What are you listening to right now?



  • Its a weird cycle really, Pixies (the band) heavily influenced Radiohead and their sound in the 80s-90s, to which bands like Coldplay and Muse then emerged during Radiohead's peak (Muse and Coldplay have been said to have used Radiohead's sound in the 90s).. Different variations of the sound that first started with the Pixies is quite fascinating to me.

    Yah. They sound very similar. The way the singer starts singing his notes at 2:50 triggered thoughts of Muse songs. Too bad none of their songs are as calm as these ones are.

  • I've just been listening to this on loop.


    You can make your own songs on this when you get to know the controls.

  • Saw this live in Sandpoint this last weekend, it was pretty spectacular.

  • Ooh, good choices.

    -The biggest Pink Floyd fanboy on the forums

  • They're both on the more popular records but they're still my favourites. I've yet to listen to Ummagumma, which will be the next one I will be hearing soon :)

    Ooh, good choices. -The biggest Pink Floyd fanboy on the forums

  • Oh my God... This is soo good!

  • I know, right? My friend linked this to me yesterday. It has the same melody like this song from my country.
    1:59 to be precise.

    bruzdaa posted: »

    Oh my God... This is soo good!

  • Yeah, it does have pretty much the same melody. May I ask in what language is this song?

    I know, right? My friend linked this to me yesterday. It has the same melody like this song from my country. 1:59 to be precise.

  • It's Bosnian. The music video might seem a little odd, but it's just clips from an old movie about the war. The song itself is about soldiers not getting any credit after the war.

    bruzdaa posted: »

    Yeah, it does have pretty much the same melody. May I ask in what language is this song?

  • Shit, I thought it was Slovenian... Is there any difference between Bosnian and Slovenian?

    It's Bosnian. The music video might seem a little odd, but it's just clips from an old movie about the war. The song itself is about soldiers not getting any credit after the war.

  • All the languages in Eastern Europe are pretty similar. Some of them have similar words and accents, but are different (for example, Bulgarian and Bosnian), and some are almost identical, like Bosnian, Serbian and Croatian.
    For example, I could understand Slovenian a little. I remember talking to some people when I was over there, just by using my native language.

    bruzdaa posted: »

    Shit, I thought it was Slovenian... Is there any difference between Bosnian and Slovenian?

  • Man, do I love Cage the Elephant...
    Have you heard Ain't No Rest for the Wicked?

  • That time an executive at Sony Music did this on AL-TV:

    (Senior VP of Artistic Development at Epic Records/div. Sony Music)

  • Yeah, Slavic languages share lots of similarities. I, for example, can't see the difference between Russian and Ukrainian. It sounds identical to me but I know they are different. And you wanna know something weird? From all Slavic languages I know only Polish but I can unterstand most of the words from other Slavic languages. The word "Orange" e.g. is called "Pomarańcza" in Polish and in Croatian is called "Naranča".Almost identical. For me it's good that most of the Slavic people can sorta understand each other even when they're speaking in different languages.

    All the languages in Eastern Europe are pretty similar. Some of them have similar words and accents, but are different (for example, Bulgari

  • Yeah, it'd be nice if more countries did that.
    Where are you from, btw?

    bruzdaa posted: »

    Yeah, Slavic languages share lots of similarities. I, for example, can't see the difference between Russian and Ukrainian. It sounds identic

  • I'm from Torun in Poland. And you?

    Yeah, it'd be nice if more countries did that. Where are you from, btw?

  • I have tons of gratitude to those that post the Chili Peppers on this forum :p

  • I actually love this song, it helps me write and come up with ideas.

  • Haha This is one of my favorite songs. Grew up listening to them on the radio.

    I have tons of gratitude to those that post the Chili Peppers on this forum

  • obviously, I don't just listen to one song from a band and say I love them :P

    ain't no rest for the wicked is how i found the band, probably the same for many people

    Man, do I love Cage the Elephant... Have you heard Ain't No Rest for the Wicked?

  • Favorite hit from Bad Company by far.

    Awesome intro, unforgettable chorus, awesome song.

  • Hello, will you study the Fear Effect in your style?

  • edited August 2017

    I've been listening to the music from the indie game Iji. Quite a few catchy tunes to listen to, such as the first level of the game:

  • I'm from Sarajevo, Bosnia. :D

    bruzdaa posted: »

    I'm from Torun in Poland. And you?

  • Yeah, I came across that song on Borderlands. I just fell in love with their style. :D

    obviously, I don't just listen to one song from a band and say I love them :P ain't no rest for the wicked is how i found the band, probably the same for many people

  • Bad Company has a lot of good ones, but my favorite has always been Holy Water.

    Favorite hit from Bad Company by far. Awesome intro, unforgettable chorus, awesome song.

  • There are no wrongs answers once it comes to picking a avorite Bad Company song!

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Bad Company has a lot of good ones, but my favorite has always been Holy Water.

  • I wish I could go there for a vacation. From what I saw from pictures it is a beautiful city.

    I'm from Sarajevo, Bosnia.

  • edited August 2017

    It's pretty nice, I guess. The people are very friendly, most of the time and the food is great.
    Living here is the shitty part.

    bruzdaa posted: »

    I wish I could go there for a vacation. From what I saw from pictures it is a beautiful city.

  • Living here is the shitty part.

    In what manner, if I may ask?

    It's pretty nice, I guess. The people are very friendly, most of the time and the food is great. Living here is the shitty part.

  • There are no jobs, and even if you're lucky enough to get a job, the salary is pathetic.
    For example, my sister was one of the best students in her university, now she has the most random job at some company (I don't even know what she does there lmao, I think it's something with paperwork).
    Some people call Bosnia "The Country of Dead Dreams." The name says it all...

    bruzdaa posted: »

    Living here is the shitty part. In what manner, if I may ask?

  • Yikes! That's really terrible thing to hear. It's really sad that the people with higher education cannot find any decent job.

    There are no jobs, and even if you're lucky enough to get a job, the salary is pathetic. For example, my sister was one of the best studen

  • I'm liking this at the moment....

  • I've listened to Dodie Clark's new EP You six times and it has only been out since midnight where I live but oh my gosh I recommend it if your looking for some inspiration to write or draw. I cried at all the songs. It's available on ITunes/Apple Music and Spotify.

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