My Only Hope for S4...
Since Robert Kirkman pretty much confirmed Clementine won't appear in the comics or show during his panel at Comic-Con this year, his answer being "No...but you can write fan fiction."
My only hope for S4, besides longer episodes and hubs, is having another survivor around Clem's age during her journey to find AJ. I think it'll be nice if she can make a friend again like Duck (I'm not counting Gabe because he can die) and hopefully won't be written like Gabe. Throughout the season you can grow to like him/her as both the player and Clementine, which can lead up to the decision to either stay with their Group with AJ and start a relationship with him/her.
Also, if Telltale is going to introduce a new group of survivors, they CANNOT kill the majority of them off. We get it that "nobody is safe" but since its the final season, please have her find a group that remains whole by the end of the season. If they're written good like the Motel group from S1 and not like the Garcias or Prescott survivors, then the choice to stay with them will be easier to make. (I don't want Clementine to return to Richmond).
I wouldn't mind that. It would be nice if Clementine could meet somebody else her own age whose name isn't Gabe and develop something with that, potentially removing Gabe frooom the picture. Shoo shoo Gabe, shoo shoo, like hell you getting in her pants! NO PROCREATION FOR YOU!
But seriously. Even if she just makes some friends, or there is another guy/gal to sweep her off her boots, then I hope it's convincing and authentic, something we can get behind. He/her doesn't have to be a stud, they just have to be, not Gabe.
[Blows dust off typewriter] On it!
I love you so much for writing this! ❤❤ I couldn't agree more!
I really hope someone from Telltale is reading about this. It's safe to say mostly everyone wants Clementine to have another friend her age next season. As for a romantic interest, it's best to be determinant.
Me AND my friend are trying to figure out a Fan-fiction story too. Of course in THIS case Clem would find AJ EARLY, and then the story moves forward from there. This is PRETTY MUCH what I gathered from the teaser too.
...So I can write my long awaited Gabe X Clem fan fiction with direct encouragement from Robert Kirkman himself? Sweet!
Honestly, I'd rather they leave that type of thing out altogether.
OUCH...Ok I am sorry I said fucking...oh wait ...sorry God...and Jesus...Sorry God...and Jesus and all the Angles...yeah...and Mr. Boots...yeah mom...I know you loved that dog...yes...yes cars should not run stop crying...I am sure Jesus rubs his I am not being ok.
This is why it pays off to check threads you don't give a shit about.
LOL i respect your optimism but Telltale will not make S4 any better than the majority of their games after 2012 and I won't be playing it anyway
Gabe was more then enough for me, Lets just find AJ and stop wasting time by some love stories that would make no sense when Clem is searchin for AJ. I would not have a problem with Gabe appearing at the end of the last episode ( if you kept him alive) but I cant even imagine there would be some fella alongside Clementine. Just please no. If there should be someone along Clem then it should be Javi ( obviously not as a love interest or something like that) but as a guard or something like that.
I'd be fine with a Friend, but not a love relationship.
A friend for Clem at the same age for S4 would be great, not a lover, not some person who is still a baby (Sarah or Gabe), not someone who can be considered as a liability, somebody that is actually a survivor like Clem and someone who has the same mindset would be good but I feel this is too good for us so Telltale will kill him/her mid season
The only fan fiction you should be writing is Rhys and Loader Bot. We need more RhoaderBot dammit.
Preferably male, if I'm honest.
That would be very good to have a person Clementines age that can be her friend how Duck was in S1.
You write Blind? o.o
There is a god.You know what. I wanna read some TWDG fanfics just like this, ones that don't take themselves seriously. Kennyshouladiedins1, make it so!
Also speaking of, I heard the beginning in this voice when reading it XD
[Edit: oh and probably just a widdle mature warning on it though. Not that horrifying but still lol.]
Chapter 1 is now up on Deviant Art and Fanfiction.Net.
Holy Shit! You work fast!
Errrr... yeeeeaaaaah... sure, I guess.
Ok...I dunno if I could make anything that goofy..omg...this is a book people paid for? I love me some good erotica Lilacs...but that...hell I think my IQ went down just listening to it lol.
Apparently. The first time I heard this years ago I cracked up so much XD
Show me ;.;
This is sad...
... how people are trying to contain this series.
Here's a list of everything I've wrote:
Can you make the text a bit bigger please? Struggling to see the lettering.
He didn't write shit.
I was honestly hoping Sarah would become Clementine's life-long friend :c
Sarah wasn't a baby smh.
You know what made me sad. After her dad died, she started calling out to Clementine for help, like she was the next person she depended on, even just emotionally.
Would you like to elaborate as to why you think she was?
For me, she definitely wasn't, she didn't care about Carver's speech, she actually tried to learn how to defend herself and she stood up for Clementine. It's not her fault that people sheltered her against her will and that she lost her dad.
I know, I commented on a thread once that it's sad how the only two people that care about her are the only ones who ever hit her.