things I am unhappy with. The relatively slow pace, as well as your direct feedback to some developments is incredibly helpful there. And now, without further ado, let us come to the first of several points.
Those that got lucky
Believe it or not, some characters actual… [view original content]
It is a very intriguing idea, yes, and one I did not abandon light-heartedly. I believe it would have held a lot of potential, but the problem is, sooner or later someone would have asked the problematic questions and it would have all just crashed down from there on. I mean, I legitimately wouldn't have been able to answer if anyone would have asked me just how she managed to build up the Burned Man's organization as an eight years old girl that doesn't even natively speak the Westerosi common tongue That said, it is always painful to give up on promising plans. Hopefully my new plans for that entire storyline are going to be at least as interesting.
Before Liquid jumps to the interludes, let me quickly present you the last drawing set of Book 1. And of course, we are talking about Team Targaryen/the epilogue cast Here they are, tell me what you think:
Now, what, just... how? When I saw you have commented on the thread, this set was the absolute last thing I expected. To explain it to the others, I have sent the descriptions for these five characters yesterday, not even 24 hours before this set was posted. Man, you truly outdid yourself here and I cannot comprehend how something can be done so quickly and in such outstanding quality at the same time. This is just brilliant and a perfect way to end Book 1 officially, with the Interlude coming out in the next couple of hours!
So, it seems you've been saving the best for last, because unsurprisingly, this is my favourite set to date. I don't even have to go back and compare. Perhap there are single drawings which I enjoy even more, but as a whole set, this one wins. It is so good that I have legit problems choosing my favourite of these five, in a set that includes Aegon, for crying out loud Let's start with Aegon, probably the one I have been waiting for the most. Ever since you started to draw FoT characters, I was hyped for the moment I'd lay eyes on your interpretation of him. And well, I am definitely not disappointed. It seems we got us a conqueror right there. And he certainly cannot deny the family ties to Orys there, as much as they differ in some aspects. I love this similarity, while still keeping both of them unique. Probably my favourite detail about this drawing is Blackfyre though. This just made me very excited for the moment I can show it in action. Visenya next, she is a badass. It's a bit of a headcanon for me, but I always had the impression that she has been a more skilled fighter than Aegon and this drawing certainly gives off this vibe. She's probably going to get more direct action than Aegon and your drawing put a lot of emphasis on this badass aspect of her. Rhaenys next is completely different, as she should be, and wonderful at that. The contrast between the two sisters is my favourite thing about the entire set. And Rhaenys herself is probably my favourite of the three Targaryen siblings in this drawing, even if that is a choice I found very hard to make. This might even mean that she is my favourite of this entire set. Coming to Regis, I believe I cannot hide where I got the inspiration for the character After three brilliant Targaryen drawings, he sticks out by being so plain, dressed in common grey and looking so unremarkable, but I believe this is what makes him such a great drawing. Somehow, he seems to be the most expressive of this set, if that makes any sense. I love it! And finally, the big surprise, Simon Stokeworth. For a guy whose defining physical characteristic is being the sort of guy that looks just average, he somehow leaves one hell of an impression on me. It might be the colour scheme, which is something we haven't seen all that often when it comes to the drawings. White in general is rare and I believe white and green is unique. I guess with the three Targaryen's being, well, the Targaryen's and Regis having such a clear inspiration, Simon could have been the hardest to give a unique feeling to him, but you nailed it. Truly, I couldn't have hoped for a better definite ending to Book 1 and I look forward for the drawings that'll come in the future
Before Liquid jumps to the interludes, let me quickly present you the last drawing set of Book 1. And of course, we are talking about Team Targaryen/the epilogue cast Here they are, tell me what you think:
Those are some amazing drawings! I didn't expect to see their drawings so soon but they sure are a pleasant surprise. All of these look truly wonderful and you have done a great job in drawing them. My favorite however, is Lord Regis. He looks so similar to the Regis from The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine so I can't help but love the guy.
Before Liquid jumps to the interludes, let me quickly present you the last drawing set of Book 1. And of course, we are talking about Team Targaryen/the epilogue cast Here they are, tell me what you think:
Haha, yeah, I was just so antsy to get to draw these characters that I started immediately after receiving them from you I did want to do them with the same amount of care I always do though, so I'm glad to hear you think the quality is still there I am also glad to hear the subtle similarities between Aegon and Orys can be seen, because that is exactly what I aimed for. That said, my favorite part about this set had to be doing the sisters, since they contrast each other in such a great way. Now, my own favorite of these is probably Visenya, but Rhaenys was equally fun to draw. Regis and Simon were the characters I did the last, because understandably I was a bit more hyped for the Targs, but they were interesting characters to draw as well. Simon is indeed bit of a bland character in terms of looks, but the unique color palette made him very enjoyable as well as challenging, as I had to go for colors I use less in these illustrations. And well, I wasn't familiar with the character that Regis has taken inspiration from, but I did google him after you mentioned it in the pm, and that can probably be seen in the drawing
Oh, and I'll try to answer your PM very soon, but I can already say now that your proposition regarding the next drawing sets sounds good, bring 'em on!
Now, what, just... how? When I saw you have commented on the thread, this set was the absolute last thing I expected. To explain it to the o… morethers, I have sent the descriptions for these five characters yesterday, not even 24 hours before this set was posted. Man, you truly outdid yourself here and I cannot comprehend how something can be done so quickly and in such outstanding quality at the same time. This is just brilliant and a perfect way to end Book 1 officially, with the Interlude coming out in the next couple of hours!
So, it seems you've been saving the best for last, because unsurprisingly, this is my favourite set to date. I don't even have to go back and compare. Perhap there are single drawings which I enjoy even more, but as a whole set, this one wins. It is so good that I have legit problems choosing my favourite of these five, in a set that includes Aegon, for crying out loud Let's start with Aegon, probably the one I have … [view original content]
That said, my favorite part about this set had to be doing the sisters, since they contrast each other in such a great way. Now, my own favorite of these is probably Visenya, but Rhaenys was equally fun to draw.
To be fair, I should admit that Visenya is a close second to me Rhaenys has a gorgeous dress advantage, so she wins for me, but honestly, the best thing about each drawing is how it contrasts the other. There will be few contrasts in the story quite as prominent as the one between the Targaryen queens and I hope to give each of them their fair share of development soon.
And well, I wasn't familiar with the character that Regis has taken inspiration from, but I did google him after you mentioned it in the pm, and that can probably be seen in the drawing
Hehe, literally after sending the message, I realized I haven't included a link to an image, which I originally planned. Considering how much other things are broken right now (and quite probably not even worked on at the moment), an edit button for messages is probably not top priority, but it would have been very useful in this occasion But I see you found the man, the drawing turned out wonderful!
Oh, and I'll try to answer your PM very soon, but I can already say now that your proposition regarding the next drawing sets sounds good, bring 'em on!
Aye, this is good to hear. I'll get to write down the descriptions already then, so that I will be able to send them to you for sure before leaving in early August. You know, just in case I don't have any internet at all during my vacation, which I surely don't hope
Haha, yeah, I was just so antsy to get to draw these characters that I started immediately after receiving them from you I did want to do t… morehem with the same amount of care I always do though, so I'm glad to hear you think the quality is still there I am also glad to hear the subtle similarities between Aegon and Orys can be seen, because that is exactly what I aimed for. That said, my favorite part about this set had to be doing the sisters, since they contrast each other in such a great way. Now, my own favorite of these is probably Visenya, but Rhaenys was equally fun to draw. Regis and Simon were the characters I did the last, because understandably I was a bit more hyped for the Targs, but they were interesting characters to draw as well. Simon is indeed bit of a bland character in terms of looks, but the unique color palette made him very enjoyable as well as challenging, as I had to go for colors I use less in these illustrations. And… [view original content]
The king had to admit, when he first laid eyes upon Raylansfair, he was surprised by its state. From the reports, he had expected a smouldering ruin, just barely avoiding complete destruction at the hands of the Ironborn. The lighthouse, or what was left of it, fulfilled his expectations, a mere stump left of the ancient building, charred stone and blackened dirt. Yet the walls he saw in the distance looked surprisingly clean and though smoke was rising from the city, it was the usual that was produced by hundreds of houses so close to each other.
Though pleased by this discovery, Mern's anger remained. Black Harren had sent his raiders to raze one of his cities. He had thought the Iron King a smarter man. It was true, his kingdom had suffered from the war against Argilac the Arrogant. His own father had died and Mern still felt the shame of having to kneel to the Storm King to gain the ceasefire he was seeking for. But this had been a decade ago. A new generation of men had grown up. Half the men of his kingdom had not survived Durrandon's fury, but that was under his father's rule. Mern was proud of what his kingdom had become since then. His men were the knights of summer and they stood stronger than ever before.
A hundred of these knights were with him right now. His entourage, as he made the way from Highgarden to Raylansfair, to inspect the damage that had been done to the proud city. Robert Raylan was dead. Mern himself had barely known the solitary lord, but his father had spoken fondly of him, back in the day. Beyond that, it pained him to see an old, loyal house fading away like this, to be replaced by a vassal he felt uncertainty about.
“It looks peaceful”, Edmund remarked next to him and Mern glanced at his son. In his mind, Edmund would always remain a boy, in a certain way, even if this boy, his son, had long since grown up to be a father himself, both of his sons serving as squires. At forty years of age, Edmund had full auburn hair. Mern's used to be the same, though his age had left him almost completely grey by now, his beard growing thinner each day, though his back was still straight. A warrior, like his sons, hopefully like his grandsons one day.
“Oddly so”, Mern answered and Edmund raised an eyebrow. “Are you displeased about this?”, he asked and the king shook his head. “Distrustful”, he admitted. “There have been a number of odd coincidences surrounding Petyr Vyrwel and it's up to him to explain them to me”
“Lord Vyrwel can be trusted”, the man to his left said. Devrin Oakheart had offered to accompany him from Highgarden to Raylansfair, before moving home to his seat at Old Oak. The lord was one of his oldest supporters and one whose judgement he usually trusted.
“He left quite an impression on you”, Mern replied and Devrin smirked, moving a finger through his long, bushy beard. Though only a few years younger than Mern himself, age hadn't left much of a mark on him, his hair still having the chestnut colour of his youth. “I always had a good eye for people”, he spoke.
Mern nodded in agreement, though a shimmer of doubt remained. “Your son is going to marry Pety'r younger sister”, he brought up. “I trust you, but your judgement might be clouded in this situation” Calmly, Devrin nodded. “If you think so, your grace”, he replied. “Though what do you suggest? House Raylan is gone and young Petyr proved himself by saving the city”
“Devrin has a point”, Edmund admitted. “I say he deserves a chance” Mern sighed. “He does”, he agreed. “But I still have questions. Let's see if he can answer them to my satisfaction. I know what I want to do, but my next move might depend on his own”
“A reasonable approach, your grace”, Devrin spoke up and Mern smiled beneath his beard. “It is the man by his side that worries me”, he admitted. “Maron Mullendore... I have been sternly warned about him, from his cousin at Uplands nonetheless. What good is a man who doesn't even have the support of his own family?”
Oakheart thought about this for a moment. “The question is not, can you trust Maron, but can you trust Cregan Mullendore?”, he brought up and Mern had to raise an eyebrow at a thought that actually seemed sensible. “You think he would lie about his own cousin?”, he asked and Devrin shrugged. “I think Cregan is a harsh man, capable of harsh things. Perhaps he does not want his cousin to rise to prominence”
“Or perhaps he's telling the truth”, Edmund mumbled and Devrin nodded. “Perhaps he is”, he agreed. “I don't know Maron very well. Whatever happens, know that I trust your judgement” Mern sighed at this statement. “Whatever happens”, he replied quietly, clapping the spurs to his white destrier.
And so they rode towards the city. Eight men of the royal vanguard first, lesser nobles and courtiers who wanted to earn Mern's favour, they rode in pairs of two, the first four holding horns, the following four the royal banners. The king himself followed, Prince Edmund by his side. Lord Oakheart and Edmund's squire Garlan, Mern' youngest nephew. Another eight knights of the vanguard followed, two of them carrying the personal banners of Edmund, another two holding up Oakheart's colours.
In pairs of two, the long royal convoy approached the gates of Raylansfair. Of course, Mern had informed Vyrwel and his new right-hand man of their coming arrival. As such, the gates were widely opened. The first four men blew into their horns, a loud sound that echoed from the walls and the houses behind them. A sound that filled Mern with pride. For ten thousand years, his family had ruled over these lands. And for ten thousand years after him, they would.
This knowledge, it was happiness of a sort. Yet Mern was an old man, he had seen death and had suffered losses. And the letter young Garlan was carrying in his satchel, the one he had received just hours before leaving Highgarden for Raylansfair, it was a source of worry. He knew, Argilac the Arrogant would not take it seriously. He knew, Black Harren would laugh at its contents. Yet Mern, ninth of his name, King of the Reach, Defender of the Marches, Protector of the Mander and Stalwart Hand of the South, he knew better. This was a threat to be taken seriously. He'd rather overestimate that man than underestimate him. Aegon, this king of cinder and smoke, of fire and blood.
Mern noticed the faces. These men and women, the smallfolk of Raylansfair, they were surprised by his arrival. There was hope in their gaze and awe. For a moment, he allowed himself to bathe in their reverence like a far younger man would have done. Just as he had done hundreds of times before, he raised his hand and waved, smiling down at his subjects. A simple gesture. And they loved him for it.
Slowly, the royal procession made their way through the city, from the eastern gate to the centre. They had not yet removed the crude arena in full, source of one of Mern's worries, one of the things he wanted to discuss with Lord Vyrwel. The rumours that had reached him from Raylansfair had been almost as concerning as those coming from the east.
The riders slowed down even further as they rode up the path that led to the castle. Mern spotted the banners. A wyvern on black and red, next to six orange butterflies on white. Vyrwel and Mullendore, side by side. Guards stared down at them, though in contrast to what the equal amount of banners might imply, Mern noticed that they wore exclusively Vyrwel's colours.
Petyr Vyrwel and Maron Mullendore awaited them in the courtyard. The Lord of Darkdell was young, perhaps just barely older than Mern's oldest grandson. His blond hair was carefully combed back and one hand moved through his beard, as he was lost in thought. His other hand rested on the shoulders of a young girl, probably not older than ten years. Her hair, tied in a braid, sported a pretty colour, dark and soft, while her eyes were undeniably the same as Petyr's. Both were clad in black, with a hint of red.
Maron next to him was a stark contrast. He was the sort some saw as an ugly brute. Others saw a seasoned warrior. For Mern, it was a mixture of both. With a bandage still covering a gruesome facial wound, his heavy weight and greying red hair, the man was no looker, that much was for sure. At the same time, he had the build of a fighter beneath the beginning belly and the one eye that was visible was sharp and attentive. He was leaning on a thick cane, the kind that blurred the line between a walking aid and a blunt weapon.
The vanguard split up, four men riding to each of Mern's sides, leaving their king in the centre. He brought his horse to a full stop, with Edmund and Devrin doing the same. The old king sighed as he descended from the horse, cursing the thin chainmail he wore, not because he feared he might need it, but for ornamental purposes. Paired with the heavy white coat and the broad, green cloak, adorned by a collar of ermine fur, he knew he was an impressive sight, even at over sixty years of age. Yet the weight was tremendous.
As he approached, Petyr knelt down, his daughter doing the same before him. Maron hesitated, a pained expression flashing over his face, before he slowly, clumsily, managed to kneel down as well. The knights and courtiers that had gathered behind them did the same. Mern smiled benevolently. “Rise, mylords!”, he ordered with a booming voice.
“Your grace, it is an honour!”, Petyr said. “May I introduce my daughter, Edith Flowers” The young girl gulped as the king's mild gaze fell upon her, though she managed a smile, followed by a curtsy, surely a gesture she had practised for hours. “And here we have my trusted advisor and friend, Ser Maron Mullendore”
The wounded knight lifted himself up, a deed that cost him quite some effort, as he limped closer. “I have looked forward for this meeting, your grace”, he said in a friendly tone. “It's a special occasion. This city never got much attention from royalty”
“Nor from House Mullendore”, Mern answered, as he extended his hand. Maron shook it and the king was pleasantly surprised by the firm, strong handshake he received. “But these are special times. An old house has died out and an old enemy has all but declared war on us”
He glanced at his companions. “Mylords, this is my son and heir, Prince Edmund”, he said and Petyr bowed, as Mern pointed at the other man. “And here is Devrin Oakheart, Lord of Old Oak” Devrin put a hand onto his heart, giving their hosts a nod. “An honour to meet you”, he said and a smile appeared on Petyr's face.
“Elusive company visits us today”, he said. “Splendid. Your grace, my prince, Lord Oakheart, I would like to invite you to my hall. A great feast will be hosted to your honour!” Mern and his son exchanged a glance, before the king shook his head. “I am afraid the feast has to wait. There is something more urgent we have to speak about”
His announcement seemed to catch both, Petyr and Maron, by surprise. Even Devrin gave him a curious look. “Is there any place where we can speak in private?”, the king asked and Petyr nodded. “Of course, your grace”, he assured him. “Follow me at once”
He raised his hand and one of his knights approached, a plain man in Edmund's age. “Hugo, bring my daughter to her room”, he said, as he smiled at the girl. “Edith, I'll come and fetch you soon. Be good, go with Hugo and when I return, you'll sit at the table of honour”
The girl's face lit up, as she hugged her father. The lord wrapped his arms around her for a moment, before they separated. Edith grabbed the knight's outstretched hand, as he led her away. Mern noticed that his son had a mild frown on his face. “A bastard at the table of honour?”, Edmund asked.
