To the TWAU old timers
For three years we all had Faith, and despite Telltale's Smoke and Mirrors display, we all knew it was just a Crooked Mile away, but after all we'd live to see this day. The new Season was hiding In Sheep's Clothing, despite thousands of fans growling. We now have no need to Cry Wolf again, as this is the end of our pain.
Welcome back old friends. Many of the old timers are still around and despite the initial worries, I am stoked to be able to be part of the full season of TWAU. Many of us joined around the final episode back in 2014 (this is where I popped up) and now it's time to rejoice under the Glamour Tree (unless you burned it (I did, she deserved it)) and step into the portal into... well hopefully not that creepy church potentially full of Tweedleblood.
It's good to be back home. I hope this forum will rise again into a new age of noir glory, as it once was. Cheers!
@armis37 @HazzatheMan @CoolGuyJ @KCohere @Poogers555 @TheZorkij @pudding_pie @DragonButter @Blind Sniper @JJwolf @EMMYPESS @RammsteinFurImmer @leatherwolf89 and some more that I am sure I have forgotten or missed (sorry! I've got a complimentary mundy ice cream in store to offer as an apology)
Thanks mate.
It's good to be back to this side of the forums.
It's nice, my good man. Glad to see the fans flocking back from the good news.
Well, it will be nice to see all of us crotchety old timers flooding this forum again.
Man I LOVE these family reunions! :') Cheers my comrade!
This miraculous achievement is the merit of each and every one of us who showed fondness and passion for our beloved fabulous universe. I'm happy to share this journey with you, friends, and to be among the pillars of our glorious community. I'll see you all in Fabletown.
Also, a shoutout to my old pallies @JamesDalton1995 and @ChuckTheLizard, hope to see you join us in these moments of joy.
awww this is so wholesome & pure
We have waited for this day for a long time. Our numbers dwindled, but the most loyal remained and never lost hope. And now, we are finally rewarded for our patience and faith. I only wish I could go back in time and tell us all "Don't despair - it's coming." No words will sum up our victory better than this magnificient toast:
Well, maybe except this one...
I just found out today about Season 2. That's so awesome. Nice to be back with you all too.
I joined this forum because of this wonderful game. :]
September 2014 is when I joined this forum, and it was largely to post a topic about how Season 2 should be a narration from Bigby to his kids :P
It feels good to be back here knowing that more Wolf is on the way. 2018 can't come quick enough...
At least this time I'll be around to discuss the episodes when they come out haha
Yeah it's good to know we'll get more Wolf.
I'll still wait for the whole season to be released before playing though (since that's how I played pretty much all the previous Telltale games). Guess I'll need to disappear from the forums couple of days before the first episode airs, and come back when all episodes are released, and I played through the season at least once.
I'm so happy, now I don't have to focus on the shitshow that was the new frontier, they better not mess this up.
You're brave. I've replayed Season 1 like 70 times (quite literally) and I know already that no matter what is going to happen I won't be able to refrain from playing the sh*t out of Season 2 as soon as it releases. I'm probably going to go as far as taking a day off at work just to set up a noir gaming night in celebration...
Not to mention I'm probably going to preorder at least 3 copies of the game as soon as it hits the store: one for playing, one for looking at and one for sleeping with.
Haha, Thanks mate.
I'm a bit bashful about how many times I've actually played Wolf (although I've played it most out of all Telltale games, I'd still say I played much less than you).
I guess my experience in binging whole season at once has just been so far worth it (regarding Telltale games), that I actually prefer it this way rather than playing spread apart episodes. Some people may say the wait is too long, but I guess I'm pretty used to it (since I've been doing it since TWD season 1)
Also, by the time Wolf starts, Telltales' Batman season 2 would have most likely be finishing its season 2 - and considering how much I enjoyed the first season [part of it is because I'm a huge Batman fan, though if I judge the game on its on merit objectively, I would say while excellent, it's not quite as good as TWAU season 1], it's something to keep me occupied among with other games (adding to that, I have a feeling TWD Final season will start from sometime in first half of 2018, since it's been announced TWAU season 2 will start release sometime on second half of 2018, so that I think would finish earlier than Wolf too).
Twau was the reason I joined this forum, back in the good ol days of 2014 XD Can't wait to scream about season 2 with everyone else here.
Wonder of if some people will bring back those fanfics, I miss them
Hell yes (I joined around that time too btw). I'm so glad TWAU S2 is getting a second season. I basically lost hop because Telltale wouldn't say anything & Telltale started focusing on more popular IP's like Batman, GoT and GotG (and TWD obviously). Not to mention that they only had a deal with Vertigo for one season.
