Kate turn into Walker in 1 hour? BULLSH*T!!
Lee get bit when he just woke up in the morning. And it doesn't matter if you choose to cut his bite hand or not, he'll turn like in 6, 7 or 8 p.m.
But in Season 3, if you choose to go after David and crazy bitch (GABE), Kate will die.
And the weird is from my prediction, Javi and Clem go find David and Gabe maybe in 30 or 45 minutes because the car that David and Gabe crash is not too far. And the David or Gabe die scene (yeay) will take like 10 minutes. And they make a way back like 20 minutes and finding Kate. Which mean Kate is already get bit when Javi and Clem are on the way back to where the holes are.
So the weird is, Lee took 5 or 6 hours to turn but Kate took 1 hours to turn.
And remember Lee get bit in the morning and die in 7 or 6 p.m. and Kate get bit in the night and turn in that night. I'm saying that she only get maybe one bit because the walker Kate didn't look so terrible and still perfect which mean she didn't get like a 10 or 50 by walker.
What did you guys think??
P/S: Sorry if my English wrong. I'm not from Americano dude.
What's worse is that there is no bite mark somewhere on Kate's body. She either died from something else or Telltale is just lazy.
Yeah, that's probably my least favorite ending due to shit like that.
Maybe it would've been sense if it was a Nick situation where she was bitten on a vital area and bleed out pretty fast after escaping and completing her mission, but it otherwise doesn't make sense and just feels like it's there for the sake of being meanspirited.
I think you guys don't really get it. Lee got bit and died within six hours. So think about it guys...
Kate died, it took six hours for Lee to die, it says nothing about how long it took for him to become a walker after death. Therefore Kate died, no idea how maybe from blood lose or got shot I don't know. It is fairly quick for a dead person to turn into a walker, remember season one episode two with the teacher, its the same thing...
Remember back in S1 when you rescued that kid or teacher? Both of them bled to death. Whoever you choosed he turned into Walker in about 5 minutes after dying. So Kate turning into a Walker in 1 hour doesn't seems to be so weird to me.
And Gregg in Michonne. He turned on like 5 minutes
I am sorry... but what the fuck? It is your least favorite ending because... Kate died too quickly??? Am I getting that right? That part wasn't forced at all, ANF was shit but not that shit. It is your own fault for letting Kate go alone so I don't know what you were expecting.
Maybe because David (the teacher) is bleeding too fast and his wound is too big and wide. Thats logic but Kate? I didn't see the walker Kate get shot or injured which mean she didn't die because of it
It's my least favorite because not only does it seem meanspirited to Kate, but also because of numerous things that don't make much sense.
Also, I didn't get that ending--watched a playthrough the day of release.
More like 12 seconds, though that's because the shot was near immediately fatal.
Use your imagination... She got shot in the back, literally problem solved.
And please don't start saying "Telltale are too lazy" No... Just no. If they added a tiny bullet wound to her chest then this wouldn't be an issue. But in all honesty it doesn't matter one little bit
Except that it's not immediately clear what killed her. Going with her does have segments where walkers try to climb up the sides, but that doesn't explain how fast she died/turned.
The teacher or Ben friend (Travis I guess...) have a big ass wound so the virus should be easy to infected their wounds and make em turn so fast.
Walker Kate didn't seem get any shot or have wound. Thats... weird. Or maybe Telltale just lazy.
But how? as I mentioned it is because you chose to let her go alone, which is the player's own fault. Of course it is going to be mean spirited but the same could be said about pretty much everyone other character that died.
It is your own fault for letting Kate go alone
Well I just let her go alone. My Javier Garcia didn't care about Kate.
Because after risking her life to complete the heroic mission David himself backed out of, Kate's walker suddenly just turns up amongst the lines that the Knights gathered up with relatively little explanation. She turns around and begins to approach Javier the moment she spots him, then suddenly pivots if you don't immediately shoot her and presumably actually does leave with the herd given that no one else bothers to do anything if you don't shoot.
Combined with how she was worfed at the end of Part 1 for two episodes, seldom got to do anything notable both before and after that, was given fairly little development of her own, and was increasingly neglected once David came into the picture, it ultimately just feels like one last middle finger to a character that's on the cover of the game.
Maybe she bashed her head when she crashed. Perhaps that's how she died.
Yeah, that could speed up the process.
I think laziness might be the answer. Or maybe she died when she crushed into that wall (because she did crushed, right?)
Internal bleeding from her previous gunshot wound, perhaps? Or a blow to the head?
She probably died from blood loss or something else and not the bite itself.
In my ending I saved David & Gabe while Kate turned into a walker then I shot her. Honestly I think she just died and turned into a walker instead of getting bit. The game constantly forgot that Kate was shot just a few days prior, and most gut-shots lead to a fatal and slow death. Sure she got fixed up by the doctors, but right after that she was still moving about.
All-aboard the "Fuck Kate" train: My reaction to her death was silence then laughter. She should have died in episode 4, but whatever. The Kate I liked was in the first 2 episodes, after that Kate turned into someone I lost respect for. She was such a mess, and I was glad that she was out of our lives (David & I). Now if only Gabe could find his way out without dragging anyone else in his fuck-ups...
I'd imagine that she had a chunk of her body bitten out that wasn't visible when we saw her and she bled out from it. That's my head canon at least. I've also noticed a few people on YouTube and all that, not sure if I've seen that many here, saying that David was turning to fast and I'm staring at my screen like "do u not see that big ass hole in his neck? Y do u think he is dying so quickly and feels so weak?"
Maybe her model does have the bite and we didn't see it.
