How I would change The Walking Dead game - Season 1, 2, 3 and DLC


Good morning/afternoon/evening. I'm a long-time lurker on these forums, but I've always enjoyed some of the discussions on these forums, especially on how other users/players would have done things differently about the Walking Dead game. I've wondered that myself, and, if this is the right place for it, I've decided to put ahead some of my ideas, especially after ANF. Some of the lists, especially per episode are a bit long, so I'll just start with Season 1 and the 400 Days DLC. Be warned, there are plenty of spoilers.

Season 1, Episode 1:

  • Chet/Andre Mitchell (depending on when you left Clementine’s house) joins the group after Shawn’s death. Instead of the walkers coming out of nowhere to attack Duck and Shawn, Chet/Andre Mitchell inadvertently leads them to the farm when they arrive to warn the Greene family.

  • Glenn is removed from the story, and his role is taken by Doug.

  • Both Doug and Carley survive. Whoever you don’t save is helped by Larry.

Season 1, Episode 2:

  • If you chop off Mr Parker’s leg, Travis is saved and joins the group. If you don’t, Travis tries to grab Mark’s gun and shoots himself in the chest.

  • During the bandit attack, Chet/Andre is shot in the shoulder instead of Mark, so they end up being cannibalised by the St. Johns, reanimating and killing Brenda St. John.

  • When the walkers overrun the dairy, depending on your choices, a reanimated Travis or Mr Parker is shown among them.

Season 1, Episode 3:

  • During the bandit attack, Drew (the bandit shot in the ass by Lee) is specifically shown getting killed by a walker.

  • During the confrontation with Lilly, if you chopped off Mr Parker’s leg, Travis pushes Carley out of the way when Lilly shoots at her, taking the bullet. If you didn’t chop off Mr Parker’s leg, Doug takes the shot instead.

Season 1, Episode 4:

  • Depending on your previous choices, Carley, Mark and Doug (determinant) will react differently to Ben’s confession and whether or not you let Ben die in Crawford.
  • After Lee is bitten, whoever goes with you depends on your previous choices and interactions with them:

  • For Kenny, the same choices apply.

  • If you treat Ben well, he will always come with Lee.
  • Omid and Christa will always stay if Lee hides his bite, or go with him if he reveals his bite.
  • Carley will always go with Lee if the player chooses to pursue a relationship with her. If she is in a relationship with Doug, she will go or stay depending on how Lee has treated her.
  • Unless you convince him, or if he is in a relationship with Carley, Doug will always stay.
  • Mark will always go with Lee, but will be angry if Lee hides his bite.

Season 1, Episode 5:

  • During the escape from the hospital, Lee discovers Molly in the bell-tower, having hung herself and reanimated. Lee can choose whether or not to put her down.

  • Vernon and his cancer group will only stealing the boat if everyone goes with Lee to find Clementine. Otherwise, the boat will be taken by whoever stays at the house, and Vernon’s body will be found outside the shed with a bullet wound in his head.

  • The fates of Carley, Mark, Doug (determinant), and Ben (determinant) depend upon your previous choices and interactions with them.

  • Depending on your choices, the roles of Kenny and Ben will be replaced during the alleyway sequence. Regardless, Kenny does not appear in Season 2.

  • Depending upon your choices, Clementine will end up with either Omid and Christa or Carley and Doug/Mark.

400 Days DLC

Wyatt’s Story:

  • If you choose the leave Bennett (the prison bus driver from Vince’s Story), instead of being slowed down by dragging the body, more walkers will show up. Eddie will still drive away.

Russell’s Story:

  • If you stay in the car in Wyatt’s Story, Clyde (the prison bus guard from Vince’s Story) will appear as a walker at the truck stop. If you get out of the car, Eddie will appear as a walker instead.

Bonnie’s Story:

  • If you stay in the car in Wyatt’s Story, Eddie will appear as a walker on the highway. If you get out of the car, Clyde will appear as a walker instead.

Shel’s Story:

  • Depending on your choices, Bennett (the prison bus driver from Vince and Wyatt’s Stories) or Walt (the old man from Russell’s Story) would show up as a watchdog. Now only Walt shows up.