Instantly, Petyr's smile faded. “You are an honoured guest, Prince Edmund”, he said. “But a guest regardless. I do not mean to insult you or your high father, my king, but I will not let my daughter feast with the dregs at the lower end of my hall”
Edmund raised an eyebrow. “Is it your hall?”, he asked, at which point Mern decided to put an end to this. He rested a hand on his son's shoulder. “This is one of the aspects we need to discuss today”, he said. “Lead the way, mylord” He looked around his followers. “Edmund and Garlan, you will come with me”, he ordered. “As well as Devrin Oakheart and Kasyn Luck”
The Lord of Old Oak nodded, while a knight slightly behind them saluted. Ser Kasyn was one of the newer knights at court, a handsome, young man with tanned skin and brown hair, as well as eyes as green as the sea in contrast. Mern had already thought about his role in the events to come. Young, ambitious and very eager to prove his loyalty, Kasyn would make a perfect candidate for the position he had in mind.
The seven men, now led by Petyr, marched across the courtyard, into the building itself. Though being here for only a short few weeks now, the new lord found his way around quite well. He looked at Mern as the king fastened his pace to keep up with him.
“There have been concerning reports reaching my ears”, the king said and Petyr raised an eyebrow. “What about?”, he asked and Mern sighed. “They say you killed your own brother” Petyr's expression darkened. “A vile lie”, he spoke. “And not true at all. My half-brother is dead, yes, but not at my hand”
“The bastard died in a trial by combat”, Maron explained, his words showing the hatred he had for the late Lucas Flowers. “Before that, he confessed to a number of crimes he committed during a brief stay in Oldtown. Rape. Murder. Things that sicken me”
“You're easily sickened then, Ser”, Edmund spoke up. “Do you know why he did it?” Petyr shook his head, mournfully. “I wanted to ask him. Begged him to explain. He did not. To spite me, he chose a trial by combat, to either live and escape justice, or to die without ever explaining himself”
It sounded convincing, yet Mern remained doubtful. The Storm Princess had told a different story during her stay in Highgarden, just a fortnight ago, when they spoke in private, away even from his own family. She sounded equally convincing, yet when pressed, Mern would rather like to believe one of his lords than the daughter of the man that killed his father. And some of Argella's claims sounded outright fabricated, if by herself or by the knight she had grown so fond of, he could not tell. Still, Mern knew better than to confront Maron about these claims. This was not the time for such quarrels. Yet what she had told him, it only further moved him to the decision he had come to.
“A tragedy”, he said and Petyr nodded. “That it is”, he sighed, as he opened a door to his right. “After you, your grace” Mern entered a large room, able to hold an entire war council, with a sturdy, round table in its centre. Sitting down on the chair closest to the fireplace, he gave Edmund a sign to sit down to his right, whereas Devrin took seat to his left. Petyr and Maron placed themselves at the opposite, while Garlan and Kasyn remained standing.
“I will be frank with you, Lord Petyr”, Mern spoke up. “I do not know if I can trust your word. I knew your father, but last time I've seen you, you were a babe, barely able to crawl around” He noticed how Petyr's confident smile grew a bit weaker. “Your grace, I have saved this city”, he brought up. “If there is any man more suited for this position, I would like to meet him”
Mern shook his head. “No man”, he assured him. “At least none I can think of at the moment. In fact, there are more pressing matters, which might make this discussion moot” He raised his hand, waving Garlan closer. His nephew smiled as he approached the lords at their table. Despite his young years, his confidence was clear to see and Mern couldn't wait to see the day he would be knighted. He still had a way to go though, as Edmund once revealed.
Reaching into his satchel, the boy pulled out the letter. Though broken, the sigil was still recognizable. There was but one house in all of Westeros that sported a three-headed dragon on their banners. “There you go, mylord”, Garlan spoke, as he gave it straight to Petyr.
Narrowing his eyes as he spotted the sigil, Petyr began to read, while Maron glanced onto the letter. Unlike his lord, the brutish knight had less control over his emotions, as his hands clenched visibly. “He declared war on us?”, he growled and Mern gave him a nod. “To all Westeros”, he replied. “I know King Loren received a similar letter, a few days before I did. No doubt Aegon sent seven of these” Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Devrin Oakheart, leaning back in his chair, a baffled look on his face. Mern felt pity with his old friend. Perhaps it would have been better to tell him right away, but aside from Edmund and Garlan, no one else in this room had learned about this letter before now.
“Is he quite mad?”, Petyr spat. “He cannot hope to win against one kingdom, much less all seven. Two houses, both of them small in power, are following his house” Mern shook his head. “More followed quickly”, he answered. “House Massey and Bar Emmon broke their ties with the Storm King in favour of King Aegon. At Blackwater Bay, House Rosby and Stokeworth followed”
“They submitted without a fight?”, Maron growled. This time, Edmund spoke up. “Stokeworth put up a mild fight. Fired some archers at the pretender-queen Visenya”, he said. “In return, she had her beast set fire to the roof of their castle. Now, Stokeworth marches under a new king”
“It matters not”, Petyr assured him. “Even if he wins allies quickly, how powerful could he possibly grow? To the north, he marches into the Riverlands, where Harren Hoare will crush him. To the south, he can only face the Storm King. Either is a foe he cannot defeat”
“And neither will take him seriously, not until it is too late”, Mern argued. “I know both men well, mylord. We cannot rely on them to take care of this Valyrian madman” He shook his head. “No, the Reach has to be prepared. More than ever, we need to stand strong”
Petyr dared a slight smile, as Mern reciprocated the gesture. The king had thought about this for a long time now. If he had any more time, he'd appoint another lord, or leave it vacant, governed by Harlen Tyrell until a subject would prove his worth. But he was out of time and had to risk trusting this man, in some capacity at least.
“Mylord, I grant you this city and the surrounding lands as your seat”, he declared and Petyr breathed in relief. “I name you head of House Vyrwel of Raylansfair. Your brother Otho will follow as the Lord of Darkdell and your vassal” Petyr and Maron exchanged a proud, victorious look and a smile appeared on Devrin's face.
However, before either of them could say a word, Mern continued. “For the first time, to ensure that everything goes to my liking, I will deploy a garrison of my own men though, fifty soldiers, led by my trusted knight, Ser Kasyn Luck. Consider them extensions of my will, which they will enforce until I see what kind of a lord you are”
The knight saluted, while Petyr's smile faded. Maron opened his mouth to say something, yet the new lord cut him off. “If this is your will, I obey”, he promised. “You will find my work here to be to your full satisfaction”
Now, Mern allowed himself a triumphant smile. “Good, Lord Vyrwel”, he spoke. “Then build this city up again. Make it strong, more than ever before. And when the time comes, spring forth on my command” He leant forwards, mustering this man, whom he needed more than he was comfortable with. “I have no illusions about what we are about to face. Fire and blood, a black dread. And so, mylord, I believe your men will be required in the war to come”
Great drawings, I especially like the Targs!
Also, Regis Rosby looks a lot like Regis from Witcher 3 (bet it was intentional on the character submitter's part) XD
Before Liquid jumps to the interludes, let me quickly present you the last drawing set of Book 1. And of course, we are talking about Team Targaryen/the epilogue cast Here they are, tell me what you think:
Well, this part is certainly different in tone and perspective. Very interesting. I enjoyed it. Interesting that no one mentioned the other fugitive knight...
“Lord Vyrwel can be trusted”, the man to his left said. Devrin Oakheart had offered to accompany him from Highgarden to Raylansfair, before moving home to his seat at Old Oak. The lord was one of his oldest supporters and one whose judgement he usually trusted.
Oakheart thought about this for a moment. “The question is not, can you trust Maron, but can you trust Cregan Mullendore?”, he brought up and Mern had to raise an eyebrow at a thought that actually seemed sensible. “You think he would lie about his own cousin?”, he asked and Devrin shrugged. “I think Cregan is a harsh man, capable of harsh things. Perhaps he does not want his cousin to rise to prominence”
If Cregan ever appears I will add him to my favorite character list.
The Lord of Old Oak nodded, while a knight slightly behind them saluted. Ser Kasyn was one of the newer knights at court, a handsome, young man with tanned skin and brown hair, as well as eyes as green as the sea in contrast. Mern had already thought about his role in the events to come. Young, ambitious and very eager to prove his loyalty, Kasyn would make a perfect candidate for the position he had in mind.
This guy, Ser Kasyn. I just know I'm gonna like him. He's gonna be my guy.
The knight saluted, while Petyr's smile faded. Maron opened his mouth to say something, yet the new lord cut him off. “If this is your will, I obey”, he promised. “You will find my work here to be to your full satisfaction”
Forum of Thrones: Interlude I
Seven Letters – Spring Forth
The king had to admit, when he first laid eyes upon Raylansfair, he… more was surprised by its state. From the reports, he had expected a smouldering ruin, just barely avoiding complete destruction at the hands of the Ironborn. The lighthouse, or what was left of it, fulfilled his expectations, a mere stump left of the ancient building, charred stone and blackened dirt. Yet the walls he saw in the distance looked surprisingly clean and though smoke was rising from the city, it was the usual that was produced by hundreds of houses so close to each other.
Though pleased by this discovery, Mern's anger remained. Black Harren had sent his raiders to raze one of his cities. He had thought the Iron King a smarter man. It was true, his kingdom had suffered from the war against Argilac the Arrogant. His own father had died and Mern still felt the shame of having to kneel to the Sto… [view original content]
Hmmm, I have to say Mern seems a much more competent king than Mullendore and Petyr would have us believe. I half expected him to be a mild version of Mace Tyrell (the show version), but I was positively surprised. He even seems to be fully aware of how big of a threat the Targs truly are to his kingdom, which I doubt Mullendore or Petyr will come to realize in a while.
Anyway, it was nice and refreshing to see Raylansfair and these characters from a completely different perspective, and getting inside the heads of royalty is always interesting. I also like the changes this will bring to Raylansfair as a location, with Ser Kasyn and the Gardener garrison coming in... should make things interesting in Book 2, can't wait!
Forum of Thrones: Interlude I
Seven Letters – Spring Forth
The king had to admit, when he first laid eyes upon Raylansfair, he… more was surprised by its state. From the reports, he had expected a smouldering ruin, just barely avoiding complete destruction at the hands of the Ironborn. The lighthouse, or what was left of it, fulfilled his expectations, a mere stump left of the ancient building, charred stone and blackened dirt. Yet the walls he saw in the distance looked surprisingly clean and though smoke was rising from the city, it was the usual that was produced by hundreds of houses so close to each other.
Though pleased by this discovery, Mern's anger remained. Black Harren had sent his raiders to raze one of his cities. He had thought the Iron King a smarter man. It was true, his kingdom had suffered from the war against Argilac the Arrogant. His own father had died and Mern still felt the shame of having to kneel to the Sto… [view original content]
Well, this part is certainly different in tone and perspective. Very interesting. I enjoyed it. Interesting that no one mentioned the other fugitive knight...
I am very glad you enjoyed it! Hopefully, the other Interludes are only going to be similarly enjoyable, or maybe even more. When it comes to Leonard, it's true that nobody mentioned him in this part, though that is mostly because there are other things that are more pressing. You can be assured that Mern will eventually speak about this as well. After all, he is a nobleman of the Reach and therefore, the crimes he is accused of are so severe that the king will certainly pay attention to how this case will develop.
If Cregan ever appears I will add him to my favorite character list.
I can confirm, Cregan will appear, though certainly not in the next couple of chapters. He is... well, I am not entirely sure how people are going to see him, but there are probably worse first impressions than making it absolutely clear that he does not support his cousin. We'll see. He is an interesting guy, especially in contrast to Maron.
This guy, Ser Kasyn. I just know I'm gonna like him. He's gonna be my guy.
Kasyn is going to be a pretty important character in Book 2, this I can promise. Representing the Gardener's in the events surrounding Raylansfair, even when Mern himself will be preoccupied with a great number of other things in the wake of Aegon's Conquest.
Well, this part is certainly different in tone and perspective. Very interesting. I enjoyed it. Interesting that no one mentioned the other … morefugitive knight...
“Lord Vyrwel can be trusted”, the man to his left said. Devrin Oakheart had offered to accompany him from Highgarden to Raylansfair, before moving home to his seat at Old Oak. The lord was one of his oldest supporters and one whose judgement he usually trusted.
Oakheart thought about this for a moment. “The question is not, can you trust Maron, but can you trust Cregan Mullendore?”, he brought up and Mern had to raise an eyebrow at a thought that actually seemed sensible. “You think he would lie about his own cousin?”, he asked and Devrin shrugged. “I think Cregan is a harsh man, capable of harsh things. Perhaps he does not want his cousin to rise to prominence”
If Cregan ever appears I will add him to my favorite character list.
The Lord of Old Oak no… [view original content]
Hmmm, I have to say Mern seems a much more competent king than Mullendore and Petyr would have us believe. I half expected him to be a mild version of Mace Tyrell (the show version), but I was positively surprised. He even seems to be fully aware of how big of a threat the Targs truly are to his kingdom, which I doubt Mullendore or Petyr will come to realize in a while.
That is true, Petyr and Maron have brought up a very bad view on Mern. At the same time, Leonard described him as a fair and just man all the way back in Chapter 3 and he fully trusts his judgement. The problem with Mern is, he lost serious face during the war against the Storm King, the one that cost the life of his father and caused massive casualties to the Reach army. It has been said that half the women in the kingdom became widows during that war and while this is certainly heavily exaggerated, the kingdom still hasn't fully recovered by now, over ten years later. There are a great number of people who have a grudge against Argilac ever since, which is something we have seen in the general reaction to Argella when she arrived in Raylansfair. Mern knelt to this king, to achieve a truce and end the bloodshed after his father was killed. In doing so, he probably saved thousands of lives, especially among his own people, but the prouder lords of his kingdom saw it as a sign of weakness, something that made a mockery of the entire Reach. This is why Sherryl called him a weak ruler, especially as he has been too hesitant to actually do something againt these unhappy lords for the longest time. It can also be assumed that kneeling to King Argilac was the action that disillusioned Maron when it comes to Mern. After all, he had fought in this war himself and received a number of heavy wounds that made him a war hero, but also gave him a certain handicap even before receiving crippling injuries in the Chapter 6 finale. This was a heavy slap in the face for him and many others who have bled for their kingdom. Mern saw no other way, but it was very much a situation in which he couldn't achieve a full victory. He chose the option he saw as better for his people, but some resent him quite heavily for it. That said, he is far from a bad ruler, as we have seen he even takes the Targaryen threat seriously at a time where it would be easy to dismiss them as a threat to the eastern kingdoms of Westeros at most, if a threat at all.
Anyway, it was nice and refreshing to see Raylansfair and these characters from a completely different perspective, and getting inside the heads of royalty is always interesting. I also like the changes this will bring to Raylansfair as a location, with Ser Kasyn and the Gardener garrison coming in... should make things interesting in Book 2, can't wait!
Aye, this has set up some important things for Raylansfair in Book 2. Kasyn and the Gardener garrison are definitely not part of the Vyrwel-Mullendore-Oakheart alliance's plans, so it will be interesting to see how they are going to react to this. And of course, Mern himself will play an important role in Book 2, even if he is mostly going to act behind the scenes. Compared to other kings, he will have a more subdued role for a while, though I hope to make his influence count.
Hmmm, I have to say Mern seems a much more competent king than Mullendore and Petyr would have us believe. I half expected him to be a mild … moreversion of Mace Tyrell (the show version), but I was positively surprised. He even seems to be fully aware of how big of a threat the Targs truly are to his kingdom, which I doubt Mullendore or Petyr will come to realize in a while.
Anyway, it was nice and refreshing to see Raylansfair and these characters from a completely different perspective, and getting inside the heads of royalty is always interesting. I also like the changes this will bring to Raylansfair as a location, with Ser Kasyn and the Gardener garrison coming in... should make things interesting in Book 2, can't wait!
Pretty interesting to finally meet King Mern and his family, he's indeed a reasonable person who truly understands the dangers of dragons. Too bad we all know were this is going to end.
Kasyn's presence will certainly screw over Petyr's and Mullendore's plans to a degree and that could give the people of Raylansfair a more beneficial rule.
Cregan Mullendore, he seems to be a person who knows his cousin is dangerous, lets hope his appearance is a good one.
Forum of Thrones: Interlude I
Seven Letters – Spring Forth
The king had to admit, when he first laid eyes upon Raylansfair, he… more was surprised by its state. From the reports, he had expected a smouldering ruin, just barely avoiding complete destruction at the hands of the Ironborn. The lighthouse, or what was left of it, fulfilled his expectations, a mere stump left of the ancient building, charred stone and blackened dirt. Yet the walls he saw in the distance looked surprisingly clean and though smoke was rising from the city, it was the usual that was produced by hundreds of houses so close to each other.
Though pleased by this discovery, Mern's anger remained. Black Harren had sent his raiders to raze one of his cities. He had thought the Iron King a smarter man. It was true, his kingdom had suffered from the war against Argilac the Arrogant. His own father had died and Mern still felt the shame of having to kneel to the Sto… [view original content]
Pretty interesting to finally meet King Mern and his family, he's indeed a reasonable person who truly understands the dangers of dragons. Too bad we all know were this is going to end.
Yeah, Mern is one of the few who take this threat seriously and as this part has shown, he is a rather reasonable man on top. That said, while he does not underestimate Aegon, or at least not to the same degree as some of the other rulers will do, he might overestimate the power of his own kingdom. They have suffered under the war against the Stormlands, probably more than Mern himself is comfortable with acknowledging. At the current point though, his power still exceeds that of Aegon by far, on account of having 10-12 times his numbers in terms of sheer size.
