What if? Conrad killed Clem
How different would A New Frontier be if Conrad took Clementines "way" and shot and killed her after Clem said "If you want to shoot me then shoot me"
Let me know if I am missing anything.
- Javi gets mad and shoots Conrad
- Tripp asks where both of the missing characters are as if you let Clem go and killed Conrad
- Everything goes the same during episode 3
- Javier is able to reach for his bat when Clem took it so he would live past this point
- David doesn't get put at gun point by Clem. We never hear about AJ since I assume David will have no reason to say.
- Everything in episode 4 is the same
- Until Javi goes into Lingards office and has no reason to kill Lingard (Not sure if he would wake up or not)
- Gabe lonely AF
- Not sure if Gabe would have a reasonable way to blurt out killing Conrad since Conrad killed Clem. Whether Tripp and Eleanor get mad is unsure and Javi has no alibi aside from Gabe who might rat on him.
- If Gabe ratted out on Javi, he'd have no reason to stay behind with Kate on lookout and probably not feel sorry for Javi
- Execution goes on as normal since Clem doesn't do much in terms of story during that point.
- Episode 5, I don't know if Gabe dies if Clem doesn't teach him how to handle the walker.
- If he lived everything goes on as normal except no Clem going with David
- I honestly have no idea if Tripp or Ava will live if Gabe was the only one there to let him in or if Kate helped out
- The walker guts idea has not been mentioned without Clem so maybe someone dies? I assume Tripp and Ava live to this point if properly saved since the walker shows up one person after Javi so it may avoid killing Ava and the broken copter rotor might break on Tripp but he may live.
- Tripp or Ava will lure the walkers out of the way and die letting the others get by to the garage and open the generator as well.
- Javi dies at the hands of David and Kate dies trying to save Richmond alone while David dies from the crash and Gabe dies from his infection.
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I get happy then I get drunk then I throw party celebrating her death and invite the Conrad voice actor to it to thank and worship him as the God who ended the Clementine
Tfw you realize that Clementine's presence was completely disposable and irrelevant to ANF's story.
Yeah but depending on if someone else puts a gun on David's head to stop Javi from choking, we only get two endings: Kate lives and the others die or Gabe lives and Kate goes missing/dies
I was just thinking of that when I saw this!
I think the fact that this exists just ends up hammering in how relatively superfluous Clementine is in the grand scheme of things.
My guess is that the story would play out mostly the same up until the water tower above the garage area, where Lee's discovery came in handy. In this scenario, they could get around it by having someone act as a decoy to attract the walkers away from the garage area, perhaps using a gunshot and then scurrying up something while the walkers can't see them. Or they can go full Leeroy Jenkins and just decide to either bum rush their way to the garage like the Banished group did at David's warehouse and risk someone getting bitten/eaten.
Tripp/Ava's presence is kinda hard to assume given that even if they didn't get jumped due to the discrepancy from Clementine needing to slide by, Tripp's scenario reveals that they were being followed anyway, in which case Tripp is definitely a goner.
And then in the likely event that David still pulls his stunt, I'm not sure that could be resolved without someone getting serious hurt, if not outright killed:
If Clementine were scrapped without majorly adjusting the narrative:
Javier would've been taken to Richmond by Rufus immediately.
Tripp, Eleanor and Conrad would not appear at all.
Jesus would arrive at Richmond by himself.
The attacks by Joan wouldn't be discovered, since Javier wouldn't know what Prescott is and Jesus would not be there to point out that several other communities were looted as well.
Perhaps Javi wouldn't even be accused by Max and kicked from Richmond, seeing that he didn't kill Rufus and Rufus didn't see him conspiring with Clem, nor was he there to witness Max and Badger's attack on Prescott.
Max and Badger wouldn't attack Prescott.
Kate, Gabe and Mariana would be taken to Richmond under other circumstances, assuming that David would sent scouts looking for them.
As Joan's attacks are not discovered, the conflict would be different or none.
So yeah. Clementine is not exactly indispensable, but her absence would definitely alter how things play out in A New Frontier.
Yeah, some people pointed out similar things on occasion.
Conrad wouldn't shoot Clementine though.
He thought that taking Clem hostage and handing her to the New Frontier might help them get into Richmind, since she was an escapee, as far as he knew. She would be of no use if she were dead.
Pretty much the flaw with this thread, tho.
Storywise? Absolutely nothing.
Clementine was some random ass survivor and the group has known her for what, a day, maybe two? She has proven herself reckless and fickle, and definitely established herself as someone who has troubles being with anyone, or hardly stands for any morals. Javier got a nice look how dangerously Clementine acts: she recklessly shot an unarmed person, she lied and forced others to lie, manipulated people and endangered many times. And after her shocking reveal in the tunnels, Javi should've straight up called her a traitor and turn her over to NF without the blinking of an eye.
If she died, well, it would've been sad, obviously... she was just a child and it's always depressing to see how one hasty decision can cost a life of such a young person, especially when youth should be "the strong generation that will lead people out of the apocalypse". But if a little piece of logic was found there and the plot wasn't: "we love u clam, will kill anything that threatens u", maybe, only maybe, the story would've been about attachment and building relationships which must be extremely hard in the apocalyptic world.
I'd turn off the game, give Telltale the middle finger, and go about my day.
Quit the game and uninstall it.
I'm just saying "What if" because we know that Conrad killing Gabe and Javi is just a game over screen, so I'm just trying to see what would happen if Clem didn't return for any reason. We might as well just have her leave the story without meeting with Javi with the bat but Clem still wanted AJ so she would end up returning to the plot anyways. Clem could've simply explained to Conrad what she told to Javi instead of being edgy and saying "shoot me" as if it couldn't be resolved that way.
It would be seen as worse if Conrad came out with Clem and Javi and Gabe were left dead, since Clem could still tell them what happened later on like how Gabe did. But that would change the story completely but in that scenario, episode 3, 4, and 5 would've made Clem playable.
Would you believe Javi would die without Clem in the story or do you think the bonds would be stronger with other characters that it wouldn't change the story much?
And that would've been on launch day since the Ties that bind part 1 and 2 released on the same day, then the sales will drop since no one will play episode 3.
I can't help but feel that this would have made for a better story direction than what we had, as we would have likely been able to explore Richmond proper and see how everyone (with Mariana likely alive at this point) interacts with each other after being separated for years.
I believe Clementine is only there to make fans happy, that's about it. They wanted ANF to be about Javier and his family, so Clementine clearly doesn't fit. The story would be better off without her.
Oh, there'd be quite a few for different reasons.
So did clem got conrad kill or naw ?
Exactly. I like Clementine, but she was actually a detriment to the story. Forced in there in a way that harmed the story (taking focus off of Javier and his family to focus on her) and her character (Eli scene, 'nuff said). So, it harmed them both.
If TellTale thought that they needed her in to get us to buy the game, then they should have given us a game dedicated to her. Shelve Javi until after she takes her swan song. That way they can make it happen a little earlier in the timeline (the Garcia's seemed like they ran into no trouble once they left their house which doesn't make too much sense considering they have been on the road the whole time) and fully give the story the attention it deserves.