  • If Lee reasoned with Vernon, the cancer survivors will mention that Vernon was shot when they tried to steal the boat.

  • When deciding whether or not to kill Stephanie or drive away, if you choose the dialogue option ‘Fine, go ahead’, you will have the option to slap Becca and chew her out.

  • Originally, if you choose to kill Stephanie, the story ends with Becca watching Roman and Shel heading towards the truck. Now, if you choose this option, you’ll eventually get the option to either shoot Stephanie and stay or shoot Clive and rescue Stephanie.


  • If you killed the intruder in Shel’s Story, Boyd will appear as a walker. Clive will appear as a walker unless you chose to rescue Stephanie. Joyce appears as a walker regardless of your choices.

  • Originally, Vince will go with Tavia if he shoots off Danny’s foot and stay at the camp if he shoots off Justin’s foot. If you shoot off Justin’s foot, Vince will only go if:

A. Everyone else decides to go, sticking by what he learned from Danny.
B. As Tavia, you choose the dialogue option ‘You clearly outnumber me’.

Otherwise, Vince will stay by default.

  • If you told Leland the truth in Bonnie’s Story, he will appear at the camp. Whether or not he goes with Tavia or stays at the camp will depend on your previous interactions with him, e.g. if you returned his advances.

  • If you chose to rescue Stephanie, she will appear at the camp and be wary of joining a community, but will go with Tavia if Russell is convinced.

Any thoughts? I welcome and would be happy to discuss any feedback, and if possible explain why I've made certain choices. If people want to hear more, I'll post the lists I've written for Season 2, the Michonne DLC and Season 3 (when it's complete).


  • edited September 2017

    Well, I guess I might as well put up the rest of my changes. Season 2 and Michonne in this post and Season 3 in the next post.

    Season 2, Episode 1:

    • Depending on your choices from the previous season, Omid and Christa will be replaced by Doug/Mark and Carley.
    • Carley/Christa is clearly killed by the scavengers before they chase after Clementine.
    • Nate appears along with Roman, Justin (determinant) and Ralph, the third scavenger who attacked Carley/Christa, as one of the corpses by the stream.
    • Pete’s bite becomes a (non-infected) scratch instead, and if you save him, he will walk with a limp for the rest of the game.

    Season 2, Episode 2:

    • Whether or not Nick shoots Matthew depends on who you went with at the end of Episode 1. If you went with Pete, Nick will miss. If you went with Nick, Nick will hit Matthew.
    • Lily takes the role of both Kenny, with some of Jane’s aspects.
    • Whoever didn’t go with Tavia during the 400 Days DLC shows up at the Moonstar Lodge.
    • If Matthew stays alive, the group will be informed about Bonnie showing up what to do next. As Clementine, you can choose to side with the cabin group, the lodge group, or mediate between the two sides and try to convince them to work together. The discussion is then broken up when the wind turbine picks up and the power goes out. If Matthew is shot, the situation with Walter and Nick will play out as in the original game.
    • Luke goes to fix the transformer with Matthew/Sarita, but they both end up captured by Carver’s group.

    Season 2, Episode 3:

    • More time is spent at Howe’s.
    • Randy, Patricia and Gil are among the members of the community.
    • Lily is the one beaten by Carver for stealing the radio.
    • Originally, Alvin is locked in Carver’s office and beaten into unconsciousness, and then during the escape, he is shot by Hank before shooting Hank himself and then dying. Now, during the escape, Clementine finds Alvin has died from severe blunt trauma and blood loss, reanimated and stabbed in the head by Carver. As well as the one-shot pistol, Clementine can also take Carver’s hunting knife.
    • If Matthew is still alive (but severely depressed after Walter's death), during the escape, he will blow up the armoury and himself to distract the rest of Howe’s from following the group.
    • If Matthew sacrifices himself, Pete will be killed by Carver during the escape. Carver will then launch into his "You wanna disrespect me, fine..." speech before Clementine shoots/stabs/jumps on him.
    • Carver is shot in the legs this time by Sarah, and Lily smashes his face in with the crowbar, which, in her mind, is also her revenge against Kenny (and possibly Lee) for killing Larry at the dairy.
    • Troy is now shot in the crotch by Clementine.

