"Telltale should make a ____ Series": Post your ideas for a new Telltale Series here. (Unofficial)



  • How about an original game that takes place during a significant war that has us playing as multiple characters from different countries showing their perspectives on it?

  • I believe Telltale games should make a Family Guy series, Hungry Games, or a Hacker driven story. Also, a horror story like Dead Space would be great too.

  • edited July 2017

    Alt text

  • edited July 2017

    Would you like to see an Alien game by Telltale ?

    Hi everyone!

    Seeing that Telltale is now working on so many different and popular franchises (Batman, TWD, Minecraft....) I have been wondering if an alien game from Telltale could work. I have never been an alien fan and I never really was into sci-fi but I discovered the franchise through the Alien Isolation game which I really enjoyed playing and then I watched the movies which I also enjoyed. I also know that there are alien comics but I haven't read them. Apparently there will be no Alien Isolation 2 and I'm not sure what the future alien games will look like so I thought about Telltale. This could give them the opportunity to make a horror game but I'm not sure what the result would be or if it would even work. Maybe it's just a terrible idea but I was curious to know what other people thought about it. So, would you like to see Telltale make an alien game ? Or is there another franchise you would like Telltale to work on ?

  • I don't really see Telltale format work in the horro genre and I also don't think the episodic format would fit this kind of story.

    When it comes to sci-fi I think the best franchises for Telltale to make games of would be Star Trek and Assassin's Creed. They both have stories filled with moral choices and interpersonal conflict. Westworld would also be interesting, but only after they finally make GoT S2 :D

  • I've been thinking about an Alien game but I'm not really sure if it could work.

    (Btw, I'm sorry I just posted a thread about this because I didn't see this one before!)

  • As someone that grew up watching the Alien(s) movies I hope not. The style of play for Telltale games is not exactly built for survival horror, especially 'multi-season' type survival horror.

    Outside a few of the Aliens vs Predator games the expanded media for said franchise has been pretty horrible and taken away lot of my enjoyment of it.

    Yes, I am looking at you especially Prometheus & Covenant.

  • Are we just jumping straight into this or...?

    I didn't know just how much I needed Telltale's Archer game until now... :D

    Dark_Star posted: »

    Maybe someone already mentioned this but ''Archer: The Telltale Series'' would be f**king great. The art style is not something Telltale wou

  • Undertale definitely. You can go a lot of ways of expanding the story to the citizens of the Underground, lots of opportunities!

  • edited July 2017

    I don't see how Assassin's Creed can work. Seeing as how their stories up till the 5th installment is true "next level storytelling", I just don't see how Telltale can pull it off with their episodic movie style format. I'm not doubting Telltale, I just think they wouldn't have enough time to move between historical and modern day setting, not to mention character development and plot.

    I don't really see Telltale format work in the horro genre and I also don't think the episodic format would fit this kind of story. When

  • Think of the possible answers about a killing floor telltale game, if you know what killing floor is.

  • I'd like to see

    Judge dredd

  • Firefly!

    I'd take anything with the Serenity crew, and universe in it.

  • Yeah, Ridley Scott's Prometheus & Covenant makes the original Alien movie seem like an accident.

    Olligarchy posted: »

    As someone that grew up watching the Alien(s) movies I hope not. The style of play for Telltale games is not exactly built for survival horr

  • edited July 2017

    I don't really see Telltale format work in the horror genre

    Uhh, the Walking Dead?

    I don't really see Telltale format work in the horro genre and I also don't think the episodic format would fit this kind of story. When

  • Wd is a drama with zombies thrown in for tension.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    I don't really see Telltale format work in the horror genre Uhh, the Walking Dead?

  • (Copying my comment here because the other thread was closed)

    enter image description here

    El Ministerio del Tiempo (The Ministry of Time) is a spanish tv show about time travel and it's SO FUCKING AWSOME. Like really, check it out. Now. It's the best thing ever. In a few months it should be in Netflix. I think it's the original serie that Timeless stole.