Kasyn's presence will certainly screw over Petyr's and Mullendore's plans to a degree and that could give the people of Raylansfair a more beneficial rule.
Well, surely Petyr and Mullendore have to watch their steps now, with someone to look over them. Neither is going to be happy about this in any way, as Kasyn is in a position where he can easily realize that they are up to something shady if they are not careful to conceal their moves. Stuff like what happened to Lucas cannot happen all that easily again, Mern made sure of that when he deployed this garrison.
A small mistake. Mern is Ninth of his name, not tenth.
Aaaah, thank you very much. This is indeed a mistake. I could have sworn his name was Mern X, but it is indeed Mern IX. I probably should have checked that again before writing it down, but it is fixed now
Pretty interesting to finally meet King Mern and his family, he's indeed a reasonable person who truly understands the dangers of dragons. T… moreoo bad we all know were this is going to end.
Kasyn's presence will certainly screw over Petyr's and Mullendore's plans to a degree and that could give the people of Raylansfair a more beneficial rule.
Cregan Mullendore, he seems to be a person who knows his cousin is dangerous, lets hope his appearance is a good one.
Quite the set up for Book 2 as well as the other Interludes. This was a really enjoyable read and I can't wait to see what else Good ol King Mern is going to set up. And I'm glad we got to see some of his inner council. Such as Prince Edmund. I can't wait to see what that sly dog and a certain Green Hand get up to in Book 2. Shame we won't have any other POVs interacting with King Mern at the start of Book 2. I'm assuming he will be back on the road by the time skip ends. I wonder where he is going though. It is safe to assume he is going to be calling all of his bannermen to raise their armies, but where this summit of soldiers will actually be is still up in the air. It will surely be quite the sight to see the entire Reach's might all together in one spot. Hopefully Ser Kasyn is of good character, because if not, he might be turned by Petyr. However, if he is he still runs the risk of just being dealt with. This may raise the eyes of Mern, but if anyone is able to make an excuse it is definitely Petyr and Maron.
Forum of Thrones: Interlude I
Seven Letters – Spring Forth
The king had to admit, when he first laid eyes upon Raylansfair, he… more was surprised by its state. From the reports, he had expected a smouldering ruin, just barely avoiding complete destruction at the hands of the Ironborn. The lighthouse, or what was left of it, fulfilled his expectations, a mere stump left of the ancient building, charred stone and blackened dirt. Yet the walls he saw in the distance looked surprisingly clean and though smoke was rising from the city, it was the usual that was produced by hundreds of houses so close to each other.
Though pleased by this discovery, Mern's anger remained. Black Harren had sent his raiders to raze one of his cities. He had thought the Iron King a smarter man. It was true, his kingdom had suffered from the war against Argilac the Arrogant. His own father had died and Mern still felt the shame of having to kneel to the Sto… [view original content]
Quite the set up for Book 2 as well as the other Interludes. This was a really enjoyable read and I can't wait to see what else Good ol King Mern is going to set up. And I'm glad we got to see some of his inner council. Such as Prince Edmund. I can't wait to see what that sly dog and a certain Green Hand get up to in Book 2.
Ah, it is nice to hear you enjoyed this Interlude. Always nice to hear it, especially as I hope to show even more exciting events in the coming Interludes. For now, I am happy to introduce Mern at last, after over two years of mentioning him. As the King of the Reach, you can probably imagine that he will be central for the future events in Raylansfair and the entire kingdom. And of course, there will be other things going on as well
Shame we won't have any other POVs interacting with King Mern at the start of Book 2. I'm assuming he will be back on the road by the time skip ends. I wonder where he is going though. It is safe to assume he is going to be calling all of his bannermen to raise their armies, but where this summit of soldiers will actually be is still up in the air. It will surely be quite the sight to see the entire Reach's might all together in one spot.
Yes, I can confirm that at the start of Book 2, Mern will have left Raylansfair again. His destination won't be a mystery though, he will return to Highgarden, where he will send word to his bannermen, so that they ready themselves for the coming war. The Reach is a large region and doing so might take a long time, on top of other preparations he wishes to make. Furthermore, he also wishes to see how Argilac and Harren will fare against this new enemy, so he won't gather the entire army of the Reach just now, knowing that this will mean serious economical consequences, by gathering not only those that are more or less professional soldiers, but also farmers, craftsman, fishers and the like. With winter coming, Mern has to be equal parts careful about not acting too rash, while simultaneously taking as many preparations as possible without burdening his people too much. That be said, when the army of the Reach gathers at last, it will be a sight to behold.
Hopefully Ser Kasyn is of good character, because if not, he might be turned by Petyr. However, if he is he still runs the risk of just being dealt with. This may raise the eyes of Mern, but if anyone is able to make an excuse it is definitely Petyr and Maron.
Aye, both is a bit of a risk by now, as long as you don't know much about Kasyn. Petyr and Maron can be convincing, but most importantly, they are completely ruthless. While murdering a man of the king might be a daring move even for them, it is not unthinkable. Though it can be assumed that this would still be a last resort for both, as there are easier ways of dealing with this unwanted presence, either by convincing him, or by other sorts of shadier intrigues.
Quite the set up for Book 2 as well as the other Interludes. This was a really enjoyable read and I can't wait to see what else Good ol King… more Mern is going to set up. And I'm glad we got to see some of his inner council. Such as Prince Edmund. I can't wait to see what that sly dog and a certain Green Hand get up to in Book 2. Shame we won't have any other POVs interacting with King Mern at the start of Book 2. I'm assuming he will be back on the road by the time skip ends. I wonder where he is going though. It is safe to assume he is going to be calling all of his bannermen to raise their armies, but where this summit of soldiers will actually be is still up in the air. It will surely be quite the sight to see the entire Reach's might all together in one spot. Hopefully Ser Kasyn is of good character, because if not, he might be turned by Petyr. However, if he is he still runs the risk of just being dealt with. This may raise the eyes of Mern, but if anyone is able to make an excuse it is definitely Petyr and Maron.
I really like read a PoV from King Mern!Expecially after years that you mentioned him in the story!
It was interesting see Raylainsfair from the PoV of his King and I really like Mern action and thoughts during of it (expecially because he understand how much dangerous Aegon can,and will,be)
And we see the third head of the "let's betray the Reach" alliance!It is probably too soon to have an opinion of him but I'm curious to discover how he will act in the future
Obviously I won't forget to mention the other two members of the royal family that appear in this PoV,Edmund and Garen (not the one that hate Drent)! I'm curious to see if you will show more of the King family
Since you mentioned Cregan Mullendore I'm curious to see if you will introduce the canonical members of that house or they will remain in the shadow for all the story
If I must be honest I found weird that Hightower or Maester Quent don't advise the king of the rumors that surround Mullendore about be a crime lord and the fact that he escape from his position of captain of the city guard
Now that I think about it,where is Lord Harlan Tyrell?
From this PoV we understand that Argella and co. has start to return at their kingdom while House Stokeworth has officialy become part of the Targaryen army
And after an entire book we finally have the Lord of Raylainsfair!All hail Lord Petyr of House Vyrwell!
Too bad that Petyr and Mullendore,before they can open the champagne, has to obey a new order of the King and let 50 soldier led by Ser Kasyn Luck,the guy with eyes green as the (Dothraki) sea, control their movements (I can bet everything that they will try to bribe him)
In the end I can say that I enjoy this interlude and that I will look forward to read all the others!
Forum of Thrones: Interlude I
Seven Letters – Spring Forth
The king had to admit, when he first laid eyes upon Raylansfair, he… more was surprised by its state. From the reports, he had expected a smouldering ruin, just barely avoiding complete destruction at the hands of the Ironborn. The lighthouse, or what was left of it, fulfilled his expectations, a mere stump left of the ancient building, charred stone and blackened dirt. Yet the walls he saw in the distance looked surprisingly clean and though smoke was rising from the city, it was the usual that was produced by hundreds of houses so close to each other.
Though pleased by this discovery, Mern's anger remained. Black Harren had sent his raiders to raze one of his cities. He had thought the Iron King a smarter man. It was true, his kingdom had suffered from the war against Argilac the Arrogant. His own father had died and Mern still felt the shame of having to kneel to the Sto… [view original content]
As it was promised, here are the alternative choices for Chapter 9! Afterwards, I will write down the What If section, followed by the things that could have been, if my plans wouldn't have evolved. Both are likely to be released later this week. And after that... well, then it's Interlude time
Anyways, here's how Chapter 9 could have played out.
Alternative Choices: Chapter IX
Lucas I:
[Sign the confession]
As you can probably imagine, this would have been one of the worst things you could have done in this situation. While Mullendore's offer was about as dishonest as Petyr's, the fact that he would have confessed far earlier would have been a huge problem for him, as Argella was nowhere near ready to come to the rescue. As a result, Lucas would have been seriously roughed up. However, he would have been saved by an unexpected source. None other than Aylard Kawl would have arrived (potentially with John's help, if you would have chosen that), to force the Sphynx and Connor to flee. He wouldn't have exactly saved him, but would have spared him further torture until Argella would have arrived. However, his wounds would have been severe and without a champion to fight for him, he would have lost the trial by combat for sure. In this case, he would even know that and his option to choose a trial by combat would have basically been suicide, to give him a somewhat honourable way out of this situation, where he could die as a big 'Fuck You' against Petyr and Mullendore while simultaneously not putting his liege lady in danger. Being so heavily wounded, he also wouldn't have fought the Tom. Petyr would have been confident with sending Hugo against him, a choice that would have pleased Lord Tyrell a bit more. Hugo would have ultimately killed Lucas with relative ease, though he would have felt heavy regret over it in Book 2.
Jenna I:
[Ask Saerya to do it]
Asking Saerya to distract Hugo Farnham would have, as expected, led to similar results. Saerya would have used her considerable charms to distract Hugo long enough for Leonard to get away. In this case, there would have been a slightly longer talk between Jenna and Leonard. Saerya meanwhile, well, she would have been very successful at distracting Hugo, to the point where the knight would have started to fancy her. This in turn would have influenced his behaviour down the road in Book 2.
Jaron I:
[Agree to go through with Samuel's plan]
This would have been a brutal option, one Jaron would have made only reluctantly. Quite possible, it would have influenced him and turned him into a somewhat darker character, as he would have put his morals behind Samuel's vengeance. Of course, such a choice wouldn't have turned him from a somewhat decent guy into a brutal jerk in an instant, but it would have been a step into this direction. Now, Samuel would have also knocked Farris out instead of talking to him, dragging him into an abandoned warehouse (coincidentally the same one from the fight against the fake Butterfly) and he would have interrogated him, quite brutally so. The next Jaron choice would determine how badly this would have ended for Farris (everything from a mere beating to the loss off an eye would have been in the realms of possible, depending on when Jaron would have stopped Samuel).
Arthur I:
[Talk to Daemion]
This choice would have meant missing out on Ryler's information regarding Lupin and the Alley Cats, as Ryler himself would have left the scene by the time Arthur would have come back to him. As Daemion's information included informing Arthur of Hackor's death, neither would he be in the right state of mind to process such information. Daemion would have been slightly pleased that Arthur followed his order right away.
[Try to talk to Mathea]
Though ultimately a waste of time, as Mathea would have been unwilling to talk to Arthur at this point, being still very hurt by his actions, this choice wouldn't have been all too bad, as he would have done the first step for them to reconcile. At the same time, Ryler would have left the area already, whereas Daemion would be a bit irritated that Arthur lets him wait.
Edrick I:
[Leave Leo behind]
This would have given Leo less of a role in this chapter, as his involvement in getting Edrick and co. captured wouldn't have been made public right away. Instead, he would have been treated as a bit of a hope spot in Edrick's early next chapter, until suddenly arriving at the Codd's keep, demanding his reward for getting them captured. As a result, your opinion on him wouldn't have soured until the next chapter.
Drent I:
[Try to defuse the situation]
In this case, Drent would have gotten some time to shine. Instead of Orys Baratheon getting a chance to prove that he's equal parts badass and one hell of a decent person, Drent would have stolen the show a bit by negotiating with Mullendore, a move that would have surprised and impressed both, Argella and Mullendore himself. Orys would have still come to assist him, but wouldn't have done all of the work on his own and his involvement would have been less embarrassing to Argella, who in turn wouldn't have quite managed to thank him for his help. In turn, this would also mean that her talk with Gordar, which happened offscreen but importantly shaped the relationship between both characters, wouldn't have happened. However, Drent would have been the hero of the day.
John I:
[Go with Aylard to Lucas]
If this would have been chosen, John's storyline would have been slightly longer. He would have gotten the part in which Lucas talked to Aylard, witnessing their conversation, while also getting a chance to say his farewells to Lucas. This would have been good for his mental well-being and for Lucas as well. He would have still managed to find Daghan later on and both would have then went to find Saerya, resulting in the rest of his storyline playing out as you saw it.
Maya I:
[Pay Keat half of the sum]
It's a simple deal here. Half the sum means half the documents. Keat would have been very open about basically denying them half of what they came for and would have left to sell the rest for the highest bidder, somewhat disappointed by Maya's lack of honour. Maya in turn, while partially succeeding at her mission, would have been incredibly annoyed at herself for missing this opportunity.
[Refuse to pay Keat]
In this case, Keat would have left, angry at being double-crossed. He wouldn't have revealed the truth about the documents and Maya would have returned to the Vale never knowing how close she has been to succeeding after all. Keat's actions of stealing the documents would have been revealed in Book 2 when he would have reappeared in Oldtown.
Jaron II:
[Come up with fake names]
In this case, Jaron would have made a mistake. He would have come up with fake names, which I haven't thought of since this hasn't been chosen. Farris would have seen through this lie and would have refused to give them any answer. This in turn would have led to a fight, during which Jaron and Samuel would have overpowered Farris, though both would have been wounded. The fight against Ryder later on would have made these wounds only worse, to the point where Jaron would have still been affected by them after the timeskip. As for Farris, he would have been interrogated by Samuel, resulting in the torture scene you successfully avoided in Jaron's first choice already.
Sadie I:
[Ask Wylie to bring Leo to you]
Sadie would have remained in bed for most of this chapter, resulting in her being even weaker and more hesitant when it comes to accepting her new condition. Leo would have respected her wish and gone to visit her alone, without Rhogarn being introduced. However, you would have still learned about Two-Face's arrival in Maybros, though the man himself wouldn't have appeared in person. Sadie would have eventually gone with Leo to visit Melanie, though at the sight of her sister, she would have outright broken down.
Edrick II:
[Fight Reymond]
Edrick would have fought Reymond himself and would have shown off his skills, mostly dominating the fight much to Reymond's frustration. Alphyn would have been highly impressed by this, resulting in him looking up to Edrick instead of seeing him as an equal. Edrick would have also been the one to reveal Reymond's identity instead of Alphyn, though he wouldn't have done so by accident, but because he suspected this already.
[Try to talk Reymond down]
Now, trying things Dante's way would have surprisingly worked. Dante himself would have done the talking and he would have been pretty smooth about the whole thing, resulting in Reymond actually agreeing to stand down. The duel wouldn't have happened. Unfortunately, these negotiations would have gone on for so long that Gawayne and his Ironborn would have still caught up to Edrick and co.
Arthur II:
[Go with the guard]
What seemed to be a simple choice between duty and some sibling time with Arthur and Aditha actually had huge consequences for Arthur as a character. If he would have gone with the guard, he would have never learned that Aditha lied about Hackor's final words. This in turn would have meant that his opinion on his father wouldn't have soured and that is massive for him as a character. He would have followed Hackor's teachings loyally throughout Chapter 9 and Book 2. In this chapter, this would have led to him clashing with Edonia, due to being less willing to give the archer to Argella and the Stormlanders, instead insisting on this archer to be judged in Raylansfair, as Hackor would have done.
Drent II:
[Decline Garen's help]
This was a bit of a choice where both outcomes led to bad things, although arguably this one would have been a bit more favourable. Garen would have been pissed and disappointed, but not outright angry at Drent for wounding him in their battle against Shortwood, on account of such battle never even happening in that way. He would have still been very pissed for a long time and getting on his good side would have been even harder.
Garthon I:
[Decline the offer]
Interestingly, this would have given Garthon more of a role in this chapter. By refusing Mullendore's offer, his time would have been limited and he would have known this. Instead of him, Rell would have accepted without a second thought. However, to repay him for saving his life in Chapter 8, Rell would have allowed Hjalgar to try and save Garthon. This would have given Hjalgar a big role in this chapter, as he would have tried and eventually succeeded at saving Garthon. Depending on your choices, he would have sacrificed himself in the process, holding off the Moggy so that Garthon can escape, wounding the giant but ultimately failing to kill him. However, he also could have survived and went with Garthon back to the Riverlands.
Jenna II:
[Support Saerya]
In this case, Saerya's plan is the safer one, by far so. Leonard had a risky plan and it only worked thanks to John's help. However, Saerya would have gotten them through this smoothly with or without John. Since you managed to save Leonard regardless, not much would have changed in the long run though.
Lucas III:
[Spare him the details]
Sparing Aylard the details would have been a sensible option, satisfying the man's curiosity while still making sure that he won't utterly break down after learning the gruesome details of Lunett's death. It wouldn't have changed a thing about his thirst for revenge though, but he would have been generally feeling slightly, as much as possible at least.
[Refuse to answer]
Now, this would have angered Aylard incredibly and would have arguably been the worst option for himself. He would have had a complete meltdown at some point in Book 2, unable to deal with never knowing how his daughter died, filling him with an even more reckless thirst for revenge. Ultimately, it would have made his chances of survival far worse.