    Season 2, Episode 4:

    • After Carlos is shot and devoured, Bonnie pleads with Tavia to stop. When Bonnie gets no answer, she shoots Tavia in the chest, causing her to fall off the roof into the herd.
    • If you choose to save Sarah at the trailer park, she will survive the entire episode, becoming colder and more severe. You can choose to encourage her on this path or try to moderate her.
    • The Russians – Arvo, Natasha, Buricko and Vitali – now show up as working for Carver, having been sent to investigate whether Wellington actually exists. Arvo will also explain that he and Natasha are trying to get away from the other two before being frightened off by Lily.
    • At the end of the episode, Clementine, Lily, Luke and the others are confronted by just by the Russians and other survivors from Howe’s, including whoever went with Tavia during the 400 Days DLC. If you took Arvo’s medicine, he will show regret and give subtle hints to Clementine that he and Natasha want to help her group.
    • If you choose not to shoot the reanimated Rebecca, Nick/Lily shoots her instead.

    Season 2, Episode 5:

    • During the shootout, all the Russians and the remaining survivors from Howe’s and the Moonstar Lodge are killed.
    • When Lily takes Arvo hostage, he is shot and killed, showing how little his former group members cared for him.
    • During this episode, Lily and Luke essentially take the roles of Kenny and Jane respectively.
    • The group heads for the town instead of the unfinished house and hole up in the church.
    • When crossing the frozen river, Sarah is the one who needs help. Depending on how you’ve interacted with her, she will either beg for help or refuse help.
    • If you choose to help Sarah, Bonnie will cover you, both Sarah and Clementine fall through the ice, and Sarah is grabbed and dragged down by a walker.
    • If you choose to cover Sarah, Bonnie will try to save Sarah and both of them will fall through the ice. If you break through the ice fast enough, Sarah lives but Bonnie drowns. If you don’t break through the ice fast enough, Sarah dies but Bonnie lives.
    • Depending on whether you sided with Larry at the drug store, whether you helped Kenny kill Larry in the meat locker and if you left her by the side of the road after killed Travis/Doug, Lily will admit to Clementine that she had a crush on Lee. If you helped kill Larry and/or left her on the side of the road, she will instead admit that she understands why Lee did what he did while at the same time wanted to kill him.
    • After the truck is fixed, the group splits about where to go next. Lily wants to go to Wellington, while Luke advocates heading back to Howe’s. Mike, Nick (determinant), and Bonnie (determinant) side with Luke. Sarah sides with whoever Clementine sides with.
    • Regardless of whom you side with, during a supply raid in the town, Luke hides AJ, making it look like he’s dead and provoking Lily into a fight, and you have to choose whether to shoot Lily or let Lily kill Luke.

    Look Away

    • If you let Lily kill Luke, the rest of the group, except Sarah, if she is cold, will desert Lily and Clementine. You can then choose whether to go with Lily to Wellington or take AJ and leave.

    • When Lily, Clementine, AJ and Sarah (determinant) arrive at Wellington, they will be stopped at the gates by Edith, who tells them that they aren’t accepting new members due to lack of space, but gives them a bag of supplies. Lily talks them into accepting the children and tells Clementine to take this chance. You can then choose whether to go to Wellington or stay with Lily. Sarah always goes to Wellington.

    Shoot Lily

    • If you shoot Lily, Luke confesses to what he did. Your previous actions, choices and interactions, and how strongly you argue against his case, influences whether the group feels Luke’s actions were despicable or necessary to get rid of Lily.

    • After Luke’s confession, you choose whether to go with Luke, and whoever stays, to Howe’s or take AJ and leave.

    Look Away and Shoot Lily

    • If you let Lily kill Luke and then shoot Lily, Clementine finds AJ before hearing the group look for them. Clementine can choose whether to go to them or to leave with AJ.

    Michonne, Episode 2:

    • If you stopped Samantha from shooting Zachary, both he and Jonas will meet up with Michonne and Sam after they rescue Pete. However, they will stay with the group only if Michonne lets Pete surrender himself.

