The Road to Wellington (issue #170 discussion)
It is beginning to look more and more like it is infact Wellington where Stephanie is from. The group arrived in Pittsburgh (crossing the Andy Warhol bridge) at the end of the issue. The route from Alexandria to the Cleveland area goes right through Pittsburgh (which Wellington is a suburb of).
Other things we found out is that Yumiko and Magna have been screwing each other this whole time (the two couldn't even manage to keep their clothes on while they were camping in the middle of nowhere right next to other people and could get jumped by a zombie at any time). Also Siddiq is the one that Rosita was having an affair with. Those were the major details given.
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But...Wellington's been raided, remember? It's fallen.
Unless they plan on getting there only to realize it's been destroyed.
Isn't Wellington in Michigan, anyway? Because I remember in Ep2 when Kenny was talking about, Nick asked "Michigan?"
No. Wellington is in Ohio. Pretty much been confirmed. The Wellington Ohio Wikipedia page even has something about the game on there. In regards to Wellington falling you need to remember that would have been sometime prior to where they currently are in the comics (potentially two years or more) so they would have had plenty of time to recover. And we also don't know if it officially fell. All we know is that they were beginning the raid as soon as Clementine ran off
I swear I remember Kenny saying it was in Michigan...
He said it was somewhere up by Michigan. He didn't know an exact location.
The wiki is often bullshit I wouldn't regard it as the highest authority for information. There is a Wellington in Michigan as well as Ohio and I'm going to go with Michigan since that's literally where Kenny said it was.
Yes but you need to remember what Kenny said. Kenny didn't know exactly where Wellington was. He only said it was somewhere up by Michigan. He never gave a precise location.
That's true. But you can't do the reverse and claim "Wellington is in Ohio. Pretty much been confirmed." And a wiki page that doesn't even have to do with the game mentioning it isn't a reliable source.
I doubt it. I just don't think Kirkman is a big fan of bringing in stuff he didn't create.
It's based off of the town Wellington in Ohio.
Any proof for that other than the wikia page, which is entirely speculative and non canon?
If you don't like Wikipedia
So what? How do you know the same person who started spreading that false "Wellinton, Ohio" thing didn't edit the Wikipedia page as well, or someone who read the wikia page and thought it was actually confirmed information and not just fan speculation? The wikia has been wrong often in the past, and they're way too stubborn to accept anything but their own viewpoint, going so far as to reversing or deleting things that don't agree with their own speculation. I don't see why they'd be right on this matter.
Are you for real? There's no other town/village in the Michigan area named Wellington, and the walking dead always uses the real names of cities and the like. You're getting angry over a village ffs. It's common US geography knowledge to know that. There's also a Wellington in Florida and Colorado, and they obviously didn't go further south or further towards the west.
Who says it's based on an existing location?

It says Wellington on those containers. As far as I'm concerned, that's where the name stems from, not from a geographic location.
Edit: Besides, the area around Wellington does not look like there's a large town nearby, it's literally in the middle of nowhere.
Most town and cities are in the middle of nowhere
Fair enough, but Wellington is still more likely to be named after the text on the containers. Otherwise, if there's no Wellington in Michigan and that's common US geography knowledge, why didn't Kenny know that?
Because he said up near Michigan, and Ohio is on the boarder of Michigan so Wellington was likely in the northern part of Ohio
For the most part he doesn't. However very very little has been said about Wellington so far. Basically all we know of it is that it has a big wall and it would have been raided a couple years prior to when they would get there in the game. He can still make Wellington virtually anyway he wants
Wellington is a suburb of Cleveland. It is only about a hundred miles away from the Michigan border. There is a tiny little town called Wellington Michigan. However it is much much further north than Wellington Ohio. It isn't even in the main body of Michigan. It's in that small island area north of Wisconsin that is technically a part of Michigan. Based on what Kenny actually said it makes far more sense for the location to be Wellington Ohio than Wellington Michigan.
And as far as it saying Wellington Global Shipping on the doors. Well that is true it did. And there easily could have been a business in Wellington called Wellington Global Shipping and they used that for the doors when they built the walls.
That's what I said isn't it?
Yeah I was responding to EpicMustacheGuy.
It's just that you replied to me instead of them
Yeah sorry. This is a pretty crappy forum and they don't make responding to people as easy as it should be. I've tried hitting the reply button to particular posts before and it still just puts it at the end of the entire conversation.
Double post
Dude, there is a Wellington in Michigan as well. Look that up in Wikipedia while you're at it.
There is significant evidence that Wellington is in Michigan. There is literally no evidence that Wellington is in Ohio. Case closed.
If it was the Wellington in Michigan then kenny would have said IN Michigan and not NEAR Michigan
Actually if it was in Ohio wouldn't he say it was near Ohio? And not Michigan?
Really failing to see your point. There is literally a town in Michigan called Wellington. Kenny literally namedropped Michigan while talking about Wellington. There is no evidence of it being in Ohio besides a fickle and unreliable wiki page.
You've just destroyed my brain... what are you trying to say? There is a wellington in Ohio, I could even bring up a map of the us, he said near Michigan, and Ohio is on the boarder of michigan
Click this link
It's Wellington.
Friendly reminder that Kenny never claimed that Wellington is in Michigan—he only used Michigan as broad indication of where they would need to head, starting at the ski lodge, were they to set out and search the community.
VengefulKenny he says up near Michigan. Near Michigan doesn't mean in Michigan. Do we need to bring up a playthrough so you can remember exactly what Kenny said since your memory seems to be a little fuzzy.
No I remember the quote quite clearly, thank you very much. Kenny said Wellington was near Michigan, not Ohio. I understand Wellington, Ohio is near Michigan but if Kenny said Michigan he would go look in Michigan, semantics aside.
You may remember it clearly but you sure aren't interpretting it clearly. Either that or you are just arguing for the sake of arguing at this point. Kenny said Wellington was near Michigan. Wellington, Ohio is located virtually exactly where Kenny said Wellington should be located.
It was a quiet but good issue. This is my opinion on things.
I dont believe that they're going to Wellington, unless they find it destroyed.
I'm starting to like Dwight a lot. I hope he does something about Rick leadership. I think it's time for Dwight to be the leader.
It was a surprise about Magna and Yumiko.
So Mikey was alive after all.
Poor Dante. He is in the "Watch the man who killed my husband zone".
I dont buy the thing between Siddiq and Rosita. It seemed that Kirkman just did it to get Eugene mad at Siddiq. I see it very forced to be honest.
The next issue will include "The Princess". I hope it's good.
Just because it's in Ohio, doesn't mean it's Wellington. It can just be another community in that state; like how Alexandria, Hilltop, Kingdom, and Richmond are in Virginia.
True....also...Cleveland and the burbs get a lot of Snow...
Good point. When Kenny and Clem ask if it's Wellington, Edith even responds, "that's what people are calling it." If it was an actual town (either in Ohio or Michigan), she would have simply said "yeah."