Jaron III:
[Distract Lanford and Erik]
By not calming Samuel down, Jaron would have missed a chance to calm the entire situation. Though he would have managed to distract both men for long enough, Samuel would have more or less forced the information about Ryder's whereabouts out of Joshawa, therefore not finding a peaceful solution. Eventually, both would have been forced to flee from Lanford, who would have outright tried to kill them. During their escape, Samuel would have confronted Ryder, though their fight would have been broken up by Lanford and Farris, resulting in Samuel getting badly wounded by a crossbow bolt to the leg, a wound that would have slowed him down, probably permanently.
Arthur III:
[Head to the site immediately]
This would have mostly meant that Arthur and Edonia would have faced Sherryl less prepared. Arthur would have been shocked at Sherryl's involvement in this and even given her a chance to talk her way out of this, though her distraught state of mind would have meant that she wouldn't have even tried to convince him of her innocence. It would have also given Arthur a slightly shorter storyline in this chapter, as his entire talk with Nora would have been cut.
Ilish I:
[Check up on Megur and Daisy]
By doing this, Vaasrand and Axell would have gotten smaller roles in this chapter and would have had their talk without Ilish interfering. However, we would have learned more about Megur and Daisy, as well as Audrey's condition. All in all, Ilish could have slightly eased the tension between the two women, possibly preventing an escalation later on.
Willfred I:
[Publicly criticize Tallian for cowardice]
Since the scene itself hasn't happened yet, not much would have changed in this chapter. Roger would have been pleased with his nephew's decision. However, Tallian would have been utterly enraged, turning him into a permanent enemy of Willfred, an obstacle he would have to deal with in Book 2, as Tallian would have made sure that Willfred would fail at most tasks he set for himself.
Sadie II:
[Punch Two-Face]
Well, it is safe to say that Two-Face wouldn't have just taken the punch. Instead, he would have punched back, which, given Sadie's generally weak condition, would have knocked her to the ground, though not out cold. This would have caused tension between Leo and Two-Face. However, in an odd way, Sadie would have felt better, having stood up for herself. Gyles would have also not dared to mock her later on, seeing that she still has some spirit left in her.
Maya II:
[Forgive Irving]
[Don't forgive Irving]
are fundamentally similar choices, in that both wouldn't have affected the current chapter. However, forgiving Irving or not would have had big changes about him as a character, both positive and negative. By forgiving him, Maya would have sent a signal to Irving that he can screw up as he likes, that he can always earn her forgiveness and he wouldn't have tried to better himself as much. Outright not forgiving him however would have caused him to try too much, to become depressed and to endanger himself. I'd say you found the right balance by telling him that he has to earn forgiveness.
Edrick III:
[Tell Alphyn to take it easy]
By doing so, Alphyn would have indeed hold back a little bit in his fight against Reymond. As a result, he would have actually lost the duel. Triumphant, Reymond would have still been a bit upset at Edrick underestimating her and telling his champion to take it easy. In turn, she wouldn't have allowed them to pass over the bridge. Alphyn would have been pissed at himself for losing against a woman and felt humiliated, affecting his personality in the next chapter.
Ellena I:
[Don't go with Noelle]
This was a very big choice, as its inclusion in the choice overview of the final part probably hinted at. One thing first: Ellena would have still ended up at Dragonstone, but later on, first getting a small storyline in Oldtown. She would have gotten there on her own, without Noelle and when re-encountering her at the court of Aegon, she would have had a more antagonistic relationship with her, still seeing her as an enemy to fight. This in turn would have made her open for the lies of the real enemy, the powerful servant of the Great Other Noelle seeks to stop. This is likely going to be a choice I will tell you more about in future chapters.
Lucas IV:
[Refuse Petyr's deal]
Now... as you can probably imagine, it would have been a good thing. It wouldn't quite mean that Lucas would have lived, but he would have made things harder for Petyr and Mullendore. Without him outright confessing, people would have doubted Lucas' guilt, even in Book 2, long after his death. Questions would have grown loud about Mullendore's involvement in all this and without a confession, they wouldn't have quite as much of an effective way of blaming Lucas for all this, only his defeat at the trial. This would have ultimately caused pretty big problems for both even after Lucas' death.
Jaron IV
[Try to convince him to avoid a fight]
As many of you correctly guessed, this wouldn't have convinced Samuel to give up on his vengeance. Quite the contrary, he would have been disappointed in Jaron and would have fought even fiercer for this. In turn, Jaron would have made a stand for his morals, if futile. It probably would have caused him to feel better about this whole thing, knowing that he at least tried his best. He also would have hesitated to attack Ryder, resulting in a less painful beating, though by the time we're going to see him next, the minor wounds he suffered here are going to be healed regardless.
Samantha I:
[Talk to Nymeria]
First of all, this would have given Samantha a longer storyline in this chapter, as she would have actually managed to get a talk with Nymeria. In there, she would have learned more of the bond between Nymeria and Lenrianda and though she ultimately would have achieved little to actually make her feel better, she would have struck up a bit of a friendship with her, surely a useful thing to have in the long run.
Drent III
[Let him go]
By letting Shortwood go, Drent would have avoided a painful fight against him. It would have also been the only option for him and Garen to end this book on a relatively good note. Though surprised by his decision, Garen would have ultimately been pleased, knowing that he now has something he can use to coerce favours out of Drent, knowing he is way closer to the princess than he himself could ever hope to be. This would have meant that Drent would be forced to assist him in the future, to cover for him if things go bad and stuff like that. Shortwood himself, he would have been surprised as well, positively so. Noting that perhaps not all Stormlanders are blind drones, he would have said his farewells and left, keeping a low profile until the Stormlanders would have left.
Richard I:
[Send Alan away]
Well, obviously this would have been a bad choice for the already questionable brotherly relationship between Richard and Alan. The latter would have been pretty pissed, as well as resentful over being belittled so much. He also wouldn't have learned about Kersea's story, which can be good or bad depending on how much you trust Alan with such knowledge.
Arthur IV:
[Follow the bootprints]
This would have given Arthur a slightly longer storyline in this chapter, as he would have ultimately followed the blood regardless. First however, he would have followed the bootprints, noting that they belong to two Solvers, who have met Sherryl together with Mullendore. They stayed behind, debating on wether or not they should kill her despite Mullendore sparing her life. Arthur, having overheard a rather critical part of their talk, would have been spotted by them, at which point a fight would have broken out. In the end, Edonia would have saved his life there, shooting both of the Solvers as they were just ganging up on Arthur.
Ilish II:
[Don't promise him anything]
Though this wouldn't have had any consequences for the current chapter, it would have shaped Ilish's character, pushing her into a more adventurous, daredevil mindset. She would have actively made plans to chase after Carvin at the beginning of Book 2, making her far more prepared for the things she inevitably has to face once the narrative goes back to her.
John II:
[Refuse to help Saerya]
This little choice right here might have been the single most important choice in the entirety of Book 1, because refusing to help Saerya would have been the only way for Lucas to survive the trial by combat. Without John's help, Leonard would have been caught and though Saerya would have managed to talk herself and Jenna out of this, she would have been unable to help Leonard, who would have been dragged away by the guards. His fate would have been originally unknown, but in the end, it would have been revealed that he was brought before Petyr, who would have threatened him quite heavily, making it clear that he could kill Leonard's entire family through Mullendore's remaining assassins and therefore leaving Leonard no choice but to agree to champion for him in the trial by combat. However, he would have had the last laugh. There would have been a very short unmotivated fight between the two friends, as neither actually wanted to wound the other, with both being horrified at having to fight each other. In the end, Leonard would have thrown himself onto Lucas' blade to save his friends' life, revealing with his dying breath that this has been his plan all along, to make sure that Lucas and the Constantine family would all survive this and that Lucas could carry the fight against Mullendore on for longer. His storyline in Book 2 would have been similar to Leonard's, but there will be key differences which you will get to see in future What If sections.
Edrick IV:
[Do nothing]
So, the thing is, the Ironborn don't really care for Leo. Wether you punch him or not, it wouldn't have changed anything about Edrick's situation. It would, however, have changed Leo's number of teeth, because in the choice that won, Edrick is going to give him a seriously heavy beating with Gawayne and his men just looking on. That might also have effects on the way Leo sees Edrick.
Willfred II:
[Refuse to work with her]
Not working with Helenys wouldn't have changed much about the current chapter, this I can say. However, it would have meant that Willfred would lack an ally in the next chapter. Helenys herself, she would have gotten a smaller role in the next chapter, becoming less of a presence at court and doing her schemes more in the background, though she ultimately will make her moves with or without Willfred's support.
Jaron V:
[Refuse Lanford' offer]
Another choice that is solely for character building. In this case, this choice basically determines Jaron's opinion on Oldtown. His road is going to lead him away from there for sure, no way around that. However, if he manages to reach his goals outside of the city, you might have been offered a choice to return. Such a thing might still happen, opinions change and Jaron has to overcome some serious hardships first, but a return to Oldtown would have been more in the realms of possible if he would have refused Lanford's offer here.
Sadie III:
[Agree to work with Gyles]
By not trying to kill him, Sadie would have gained an ally as questionable as he is disgusting. Gyles would have indeed worked with her, but just how much of an asset he would have actually been cannot be said right here. He would have wasted no time to be as much a dick as possible to her, which would have severely affected her, considering that they would have spent a lot of time together figuring out how to help Melanie. However, in the end it might have been worth a shot, but I guess you will learn more about this in future chapters once again.
Richard II:
[Keep some of the details for yourself]
This would have determined Leonard's opinion on Kersea in the beginning of the next book. Now, they are still allies but very much at each other's throats. If Richard would have kept Kersea's full involvement a secret, they would get along way better. However, the last word about their relationship is not yet spoken and will highly depend on a great number of choices in Book 2. Both know they have a common enemy, but if he would have learned the truth about Kersea later on, Leonard might have been very pissed about all this, so I'd say you chose wisely.
John III:
[Refuse to give her your blessing]
In this case, John and Samantha would have parted very bitterly, with him voicing his disappointment and her being crushed at it. It would have affected him and he would have shown regret over this some way down the line in Book 2, at which point it would have been too late to take it back. Samantha would have been very regretful over leaving her friends alone, resulting in basically both becoming quite bitter over this parting.
Arthur V:
[Leave her to die alone]
A brutal choice for Arthur to make, but it ultimately would have decided his view on Sherryl. She already got a pretty miserable death and being all alone would make it only worse for her. Maybe a fitting punishment for her actions, maybe too much. Arthur however would become a bit colder, hateful towards Sherryl and her actions, as well as generally a colder character in Book 2.
My own opinion about the alternative choices:
Wow,this is what Edrick need! While I don't dislike to have give to Alphyn a role in this chapter I must admit that Edrick look really cool in this alternative choice! I hope that we will have a chance to see this side of the northern knight in the next book
This instead would have been a B-O-R-I-N-G choice
Wow, this choice would have been really interesting! However now I'm curious to know for what Mullendore (aka you
) will use Hjalgar,Rell and the executioner (since I doubt that you will make them go with Garthon and Christian)
About this it will be weird but I'm curious to read their situation after the timeskip
Ah,I knew that this would have been a bad choice!
Forgive (or not) Useless guy was obviously a wrong choice here so I found it obvious that the middle way was the only one right (and I hope that he will be less useless in the future )
I'm curious to know what will this sidestory at Oldtown,maybe Ellena would have try to reach her friend at the Pale Princess?
"Things she inevitably has to face" eh? This seems really interesting
I am sorry for Lucas but I'm glad that this choice didn't win!Not because I'm a Leonard fan but because I see too many times the "two friends forced by the villain to fight each other" cliché for my own tastes (And even if kill Leonard would still have been a major death it would never reach the same impact of Lucas death to the story and to us readers)
I'm really curious of Sadie-Melanie relationship after the time skip (expecially without Gyles help)
Oh man, I knew we shouldn't have helped Saerya. The way Leonard dies sounds so cool, and a trial by combat with Lucas and Leonard facing each other off is simply too awesome.
Who were your favourite characters in Chapter 9?
Luckily, I can say Ser Harris Flowers one last time. I doubt I'll be able to say that again, except maybe at the end of book 3 (Who were your favourite characters in the entirety of the trilogy).I'll just go a head and place some PoV's here as well, but Apart from that, Axell (Duh!) obviously, others is Lucas, Leonard, Mr. Gutten, Garthon, Raenna, Samuel, Garen, Aylard, Temari, Richard, Alan, Irving, Vashord, Daghan Argella, Drent, Edward Anturion and Petyr. I've also taken a bit of a liking for The Sphynx and The Tom.
Who were your favourite characters in the entirety of Book 1?
Obviously, Acting Lord of Raylansfair, Ser Harris Flowers. But well, apart from the characters I listed above I do miss Terroma, Marak, The Burned Man, Martin Wilshere, Archmaesters Wulvren and Quent (I know they aren't dead!), Jaylon Gordus (really liked Team Jaylon and Samuel), Jax (Teller, well-liked member of the Sons of Anarchy), Hackor, Torvin, The Lord of Bridges, Funeral Snow (May the man rest in piece!). I also like Septon Corbin, which is weird. And man, Maester Eaton seemed like a nice guy, would've liked to se more of him. And who can forget Dimitri the Wise! And the Introduced kings are so far great, especially Harren and Argilac. We haven't seen to much of motherfucking King Lannister, have we?
Who were your least favourite characters in Chapter 9?
I usually want to make this question two questions. The first one being Which character do you dislike, because he is a good villain and which character do you just find boring and uninteresting, or because they killed your favourite character cough Kersea cough cough. If we start with the second question first: Sasha, not a big fan of her. Hjalgar hasn't won me over yet, he was badass last time we saw him, but not yet enough. Illish I've never been a big fan of. For villains, the villain I dislike the most is probably Mullendore, which is good. I really like him as a villain, but man.. Fuck him. Edward as well, he's a man who gets a place on both favourite and least favourite, fantastic. Clayton was also real good, so was Sherryl. Then we have characters I utterly hate... Kersea.. and Leo fucking York, fucking fuck him.
Who were your least favourite characters in the entirety of Book 1?
Probably the same as above! Add Alysanne though, despise her!
Who were your favourite PoV storylines in Chapter 9?
Lucas showed my man Harris, so that definitely is up there. I enjoyed Jenna, Gutten, Sammy, Richard, Jaron, Drent and Edrick actually, the most.
Who were your favourite PoV storylines in the entirety of Book 1?
Same as above, just add Marak, Torvin and Wilfred (enjoyed his storyline a lot, just not as much in chapter 9) to the bunch. Lucas storyline was just fantastic, and so was the rest mentioned above.
Who were your least favourite PoV storylines in Chapter 9?
Who were your least favourite PoV storylines in the entirety of Book 1?
Illish, Lyria, Sadie. Sadie was good, the battles and all, but I didn't feel as into the story during Sadie's part as I have to most others. Did enjoy chapter 9 Sadie though, therefor not listed above.
What has been your favourite part and your favourite moment in Chapter 9?
Trial by combat was pretty fucking great, nevermind the results of it. The ghost of Harris was also great. I liked the Raenna part as a whole this chapter, and Alan wanting to throw Kersea out was hilarious!
What has been your favourite part and your favourite moment in Book 1?
I really like Ilhan, and I absolutely adore Harris, so the confrontation between the two was pretty fucking good. Wolfius killing Lyria was nice, a good, graphic scene. Hackor's last moments, Harris vs Torvin, Harris vs Darren and Lucas, Harris vs Alyssane, Clayton and Kersea on his fucking own, aka the Lighthouse scene. The hunt for the Direwolf was great, introducing my first (well, second created) character, which of course is Axell. Mullendore vs Burned Man crew in the alley was pretty epic as well.
What has been your favourite chapter in Book 1?
I mean, I started to read when you started Chapter 3, which is one I liked, but I was so bloody slow, so I didn't get to voting and shit before the end of Chapter 6/beginning of chapter 7 I think. All those 3 are great, chapter 2 is as well, but I think chapter 8 takes the bloody pie. Harris had so many moments there.
Is there anything you disliked?
Well, apart from that Harris was killed off (I loved the way he went out, didn't like that Kersea couldn't even meet the badass in real combat, instead stabbing him from behind.) As I think I have stated, or someone else maybe (can't remember) last chapter, there was a little to many fight scenes where our heroes got out safely, which kinda felt like you were afraid to kill them off. That wasn't a problem in this chapter though. Orys interrupting just before all hell breaks lose between Argella and Mullendore (which also was a great scene) is the only one I can think of, and he really comes to the rescue often doesn't he? Samantha, and now Drent. Good habits I suppose.
Do you have further advice, anything you'd like to see more, anything you're anticipating in Book 2?
I am anticipating my other 10 or so characters of course, and some should be introduced rather early, I seem to recall. At least them lords. I'd like to see more direwolves
Semi-friendly direwolves though, kinda like Knightfang (R.i.P.)
Otherwise, keep up the good fucking work, Liquid! I hope that the following books, interludes and all other madness will be just as good as Book 1, maybe even better.
That is certainly a question I will include at the end of Book 3. Oh man, it seems to me the questions I'll ask at that time are going to be even more
I am certainly happy to see that you still hold Harris to such high regards. It is a shame he had to die, but ultimately, well, little I could have done there. The sum of his mistakes would have caused his undoing sooner or later.
