Would you buy season 4? #TWD8episodes

edited July 2017 in The Walking Dead

Would you buy it for the last resort?
Last season here.. Hope it won't suck like ANF
What happened to when they say they're gonna make like 5-7 seasons in the series? While it came out s4 the final season, will the story be a rush and skip so much scene until they made it to a full 5 episodes? Or better yet 6-8 episodes so the story doesn't rush so much, let's be fair here telltale, got is 6 episodes, minecraft is 8 episodes
So make the walking dead a freakin' long episode

Do you guys and gal agree about this?
If you do say yes and tweet telltale games #TWD8episodes, give some reasons you want 8 episodes!
More people tweet = more chances they'll make 8 episodes

Let the spam BEGIN


  • Spam telltale if we want this to happen with a buncha tweets

  • Let's do it then!
    Cmon guys spam em' with .#twd8episodes

    Melton23 posted: »

    Spam telltale if we want this to happen with a buncha tweets

  • I was joking but now that you agree I'm in

    SirajB6 posted: »

    Let's do it then! Cmon guys spam em' with .#twd8episodes

  • Glad you're on my side, buddy

    Melton23 posted: »

    I was joking but now that you agree I'm in

  • Spoiler

    If Minecraft had 10 episodes, why can't Twd have it? #twd8episodes

  • I'd wait until the season has been fully released just to see whether or not they kill off Clem. I haven't invested so much emotion in this character up till now only to see her story end on a cheap, nihilistic note.

  • edited July 2017

    I hope they don't kill her off because that'll just be a repeat of what they did with S1: Lee/Clementine dying protecting Clementine/AJ.

    At least in S1 you had no idea Lee was going to get bitten and it created a shocking moment. If Clementine gets bitten, it wouldn't be the same because many people were expecting it. There's a very slim chance S4 might even be better than S1 anyway.

    I don't know why so many people assume the only way to close her story is her dying. Javier's story ended with him being alive and with his family, so why shouldn't Clem's? If anything, have her make a choice of either returning to Richmond with AJ or finding a new place with new survivors (which I hope they'll introduce).

    I'd wait until the season has been fully released just to see whether or not they kill off Clem. I haven't invested so much emotion in this character up till now only to see her story end on a cheap, nihilistic note.

  • Come on guys #TWD8episodes !

  • edited July 2017

    How the hell do any of you expect of them to write 8 episodes about TWD when they can't even do the first 3 right??

  • 10 episodes would be nice ;0 we'd basically get 2 seasons in 1

    SirajB6 posted: »

    Come on guys #TWD8episodes !

  • edited July 2017

    Each of their episodes feels like a slap in the face.

  • Then instead of taking that slap in the face don't play them.

    Chris_93 posted: »

    Each of their episodes feels like a slap in the face.

  • Yeah that's a good idea, just say it's a farewell for the walking dead since s4 will be the final.

    Melton23 posted: »

    10 episodes would be nice ;0 we'd basically get 2 seasons in 1

  • Definitely...I want more episodes for the Final season. Better for her last season of her too last than too be rushed.

  • That would be totally awesome, but I don't know if that's a good idea, they don't have that much time until 2018, and ANF ended just a month ago (I think). If the game was announced for 2019 I would totally agree with it, but I'm just scared that it might affect the quality of the season overall.
    Fuck it, #TWD8episodes

  • I'd probably say I'd buy it, then watch all eight episodes on YouTube while waiting for a free first episode.

    no, i'm not stingy...
    i just have no income

  • Depends on how much material they conjure up. Right now the only legitimate plot details we have is that it's gonna be about Clementine traveling to McCarroll Ranch to find AJ. Even with that, I don't know how that's gonna cover more than a couple of episodes. We'll just have to wait and see.

  • They will have to come up with a good idea on the story or else might just be another ANF spinoff story again even though it's the final season

    ralo229 posted: »

    Depends on how much material they conjure up. Right now the only legitimate plot details we have is that it's gonna be about Clementine trav

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