The Thread of general TWD-related questions



  • you're not fun :(

    DabigRG posted: »


  • Sure I am, Squid Kid!

    you're not fun

  • Some of them have different mechanics, like in Tales you can keep money with Fiona or scan things for info with Rhys, and in Batman you have the investigation mode thing, but in general the games play out the same way in regards of choices, dialogue options and hubs. Also some of them have a different tone, Tales for example is way more light and funny.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Here's a question for ya'll non-TWDG exclusive players: I see people like dan290786 constantly say "Telltale's games have never been as good

  • Dave Fennoy stated in an interview that he would cut his arm off if bitten.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Is there any record as to what choices the voice actors would've made as their respective playable characters? For example what choices Dave Fennoy would've made as Lee or what choices Melissa would've made as Clementine?

  • I don't get it haha

    DabigRG posted: »

    Not if--you know what, I'm not gonna complete that sentence.

  • And I hope we can keep it that way...

    Why, @DabigRG?

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I don't get it haha

  • Even though when you start passing out that it's already too late? I guess he's thinking of a hypothetical situation where you don't know how it works and it's the only shot you have to save yourself. I guess by that logic, it would at least buy you some time, since not all of the "bite" has traveled to your system yet.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Dave Fennoy stated in an interview that he would cut his arm off if bitten.

  • Yes, he did say "if it meant slowing down the process."

    Even though when you start passing out that it's already too late? I guess he's thinking of a hypothetical situation where you don't know ho

  • Why was Hector's bite blue? I get it if it was a bruise but I've never seen bruises with that shade of blue before.

  • Maybe Hector wasn't a human. ☉_☉
    I always thought something was strange about him!

    Melton23 posted: »

    Why was Hector's bite blue? I get it if it was a bruise but I've never seen bruises with that shade of blue before.

  • That's probably because Javier's a very bland character without much internal conflict or flaws, really. David was a more fleshed out character.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Javier being treated as a Supporting Protagonist rather than a Main one. David also overshadowed him, I mean, ANF was more about David than

  • That's probably because the writers spent too much time fleshing out David instead of focusing on Javier.

    OneWayNoWay posted: »

    That's probably because Javier's a very bland character without much internal conflict or flaws, really. David was a more fleshed out character.

  • Javier's a very bland character without much internal conflict or flaws,

    This is why I can't connect with his character. Javier doesn't have any flaws within his character besides being a gambler and that's it. He's not the perfect main character either due to his blandness.

    OneWayNoWay posted: »

    That's probably because Javier's a very bland character without much internal conflict or flaws, really. David was a more fleshed out character.

  • This.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    That's probably because the writers spent too much time fleshing out David instead of focusing on Javier.

  • Javier doesn't have any flaws within his character besides being a gambler and that's it.

    Well that, being a bit hotblooded, and determinately trying a little too hard to please everyone.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Javier's a very bland character without much internal conflict or flaws, This is why I can't connect with his character. Javier does

  • Yeah, he's a poor protagonist. Outside of being funny (that is, if you even find him funny), Javier has nothing to him. It's another disappointment I had with ANF as I really wanted to like Javier, but he's just so forgettable and monotonous.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Javier's a very bland character without much internal conflict or flaws, This is why I can't connect with his character. Javier does

  • edited July 2017

    I wouldn't say so. Sure, David's the better character, but he's nothing groundbreaking or anything new for Telltale either. Javier's bland because the writers this time around didn't put much in effort in anything, including it's characters and it's plot, and Javier, as the protagonist, is no exception to that.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    That's probably because the writers spent too much time fleshing out David instead of focusing on Javier.

  • edited July 2017

    Sure, David's the better character, but he's nothing groundbreaking or anything new for Telltale either.

    And that's one of the issues that really bit him in the ass at the end for me.

    Javier's bland because the writers this time around didn't put much in effort in anything, including it's characters and it's plot, and Javier, as the protagonist, is no exception to that.

    Pretty much.

    OneWayNoWay posted: »

    I wouldn't say so. Sure, David's the better character, but he's nothing groundbreaking or anything new for Telltale either. Javier's bland b

  • Who had the worse characterization shift: Tripp or Joan?

  • Alright, seriously. I've never seen anyone ask this question.
    How did Larry recognize Lee as a killer? He didn't seem to know him when they were fighting before the heart attack. He lays on the floor the rest of the game until he punches lee out.
    So where is the oppurtunity to learn this? Is it implied he listened at the door when carly was talking? cuz they sure as shit didn't imply that.

    on a similar note, walter discovering mathew was killed by nick made no sense. He's cheerful to clem in one scene, then suddenly has the knife, and there's no in between showing him getting the thing because he was left outside with kenny.

  • Joan

    DabigRG posted: »

    Who had the worse characterization shift: Tripp or Joan?

  • How did Larry recognize Lee as a killer? He didn't seem to know him when they were fighting before the heart attack. He lays on the floor the rest of the game until he punches lee out.

    I think he saw the photo of Lee lying on the floor in the Drugstore office.

    Louche posted: »

    Alright, seriously. I've never seen anyone ask this question. How did Larry recognize Lee as a killer? He didn't seem to know him when they

  • I always assumed Larry saw Lee on the news or something before the outbreak, and didn't immediately recognize him in the heat of the moment at the drugstore, but later on remembered who Lee was.