Some of these names to surprise me, quite positively. I can confirm, both Wulvren and Quent will reappear in Book 2. Frenchman Snail on the other hand, I am afraid we won't ever see someone like him again. You either die a memorable character or live long enough to see yourself become a meme, that's what's standing on his gravestone. We also indeed haven't seen too much of Loren Lannister, but Book 2 should give him a larger role. Still, Harren and probably either Argilac or Meria Martell are going to have the most present role in Book 2. Loren himself, we will learn more about him, that I promise
Heh, though it was basically her taking the chance in the heat of the moment, I can confirm that yes, in a fight one on one, Harris would have killed Kersea. He would have killed most in single combat. Hell, Clayton stood chanceless and even Alysanne, who has been so much more dangerous than Kersea can ever hope to be. That said, she didn't even want to fight him, so a genuine one-on-one fight between these two simply wasn't happening. If things would have gone her way, he would have just put his sword away and they would have separated peacefully. When it comes to Orys, well, he likes doing that. A knightly oath and stuff like that, though it is not only him being a good guy and saving others, it's also him wanting to prove himself. We're going to see more of that in Book 2, but aside from really being this pretty great guy, Orys also wants to prove this. His heritage as a bastard is an open secret and given how bastards are seen in the Westerosi society, it is a big part of his character to have this desire to prove that he is better than what people usually assume about bastards.
Aye, it won't take long. Actually, due to the Interlude, I might have found an even earlier and better way of introducing some very particular ones. You know which ones I mean
And direwolves... well, Wolfius has one and he is going to reappear in Book 2, but I have the feeling that is not what you want to see more of. A semi-friendly direwolf... we will see. We will see.
Ah, Edrick will get some action-packed scenes in the next book. Reminds me, I accidentally forgot to include him in the Next-Time segment
A shame, but you'll see where his storyline is going to head to soon. I believe it should be very exciting, with the finale of his next arc being planned as one of the highlights of Book 2, which says a lot.
I will explain more about it in the future What If parts. Ellena would have tried to search for Talea and the Pale Princess crew, but unfortunately, they would have already continued their journey. Instead, she would have met a character whom I cannot fully reveal much about without spoiling. Said character is however loosely involved with Noelle's enemy and they would have pushed Ellena into the Dragonstone storyline, which would have headed towards a completely different outcome than it is now.
Aye, as said before, I am really going to increase Ilish's screentime over the course of Book 2. With her, I think the main problem is that I made her a PoV too early. She has exciting stuff planned, but what comes inbetween, I probably should have found a way to fill that with more content. Expect quite big stuff for her in Book 2.
Well, it would have been a big death for sure, although probably not quite as big as Lucas' death. At the same time, I consider it a very fitting death for Leonard, having the final laugh at Mullendore and saving Lucas' life in the process. It would have also, though not as big, probably been the only thing to make the Book 1 ending more tragic. But well, I was pretty sure most would ultimately help Saerya, given that it not only had benefits for Leonard, but also for John.
Edited in a few more things in the first post. Not much, meant to do it earlier.
Lord Brune, that bloke, can't forget him. I would have ensured he would have survived. As for POV's, well, Kyra, and uh, I don't really know, damn. We'll see.
I am glad the Lord of Mander's Mouth is alright. After his exit stage left, I wasn't sure how our guy was doing. Good thing he probably isn't with Mullendore right now.
Noice. Victory.
Hehe, can't say she will be one of my favorites for a while. But we'll see.
Don't underestimate my stubbornness!
Really glad this didn't happen.
I wish we did this. A bittersweet farewell.
I'm not sure if this is good or bad? We'll see with What ifs.
I wish we did this. I knew Garthon wouldn't just die, it wouldn't make sense.
Wow I would have really disliked him either of these ways. Still gonna screw up.
Ack if only I didn't miss this when it happened, maybe we could have avoided what we got and gotten better.
Not Wolfius and Kreep. Hm. Okay then. Still wondering where those two were/are.
;( That's so tragic. Man that be worse than what we got, especially for me.
Yesssssss, we'll see fully how it goes down.
So I noticed! Edit notifications can occasionally be actually useful
But yeah, I checked the submission box and noticed that the Donnel has been submitted on July 1st 2016, meaning he had his first anniversary two weeks ago. I am very confident that he will already be introduced before the same time next year. As for the things you mentioned... Book 2 will hold more battles and it will also be a lot more bloody. I actually fear how long the list of deceased characters will be before the end of Book 2. Quite a number of actually beloved characters will join the ranks of Lucas, Torvin and co., but I can promise that some of the villains will also get their comeuppance 
Actually, I noticed that there is another, a certain PoV that appeared as a minor Book 1 character, whom I constantly forget about, mostly because the starting point of this PoV is so much more open. The other three, I have a clear idea. Kyra will have her first part in Chapter 1, the second PoV will first appear in Chapter 2 and the third in Chapter 4. This other one though... well, anywhere from Chapter 2 to Chapter 5 is possible, to be honest.
Certainly not for a while, no. I am not even sure if she's ever going to be among your favourites, but perhaps she'll permanently leave your least favourites. The development she received recently has been a step in the right direction and this development won't end anytime soon.
Knowing my own stubbornness, especially when it comes to disliking a character, I never make the mistake of underestimating anyone's ability in these regards, trust me
That be said, Kersea's character development is arguably going to be even more massive than Jenna's. While Jenna will always retain something of herself, the Kersea we have seen for most of Book 1 has been a wholly different person from the one we have met in the latest two chapters. Being reunited with Briar, however briefly it was, and gaining the strength to free herself from Clayton, it has restored her. I won't say for sure that I will get you to like her, but as said, she is in a better position than Jenna.
Finally, the What If section for this chapter! Next will be the hopefully interesting things that could have been if my plans would be static, unchanging things and then, Spring Forth, my friends
What would have happened...
... if Lunett would have survived her experiences in Oldtown?
As you know, through certain choices you could have saved Lunett, though at the cost of Aylard. The loss of her father and Lucas' colder personality would have put a strain onto their growing relationship though. After Lucas would have declared his loyalty to Argella, Lunett would have even been downright hurt, noticing how smitten her knight is by his new liege lady. However, she would have still had feelings for Lucas, as complicated as they would have been, leading to her trying to break him out of his imprisonment. Depending on your choices, this could have ended with her death. In either way, she would have failed to free him. Importantly, Mullendore wouldn't have been able to pin her death on Lucas, for obvious reasons, making his claim that Lucas is this wicked killer a lot less believable. There would have been a very specific route that could have prevented the trial by combat, if you would have saved Lunett, not knelt to Argella and managed to save the lives of both, Harris and Darren (the latter of which you did), at which point Lord Tyrell would have been so convinced of Lucas' innocence that he would have insisted on a septon's judgement instead of a trial by combat. This however wouldn't have saved Lucas for sure, it would still come down to your choices.
...if Lucas wouldn't have knelt to Argella?
Lucas' decision to swear loyalty to Princess Argella gave him a very powerful ally in this chapter. Argella's biggest flaw here was her lack of experience, as she wasn't able to use her tremendous power well enough against a man as callous as Mullendore. However, her support gave him better chances and arguably a new perspective in life, as much as it ultimately led to nothing. Without him kneeling to her, she would have by now lost any interest to this knight, despite the sympathy she would have felt. For someone that does not belong to her court, she wouldn't have taken these risks, making Lucas' chances arguably worse. At the same time, Lord Tyrell would have had a better opinion on Lucas. After kneeling to Argella, he honestly saw him as a bit of a traitor. As for the princess herself, instead of focussing onto Lucas, she would have personally hunted for the one that murdered Jax, leading to her joining Arthur in his search.
...if Willfred would have supported a side during the power struggle in Chapter 6 and 7?
Like, any side really. A lot of the political landscape in Raylansfair was influenced by Willfred's decisions in these two chapters. Or, more like his lack of clear decisions. Supporting Hobert against Harris, then switching back to Harris, then switching to Argella, then backstabbing her and therefore not supporting anyone that could have opposed Sherryl... well, not everyone's born to be a Littlefinger. Willfred's support could have seen either Hobert or Argella as temporary victors, before the raid would have undone their fragile victory. However, they would have both offered Lucas to bend the knee to them, with Argella obviously having the better arguments. Both would have genuinely tried to safe him and if they would have won the power struggle, they would have been in a way better situation to do so. Depending on your choices, Argella could have even outright succeeded, walking away with Lucas and leaving Mullendore and Petyr humiliated.
...if Hackor would have survived the raid?
As you know, through certain combinations of choices, Hackor could have survived the raid, though wounded to a crippling degree. Never quite the same ever again, he would have spent much of this chapter in critical condition. However, he would have been able to give orders, leading to the whole situation in the city being much less chaotic. Arthur would have also still had his role model to look up to, though Hackor's life would have come at consequences for Aditha, who would have been raped and nearly abducted by an Ironborn soldier, traumatizing her severely.
...if Jaron would have never started his relationship with Harpy or they would have quickly broken up again?
Through certain choices, mostly in the timing when to speak to Harpy after the warehouse fight and how to act in Chapter 7, Jaron's relationship with her could have either never started (leaving both with unspoken feelings, regret and quite some bitterness) or already ended again (mostly by not supporting her in Chapter 7, especially when it comes to the Burned Man). This would leave Jaron heartbroken and to be honest, Harpy would have felt this ways just the same. However, it would have had serious consequences for his post-Oldtown plans, as he would have left her after the events of Chapter 7, to tie up his loose end with Samuel and then to leave Oldtown to head north. Now... well, his path might be a little eastbound now.
...if Richard would have died in Chapter 3?
Far less likely than Jenna, but still possible would have been Richard's death at the hands of Wolfius. In this case, quite a lot would have changed about the assassins and stuff. Urid would have likely lived, Hal would have likely died. Most importantly, Kersea wouldn't have been brought back to the farmhouse. Instead, she would have collapsed in front of the lighthouse, where Brandon would have found her. He would have nursed her and Raenna back to health. However, she would have gone back to Raylansfair in the next chapter, to atone for her role in Mullendore's scheme. In this case however, she wouldn't have been outright allied with Leonard and Jenna, neither would any of them know about her past. Speaking of, Jenna would have saved Leonard with Saerya's help, bringing him to Richard's farmhouse, now occupied by Alan, who would have gotten quite some tension with his niece over ownership of the farm.
...if Jenna would have died in Chapter 3?
The biggest one right to the very end. I have seen a number of comments in which some wish that Jenna would have died in Chapter 3. Well... think about what she actually did since then. Without her, Septon Corbin would still be around, preaching and pushing the smallfolk into Mullendore's arms. Saerya would have never gotten an ally, leading to her getting into a bit of trouble with Arthur and the law. Most importantly though, nobody would have been around to help Leonard. Remember the alternative trial by combat? While it is unlikely to be the only option and unlikely that Jenna's death would have inevitably doomed Leonard, it would have made this outcome way more likely. Admittedly, not too much planning has went into this since she survived, but it was always planned that Jenna would play an important role in this part of the Book 1 endgame.
Who were your favourite characters in Chapter 9? I thought Orys Baratheon really shined in this chapter. Even though I chose to talk our way out of the situation instead of drawing the sword, I'm glad we got to see more of his character fleshed out further into the story. Ryder Harrington seems like a decent guy. Leonard is always quite the charmer, isn't he? Also Sur Hugo Farnham quickly became a favourite of mine despite just meeting him. It seems like his heart is in the right place but he's working with the wrong people. Hopefully, he'll come to realize what monsters they are. Some honorable mentions include Edonia, Saerya, Wylie, and Davith.
Who were your favourite characters in the entirety of Book 1? I enjoyed Lord Hobert Lowthar a lot. Like, a lot a lot. He's just one of those characters where, if we were ever able to run into him again, I'd love to make choices to support him, but then back stab him later just for giggles. I really enjoyed all of the assassins working together (Alysanne, Kersea, Clayton). Man, I'm really going to miss them. As hell as it was for Kersea, I'm going to miss the missions and the adventures they went on. Another group I enjoyed reading that's splitting up is John's group. Some others include Harris Flowers, Lucas Flowers, Martin Wilshire, Federico Snipe, Hackor Nathamer, Kyra Greyjoy, and Lady Halla (I guess
Who were your least favourite characters in Chapter 9? Besides the characters who you'd expect, Gyles was a huge scumbag. I'm all willing to cooperate or work out something, but Melanie is the only family Sadie has left and to see her as a broken mess because of him didn't make me hesitate to want to kill him. Leo York was a piece of crap too. Sherryl probably would've made it on this list too if not for her expressing regret for the actions she has done. Then, of course, Mullendore.
Who were your least favourite characters in the entirety of Book 1? I could never really sympathize with Jaylon. As much as I wanted to, he never really got to me, so I wasn't too sorry when he died. Sherryl is obviously not. I can't forget the things she's done and how many soldiers/smallfolk she got killed for the sake of love. Not too big of a fan of Harren's sons.
Who were your favourite POV storylines in Chapter 9? I found myself enjoying Arthur's storyline quite so in this chapter. Of course, out of respect, I got to say Lucas. May he see his Lunett again. Others include Jenna and Drent.
Who were your favourite POV storylines in the entirety of Book 1? Easily got to say Marak. Ever since Chapter 1, I knew there was something I liked about him. Anytime his POV came back, I was overwhelmed with enthusiasm to read his next part. I still can't believe he's gone... A close second for me would be Jenna. I really enjoyed her growth as a character over the entirety of this Book. Jaron's and Ellena's were really entertaining too.
Who were your least favourite POV storylines in Chapter 9? Hmmmmm. I thought all of them were really interesting honestly. IIish's wasn't all that exciting, but that's only because it was a set up for the things to come in her storyline.
Who were your least favourite POV storylines in the entirety of Book 1? This is probably going to be one of my most unpopular opinions in FoT but I have to say Torvin. Something about his story never could really capture my interest all that much. Even when his story was connected with Garthon's and Alys', I always preferred to hear it told from them rather than Torvin. However, I did enjoy his last moments before his death. He went out like a badass.
What has been your favourite part and your favourite moment in Chapter 9? Lucas' trial by combat was sad, but well written I'd say. I figured he would die, though, since we didn't really know much of the Tom's backstory at that point whereas we knew too much about Lucas'. Still, he was a brave and loyal knight to the end. I really liked reading the showdown between Argella and Mullendore. I love me some good drama!
What has been your favourite part and your favourite moment in the entirety of Book 1? I would have to say the Chapter 6 finale is a memorable one for me. That entire Chapter was a major game changer for a lot of characters.
What has been your favourite chapter in Book 1? Chapter 5 made for a very interesting storyline for Samantha. It was an intense chase of whether or not they can make it to Lucas before Butterfly would get away with it. The assassination attempt was great, too.
Is there anything you disliked? No not really. I thought it was weird to finish the first two chapters of the book in a short matter of time but I know that's changed.
Do you have further advice, anything you'd like to see more, anything you're anticipating in Book 2? Some characters I'm looking forward to meeting: Donnel Selwyn, the daughter of the Anturion family, Otho Wayland, and that new member of the Alley Cats that was mentioned way, way back. A cannibal if I'm correct? So yeah, basically people we should be afraid of
. Also I'm going to try to enjoy these characters while they last because I highly doubt Books 2 & 3 will be as merciful as Book 1 was. Also, as a suggestion, I'd like to see more lighthearted moments in the story, much like that game Jaron, Martin, and Harpy played together.
I realized out of this quite sizable list, only Hobert, Kersea and Kyra are still alive, as well as probably Clayton. Man, I killed too many favourites in Book 1
I don't even like doing that, but at the same time, it seems my attempt to make the doomed and dying characters sympathetic was a little bit too successful. That be said, the ones you mentioned there will be pretty important in Book 2 as well. Especially Kyra's story is just going to get started.
It is safe to say, Marak is one of the characters whom I regret killing off. At the time, it felt like the right decision, but I enjoyed his unique view on many events and find myself really wanting to write more stuff for him. That said, his departure made room for Ellena to become Noelle's travelling companion and her storyline should also be highly exciting. Still, there won't be anyone quite like Marak again and I am glad he left such a good impression on you.
Well, way less storylines, as well as a generally faster writing speed back then did wonders
These first two chapters are still not exactly short, but I believe Chapter 1 has roughly 1/6 of the length of Chapter 5, which still holds the crown as the longest to date. I'd love to finish them all that quickly, but at the same time, this gives me more time to plan and to enjoy the actual story.
All of these should make their first appearance at some point in Book 2, though the currently unnamed Lady Anturion is likely the last to be introduced out of these. This new Alley Cat is indeed a cannibal, yet surprisingly far from the worst of the bunch. We'll meet a couple new Alley Cats and their associates in Book 2 now that they get comfortable in Raylansfair, aside from some development for the Tom and the Sphynx. The former already received a bunch lately, but the latter, well, he has a couple of interesting secrets. And well, Book 2 and 3 are indeed going to be very bloody. There's the war coming and I think it goes without saying that the hesitation I might have felt in Book 1 is gone by now, given how many developed characters I have. That said, I hope to include more light-hearted moments as well, no matter how dark some storylines are going to become. As much as the story can be grim and bloody, I know there is no joy in making it as crushingly depressing as possible.
By the way, I have sent you a PM yesterday, something I wanted to ask about a minor change I would like to make about one of your characters. It's nothing bad, but I'd like to speak about this before writing the Vale Interlude next week.
What could have been...
Alright then, here it is, the promised section in which I try to honour those of my plans that never got to see the light of day, to at least share them with you, for your amusement and mine. Maybe some are even curious what stuff I considered at different points in the story. They are abandoned plotlines, stuff that never happened, characters that survived my initial deadly plans for them and those that died despite earlier plans to keep them around for longer. The reasons for such changes are quite complex. In some cases, it's the submission of a new character, who inspires me to change earlier plans. In others, I realize flaws with my plans, things I am unhappy with. The relatively slow pace, as well as your direct feedback to some developments is incredibly helpful there. And now, without further ado, let us come to the first of several points.