    Michonne, Episode 3:

    • If you chose to let Pete surrender himself, Zachary and Jonas will be with Michonne and the Fairbanks family. Depending on your choices, one or both of them survive and decide to go with the Fairbanks family to Oceanside.
  • edited September 2017

    And Season 3: A New Frontier. It's a long one:

    Season 3, Prologue:

    • All but one of the flashbacks now take place in one episode in chronological order.
    • As was originally planned, Kate is now Javier and David’s sister, Anita Garcia-Dominquez, while Hector is her husband and Mariana is their daughter. Thus, David is not remarried and Gabe is his only child.
    • Javier’s mother is given the name Yamila (the Spanish form of Jamila), which ties into the name given in the original game “Ya-ya”, while his father is definitely named Rafael.

    Clementine flashback

    When the outbreak first starts, a walker breaks into Clementine’s home. Sandra, her babysitter, tells Clementine to run before her is bitten. Clementine hides in her treehouse for two days and nights, occasionally coming down to get food and a hammer. Hearing yells and a gunshot, she climbs over the fence and finds Lee after he has killed the reanimated officer…

    Season 3, Episode 1:

    • The flashback from the beginning of Episode 3 takes place, three months after Rafael’s death and reanimation, his wife and Hector getting bitten and David’s disappearance.
    • One month after leaving the house, Javi, Anita, Gabe and Mariana arrive at the junkyard.
    • As IOTL, Javi is caught by Max, Badger, Lonnie and Rufus. Here, Badger’s real name is Marty, and “Badger” is a nickname.
    • During the struggle with Lonnie, instead of knocking Lonnie out, Javi accidentally shoots him in the ear, thus giving the New Frontier more reason to dislike him.
    • Instead of the truck crash, Javi is taken to the Capricorn slaughterhouse, which is full to the brim with captured walkers. There, Javi meets Clementine and, despite not trusting each other, help each other escape.
    • Clementine lets all the walkers loose as a distraction.
    • Just before they make it to safety, Rufus gets caught in a jammed turnstile and bitten. Javi is given the choice of either shooting him or leaving him to be eaten.
    • Prescott is now slightly darker, with crimes being punishable by hanging. Walkers being hung from noose can be seen around the town.
    • At Prescott, when Clementine confronts Eli about the dud bullets, Javi grabs Clem’s arm and pulls it away, causing the new (working) bullet to hit the side of Eli’s face instead, scarring him.
    • Depending on how you treat her, Javier can enter a relationship with Eleanor.
    • Mariana still dies.

    Clementine flashback

    Same/similar to OTL, except Kenny and Jane being replaced by Lily and Luke. In the Wellington flashback, the people who attack are explicitly identified as the New Frontier.

    Season 3, Episode 2:

    • Depending on whether you sided with Clementine during the Eli incident and whether you chose to go to the junkyard with him or Eleanor, Tripp’s opinion of you differs, ranging from respect and empathy, or suspicion and jealousy.
    • After talking to Gabe about what happened at the junkyard, Clementine shows up with the New Frontier hot on her heels, and is let into Prescott by Tripp, thus explaining her presence.
    • During the hostage scene, the New Frontier is revealed to have had dealings with Prescott before, and Tripp knows Badger by name.
    • If you choose to surrender yourself, Francine will be saved but Conrad will be killed in the shootout. If you open fire or remain silent, Francine will be killed and Conrad will survive.
    • Eli survives and escapes Prescott with Javi, Clementine, Gabe, Anita, Tripp, Eleanor and Conrad/Francine.
    • Jesus does not appear in this story. Instead, they find that the walker herd is a trap set by the New Frontier, and they find a dying New Frontier soldier who confirms that they took over Richmond.
    • At the end of the train tunnel, Javi, Clem and Gabe are confronted by Tripp, Conrad/Francine and Eli, not just Conrad. Eli is the one who suggests using Clementine as a bargaining chip. Tripp and Conrad/Francine are open to the idea, but Tripp hates the thought of playing nice with the New Frontier, while Conrad/Francine wants revenge for their dead spouse, but is curious as to why Clementine is no longer part of the group.
    • When negotiations stall, Eli takes Gabe hostage to force Clem’s hand. You can choose either to take the deal or shoot Eli. If you remain silent, Tripp shoots Eli.
    • As IOTL, if you choose to use Clementine as a hostage, the confrontation with Max goes more smoothly and quickly.

