

  • Spoiler

    Actually, we can't say that since the Walking Dead is still ongoing. Sure, it's likely Rick will die, but Kirkman might just surprise us. And of course, there are a lot more characters that we are actually invested in compared to the game series. You could make the same argument for that scenario (or if any of the major characters live because the comics/show have a lot more established than the game) that it should never stop.

    But regardless, we are do not know that all Walking Dead stories must end in death. A story - even one set in a harsh world like the Walking Dead or Game of Thrones - just needs to conclude its narrative. It doesn't need to end in death. Game of Thrones which just as gleefully (or probably more) kills off characters will have some survivors. The story will end when its narrative ends (the fight against the white walkers and for the throne in GoT. Clems story is about her searching for a family. It has been that since Season 1. That's the only thing that needs to be fulfilled.

    And if its a good season, we'll want more. But that will happen regardless. Even if Clem's death is amazingly good (which will be extremely hard for the reasons MRSHYGUY45, others, and myself have stated), we'll still want more.

    It just seems strange to me to want a character to die because you like them and would wonder how they would evolve after the series over.

    Of course, this is ignoring that we do have a Walking Dead story that does not end in death: A New Frontier. And sure, A New Frontier had A LOT of problems. But letting Javier live wasn't one of them (I'm sure many people would have been happy if he died, but more because they were upset with A New Frontier rather than thinking it would make a better story). I mean, does anyone really think if Javier sacrificed himself for Gabe/David or Kate that it would have been improvement? Honestly, I think I would have groaned that it would have been a weak copy of Lee's sacrifice. Is there any other death that would have turned A New Frontier from what it is to a better game? Not changing anything else. Just Javier dying.

    I don't think there is. We got resolution to Javier's story. He overcame obstacles and managed to keep some of his family together. I actually liked Javier. I do wonder what he will do in the various endings. But I don't feel like him dying would have added any particular value to the ending or the game itself. We got resolution to his story if not the rest of his life.

    And that's all I want. A satisfying resolution to Clem's story. Whether it is her living or dead. I just feel it's going to be a lot harder to give us a good one with Clem dying for reasons that I and others have stated.

    As long as Clem lives people will always hope for a new season (Even if it's the last one apparently), you can't just end a Walking Dead sto

  • I agree with everything, but

    She can't sacrifice herself for her group because it won't fit her character.

    I think most of mine would. But it doesn't matter whether or not she would do it. Because it's the same problem with her sacrificing herself for AJ. It's just going to come off as a cheap copy of Season 1 which brings us the question of why we don't just play Season 1 again.

    We would have to care as much for the people she's sacrificing herself for as much as we cared about Clementine at the end of Season 1. Basically, we would have to go through Season 1 again to bond with the characters which won't work. We cared about Clem like we did because we have been protecting her as Lee. Clem would have to form the same sort of bond which means AJ would need to be replaced or they would have to make a 2 year old as deep and interesting of a character as Clem in Season 1. And really, when has anyone ever read a good story where the two year old is one of the most interesting and well developed characters? And obviously, I'm referring to stories where the characters are written realistically (or at least they try).

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    I never actually settled on a fitting death for her I believe there is no "fitting" death for her. She can't be devoured by walkers

  • I'm not really that interested in debating this since I doubt it will be constructive, but there was a couple of things I want address.

    he betrayed her own group, left the mansion voluntarely and abandoned the guy who cared for her and saved her so many times for a guy she never met or saw.

    Considering her hat and walkie were thrown around, I don't think she left voluntarily. I'm not saying she doesn't deserve some blame. But she didn't just flip Lee the bird and hop into the Stranger's car.

    Now, if it were Ben, Duck or Sarah who had done that, they would've been abused for being idiots,

    I would absolutely defend them. Duck is a kid like Clem. Sarah... she's older, but obviously has some problems. I wouldn't give her quite as much leeway as I would give Duck or Clem, but I wouldn't wish a horrible death on her either (or say she deserves what she got).

    Ben.... I was actually going to say he was an exception, but then I realized I do defend his actions in giving the drugs to the bandits (to an extent at least, but I'm also not claiming Clem deserves no blame in Lee's death). Like Clem, he screwed up royally. But it's understandable considering the circumstances and their age.

    Alex_L_P posted: »

    She has to die, she deserves to die! preferably the same way Lee died, sacrificing her life to save somebody else (AJ) so she can know how i

  • Why not? If it is the final season then it could be a fine time to have multiple endings including ones where Clementine dies.

  • alot of her in ANF was just natural evolution,

    I wonder how she ""naturally"" evolved exactly?

    you dont live long if you stay the good guy

    This is not Dark Knight...

    Majority of people/gamers don't care about this ruined character anymore. The choice stats for A New Frontier would heavily disagree

    • points a gun at someone and threatens them
    • doesn't give a crap that she killed someone over some damn bullets
    • "guyz she didnt mean to kill him! Stop making her look bad D: "

    Yeah... no.

    Holy shit when will people get that she didn't mean to shoot Eli ? She assumed all of the bullets were bad (Stupid anyway since they could b

  • I have a gut feeling that they won't kill her off, but they've got to wrap the story up somehow and if they did, I don't know how I'd feel about it. I would understand why, but I'm not sure I'd like it.

  • Yeah, but it isn’t GoT either, where as soon as people like a character… the axe drops.