    Louche posted: »

    Alright, seriously. I've never seen anyone ask this question. How did Larry recognize Lee as a killer? He didn't seem to know him when they

  • Everyone has got it wrong so far. Larry recognises Lee when he introduced himself by name to Lilly in the drugstore. You can see him look up at Lee and while he doesnt say anything, you can see the gears turning.

    Louche posted: »

    Alright, seriously. I've never seen anyone ask this question. How did Larry recognize Lee as a killer? He didn't seem to know him when they

  • Joan. She became so villainous it was silly, while Tripp was pretty believable for the whole season.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Who had the worse characterization shift: Tripp or Joan?

  • edited July 2017

    Joan. She ended up being just another underdeveloped corrupt leader of a villainous group who is evil just because. Such a wasted character...

    As for Tripp, I've been thinking about him lately and I have to say, I agree with you, he was really inconsistent. He was really nice to us all of a sudden and this is really unrealistic. He was either calm or angry, wasn't really affected by the destruction of the town he was protecting 4 years now. I also noticed that he didn't get the citizens to safety.(You are in charge of this place and responsible for the lives of these people, darn it!) They scrapped stuff that would have fitted his character: checking us for bites, hanging/punishing people who wrong Prescott, having relations to The New Frontier, etc. I am surprised he didn't say anything about Clementine being a former member of TNF.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Who had the worse characterization shift: Tripp or Joan?

  • Yeah, I did notice that! :joy: Holy shit, I'm surprised he didn't have another heart attack when he realized it.

    Everyone has got it wrong so far. Larry recognises Lee when he introduced himself by name to Lilly in the drugstore. You can see him look up at Lee and while he doesnt say anything, you can see the gears turning.

  • Tripp was pretty believable for the whole season.

    Really now?

    Joan. She became so villainous it was silly, while Tripp was pretty believable for the whole season.

  • For a while i thought his trusting and goodhearted nature was unrealistic, but by episode 5 you can see that he really was that type of guy all along. I was Tripp's biggest hater for awhile but the conflict over killing Conrad and then making amends gave a lot to his character and by now i honestly miss him.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Tripp was pretty believable for the whole season. Really now?

  • I guess. Honestly, he's the weakest character we've had so far and that's by ANF standards.

    For a while i thought his trusting and goodhearted nature was unrealistic, but by episode 5 you can see that he really was that type of guy

  • Would you like to see a group of pirates in the game (not counting Monroe)?

  • There's apparently a moment where if you were nice enough to him, Larry will genuinely smile at Lee. Where and how does this happen?

  • Sounds cool. Requires a location with a lot of water, though.

    Kinda funny now that Kenny had a car accident, though.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Would you like to see a group of pirates in the game (not counting Monroe)?

  • first you're gonna have to say where you heard this

    DabigRG posted: »

    There's apparently a moment where if you were nice enough to him, Larry will genuinely smile at Lee. Where and how does this happen?

  • edited July 2017

    Maybe. But it seems hard to believe he would have such a reserved reaction. Larry's not exactly subtle. Was he really planning "okay let this guy get me some meds, then I'll kill him."
    dick move, then.

    Someone really needs to ask the writers. There's gotta be an answer.

    Everyone has got it wrong so far. Larry recognises Lee when he introduced himself by name to Lilly in the drugstore. You can see him look up at Lee and while he doesnt say anything, you can see the gears turning.

  • edited July 2017

    And there might be some explanation for Larry, but I don't think there's any explanation in universe for the Walter/Mathew/knife bit.

    The only explanation I can think of is that concept art that was posted a little while ago, where people surmised Luke was supposed to pull Clem into the bathroom to tell her about the identity of the man Nick shot. Them being in the washroom could give just enough time for Walter to walk back in after talking to Kenny and spot the knife in the pack (was it open? or did he root through it, that would be hard to explain. Doesn't seem in character at all.)

    Most likely they didn't want to design a whole new area, so they just "simplified" it so they were talking in the foyer/lobby. Except this now means the plot makes no sense as there's no possible opportunity for Walter to obtain the knife.

    Louche posted: »

    Alright, seriously. I've never seen anyone ask this question. How did Larry recognize Lee as a killer? He didn't seem to know him when they

  • I know TvTropes references it, but I recall seeing it somewhere else beforehand.

    Louche posted: »

    first you're gonna have to say where you heard this

  • well, if they didn't say where that occurs tv tropes is pretty stupid. isn't that the whole point?

    DabigRG posted: »

    I know TvTropes references it, but I recall seeing it somewhere else beforehand.

  • Okay, turns out they do:

    However, play your cards right, and at one point in Episode Two, if you offer a ration to Larry - after you've praised his daughter to the St. Johns in front of Mark (who apparently passes on word of Lee's actions) - he'll actually briefly smile at you and accept it gruffly.

    I don't remember that happening on my recent playthrough months ago, but whatever.

    Louche posted: »

    well, if they didn't say where that occurs tv tropes is pretty stupid. isn't that the whole point?

  • It was a reserved reaction because he had just suffered a minor heart attack. He couldn't even stand or sit up straight, let alone throw another tantrum.

    And yeah at that point, Larry knew he wanted to get rid of Lee but figured he would wait until an opportune time after he got medicine for him. Larry was a scumbag.

    Louche posted: »

    Maybe. But it seems hard to believe he would have such a reserved reaction. Larry's not exactly subtle. Was he really planning "okay let thi

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