    Clementine flashback

    Same as IOTL, but your choice whether to take Ava’s offer or not changes the flashback in the next episode.

    Season 3, Episode 3:

    • When David is showing Javi around Richmond, one of the children playing is specifically named as Ida, Rufus and Fern’s daughter.
    • Clint is revealed to be something of a coward, which, along with their shared history, explains why he often sides with Joan.
    • The Capricorn brand is used only by David and the soldiers under his command. They use it as a mark of camaraderie between themselves, or as a mark of shame for criminals whom they choose to leave alive. The difference can be found in whether the burn is treated or not. If it festers/becomes infected, the marked is a criminal.
    • As was originally intended, Eleanor is revealed to be Joan’s daughter.
    • If he is still alive, Eli gets Conrad’s optional death at the warehouse.
    • After Badger is shot, you can either smash his head in, let Conrad/Francine kill them, or remain silent, in which case Tripp gives Badger a “Prescott necktie”.

    Clementine flashback

    Same as IOTL, but if you didn’t accept Ava’s offer in the previous episode, David and Doctor Lingard will not show the same familiarity, and Clementine will be treated as a thief and branded, as explained above. AJ is taken away from her, partly as Clementine’s punishment, and partly because Ava wants to take care of him.

    Season 3, Episode 4:

    • When Gabe/Anita busts Javi out of his cell, you are given the option of finding and rescuing Max, if you did not kill him in the previous episode. If you do, he reluctantly agrees to help and accompanies you to Eleanor’s apartment.
    • The silent mechanic does not attack Javi and Gabe at the armoury. Instead, he helps them. He is given the name Salvador, and, as was originally intended, only speaks in Spanish. You learn that, despite his talents, David was one of the only people who could understand him and did not treat him as an outsider.
    • The suicide deal with Dr Lingard remains.
    • During the town meeting, Max’s body will be shown alongside Badger’s if he is not rescued from his cell.
    • Lonnie reappears as the new head of security and Joan’s new right-hand man if Max was spared in the previous episode. If you accept Clint’s deal, David takes him hostage and shoots him instead of Clint. If you shoot Joan, he will kick the chair out from under David and flee. If Max was killed in the previous episode, Lonnie's body will be shown alongside Badger and Max, with Fern taking his role.
    • The no-win deal is now between either Tripp and Conrad/Francine or Ava and Salvador.
    • As well as wanting to stay in Richmond, Eleanor is conflicted between loyalty to her friends and loyalty to her mother. If Tripp ends up being killed, Eleanor will turn against her but pleads with Javi not to shoot her.
    • Anita dies when the van crashes into the gas tanker and explodes.

    Clementine flashback

    Same as IOTL, but with Kenny and Jane replaced with Lily and Luke.

    Season 3, Episode 5:

    • Anita’s walker appears at the beginning of the episode. Either Javi or David will have to put her down.
    • Javier’s relationship with Eleanor depends on your previous choices. If you picked Tripp and Conrad/Francine to die and/or shot Joan, she will hate you and break off any romance you may have previously had. If you choose not to forgive her for betraying them to Joan, you are given the choice to kill her.
    • If Max was spared in episode 3, the confrontation with Fern still happens. If not, her place will be taken by Bob, the security guard Ava distracted in the previous episode to allow Javi and Gabe to sneak into the armoury.
    • Ida is the one who is bitten, instead of Rufus, and you have to choose whether of not to cut her arm off.
    • When Javier goes to stop the herd, whoever goes with you depends on your choices:

    • Clementine, Gabe, David and Ava will always go.

    • Eleanor, Max (determinant) and Clint will always stay.
    • Tripp/Salvador and Conrad/Francine will always go unless Javier tells them to stay, but you can only choose one of them to accompany you.

    • If Francine goes, she will get Ava’s OTL death unless you help her in time.