TWAU is by far my favourite Telltale game, I really hope they can deliver and don't pull a ANF. This series deserves a great second season.
Great to be back to this side of the forums, I'll surely be more active here once Season 2 actually comes out. Season 1 was a very positive surprise for me as I really had no expectations to begin with. Currently stands at one of my favorite Telltale made games. But I'm also quite worried about Season 2 just because of the expectations. They are now much, much higher than they were with Season 1, which might ruin my and others experience. I'm not fully sure if I can trust Telltale yet after ANF, so I'm trying my best to keep my expectations low. But I do still have faith in them.
Its going to be a while before we see season two. Why go into it worrying? Just trust that we're going to get a good story with characters that we love.
HEY! What up, Old timers!
I have a question.
Does anyone know if TellTale will put Season 2 on PC/DVD and sell it for extra shipping and handling with a purchase of a full season? I paid for the deal for Season 1, and I still have it! It's a great collector's item plus a good copy of the game.
Would love it if TellTale did the same for Season 2. Who's with me!?
That last gif made my day
I don't know how you muster the willpower to do that...
Don't you have like 200+ hours on Steam playing that thing? :P
Without spoiling anything:
Could you tell me why A New Frontier is so badly received by fans? I have the full Season but haven't played it yet (btw I've fully played the other 3 TWD games, Michonne was my least favourite one)
With the first 1 or 2 games it was pretty hard (I must admit). But then as I played more and more games, I basically got used to waiting (and stronger willpower), so I'm pretty much free from the "Waiting Syndrome" (and as I've said to Jacol above, there will be other games like Batman season 2 which full season will be released before Wolf (also possibly TWD final season), plus other games that will keep me busy.
I won't go into discussing plot because everyone has different opinions of it, but in terms of graphics, it is pretty much agreed by most people that some of the choices that they made were not very good (or horrible, depending on who you talk to).
There are several instances of this, but one particular example that I always notice is how Kenny and Jane look downright weird/ugly compared to their looks in previous seasons (and that's one of primary concerns for many for Wolf, that Bigby and Snow gettting ANF's Kenny and Jane treatment).
Frankly (no offense to any TWD fans but), I'm a bit relieved next season is the final for TWD. I didn't feel it when I was finishing TWD season 2, but I definitely did feel burnt out on the whole TWD series as I was finishing ANF.
It's actually 375 hours as of now, but I haven't played it since early 2017 (tho I am really feeling an urge to go back ever since the Season 2 announcement).
And for those who think that I idled most of that - you're wrong. TWAU was something that really helped me get out of a very deep hole when I first played it back in 2014, and ever since it became sort of my Zen space that I loved to escape into whenever my eternal depression ascended into unbearable levels.
It might sound a bit weird, but it is what it is. Immersing myself in this noir world with the wonderful cast of characters is what makes me feel at home in a way and I cannot hide it even if people will call me insane.
HotDamn. I bet you know every single detail within the game, cheers to your true commitment.
Word. Much love for this post... and obviously much love (and gratitude) to all the WAU faithful who kept this ball rolling... I think at this point it would be safe to say that S2 likely wouldn't be happening without the overwhelming demand (and persistence) from all you beautiful mundies who never let up. I love each and every one of you, and can't wait to start working on delivering more of what y'all have been demanding for 3 years!
-The Sheriff
Wow, thanks Adam!
Looking forward to season 2!
I am so looking forward to hear your awesome Bigby voice again, Adam!
We missed your gruff Bigby so much, Adam! It's going to be lovely hearing it again.
Wolf among us old timers? Yeesh, its only been a little over 3 years
I'm going to need to replay WOLF It's been so long.
Can say that I'm a TWAU OG. Been reading the comics before the game was even thought of! It's great to be back here though.
We love you Adam
Yay! I'm a bit late since I haven't been on the forums in days but I was hoping you would chime in, Mr. Harrington. I'm so excited to get Wolf season 2. I never gave up. Its just too good a game with too many talented actors such as yourself bringing the characters to life. I cant wait to get more Bigby Wolf.
Same here. Ive been looking forward to the game for months before it happened, and it didn't disappoint.
I wish people wouldn't bring their ANF bashing into this forum. I only want to talk about Wolf.
I agree with this. Although I think that using something as an example as a What Not to do towards Telltale can be useful. I think each forum has different people watching them. If they hear that we -TWAU fans- dislike a certain type of game/gameplay then they can take that into account and avoid doing it.
I wasn't very active in this subforum, but I joined it shortly before the game was released and enjoyed it from the very beginning. I'm so proud that I lived until Season 2 release :')
You are right, sorry about that, it's not about TWD.