    I REALLY want to know more about Lola Mendieta's story. I guess that now that Amelia is taking vacations and she'll replace her we will see a little more of her.

    I just realized, with Julián dead and Amelia taking care o her father's bussines back in 1882, the only original member of the group left is Alonso... goddammit. I mean I like Alonso. And Paccino and Lola are great but I will really miss Julián and Amelia.

    It would piss off DontNod though, with time travel and stuff. The difference would be, instead of forced romances and teen girls, it has spanish history and moral dilemas (kill hitler or not?) and everyone hates the americans.

    (It's impossible I know but let me dream)

  • I dunno, maybe bring back Sam & Max. It's their 30th anniversary come oooooooon

  • I like the idea of them doing a Dragon Age game, since that's another series that uses choices in a similar way. They could even make it go the extra mile and connect the game to the Dragon Age keep, all of your choices from the main titles could influence the game, and the choices you make in TT one effect your world state of the future main titles.

    The series has always had a strong sense of story telling and character so it's right up Telltales alley, and there'd be so much potential given the style and setting of Dragon Age.

  • Telltale you should make a video game based of off the tv show The 100 in a story format like most of your games

  • I'm not saying there is going to be one but recently I've been waaaaaaay into the show and I've been thinking a lot about what it could be if they made one.
    Honestly my favorite option would be setting it in the original ending of Army Of Darkness, where Ash slept too long and wakes up in a post apocalyptic London, though that could end up feeling a bit too much like TWD with probably a bit more of a Mad Max twist I suppose.
    Otherwise a story relatively similar to what's going on in the show itself could be interesting, or something new altogether I don't know.
    I just think Telltale's usual writing style and the Evil Dead would go together pretty great.

  • Back to the Future: The Game - Season Two

  • How about a game about the show Supernatural? It has a huge following and would be so much fun! Dark humor, hunting demons and monsters, hanging out with Angels, and saving the world!

  • edited October 2017

    Thread: Planet of the apes game by telltale!?

    So I was watching War for the planet of the apes the other day & me being a big fan of the trilogy I thought to myself, wouldnt it be cool if you could be caesar since the beginning till like the rise of the apes? maybe similar to the rebooted movies? it would be cool to play as the apes make your own decisions and see how they turn out. What do you all think just an idea, any planet of the apes fans out there that would like to see this happen? :)

  • I think telltale games should make a Star Trek video game.

  • what about anyshow thats like from the 90's

  • The curious case of Benjamin Buttons

  • edited August 2017

    DeanGirl22 posted: »

    How about a game about the show Supernatural? It has a huge following and would be so much fun! Dark humor, hunting demons and monsters, hanging out with Angels, and saving the world!

  • I'm not sure how this is going to work out since the hubs are gone.

    Back to the Future: The Game - Season Two

  • Hey, that's a cool idea, but isn't Evil Dead a bit over the top sometimes?

    slimetime posted: »

    I'm not saying there is going to be one but recently I've been waaaaaaay into the show and I've been thinking a lot about what it could be i

  • edited August 2017

    i really want to see a Treasure Planet Tell Tale Games

  • Something that has to do with the mafia!

  • Narcos - A Telltale series?

  • Scarface!

  • They should do a Care Bears series. You know a little something for the kids. All of the current series have WAY too much violence, death and murder. I think they should go for a younger croud.
    P. S. They could also do

    • Dora the Explorer,

    • Blues Clues,

    • Strawberry Shortcake.

  • I can't tell if this is serious...

    Also, Minecraft:Story Mode is already a game aimed for a younger crowd.

    BigBrewer posted: »

    They should do a Care Bears series. You know a little something for the kids. All of the current series have WAY too much violence, death an

  • I would like to see a StarWars,SuperNatural, or a Wolverine series there is so much the TTG can do. But personally I like the wolverine idea

  • YEEESSSS!!!!! So many possible options and consequences for this one

    DeanGirl22 posted: »

    How about a game about the show Supernatural? It has a huge following and would be so much fun! Dark humor, hunting demons and monsters, hanging out with Angels, and saving the world!

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