I claimed I've seen people, time and again throughout the past months, ridiculizing ANF critics and diminishing their opinions by deeming them as irrational, stubborn, "negative nacies". We've been painted time and again as people simply "crying" because they want to cry, just shitting on something because we've nothing better to do, etc. That is fact, that is something I've seen and can prove to you. It by no means implies I think I've seen everything on this forums.
You, on the other hand, seemed to imply no such thing ever happened which does seem a rather "know it all, seen it all" stance, don't you think?
Also literally nobody has ever shit on any of the ANF critics?
"Considering the fact that almost every thread during/since Season 3 has been negative and most people are unhappy with Telltale (even in the Steam reviews), I have no idea where this is coming from."
Yes, there was great backlash back when ANF first released, and what I'm saying is that ever since that happened, that criticism has been deemed as "crying" by "negative nancies" by many members of these forums.
There isn't any "problem" here. I'm simply trying to put things into prespective. No one was seeking out reasons to hate on ANF. The OP was simply obviously confused about reanimation time and time to die from a bite. Yet, surprise, surprise, it was deemed, as has happened time and again before, as "people trying to find more reasons to hate on ANF!!", because ANF critics are that irrational, you see. They just wake up one day and go "I've decided I hate ANF now! Let me go to the forums to shit on it for the smallest reasons!!".
Okay, bringing something into question can however be a form of criticism.
Secondly, that argument doesn't make sense. I never claimed to… more be the "know it all" of the forums and don't think so. Considering the fact that almost every thread during/since Season 3 has been negative and most people are unhappy with Telltale (even in the Steam reviews), I have no idea where this is coming from.
You can't really say, "Yes, you've clearly read every post on this very forum since the very day ANF released" when I can just as easily say the same back to you?
In fact MetallicaRules wasn't even shitting on anybody, you just got really defensive over it, so that's your problem, not mine
How long it takes him to become a walker depends on how long it takes you to give out the rations tho. Kind of nice of them that they don't turn until you've finished your current task tbh.
Remember back in S1 when you rescued that kid or teacher? Both of them bled to death. Whoever you choosed he turned into Walker in about 5 minutes after dying. So Kate turning into a Walker in 1 hour doesn't seems to be so weird to me.
How long it takes him to become a walker depends on how long it takes you to give out the rations tho. Kind of nice of them that they don't turn until you've finished your current task tbh.
Even until this day, people are still trying to find a way to complain about this game, we dont know for sure what killed her, maybe she die… mored from her injury or blood loss, then after she died... she turned. How long does it take for a person to turn after they are already dead? it depends but it cant be that long. Lee didnt turned inmediately because he was still alive and he didnt had any other injurie or disease.
According to Ben in S1: when you die, you turn unless the brain is destroyed; so that theory is plausible.
I’d like to believe that slowly dying causes you to reanimate later compared to having a fast death (which causes you to reanimate faster).
It's a combination of these things from what I can tell:
* "Bros before Hoes" memes.
* Her occasional weed smoking and worrisome tempe… morerament behind a passive demeanor probably inviting comparisons to Bonnie, who a lot of people tend to hate for some reason even if some of the given reasons are obvious.(ifusayanythingurajackass)
* Yet another example of the fact that Telltale keeps making the same mistakes except worse everytime-- in this case, the XXXX vs. Kenny debates/conflicts and how each character was showcased throughout the story. Except this time, Luke has even less focus than before and really is a love interest.
* The so-called Love Triangle subplot that many people didn't like. And since the story was pretty much built around David, that meant the increasing amount of neglect Kate got rendered her the designated contrarian who just seems to be there for the sake of that subplot even when it's not what she's doing(which piss… [view original content]
Considering they also serve the function of getting something slammed into them until a glorified parasite is implanted in them before painfully leaving within 10 months with the fair possibility of the process being repeatable, I'd say they do have fair protection inside their body.
Considering they also serve the function of getting something slammed into them until a glorified parasite is implanted in them before painf… moreully leaving within 10 months with the fair possibility of the process being repeatable, I'd say they do have fair protection inside their body.
I messaged one of the telltale staff. they said that the critical point that they wanted to make in that scene was that Kate had sustained a fatal injury while saving Richmond. Even though you may not see if it was a bite or some other cause of death the fact of the matter is that Kate fought to save Richmond and sadly lost her life by doing so. I would like to know what could have possibly killed her but we may not know. But that isn't something to blame Telltale for. Their jobs aren't easy and even if people say their games may be buggy/glitchy they did spend a lot of hours reading fan feedback,writing scripts, designing character models and implementing them,record audio and possibly more.
I'm not try to say, "Ahh...! What is this fucking game!?"
I just want to know what you guys think.
And well, it seems this discussion got a lot of disagree.
But it's okay ya dude.
I think that the Gabe being determinant thing was following fan feedback. A lot of people didnt like Gabe and they may have decided to give them an ending where he can die...They done it with Ben (even though people didn't know at the time of Episode 5 of ANF that Clementines choices in the flashbacks influence where she goes) A sad ending but an ending nonetheless.
At least that is my view on it I may be completely wrong on this matter but thats just what I think
Well Damn.
I haven't even touched that fucking episode since the day I downloaded it because of shit like that, Gabe being determinant at… more the last minute(what was the fucking point, ya copout?), and most importantly, Clementine being a glorified save file corruption if you want a specific ending.
That's definitely part of it, yes. Really though, I see it for what it most likely is--Telltale having their cake and eating it too.
