I haven't seen many talk about this so I thought I would post here for some discussion.

There isn't much, but the biggest takeaways from this video is:
- S4 might release in the first half of 2018
- Might not be the end of TWD with TellTale, just ending Clem's story
I dont know about anyone else but the only reason i play the walking dead still is because of clem so if this is this the last season with clem in it then this is the last season i play
Aww, I hoped that TFS will be released alongside Wolf 2, like in the good old times.
I also hope that this will be the last season of TT TWD as a whole and they'll just do some Michonne-style spin-offs every now and then.
He isn't wrong though, TBH.
For you maybe definitely not for me
If it comes to that, may I join you?
I think they have pretty much confirmed they will not but you never know
I mean they said not everyone is gonna die and im pretty sure that means more than 1 person
That's not new at all. The Final Season doesn't necessarily mean the last TWD installment.
Only if you bring the chopping board ^_^
You want it to be milked like Call of Duty?
Might as well beat up a dead horse while they are at it, eh?
Maybe aftee this season we will get a season about Lilly or Christa or someone else? Nate? Tavia? Eddie? Molly?
Stauffer doesn't seem to have a grasp on reality
"Clem was exposed to a functional family" - Alyssa
Yeah id say that's functional. Alyssa what are you on?
I love the Clem SOO MUCH I don't want he story to end but the more telltale keep releasing more of her the more they ruin her story, Bo matter what they do for it, it no good and a no help for her character any more.
Any way Iam not gonna play any walking dead game.I may play the final season cause it have Clementine ad the main protagonist but what come next it depend on how Telltale will do.
she is talking bout pre apocalypse
Relatively speaking, I suppose. I mean, the majority of that family stayed alive (and together) for an upwards of 4 years. And even after the losses they endure, they still manage to stay together in some capacity through it all. After seeing every other group Clem has gone with perish or otherwise go missing, it's probably refreshing to see a family/group that manages to survive... or at least some part of it does. Maybe it gave her hope again that she can beat the odds once she finds AJ.
I think he's talking about the Javi-Kate-Gabe ending, though I agree they aren't a functional "family" cheating wife, asshole kid, asshole brother, etc but at the end of the season they're still together and I(in my opinion) would call them a barely decent and complete family in the apocalypse which is a rare thing.
Honestly i don't blame David for being an asshole brother i blame Kate she was not making it any easier for him or Javi
I think this will go two ways: Clementine dying (at least determinantly) or a game called The Walking Dead: Clementine's Return coming out in 2020.
I see it as meaning that Telltale will probably make more Walking Dead content, but this is the last Season to focus on Clementine's story.
Realistically, maybe this means mini series and single one-off episodes (neither of which will be Clem focused) from here on out.
That would be one hell of a bamboozle
The Walking Dead Season 5: Clementine Got Lucky. Real Lucky
It wouldn't surprise me, they'd probably give us a satisfying end to her character and then make another season, they've got a history of doing the opposite of what their fan-base asks them to do.
I'd be down for that. I'd be down for a new full season, even. I've been waiting for a Walking Dead reboot from Telltale for a while.. because let's face it there are too many choices riding on this series so far. Though, maybe they should wait a year or two for the next one. Have them really plan things out and make a good new story.
Mike Bonnie and Arvo have to show up.
I'd like that.. would be nice to see the Garcias again and some other characters from earlier seasons too. Like Lilly and Christa for example.
The Final Season is gonna be the last TWD game I'm going to play.
Guys, we still have the Garcia's... He said unenthusiastically and sarcastically
To Masterfaust and Deltino
It is irrelevant that their family was able to survive together for 4 years relatively well because Clem was only around for a few days to see the worst of it and its downfall. So dont go to telltales defense when it was clearly a silly statement that Alyssa shouldn't have made.
I'm not focusing on any specific ending. I'm pointing out that regardless of what ending you get you will always have 5 to 7 people dead/missing from Javi's family
What clem sees
I just cant see how anyone (not you lord bullcat) can say that this is a functional family. But by the end they are no way together or a complete family.
We can't because it married Elaena.
Yeah well it's the last game for my eyes telltale I won't be buying any shit sequels like anf
Whilst I can appreciate that Telltale are ending Clem's story with her as a focus, it still boggles my mind how they are still under this ignorant impression that their Walking Dead universe is above Clementine. Ever since it was made clear that Clem would only be made playable in flashbacks in ANF, it's felt as though they want Clem out of their sight and mind. No matter how you may personally feel, Telltale should have realised that the only real reason the majority of people still play these games is because of Clementine. People don't want more, subsequent sequels without Clem. People are intrigued in her story, and are determined to see it to the end, which makes it confusing to me why they would decide to want to get rid of her. In a business mindset, that's literally throwing away the pre-established audience for no real rhyme or reason.
I'm not trying to say here that this final season shouldn't be the final for Clem or saying that making sequels without Clem is impossible, but Telltale should have realised that after Season 2, most people are playing just for Clem, and they shouldn't keep trying to replace her, because that just alienates your audience.
Am I the only one who doesn't want any characters to return? Telltale missed the opportunity to bring characters over to new seasons once they wrote them out of their stories. Shoving Mike, Bonnie, Arvo, Lilly, Molly etc. in at this point would just be tacky, unrealistic and just boring and predictable. If Telltale wanted to have characters cross over to different seasons (which they should have done) then they shouldn't have gotten rid of them and should have just kept those characters relevant throughout the seasons.