    You ever watched GoT before? Lots of characters have obvious plot armour and unlike TWDG most characters survive more than one season.

    TMLC posted: »

    Yeah, but it isn’t GoT either, where as soon as people like a character… the axe drops. Also, TWD is the kind of story where you get a bi

  • If Clem dies that would just prove that telltales has ZER0 imagination

  • I watched and read, but I can ignore the fact that you don’t know the usual comment inside the general GoT communities about how Martin is an specialist in making you like a character, killing it and then making you like the villain or less likable ones so that he can kill them too.

    Plot armor is not the point, and that’s something present in both, GoT and TWD.

    Twdsaviours posted: »

    Yeah, but it isn’t GoT either, where as soon as people like a character… the axe drops. You ever watched GoT before? Lots of characters have obvious plot armour and unlike TWDG most characters survive more than one season.

  • edited July 2017

    Now, if it were Ben, Duck or Sarah who had done that, they would've been abused for being idiots, but Clementine can get away with it?

    Not gonna lie, I kind of agree with this statement. Ben, Duck and Sarah deserved better than what they got and Clementine gets way too much attention. But Gabe is the one who deserved to die because he kept screwing things up like a whiny cunt.

    Alex_L_P posted: »

    She has to die, she deserves to die! preferably the same way Lee died, sacrificing her life to save somebody else (AJ) so she can know how i

  • Because she didn't mean to kill him maybe ?

    TheMPerson posted: »

    * points a gun at someone and threatens them * doesn't give a crap that she killed someone over some damn bullets * "guyz she didnt mean to kill him! Stop making her look bad " Yeah... no.

  • Ok, I worded that badly, I have never been of the opinion that she meant to shoot Eli, whenever I say it was out of character for her to do so, I meant that she should be smarter than to lose her temper like she did, and point a gun at people, even IF she thinks all the bullets are bad, Lee taught her something along the lines of "never point a gun at someone unless you mean to hurt them", so thats what I mean when I say its out of character, not that she killed him, but the things she did that lead up to his death (which was accidental, but only due to negligence from Clems side on something Lee taught her about)

    Holy shit when will people get that she didn't mean to shoot Eli ? She assumed all of the bullets were bad (Stupid anyway since they could b

  • And again, the problem then becomes that they are basically retelling the story from season 1

    I agree with everything, but She can't sacrifice herself for her group because it won't fit her character. I think most of min

  • Oh, so you mean what Telltale's been doing with a few characters for a while now? :smirk:

    And again, the problem then becomes that they are basically retelling the story from season 1

  • I don't think they'd care, tbh.

    If Clem dies that would just prove that telltales has ZER0 imagination

  • Killing Clementine off to repeat history or force us to get our eyes teary is the worst thing TT can go with; if that happens - and worse, if it was cheesy, sketchy and/or cringy - I'll be deeply disappointed and hurt; also I would back off to S2's ending and convince myself it was the end of the series.

  • Then why the hell would you point a gun at someone with the safety off if not attending to kill him?

    Also the fact that she didn't care that she shoot someone, her 1st instinct is to hide/lie.

    Because she didn't mean to kill him maybe ?

  • Regardless of whether or not Clem survives the season, I find it likely that any seasons that follow will have a new cast.

  • Then why the hell would you point a gun at someone with the safety off if not attending to kill him?

    To show him that the rounds don't work

    Also the fact that she didn't care that she shoot someone, her 1st instinct is to hide/lie.

    Who would regret killing that asshole

    TheMPerson posted: »

    Then why the hell would you point a gun at someone with the safety off if not attending to kill him? Also the fact that she didn't care that she shoot someone, her 1st instinct is to hide/lie.

  • edited July 2017

    the only thing that might die is clem's innocence.

  • Might die?! Shee, that bitch is fuckin scarred!

    Louche posted: »

    the only thing that might die is clem's innocence.

  • If they kill clem i kill myself

  • yeh nobody gives a f*ck anymore because clems better than Lee and shes the last person alive that ever knew him

    Alex_L_P posted: »

    She has to die, she deserves to die! preferably the same way Lee died, sacrificing her life to save somebody else (AJ) so she can know how i

  • She seems to have healed nicely by the end, though.
    But now she's off on her own, great idea of course. Just because it's a hopeful ending doesn't mean you shouldn't bring someone with you, she's still a 13 year old in a world populated by murderers and rapists.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Might die?! Shee, that bitch is fuckin scarred!

  • clems better than Lee

    enter image description here

    yeh nobody gives a f*ck anymore because clems better than Lee and shes the last person alive that ever knew him

  • Who would regret killing that asshole

    I don't know, a compassionate girl we took care of in the last 5 years.

    This just show's off that people (even in real life) would go to extreme measures just because someone was an asshole. Perfectly justifed.

    Then why the hell would you point a gun at someone with the safety off if not attending to kill him? To show him that the rounds don

  • in my opinion clem is better than lee

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    clems better than Lee

  • me to

    If they kill clem i kill myself

  • What the fuck is wrong with this forum??

    No wonder old members left.

    me to

  • Compassionate girl

    That's determinant, in Season 2 she can be cold af

    TheMPerson posted: »

    Who would regret killing that asshole I don't know, a compassionate girl we took care of in the last 5 years. This just show's of

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