The whole "GayBenTime" Bru-ha was initially the result of fans taking a single line [that may be a case of being "hip" with the kids backfiring spectacularly] out of context and pitching a bitchfit about it despite the actual material in the game suggesting it's just a genre savvy "take that" at best or a trollish red herring at absolute worst. But unfortunately, despite the editors/approvers/supervisor/whatever maintaining that stance in Above the Law, the huge overhaul of the story at Thicker than Water made it "viable" anyway--in the laziest way possible I might add. So, with the sudden change of heart and both the premature & legitimate fan reaction in mind, they just decided to say fuck it and made Gabe determinant at the last fucking minute--with "The Kiss" as a determinate browncherry on top.
I think that the Gabe being determinant thing was following fan feedback. A lot of people didnt like Gabe and they may have decided to give … morethem an ending where he can die...They done it with Ben (even though people didn't know at the time of Episode 5 of ANF that Clementines choices in the flashbacks influence where she goes) A sad ending but an ending nonetheless.
At least that is my view on it I may be completely wrong on this matter but thats just what I think
I claimed I've seen people, time and again throughout the past months, ridiculizing ANF critics and diminishing their opinions by deeming them as irrational, stubborn, "negative nacies". We've been painted time and again as people simply "crying" because they want to cry, just shitting on something because we've nothing better to do, etc. That is fact, that is something I've seen and can prove to you. It by no means implies I think I've seen everything on this forums.
You, on the other hand, seemed to imply no such thing ever happened which does seem a rather "know it all, seen it all" stance, don't you think?
"Considering the fact that almost every thread during/since Season 3 has been negative and most people are unhappy with Telltale (even in the Steam reviews), I have no idea where this is coming from."
Yes, there was great backlash back when ANF first released, and what I'm saying is that ever since that happened, that criticism has been deemed as "crying" by "negative nancies" by many members of these forums.
There isn't any "problem" here. I'm simply trying to put things into prespective. No one was seeking out reasons to hate on ANF. The OP was simply obviously confused about reanimation time and time to die from a bite. Yet, surprise, surprise, it was deemed, as has happened time and again before, as "people trying to find more reasons to hate on ANF!!", because ANF critics are that irrational, you see. They just wake up one day and go "I've decided I hate ANF now! Let me go to the forums to shit on it for the smallest reasons!!".
How long it takes him to become a walker depends on how long it takes you to give out the rations tho. Kind of nice of them that they don't turn until you've finished your current task tbh.
That's because Kate's a woman.
Yeah, that's just how the game works, honestly. And people love it.
Jumpin Jack Flash!!!
Who said she was bitten? She could have just died.
What if her stitches broke after too much strain on working by herself and she died internally bleeding?
According to Ben in S1: when you die, you turn unless the brain is destroyed; so that theory is plausible.
I’d like to believe that slowly dying causes you to reanimate later compared to having a fast death (which causes you to reanimate faster).
I'm not try to say, "Ahh...! What is this fucking game!?"
I just want to know what you guys think.
And well, it seems this discussion got a lot of disagree.
But it's okay ya dude.
You wanna say that female people have a weak protection inside their body?
Oh wait, they are... (^W^)
good thinking. that makes more sense
Yet oddly enough there's the occasional time limited hubs, which I'm pretty sure mostly everyone hates.
Nice now i saw your profile pic and started crying
Fuck you
It was a pretty powerful scene. Though I was more proud of her than sad for her.
It's basic biology.
Tfw u find out that women actually live longer than men
Considering they also serve the function of getting something slammed into them until a glorified parasite is implanted in them before painfully leaving within 10 months with the fair possibility of the process being repeatable, I'd say they do have fair protection inside their body.
I thought I had bizarre ways of saying sex but dayum, son!
It doesn't really matter to be honest, Telltale doesn't care between the span of getting bitten.
Bioy, dat was reproduction as a whole!
What if she bled out, died and then turned?
Well yeah, and it's obvious why if you dig deeper.
I messaged one of the telltale staff. they said that the critical point that they wanted to make in that scene was that Kate had sustained a fatal injury while saving Richmond. Even though you may not see if it was a bite or some other cause of death the fact of the matter is that Kate fought to save Richmond and sadly lost her life by doing so. I would like to know what could have possibly killed her but we may not know. But that isn't something to blame Telltale for. Their jobs aren't easy and even if people say their games may be buggy/glitchy they did spend a lot of hours reading fan feedback,writing scripts, designing character models and implementing them,record audio and possibly more.
I think that the Gabe being determinant thing was following fan feedback. A lot of people didnt like Gabe and they may have decided to give them an ending where he can die...They done it with Ben (even though people didn't know at the time of Episode 5 of ANF that Clementines choices in the flashbacks influence where she goes) A sad ending but an ending nonetheless.
At least that is my view on it I may be completely wrong on this matter but thats just what I think
That's definitely part of it, yes. Really though, I see it for what it most likely is--Telltale having their cake and eating it too.
The whole "GayBenTime" Bru-ha was initially the result of fans taking a single line [that may be a case of being "hip" with the kids backfiring spectacularly] out of context and pitching a bitchfit about it despite the actual material in the game suggesting it's just a genre savvy "take that" at best or a trollish red herring at absolute worst. But unfortunately, despite the editors/approvers/supervisor/whatever maintaining that stance in Above the Law, the huge overhaul of the story at Thicker than Water made it "viable" anyway--in the laziest way possible I might add. So, with the sudden change of heart and both the premature & legitimate fan reaction in mind, they just decided to say fuck it and made Gabe determinant at the last fucking minute--with "The Kiss" as a determinate browncherry on top.
Either way, somebody loses!