Those that got lucky
Believe it or not, some characters actually survived my initial plans for them. They are a bit of a rarity, but they certainly exist. Take a look at those:
The most prominent example right away, Kersea was planned to die in a pretty spectacular way in Chapter 8. These plans existed for a long time and were only changed in Chapter 6. My first draft of the lighthouse scene included Harris and Kersea teaming up on Clayton after the latter disposed of Alysanne. In this fight, Harris gets mortally wounded, but Kersea manages to kill Clayton, suffering a grievous wound at his hands. Harris realizes that the wildfire must not fall into the hands of men like Clayton ever again and with his final words (being “We Write History”), he throws a torch into the wildfire stash, killing himself, Kersea and Mullendore's hopes to use the wildfire against his enemies. It would have been a pretty horrifying scene for Kersea, as she lies immobilized, probably not dying, but unable to stop the knight on her own. I have changed this because I realized what a massive waste it would have been to kill off Kersea, Clayton and Alysanne all in the same part without anyone to witness their fate (Harris doesn't count, as he would have been vaporized), especially with no one who has any genuine connection to them and without any lasting consequences. It would basically killing off a PoV without any reason and a massive waste of potential. Once I realized this and once I realized how much I love writing Kersea, my change of plans was born, probably for the better.
A consequence of the above was that I couldn't grant Kersea her deserved revenge just yet. Clayton was originally planned to die shortly before her (in some drafts, he is even the one to blow up the tower to spite her, instead of Harris who would have succumbed to his wounds by then), so even if he lost his arm, his skill, his dignity and his job, he still got lucky to have escaped with his life. We'll see how long his luck remains.
Originally, it was Jarek and not Ayden who was planned to survive the massacre in the Chapter 6 finale. Ayden was going to die heroically, killing several guards before being killed by the Moggy. Jarek was going to be taken, only to be found wounded but alive in a cell below the Hightower in Chapter 7. And a part of me regrets this, as Jarek had a very interesting backstory I barely delved into. The reason for Ayden's survival is that I already knew that Book 1 would end as a downer, with many dead, wounded or overall in a bad shape. I wanted to include a couple of hopeful pieces as well, such as giving Ayden and Taria a happy Book 1 ending. So, lucky Ayden.
I know, I know, lucky is not quite the right word there and interestingly, my plans for him remained the same in that he died during this ambush. However, at first the ambush was planned to happen earlier, in Chapter 5 already and he would have been cut down by Samuel, then still Butterfly's top enforcer. So, he survived for an entire additional chapter and that counts. My reason for this is that I wanted to give Jaron a calmer chapter, focussing on his growing romantic relationship with Harpy, the Burned Man's next steps and general state of the city after the supposed death of Butterfly in Chapter 4. I felt this to be much needed. As such, Martin lived for longer than I first planned him to.
For some time, I had plans for Audrey's death in Ilish's storyline in Chapter 8. During the raid, the roof of the tavern would have caught fire, while Megur would have been knocked out by a piece of debris. Saving her daughter, Audrey would have managed to do so, before being hit and possibly heavily wounded by one of the support beams of the tavern. Buried beneath it, she knew that there would have been no way for her to survive, so she urged Ilish and Daisy to leave her and save themselves and Megur, which they would have done, if reluctantly, as they were powerless to watch as the entire roof of the tavern would have given in with Audrey beneath. My reason for sparing her was that well, her death wouldn't have had the consequence I wanted it to have. It would have felt like just some random death to fill a quota. Even worse, Ilish's storyline in Book 2 would have made it impossible for me to give Audrey's death all that much meaning afterwards, for reasons you will see soon.
It sounds a bit cynical to speak of lucky in her case, because the poor girl got it really bad, but my original plan was for her to die. Lyria would have survived in that case, grieving for her daughter and becoming vengeful towards Wolfius. However, it would have felt too similar to the kind of storyline I want for Aylard and Mullendore. On top of that, Lyria had fulfilled her role in the story. I saw little potential in her, so to get a PoV death and a leaner, less cluttered storyline as a result, she had to go instead of her daughter, whom I see far more potential in.
Last, but not least, the one you would have all loved to see dead and the one I denied you for now. Sorry! Mullendore is many things. Hateful, hateable, a visionary, a pathological liar and lastly, a guy that can be truly terrifying and effective if he wants to be. In short, the sort of villain that is so easy to hate that even I have developed a certain dislike for him, though not for writing him. As such, I was tempted two times to kill him off. Once in the Chapter 6 finale, where he would have been killed by Harpy's dagger and once in the Book 1 finale, where the final action the Tom would have done in the duel, after mortally wounding Lucas, would have been to kill his apparent master by throwing his sword at him. In both cases, there was no grand plan of mine leading up to these scenes, I was merely incredibly tempted by it. In the latter case, I even noticed how little sense it would make for the Tom, previously established to be loyal out of pragmatism, knowing that Mullendore is the only one to give his men a chance, to be the one to kill his employer. Cutting off the hand that feeds him, that is a Wolfius move, but the Tom ain't no wolf. This mean, I am afraid my plans for Good Guy Maron are going to remain.
Those that got unlucky
Far more prominent and probably painful is the list of characters who were originally planned to live for longer. Keep in mind, initially can mean a pretty long time here. At some point, many characters who are now dead were planned to live for longer. In some cases however, my plans for their death were made only few parts after their introduction. In others, it was a more recent decision. And in most, it was a painful decision.
Once again, the big name right at the beginning. When the story started, up until the first half of Book 1 actually, Lucas was not supposed to die at the end of it. It was only later that I decided that his death would be the best way to end Book 1. Before this was planned, Lucas was supposed to survive, but it felt too much of a cliché to have this sort of a storyline. He was in many ways the hero and that is why he had to die. And the moment I had this idea, I felt it was the right one, as much as I am going to miss writing about him.
Well, in Ilhan's case, his survival was never planned. The moment I received Ilhan, I just knew that he'd be the kind of guy to die a tragic death sooner or later. Initially settling for later, I ended up deciding in favour of sooner. Ilhan's original death was meant to be very similar to Hackor's eventual death, as he would have lied grievously wounded at the courtyard, with Jenna having to choose between saving him and another character (not Aditha in this case). These plans changed the moment I received Hackor and realized that he would fit far better for this particular scene, whereas Ilhan's quarrel with Harris would realistically get very explosive early on in the story.
Dairon's death has actually been decided upon relatively shortly before it happened, when Chapter 5 had already started. Originally, he was meant to survive all the way to the end of Book 1. However, I realized that I simply had no role for him in Book 2 anymore and that Petyr would find a way to get rid of his potentially dangerous knowledge. So, my original plan was for Dairon to die between Book 1 and 2, with his death being confirmed in Jenna's first PoV for the next chapter. I realized however how incredibly lame that would have been, so I ditched these plans for a memorable death scene instead.
Similar to Dairon, Himani's death happened relatively shortly after it was first planned. Originally, I meant for him to play a role in Chapter 9, where he would have helped Ellena (who would have been captured by Abbas in this draft), to escape. In the process, he would have been captured himself and would have been dragged to Essos with Janae, Behara and Harpy. By accident, he would have been killed during a bandit ambush in mid-Book 2. I eventually scrapped these plans because I really wanted to go all out in the Chapter 6 finale. A massacre on both sides, with not even children being safe from it.
As said above, Jarek was originally planned to survive the ambush instead of Ayden. It would have made sense, as I could have delved deeper into his backstory, making him a semi-loyal ally to Jaron in the remainder of Book 1. As I decided that Ayden's survival and reunion with Taria would be one of the few truly happy moments of Chapter 9, it was clear to me though that, with a heavy heart, Jarek had to go. It simply would have felt a bit ridiculous that Mullendore's brilliant ambush would have ultimately only caused the deaths of Himani, Keira and Martin. I would have loved to write more about Jarek and if I could write the story again, I would put a less complex character into his role, with him appearing in a different storyline to shine.
When first receiving him, I had plans for Otis to become a semi-recurring villain, a threat to the children of Raylansfair and a bit of a boogeyman. The sort of villain that is really unsettling, you know. However, my main reason for killing him is that well, I gave in to the hatred I have for him. Unlike Mullendore, he is not this menacing big bad that I love to hate, he is simply a complete monster, a force of nature, and the story already has one of these in Wolfius. Second, even though I gave you the choice, it would have made no sense for Marak to spare him and later for Ellena to escape him without killing him. That would have been too much of a stretch. I would have been willing to make this stretch for a character I actually like, but Otis, he's worse than Clayton in terms of how much I dislike him.
Another big one here. Marak was originally planned to be revived by Noelle, who is a Red Priestess after all. However, I was struggling to come up with an entertaining storyline for him, but even more with a reason why Noelle's ritual would be successful. After all, the revived person should hold some importance to the plans of R'hllor, some kind of value in the things to come. People with special talents or important roles to fulfil. Beric Dondarrion, possibly Lady Stoneheart, Jon Snow. These guys. Marak is expendable for R'hllor and for Noelle, as harsh as it sounds. Unable to find a good reason for him to return to life, I scratched that, because allowing him, a random sellsword, to return without effort would mean that death as a whole would become cheap, with there being really no reason for Noelle to not revive anyone she encounters. While she is probably capable of that trick, I want to reserve it for those she sees as having an important role to play in the events to come.
In my first draft and for a long time, Jax was not among the characters I planned to die right here. My first draft however was significantly different, as I will tell you more about below. In it, Jax would have defended the castle alongside Drent and Emphryus during the raid. In this battle, he would have been wounded, as his lower leg would have cut up so badly that an inevitable infection would have forced Mathea to amputate part of it in Chapter 9. He would have received a peg leg and a knightly title for his effort. That said, he was planned to die relatively early into Book 2. I realized that there was no way around this second death scene and that it would be a bit of a waste to put him into this new situation first, having him lose part of his leg, only to die a few chapters later, in a relatively unspectacular way on top of that.
Let us conclude this section with the one death I agree has been truly unfair. No character has lost more when my plans changed than him, because poor Dan has originally been planned to be a PoV character. These were big plans, which you can still see in earlier comments of mine, where I mention him as an upcoming PoV. Then, everything changed when the fire nation attacked Sadie got submitted. I saw potential in Sadie and her personal quest to save her sister, way more than in Dan. Reduced to a secondary role in Sadie's storyline, not even his death was decided by then, that only came when I chose to have Sadie lose her sword hand, because losing her best and only friend at the same time felt like the right thing to do to push her into the direction I want her to be in Book 2. So, I really feel bad for Dan, I cannot deny it, but it is for the best when it comes to Sadie's upcoming storyline.
Of storylines that could have been and never will be
Finally, to conclude this overview of scrapped plans, there are a couple of storylines, not involving any characters that survived or didn't. Storylines that never happened in that way because my plans changed significantly, making them happening simply impossible. In some cases, your choices could have still offered a chance to make them happen, but it has always been a smaller chance.
Sit down, friends, it's story time. Once upon a time, in the early chapters, where long-term plan weren't all that long term, a fledgling storyline caught my interest. It was about the life and hardships of Jaron, Ser Bastard. And it was about me weirdly struggling to find more for him to do in Book 2. This has changed eventually, but back then, I wanted him to leave Oldtown at the end of Book 1. While his road is still going to lead away from Oldtown now, this early plan saw a much more bitter parting. Back then, he would have unwittingly caused the death of the Burned Man, a plan I eventually dropped for making no sense in the way the story developed. Harpy would have been hurt, heartbroken and in a moment of possibly justified anger, she would have sent him away, telling him she never wants to see him again. And Jaron... well, in what I eventually saw as being completely out-of-character, Jaron would have followed her wish. He would have travelled north, not east, becoming part of a storyline in the Riverlands. I cannot say too much about this storyline, but it would have made him an enemy of Edward Anturion, himself a character that received many changes. The main reason for dropping it was not only that it was out of character, but also that it was really inconsequential, as his development in Oldtown and the characters he met there would have played no role in his further storyline. So, I drastically changed my plans for him. Not yet willing to drop my Riverlands plans, I tried to shift them to Lucas, but dropped them for similar reasons. Even worse, Lucas already is an enemy to Mullendore. It made no sense to make him one to Anturion as well. At least some aspects of this storyline are still existing though, they will be shifted to a different Point-of-View now.
One of the planned twists that actually even was fully planned while I was writing Chapter 1 was revolving around Harpy. Though far from a perfectly moral character, my original plans for her were way darker. In this original plan, she was planned to be the true crimelady of Oldtown, the mastermind behind the Burned Man, whereas he, though still fulfilling the role of her adopted father, would mostly be the figurehead. While not a true villain and still with some fairly sympathetic traits, Harpy would have been a much darker character there, that much is for sure.
As you can probably imagine, this is about Sadie and I got all the awful puns out of the way immediately, because she doesn't deserve to suffer any more of these, especially not from me. Her losing a hand was not part of the original character plans. In these plans, she would have remained a fully capable fighter, loosely affiliated with Leo's sellswords and mostly focussed on her sister instead of her own personal hardships. She would have been majorly important to bring down one of the villains of the story, one whom I cannot name for spoiler reasons because it might still happen and never would have lost her hand. This was a change I only decided upon when I realized that Sadie is lacking something to make her truly engaging and unique compared to other PoV's. Now, her development will make her a hopefully very interesting PoV, much more so than before.
I think this one has been stated before, Argella was not originally a part of the Stormlander storyline in most of Book 1. Though appearing in Chapter 4, she was planned to stay in Storm's End, not receiving any development until Book 2. Instead, the Stormlander expedition to Raylansfair would consist of three characters only, Drent and Jax, led Emphryus. Coincidentally, they were the only Stormlander characters submitted until Chapter 4. Two things changed my plans. First, the submission of Torrence and Edonia Bernile (many thanks to Partition for them), which gave me the idea to have the three Stormlanders be accompanied by a larger unit of soldiers. Second, Argella herself, whose unapologetic bitchiness won me over and convinced me to give her some important development in Book 1 already. This resulted in a big change for Drent's storyline, who was now part of a unit of fifty, led by the heiress to the Stormlands herself. Safe to say, this is the change I have always felt the most certain about and I knew I made the right choice, as it ultimately gave the Stormlanders way more of a presence in Book 1.
So close, yet so far.
Eh, at least we got Lyria.
Why? WHY?
I guess I'll throw in some questions for here:
Which character has avoided death (choice-wise) the most?
I recall Wolfius could have died from Richard in some alternate line. Where else could, if any, could we have put a stop to him.
Halla. If she had survived Chapter 3, what would she be up to now.
Lord Brune. That bloke. What would have been?
Lying fake news Liquid didn't tell them about the fantastic adventure where Ser Jar Jar of Binks, the good General Grievous, King Mike Rotch, Bump, the man Ross Bob, and Lord Donnel "The Donnel" Selwyn journey to save Westeros from the evil of Ser Ted Liquid of Chicago. It was cut for being to perfect. Sad!
Here I will write my opinion about the alternative plan of the book 1
Those that got lucky:
If I must be honest I'm not against this alternative outcome of Kersea storyline,btw I admit that her actual situation is interesting and I'm curious to read what her future will be
I know that I'm going to repeat myself but I'm glad that he survive,while the other villains died or suffer "minor injuries"(outside Wolfius but he has a Kreep and can be a beast so I won't count him) he is the only one that lost EVERYTHING and I believe that he has a high chance to obtain some character developments (obviously that doesn't mean that he will be a good person)
I agree with your choice,her death at this point wouldn't have any kind of impact to us readers (except her creator)
Well,she need some character development and her mother wasn't a good choice as a PoV so...good job!
Really you had that plans for his death? While I believe that as a villain obtain too much focus in the first book your plans for his death were terrible!Expecially the second one! Killed by The Tom without any reason?WTF!!XD
Those that got unlucky:
I'm sorry for him but I feel that his death at the beginning of the story was essential;btw I have noticed that between the characters in the waiting list there is some characters with the "Lagoon" surname,are they members of his family?
If I remember correctly he was a friend with Hightower knight so you can maybe use him to show something more of Jarek backstory
I'm glad he died,the role of the psychopath is already taken
Despite he was one of my favorite PoV's I'm glad that you decide to not resurrect him and I hope that you decide to not resurrect any character during the story (because it cheap any deaths during the story if the author can resurrect them when s/he want and,yes, that is a mistake that even GRMM make)
You still have Sadie to show something of his backstory problem!
Of storylines that could have been and never will be:
For sure this plan would have led to a very different book 2
This plan instead would have made Harpy role be very different (and her relationship with Jaron much more complicated)
Sadly for Sadie as a reader I can say that this choice was for the best (and I'm curious to know who is the "villain")
This for sure would have made the Stormlanders role at Raylainsfair much less interesting,it is funny btw that there was a period where you had few characters of certain countries (a problem that I doubt you still have)
Hm, this is a hard question, one I myself am not sure about. I believe Darren Tallwood had two chances of dying, maybe even three, which puts him way ahead of others, who had only one chance of dying in this book. Though perhaps there are more, he's the one I can name off the top of my head.
Here is another secret for you that is essential to answer this question: Wolfius has not been submitted as a warg. Back then, he was the same in personality, but without the warging superpowers. His creator came up with this addition after Chapter 3 and I loved it. After all, Wolfius is not a very deep character. He is like the Joker, a force of nature villain whom you cannot expect to gain many, if any, sympathetic traits over the course of the story. This type of character works better when they are literally not quite human. Wolfius' whole personality starts to make sense when you realize that he does not perceive things in the same way as normal human beings do. He operates by different rules, has a different mindset than any other character in the story. Even characters such as Mullendore or the Sphynx (believe it or not) have traits that can be related with, motives, goals, emotions that we have all felt at some point. Wolfius doesn't. His claim to be more a god than a human might be a bit audacious, but given how alien his mindset is, he's not entirely wrong either. With that explanation out of the way, you can probably understand why I agreed to this quite big change after Chapter 3. Before that, he was merely some killer, so I offered the chance to kill him off in Chapter 3, which obviously would have made this later addition impossible. Now, my original plan, if he would have survived Chapter 3, saw his inevitable death in Chapter 8. In there, he would have mortally wounded Rosalie, before getting his head smashed in by Lyria. With him becoming this incredibly powerful monster, I knew I had to expand his role a bit. And well... then it got expanded a bit more beyond that, but more about that one later
For now, his death in Chapter 3 was the only one you could have actually achieved, as my plans already changed by the time Chapter 8 happened.