I dont think she died from the gunshot wound because she moves around and survives just fine in other endings
Yeah, but remember she's found as a walker in the ending where she's by herself with that vehicle. So maybe she reopened the wound somehow during the chaos of that? I'm just guessing it through that, though.
The Kate who was only looking to keep what was left of the family from getting killed by the same group who's lieutenant killed Marianna and wounded her?
The Kate who snuck around with her injuries to free Javier and David, then stated she wanted to stick around to save the latter when he wasn't in the same cell?
The Kate who wanted to break the news to David if Javier was gonna hook up with her?
The Kate who took out her Knockoff before she could kill David?
The Kate who more or less sacrificed herself to save her husband's city when he decided to turn his back on his plan to save it at the last minute?
I know Telltale worfed/neglected her out of whatever her original role was and overcompensated with David, but she did what she could to protect the family too.
Where's the bulldozer thing then?
Hmm yeah internal bleeding might be the cause since there wasn't a visible wound.
Also in what ways do you feel like Kate changed?
True that.
DaBigRG...defending the poorly handled characters like a BOSS!
Yeah Kate was totally mishandled...but people seem fast to hate her actions even though..they are some of the few actions in ANF that make any damn sense.
I have no idea...
In the first two episodes she was laid back, she seemed to respect the marriage (in the flashback) although she still sort of flirted with Javier. But in episode 3 she started to become so aggressive about leaving Richmond, wanting nothing to do with it, even trying to leave David for dead in front of his son. HIS SON. His brother, too. That made me start losing respect for her quickly. Like family is important to me, so to have her constantly try to make Gabe and I abandon David even after losing Mariana? No, that's not happening. Then in episode 4 she suddenly wanted to confess her love to Javier right before David's possible execution. She gets mad if you reject her. I just can't go along with the concept of it. Maybe her marriage was crap, but she could have had enough decency to NOT go with the brother of her husband especially after the fact she found out he was still alive. I can understand her developing feelings for Javier considering she believed David was dead & gone, and spent those years with him. But goddamn, she shows no respect.
Then in episode 5 she does a complete turn, and her priority is helping Richmond. Mind you, Richmond is a community that advocated a woman that would publicly hang someone, play games with people's lives, AND threaten the lives of children. No one in that crowd protested at all! But people tend to overlook that part because we're forced to be alongside Kate who's going through a guilt trip. I didn't feel sorry for Richmond at all, fuck that community. My last bit against her is less important than the Richmond situation; how she started the fight between Javier & David. She either kisses Javier right in front of David, or provokes the thought that her and Javier were involved somehow. When the tension is rising to a dangerous level, she doesn't say, "Javier is right, we didn't do anything" (in the latter branch).
I just really hated this character for all of those things she did, and the sad part is? I wasn't supposed to hate her. The choices were supposed to be difficult; to choose between David and Kate. She practically ruined the ending for me because it was easy as hell. Sorry for the long reply, I just recently watched a couple play season 3 and this all came out, again.
It's a combination of these things from what I can tell:
I don't think there's a set time within which people turn. I mean, we don't all have the same immunity. Could be that two people bitten by the same walker have different times that it takes them to turn. Also... it just struck me as silly that we are contemplating how long it would take to turn, when medically speaking it just isn't a possibility. On the other hand, continuity. But still, it does make sense that Kate could turn in under an hour.
But doesn't everyone already have the virus? Sort of. Isn't that what we found out after the whole CDC/Atlanta episode? We die, we turn into zombies. We get bitten and that can cause us to die, too, and makes zombies out of us. Maybe it isn't the zombie virus that kills us if we get scratched or bitten but some other bacteria or something carried by the decomposing corpses that is what actually kills people.
Your explanation made so much sense. I don't get why she gets so mad at you if you turn her down. There are hints that David was an abusive husband, and it makes sense that she doesn't want to reunite with him. But why drag Javi into the middle of that relationship mess? I like that Javi might have loyalty and honor not to have a relationship with his sister-in-law.
What? Kenny was judgmental, petty, and stubborn? No! Actually, yes. He was all those things and hot-headed and irrational. He could be loyal, caring, and does sacrifice himself and thinks of the group... but on the whole, he could be a real shit.
To be fair, I think that was way less about leaving David for dead and more about getting out before any other family member dies due to Joan ordering her men to come after them when the civil war breaks out. Notice that she never actually says anything about leaving David himself at this point and doesn't overly object if you decide to stay, instead mentioning that there's a chance he might not be able to beat Joan.
Given she was married to him for an undisclosed amount of times(this game, I tell ya), it's entirely possible that if she was actually considering leaving him, it was because she knew wouldn't just back down from a fight and would refuse to go with them.
They say you can't help who you fall for--she fell for David once, didn't she?
Of course she'd be upset at being rejected: she's having her heart broken [determinately again].
She decided to help Richmond not only because it's what David wanted to do, but also because she personally felt responsible for the breach(even though it was technically an NF member stopping her from helping the others escape) and associated the children who were hurt(or in Ida's case, allegedly killed) with not being able to save Mariana.
To be fair, the people were being lied to by their Diplomat Joan, who had the bodies of those Javier's group killed and determinately admissions from Javier/Clementine as evidence to back up her claims. And even then, some of them can be seen visibly doubting her claims both before and especially after she has Tripp and Ava brought out to be executed along with David.
That's lazily forced drama more than anything. Even David not determinately hearing you out if you're on good terms with him, whether it's in character or not.
Oh yes, how could I possibly forget that? Silly me!
Then bring on the Thalmor, babe.
Dem tities, tho.