Halla would actually get along splendidly under their new rulers. She likes order, Petyr likes order, a new friendship would have been under way. Surprisingly, he would have been rather fond of her services and she would have readily accepted him as the lord of Raylansfair. As a result, she would have been quite the obstacle for Jenna and Saerya and it is very likely that Saerya would have personally and permanently taken care of her eventually, to prevent her from harming the mission.
Brune, I remember he could have easily survived if you wouldn't have stabbed him (duh). He would have gotten some mentions in Book 1, but his location would mean no further appearances in the narrative, until Book 2 that is. The Crackclaw Point houses never had any love, not even nominally, to their Hoare overlords, neither to their former Durrandon rulers. As such, he would have personally declared loyalty to Aegon pretty early into the next chapter and would have sent a sizable amount of his men to support him, almost a dozen half-trained peasants. Though they would have been barely useful, it's the sentiment that counts.
The failing and dishonest InGen is treating me very unfairly here! Just because this fantastic adventure is not happening now doesn't mean it'll never happen, it's so fantastic. Great talks with Ser Jar Jar of Binks, amazing progress, great deal on the way. Travelling to Selwyn Tower tomorrow for more great talks. Not for golf as fake news claim. Working hard to give you, the readers, the best storylines. #MFoTGA
It would have been quite a difference for sure. I just felt like it would basically mean that her entire Book 1 storyline led to nothing. While such tragic endings can happen as well (and in one case, probably will happen), Kersea's death would have been a waste. Her Book 2 storyline is going to be too important for that and hopefully, it'll be enjoyable
Yeah, a good person might be a stretch. Clayton is a jerk, but now he is a bitter jerk who lost everything. Some interesting developments will come out of this, that much I can promise, but don't expect much sympathy for him anytime soon. In fact, don't expect him to reappear anytime soon, it might take me a bit until I can reveal what he's been up to in the meantime.
Not without any reason, this I can promise. I haven't included the Tom's reasons, because they could be seen as spoilers. Let's just say, his motivation wouldn't have been all that outlandish, even if I ultimately decided against it. It was a momentary impulse, but one I put so much thought into that it actually made sense.
Indeed, the Lagoon family will appear in Book 2. They are minor dornish nobility, with Oberyn Lagoon being Ilhan's father and Dariel and Jahaer being his brothers. That said, I can say this without spoiling anything as it is really not a big detail, Dariel is a member of the Night's Watch, so he won't appear in the same storyline I have in mind for Dariel and Jahaer.
Hm, maybe. He and Arryk Bulwer are acquaintances. It is just going to be hard to get Arryk to talk about his fallen friend without making it sound like a blatantly obvious way to show Jarek's backstory. Maybe I'll find a way, we will see. If not, there is always the wiki, once I get around to work more on that one.
I'm actually not that much against resurrection. It is a narrative device that exists in the world GRRM envisioned and used correctly, it can be great. However, there should be ways to make it really important. For starters, it should be a rare occasion, something to be used by powerful red priests to save someone that actually holds something important to their god. In Noelle's case, she could use this to resurrect someone whom she deems important in her fight against the Ancient Enemy, or important for the future of Westeros as a whole. If she would use it on a random sellsword whom she grew somewhat fond of, it would lose its meaning, because Marak had nothing to offer for R'hllor. That way, these resurrections can be the special occasion they should, by all means, be, while deaths would still keep their meaning.
Much more complicated, yes. These plans however would have included her breaking up with him and him getting this Riverlands storyline I mentioned before, so the moment I decided to have Jaron continue his story and development from Book 1, I tossed this idea about Harpy away as well. Now, her role is going to be much different.
In one draft, this villain was Rodrik Stone, this much I can say. Since I decided on his death shortly afterwards, I have considered other villains, who might be more of a spoiler. Now, I can tease that one of the main villains of her storyline is a currently unintroduced character who will be a pretty big threat in the future.
Aye, it was for the best this change, I know it. And well, for a while I had very few characters from some regions. The Vale and the Stormlands stood out for a long time, with Maya, Gregar, Irving and the soon-to-be PoV Lachlan (a Vale knight sworn to House Royce) being the only characters I received from the former for the first six months of writing. Things are different now, but the Vale is still the region that has the least amount of native characters submitted, many from the upcoming Vale storyline will be characters who came there from other regions.
Have to say, I think this would've been pretty cool. But I guess it just wasn't meant to be.
Haha, I'm so glad this didn't come to pass.
...And I hate to ask you this but when can we expect the interludes?
It does have some charm to it, I gotta admit. One big problem however would have been Harpy's age. She is 18 years old, meaning if I go down that route, she has built up a major faction in Oldtown's underworld starting with age 8. Of course, she has been forced to make decisions way beyond her age for pretty much all her life, but the sheer brilliance needed to start the Burned Man's empire from nothing is something else entirely. It would have been a nice idea, but it wouldn't have worked under closer inspection.
As am I. I got to admit, I didn't even have all that many ideas for the Stormlanders there. While I guess I would have found something for them to do, I doubt it would have been all that entertaining as it has been in the storyline you eventually got.
Ah, no worries, the first Interlude part will be released today! Due to taking one additional day with writing down the things that could have been, I needed another day for the first Interlude. Progress is coming along nicely and I think I will be able to post it in a couple of hours
Honestly I think the Burned Woman sounds really interesting and I would've liked to read that. However I can understand why you didn't go that route.
It is a very intriguing idea, yes, and one I did not abandon light-heartedly. I believe it would have held a lot of potential, but the problem is, sooner or later someone would have asked the problematic questions and it would have all just crashed down from there on. I mean, I legitimately wouldn't have been able to answer if anyone would have asked me just how she managed to build up the Burned Man's organization as an eight years old girl that doesn't even natively speak the Westerosi common tongue
That said, it is always painful to give up on promising plans. Hopefully my new plans for that entire storyline are going to be at least as interesting.
Before Liquid jumps to the interludes, let me quickly present you the last drawing set of Book 1. And of course, we are talking about Team Targaryen/the epilogue cast
Here they are, tell me what you think:
Now, what, just... how? When I saw you have commented on the thread, this set was the absolute last thing I expected. To explain it to the others, I have sent the descriptions for these five characters yesterday, not even 24 hours before this set was posted. Man, you truly outdid yourself here and I cannot comprehend how something can be done so quickly and in such outstanding quality at the same time. This is just brilliant and a perfect way to end Book 1 officially, with the Interlude coming out in the next couple of hours!
So, it seems you've been saving the best for last, because unsurprisingly, this is my favourite set to date. I don't even have to go back and compare. Perhap there are single drawings which I enjoy even more, but as a whole set, this one wins. It is so good that I have legit problems choosing my favourite of these five, in a set that includes Aegon, for crying out loud
Let's start with Aegon, probably the one I have been waiting for the most. Ever since you started to draw FoT characters, I was hyped for the moment I'd lay eyes on your interpretation of him. And well, I am definitely not disappointed. It seems we got us a conqueror right there. And he certainly cannot deny the family ties to Orys there, as much as they differ in some aspects. I love this similarity, while still keeping both of them unique. Probably my favourite detail about this drawing is Blackfyre though. This just made me very excited for the moment I can show it in action. Visenya next, she is a badass. It's a bit of a headcanon for me, but I always had the impression that she has been a more skilled fighter than Aegon and this drawing certainly gives off this vibe. She's probably going to get more direct action than Aegon and your drawing put a lot of emphasis on this badass aspect of her. Rhaenys next is completely different, as she should be, and wonderful at that. The contrast between the two sisters is my favourite thing about the entire set. And Rhaenys herself is probably my favourite of the three Targaryen siblings in this drawing, even if that is a choice I found very hard to make. This might even mean that she is my favourite of this entire set. Coming to Regis, I believe I cannot hide where I got the inspiration for the character
After three brilliant Targaryen drawings, he sticks out by being so plain, dressed in common grey and looking so unremarkable, but I believe this is what makes him such a great drawing. Somehow, he seems to be the most expressive of this set, if that makes any sense. I love it! And finally, the big surprise, Simon Stokeworth. For a guy whose defining physical characteristic is being the sort of guy that looks just average, he somehow leaves one hell of an impression on me. It might be the colour scheme, which is something we haven't seen all that often when it comes to the drawings. White in general is rare and I believe white and green is unique. I guess with the three Targaryen's being, well, the Targaryen's and Regis having such a clear inspiration, Simon could have been the hardest to give a unique feeling to him, but you nailed it. Truly, I couldn't have hoped for a better definite ending to Book 1 and I look forward for the drawings that'll come in the future 
Those are some amazing drawings! I didn't expect to see their drawings so soon but they sure are a pleasant surprise. All of these look truly wonderful and you have done a great job in drawing them. My favorite however, is Lord Regis. He looks so similar to the Regis from The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine so I can't help but love the guy.
Haha, yeah, I was just so antsy to get to draw these characters that I started immediately after receiving them from you
I did want to do them with the same amount of care I always do though, so I'm glad to hear you think the quality is still there
I am also glad to hear the subtle similarities between Aegon and Orys can be seen, because that is exactly what I aimed for. That said, my favorite part about this set had to be doing the sisters, since they contrast each other in such a great way. Now, my own favorite of these is probably Visenya, but Rhaenys was equally fun to draw. Regis and Simon were the characters I did the last, because understandably I was a bit more hyped for the Targs, but they were interesting characters to draw as well. Simon is indeed bit of a bland character in terms of looks, but the unique color palette made him very enjoyable as well as challenging, as I had to go for colors I use less in these illustrations. And well, I wasn't familiar with the character that Regis has taken inspiration from, but I did google him after you mentioned it in the pm, and that can probably be seen in the drawing 
Oh, and I'll try to answer your PM very soon, but I can already say now that your proposition regarding the next drawing sets sounds good, bring 'em on!
To be fair, I should admit that Visenya is a close second to me
Rhaenys has a gorgeous dress advantage, so she wins for me, but honestly, the best thing about each drawing is how it contrasts the other. There will be few contrasts in the story quite as prominent as the one between the Targaryen queens and I hope to give each of them their fair share of development soon.
Hehe, literally after sending the message, I realized I haven't included a link to an image, which I originally planned. Considering how much other things are broken right now (and quite probably not even worked on at the moment), an edit button for messages is probably not top priority, but it would have been very useful in this occasion
But I see you found the man, the drawing turned out wonderful!
Aye, this is good to hear. I'll get to write down the descriptions already then, so that I will be able to send them to you for sure before leaving in early August. You know, just in case I don't have any internet at all during my vacation, which I surely don't hope
Forum of Thrones: Interlude I
Seven Letters – Spring Forth
The king had to admit, when he first laid eyes upon Raylansfair, he was surprised by its state. From the reports, he had expected a smouldering ruin, just barely avoiding complete destruction at the hands of the Ironborn. The lighthouse, or what was left of it, fulfilled his expectations, a mere stump left of the ancient building, charred stone and blackened dirt. Yet the walls he saw in the distance looked surprisingly clean and though smoke was rising from the city, it was the usual that was produced by hundreds of houses so close to each other.
Though pleased by this discovery, Mern's anger remained. Black Harren had sent his raiders to raze one of his cities. He had thought the Iron King a smarter man. It was true, his kingdom had suffered from the war against Argilac the Arrogant. His own father had died and Mern still felt the shame of having to kneel to the Storm King to gain the ceasefire he was seeking for. But this had been a decade ago. A new generation of men had grown up. Half the men of his kingdom had not survived Durrandon's fury, but that was under his father's rule. Mern was proud of what his kingdom had become since then. His men were the knights of summer and they stood stronger than ever before.
A hundred of these knights were with him right now. His entourage, as he made the way from Highgarden to Raylansfair, to inspect the damage that had been done to the proud city. Robert Raylan was dead. Mern himself had barely known the solitary lord, but his father had spoken fondly of him, back in the day. Beyond that, it pained him to see an old, loyal house fading away like this, to be replaced by a vassal he felt uncertainty about.
“It looks peaceful”, Edmund remarked next to him and Mern glanced at his son. In his mind, Edmund would always remain a boy, in a certain way, even if this boy, his son, had long since grown up to be a father himself, both of his sons serving as squires. At forty years of age, Edmund had full auburn hair. Mern's used to be the same, though his age had left him almost completely grey by now, his beard growing thinner each day, though his back was still straight. A warrior, like his sons, hopefully like his grandsons one day.
“Oddly so”, Mern answered and Edmund raised an eyebrow. “Are you displeased about this?”, he asked and the king shook his head. “Distrustful”, he admitted. “There have been a number of odd coincidences surrounding Petyr Vyrwel and it's up to him to explain them to me”
“Lord Vyrwel can be trusted”, the man to his left said. Devrin Oakheart had offered to accompany him from Highgarden to Raylansfair, before moving home to his seat at Old Oak. The lord was one of his oldest supporters and one whose judgement he usually trusted.
“He left quite an impression on you”, Mern replied and Devrin smirked, moving a finger through his long, bushy beard. Though only a few years younger than Mern himself, age hadn't left much of a mark on him, his hair still having the chestnut colour of his youth. “I always had a good eye for people”, he spoke.
Mern nodded in agreement, though a shimmer of doubt remained. “Your son is going to marry Pety'r younger sister”, he brought up. “I trust you, but your judgement might be clouded in this situation” Calmly, Devrin nodded. “If you think so, your grace”, he replied. “Though what do you suggest? House Raylan is gone and young Petyr proved himself by saving the city”
“Devrin has a point”, Edmund admitted. “I say he deserves a chance” Mern sighed. “He does”, he agreed. “But I still have questions. Let's see if he can answer them to my satisfaction. I know what I want to do, but my next move might depend on his own”
“A reasonable approach, your grace”, Devrin spoke up and Mern smiled beneath his beard. “It is the man by his side that worries me”, he admitted. “Maron Mullendore... I have been sternly warned about him, from his cousin at Uplands nonetheless. What good is a man who doesn't even have the support of his own family?”
Oakheart thought about this for a moment. “The question is not, can you trust Maron, but can you trust Cregan Mullendore?”, he brought up and Mern had to raise an eyebrow at a thought that actually seemed sensible. “You think he would lie about his own cousin?”, he asked and Devrin shrugged. “I think Cregan is a harsh man, capable of harsh things. Perhaps he does not want his cousin to rise to prominence”
“Or perhaps he's telling the truth”, Edmund mumbled and Devrin nodded. “Perhaps he is”, he agreed. “I don't know Maron very well. Whatever happens, know that I trust your judgement” Mern sighed at this statement. “Whatever happens”, he replied quietly, clapping the spurs to his white destrier.
And so they rode towards the city. Eight men of the royal vanguard first, lesser nobles and courtiers who wanted to earn Mern's favour, they rode in pairs of two, the first four holding horns, the following four the royal banners. The king himself followed, Prince Edmund by his side. Lord Oakheart and Edmund's squire Garlan, Mern' youngest nephew. Another eight knights of the vanguard followed, two of them carrying the personal banners of Edmund, another two holding up Oakheart's colours.
In pairs of two, the long royal convoy approached the gates of Raylansfair. Of course, Mern had informed Vyrwel and his new right-hand man of their coming arrival. As such, the gates were widely opened. The first four men blew into their horns, a loud sound that echoed from the walls and the houses behind them. A sound that filled Mern with pride. For ten thousand years, his family had ruled over these lands. And for ten thousand years after him, they would.
This knowledge, it was happiness of a sort. Yet Mern was an old man, he had seen death and had suffered losses. And the letter young Garlan was carrying in his satchel, the one he had received just hours before leaving Highgarden for Raylansfair, it was a source of worry. He knew, Argilac the Arrogant would not take it seriously. He knew, Black Harren would laugh at its contents. Yet Mern, ninth of his name, King of the Reach, Defender of the Marches, Protector of the Mander and Stalwart Hand of the South, he knew better. This was a threat to be taken seriously. He'd rather overestimate that man than underestimate him. Aegon, this king of cinder and smoke, of fire and blood.
Mern noticed the faces. These men and women, the smallfolk of Raylansfair, they were surprised by his arrival. There was hope in their gaze and awe. For a moment, he allowed himself to bathe in their reverence like a far younger man would have done. Just as he had done hundreds of times before, he raised his hand and waved, smiling down at his subjects. A simple gesture. And they loved him for it.
Slowly, the royal procession made their way through the city, from the eastern gate to the centre. They had not yet removed the crude arena in full, source of one of Mern's worries, one of the things he wanted to discuss with Lord Vyrwel. The rumours that had reached him from Raylansfair had been almost as concerning as those coming from the east.
The riders slowed down even further as they rode up the path that led to the castle. Mern spotted the banners. A wyvern on black and red, next to six orange butterflies on white. Vyrwel and Mullendore, side by side. Guards stared down at them, though in contrast to what the equal amount of banners might imply, Mern noticed that they wore exclusively Vyrwel's colours.
Petyr Vyrwel and Maron Mullendore awaited them in the courtyard. The Lord of Darkdell was young, perhaps just barely older than Mern's oldest grandson. His blond hair was carefully combed back and one hand moved through his beard, as he was lost in thought. His other hand rested on the shoulders of a young girl, probably not older than ten years. Her hair, tied in a braid, sported a pretty colour, dark and soft, while her eyes were undeniably the same as Petyr's. Both were clad in black, with a hint of red.
Maron next to him was a stark contrast. He was the sort some saw as an ugly brute. Others saw a seasoned warrior. For Mern, it was a mixture of both. With a bandage still covering a gruesome facial wound, his heavy weight and greying red hair, the man was no looker, that much was for sure. At the same time, he had the build of a fighter beneath the beginning belly and the one eye that was visible was sharp and attentive. He was leaning on a thick cane, the kind that blurred the line between a walking aid and a blunt weapon.
The vanguard split up, four men riding to each of Mern's sides, leaving their king in the centre. He brought his horse to a full stop, with Edmund and Devrin doing the same. The old king sighed as he descended from the horse, cursing the thin chainmail he wore, not because he feared he might need it, but for ornamental purposes. Paired with the heavy white coat and the broad, green cloak, adorned by a collar of ermine fur, he knew he was an impressive sight, even at over sixty years of age. Yet the weight was tremendous.
As he approached, Petyr knelt down, his daughter doing the same before him. Maron hesitated, a pained expression flashing over his face, before he slowly, clumsily, managed to kneel down as well. The knights and courtiers that had gathered behind them did the same. Mern smiled benevolently. “Rise, mylords!”, he ordered with a booming voice.
“Your grace, it is an honour!”, Petyr said. “May I introduce my daughter, Edith Flowers” The young girl gulped as the king's mild gaze fell upon her, though she managed a smile, followed by a curtsy, surely a gesture she had practised for hours. “And here we have my trusted advisor and friend, Ser Maron Mullendore”
The wounded knight lifted himself up, a deed that cost him quite some effort, as he limped closer. “I have looked forward for this meeting, your grace”, he said in a friendly tone. “It's a special occasion. This city never got much attention from royalty”
“Nor from House Mullendore”, Mern answered, as he extended his hand. Maron shook it and the king was pleasantly surprised by the firm, strong handshake he received. “But these are special times. An old house has died out and an old enemy has all but declared war on us”
He glanced at his companions. “Mylords, this is my son and heir, Prince Edmund”, he said and Petyr bowed, as Mern pointed at the other man. “And here is Devrin Oakheart, Lord of Old Oak” Devrin put a hand onto his heart, giving their hosts a nod. “An honour to meet you”, he said and a smile appeared on Petyr's face.
“Elusive company visits us today”, he said. “Splendid. Your grace, my prince, Lord Oakheart, I would like to invite you to my hall. A great feast will be hosted to your honour!” Mern and his son exchanged a glance, before the king shook his head. “I am afraid the feast has to wait. There is something more urgent we have to speak about”
His announcement seemed to catch both, Petyr and Maron, by surprise. Even Devrin gave him a curious look. “Is there any place where we can speak in private?”, the king asked and Petyr nodded. “Of course, your grace”, he assured him. “Follow me at once”
He raised his hand and one of his knights approached, a plain man in Edmund's age. “Hugo, bring my daughter to her room”, he said, as he smiled at the girl. “Edith, I'll come and fetch you soon. Be good, go with Hugo and when I return, you'll sit at the table of honour”
The girl's face lit up, as she hugged her father. The lord wrapped his arms around her for a moment, before they separated. Edith grabbed the knight's outstretched hand, as he led her away. Mern noticed that his son had a mild frown on his face. “A bastard at the table of honour?”, Edmund asked.
Instantly, Petyr's smile faded. “You are an honoured guest, Prince Edmund”, he said. “But a guest regardless. I do not mean to insult you or your high father, my king, but I will not let my daughter feast with the dregs at the lower end of my hall”
Edmund raised an eyebrow. “Is it your hall?”, he asked, at which point Mern decided to put an end to this. He rested a hand on his son's shoulder. “This is one of the aspects we need to discuss today”, he said. “Lead the way, mylord” He looked around his followers. “Edmund and Garlan, you will come with me”, he ordered. “As well as Devrin Oakheart and Kasyn Luck”
The Lord of Old Oak nodded, while a knight slightly behind them saluted. Ser Kasyn was one of the newer knights at court, a handsome, young man with tanned skin and brown hair, as well as eyes as green as the sea in contrast. Mern had already thought about his role in the events to come. Young, ambitious and very eager to prove his loyalty, Kasyn would make a perfect candidate for the position he had in mind.
The seven men, now led by Petyr, marched across the courtyard, into the building itself. Though being here for only a short few weeks now, the new lord found his way around quite well. He looked at Mern as the king fastened his pace to keep up with him.
“There have been concerning reports reaching my ears”, the king said and Petyr raised an eyebrow. “What about?”, he asked and Mern sighed. “They say you killed your own brother” Petyr's expression darkened. “A vile lie”, he spoke. “And not true at all. My half-brother is dead, yes, but not at my hand”
“The bastard died in a trial by combat”, Maron explained, his words showing the hatred he had for the late Lucas Flowers. “Before that, he confessed to a number of crimes he committed during a brief stay in Oldtown. Rape. Murder. Things that sicken me”
“You're easily sickened then, Ser”, Edmund spoke up. “Do you know why he did it?” Petyr shook his head, mournfully. “I wanted to ask him. Begged him to explain. He did not. To spite me, he chose a trial by combat, to either live and escape justice, or to die without ever explaining himself”
It sounded convincing, yet Mern remained doubtful. The Storm Princess had told a different story during her stay in Highgarden, just a fortnight ago, when they spoke in private, away even from his own family. She sounded equally convincing, yet when pressed, Mern would rather like to believe one of his lords than the daughter of the man that killed his father. And some of Argella's claims sounded outright fabricated, if by herself or by the knight she had grown so fond of, he could not tell. Still, Mern knew better than to confront Maron about these claims. This was not the time for such quarrels. Yet what she had told him, it only further moved him to the decision he had come to.
“A tragedy”, he said and Petyr nodded. “That it is”, he sighed, as he opened a door to his right. “After you, your grace” Mern entered a large room, able to hold an entire war council, with a sturdy, round table in its centre. Sitting down on the chair closest to the fireplace, he gave Edmund a sign to sit down to his right, whereas Devrin took seat to his left. Petyr and Maron placed themselves at the opposite, while Garlan and Kasyn remained standing.
“I will be frank with you, Lord Petyr”, Mern spoke up. “I do not know if I can trust your word. I knew your father, but last time I've seen you, you were a babe, barely able to crawl around” He noticed how Petyr's confident smile grew a bit weaker. “Your grace, I have saved this city”, he brought up. “If there is any man more suited for this position, I would like to meet him”
Mern shook his head. “No man”, he assured him. “At least none I can think of at the moment. In fact, there are more pressing matters, which might make this discussion moot” He raised his hand, waving Garlan closer. His nephew smiled as he approached the lords at their table. Despite his young years, his confidence was clear to see and Mern couldn't wait to see the day he would be knighted. He still had a way to go though, as Edmund once revealed.
Reaching into his satchel, the boy pulled out the letter. Though broken, the sigil was still recognizable. There was but one house in all of Westeros that sported a three-headed dragon on their banners. “There you go, mylord”, Garlan spoke, as he gave it straight to Petyr.
Narrowing his eyes as he spotted the sigil, Petyr began to read, while Maron glanced onto the letter. Unlike his lord, the brutish knight had less control over his emotions, as his hands clenched visibly. “He declared war on us?”, he growled and Mern gave him a nod. “To all Westeros”, he replied. “I know King Loren received a similar letter, a few days before I did. No doubt Aegon sent seven of these” Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Devrin Oakheart, leaning back in his chair, a baffled look on his face. Mern felt pity with his old friend. Perhaps it would have been better to tell him right away, but aside from Edmund and Garlan, no one else in this room had learned about this letter before now.
“Is he quite mad?”, Petyr spat. “He cannot hope to win against one kingdom, much less all seven. Two houses, both of them small in power, are following his house” Mern shook his head. “More followed quickly”, he answered. “House Massey and Bar Emmon broke their ties with the Storm King in favour of King Aegon. At Blackwater Bay, House Rosby and Stokeworth followed”
“They submitted without a fight?”, Maron growled. This time, Edmund spoke up. “Stokeworth put up a mild fight. Fired some archers at the pretender-queen Visenya”, he said. “In return, she had her beast set fire to the roof of their castle. Now, Stokeworth marches under a new king”
“It matters not”, Petyr assured him. “Even if he wins allies quickly, how powerful could he possibly grow? To the north, he marches into the Riverlands, where Harren Hoare will crush him. To the south, he can only face the Storm King. Either is a foe he cannot defeat”
“And neither will take him seriously, not until it is too late”, Mern argued. “I know both men well, mylord. We cannot rely on them to take care of this Valyrian madman” He shook his head. “No, the Reach has to be prepared. More than ever, we need to stand strong”
Petyr dared a slight smile, as Mern reciprocated the gesture. The king had thought about this for a long time now. If he had any more time, he'd appoint another lord, or leave it vacant, governed by Harlen Tyrell until a subject would prove his worth. But he was out of time and had to risk trusting this man, in some capacity at least.
“Mylord, I grant you this city and the surrounding lands as your seat”, he declared and Petyr breathed in relief. “I name you head of House Vyrwel of Raylansfair. Your brother Otho will follow as the Lord of Darkdell and your vassal” Petyr and Maron exchanged a proud, victorious look and a smile appeared on Devrin's face.
However, before either of them could say a word, Mern continued. “For the first time, to ensure that everything goes to my liking, I will deploy a garrison of my own men though, fifty soldiers, led by my trusted knight, Ser Kasyn Luck. Consider them extensions of my will, which they will enforce until I see what kind of a lord you are”
The knight saluted, while Petyr's smile faded. Maron opened his mouth to say something, yet the new lord cut him off. “If this is your will, I obey”, he promised. “You will find my work here to be to your full satisfaction”
Now, Mern allowed himself a triumphant smile. “Good, Lord Vyrwel”, he spoke. “Then build this city up again. Make it strong, more than ever before. And when the time comes, spring forth on my command” He leant forwards, mustering this man, whom he needed more than he was comfortable with. “I have no illusions about what we are about to face. Fire and blood, a black dread. And so, mylord, I believe your men will be required in the war to come”
End of Interlude I – Spring Forth
Great drawings, I especially like the Targs!
Also, Regis Rosby looks a lot like Regis from Witcher 3 (bet it was intentional on the character submitter's part) XD
Well, this part is certainly different in tone and perspective. Very interesting. I enjoyed it. Interesting that no one mentioned the other fugitive knight...
If Cregan ever appears I will add him to my favorite character list.
This guy, Ser Kasyn. I just know I'm gonna like him. He's gonna be my guy.
Hmmm, I have to say Mern seems a much more competent king than Mullendore and Petyr would have us believe. I half expected him to be a mild version of Mace Tyrell (the show version), but I was positively surprised. He even seems to be fully aware of how big of a threat the Targs truly are to his kingdom, which I doubt Mullendore or Petyr will come to realize in a while.
Anyway, it was nice and refreshing to see Raylansfair and these characters from a completely different perspective, and getting inside the heads of royalty is always interesting. I also like the changes this will bring to Raylansfair as a location, with Ser Kasyn and the Gardener garrison coming in... should make things interesting in Book 2, can't wait!
I am very glad you enjoyed it! Hopefully, the other Interludes are only going to be similarly enjoyable, or maybe even more. When it comes to Leonard, it's true that nobody mentioned him in this part, though that is mostly because there are other things that are more pressing. You can be assured that Mern will eventually speak about this as well. After all, he is a nobleman of the Reach and therefore, the crimes he is accused of are so severe that the king will certainly pay attention to how this case will develop.
I can confirm, Cregan will appear, though certainly not in the next couple of chapters. He is... well, I am not entirely sure how people are going to see him, but there are probably worse first impressions than making it absolutely clear that he does not support his cousin. We'll see. He is an interesting guy, especially in contrast to Maron.
Kasyn is going to be a pretty important character in Book 2, this I can promise. Representing the Gardener's in the events surrounding Raylansfair, even when Mern himself will be preoccupied with a great number of other things in the wake of Aegon's Conquest.
That is true, Petyr and Maron have brought up a very bad view on Mern. At the same time, Leonard described him as a fair and just man all the way back in Chapter 3 and he fully trusts his judgement. The problem with Mern is, he lost serious face during the war against the Storm King, the one that cost the life of his father and caused massive casualties to the Reach army. It has been said that half the women in the kingdom became widows during that war and while this is certainly heavily exaggerated, the kingdom still hasn't fully recovered by now, over ten years later. There are a great number of people who have a grudge against Argilac ever since, which is something we have seen in the general reaction to Argella when she arrived in Raylansfair. Mern knelt to this king, to achieve a truce and end the bloodshed after his father was killed. In doing so, he probably saved thousands of lives, especially among his own people, but the prouder lords of his kingdom saw it as a sign of weakness, something that made a mockery of the entire Reach. This is why Sherryl called him a weak ruler, especially as he has been too hesitant to actually do something againt these unhappy lords for the longest time. It can also be assumed that kneeling to King Argilac was the action that disillusioned Maron when it comes to Mern. After all, he had fought in this war himself and received a number of heavy wounds that made him a war hero, but also gave him a certain handicap even before receiving crippling injuries in the Chapter 6 finale. This was a heavy slap in the face for him and many others who have bled for their kingdom. Mern saw no other way, but it was very much a situation in which he couldn't achieve a full victory. He chose the option he saw as better for his people, but some resent him quite heavily for it. That said, he is far from a bad ruler, as we have seen he even takes the Targaryen threat seriously at a time where it would be easy to dismiss them as a threat to the eastern kingdoms of Westeros at most, if a threat at all.
Aye, this has set up some important things for Raylansfair in Book 2. Kasyn and the Gardener garrison are definitely not part of the Vyrwel-Mullendore-Oakheart alliance's plans, so it will be interesting to see how they are going to react to this. And of course, Mern himself will play an important role in Book 2, even if he is mostly going to act behind the scenes. Compared to other kings, he will have a more subdued role for a while, though I hope to make his influence count.
Pretty interesting to finally meet King Mern and his family, he's indeed a reasonable person who truly understands the dangers of dragons. Too bad we all know were this is going to end.
Kasyn's presence will certainly screw over Petyr's and Mullendore's plans to a degree and that could give the people of Raylansfair a more beneficial rule.
Cregan Mullendore, he seems to be a person who knows his cousin is dangerous, lets hope his appearance is a good one.
Yeah, Mern is one of the few who take this threat seriously and as this part has shown, he is a rather reasonable man on top. That said, while he does not underestimate Aegon, or at least not to the same degree as some of the other rulers will do, he might overestimate the power of his own kingdom. They have suffered under the war against the Stormlands, probably more than Mern himself is comfortable with acknowledging. At the current point though, his power still exceeds that of Aegon by far, on account of having 10-12 times his numbers in terms of sheer size.
Well, surely Petyr and Mullendore have to watch their steps now, with someone to look over them. Neither is going to be happy about this in any way, as Kasyn is in a position where he can easily realize that they are up to something shady if they are not careful to conceal their moves. Stuff like what happened to Lucas cannot happen all that easily again, Mern made sure of that when he deployed this garrison.
Aaaah, thank you very much. This is indeed a mistake. I could have sworn his name was Mern X, but it is indeed Mern IX. I probably should have checked that again before writing it down, but it is fixed now
Quite the set up for Book 2 as well as the other Interludes. This was a really enjoyable read and I can't wait to see what else Good ol King Mern is going to set up. And I'm glad we got to see some of his inner council. Such as Prince Edmund. I can't wait to see what that sly dog and a certain Green Hand get up to in Book 2. Shame we won't have any other POVs interacting with King Mern at the start of Book 2. I'm assuming he will be back on the road by the time skip ends. I wonder where he is going though. It is safe to assume he is going to be calling all of his bannermen to raise their armies, but where this summit of soldiers will actually be is still up in the air. It will surely be quite the sight to see the entire Reach's might all together in one spot. Hopefully Ser Kasyn is of good character, because if not, he might be turned by Petyr. However, if he is he still runs the risk of just being dealt with. This may raise the eyes of Mern, but if anyone is able to make an excuse it is definitely Petyr and Maron.
Ah, it is nice to hear you enjoyed this Interlude. Always nice to hear it, especially as I hope to show even more exciting events in the coming Interludes. For now, I am happy to introduce Mern at last, after over two years of mentioning him. As the King of the Reach, you can probably imagine that he will be central for the future events in Raylansfair and the entire kingdom. And of course, there will be other things going on as well
Yes, I can confirm that at the start of Book 2, Mern will have left Raylansfair again. His destination won't be a mystery though, he will return to Highgarden, where he will send word to his bannermen, so that they ready themselves for the coming war. The Reach is a large region and doing so might take a long time, on top of other preparations he wishes to make. Furthermore, he also wishes to see how Argilac and Harren will fare against this new enemy, so he won't gather the entire army of the Reach just now, knowing that this will mean serious economical consequences, by gathering not only those that are more or less professional soldiers, but also farmers, craftsman, fishers and the like. With winter coming, Mern has to be equal parts careful about not acting too rash, while simultaneously taking as many preparations as possible without burdening his people too much. That be said, when the army of the Reach gathers at last, it will be a sight to behold.
Aye, both is a bit of a risk by now, as long as you don't know much about Kasyn. Petyr and Maron can be convincing, but most importantly, they are completely ruthless. While murdering a man of the king might be a daring move even for them, it is not unthinkable. Though it can be assumed that this would still be a last resort for both, as there are easier ways of dealing with this unwanted presence, either by convincing him, or by other sorts of shadier intrigues.
And the 7 letters has finally started!