    • If Conrad goes, he will get Tripp’s OTL death at the helicopter pass, but will shoot himself in the head instead of letting the herd eat him.
    • If Tripp goes, he will get his OTL death at the helicopter pass. If Salvador goes, he will panic and fall to his death while trying to jump across the gap.

    • When David tries to leave, Gabe refuses to go with him, making David even angrier with Javi.

    • When David has Javier pinned to the ground outside the garage, Clementine shoots David in the elbow, allowing Javi to throw him off and get up. You then have to decide whether to help David, let Clementine shoot David, shoot him yourself or leave him to the walkers. Your choice will affect Ava's opinion of you.
    • If you choose to help David, he is knocked out and left in the garage while the others stop the herd.
    • After the herd is stopped and Richmond is cleared out, Joan/Lonnie/Fern is surrendered to the new council, consisting of Javier, Clint, Eleanor and Ava/Tripp/Max. You can choose to kill them, exile them from Richmond, let them stay as prisoners or let them back into the community. For the above decision, your choice will be added to the majority:

    • Clint favours exile for Joan and Lonnie and forgiveness for Fern.

    • If Tripp and Conrad/Francine were killed in the previous episode, Eleanor will favour exile for Joan, and death for Lonnie. If Ava and Salvador were executed, she will favour imprisonment for both of them. She will always favour forgiveness for Fern.
    • Tripp and Ava will favour death or exile for Joan, imprisonment or exile for Lonnie, and imprisonment for Fern.
    • Max favours death for Joan, imprisonment for Lonnie and forgiveness for Fern.

    • As was originally intended, you can also determine whether to keep or return the stolen supplies.

    • If Doctor Lingard is still alive, he will bring AJ to Clementine. Otherwise, depending on your choices, Ava, Eleanor or David will do so.
    • Your final choice is to either convince Clementine and David (determinant) to stay in Richmond or head back onto the road.

    • Alternatively, if Lingard, Eleanor, Tripp, Ava and Max are all dead, Clint will take sole leadership of Richmond and banish Javier, Gabe, Clementine and David (determinant).

  • Er, for what, exactly?

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »


  • edited August 2017

    For providing high-quality post(s)/thread

    Er, for what, exactly?

  • for being enthusiastic and patient with writing this AU

    Er, for what, exactly?

  • No problem. What parts particularly interested you, for better or worse?

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    for being enthusiastic and patient with writing this AU

  • No problem. What parts particularly interested you, for better or worse?

    For providing high-quality post(s)/thread

  • edited August 2017

    The fact that you actually made some of the characters that needed more depth, fleshed out i.e Doug, Luke, Eleanor, Max, etc.

    No problem. What parts particularly interested you, for better or worse?

  • Okay, let's see what you got here.

    Season 1, Episode 1:

    Chet/Andre Mitchell (depending on when you left Clementine’s house) joins the group after Shawn’s death. Instead of the walkers coming out of nowhere to attack Duck and Shawn, Chet/Andre Mitchell inadvertently leads them to the farm when they arrive to warn the Greene family.

    I assume you're referring to when they first arrived at the farm the night before.

    Both Doug and Carley survive. Whoever you don’t save is helped by Larry.


    Season 1, Episode 2:

    If you chop off Mr Parker’s leg, Travis is saved and joins the group. If you don’t, Travis tries to grab Mark’s gun and shoots himself in the chest.

    During the bandit attack, Chet/Andre is shot in the shoulder instead of Mark, so they end up being cannibalised by the St. Johns, reanimating and killing Brenda St. John.

    That actually makes a fair bit for sense.

    During the bandit attack, Drew (the bandit shot in the ass by Lee) is specifically shown getting killed by a walker.

    A bit random, but okay.

    Carley will always go with Lee if the player chooses to pursue a relationship with her. If she is in a relationship with Doug, she will go or stay depending on how Lee has treated her.
    Unless you convince him, or if he is in a relationship with Carley, Doug will always stay.

    When exactly is this decided?

    Season 1, Episode 5:

    During the escape from the hospital, Lee discovers Molly in the bell-tower, having hung herself and reanimated. Lee can choose whether or not to put her down.


    Vernon and his cancer group will only stealing the boat if everyone goes with Lee to find Clementine. Otherwise, the boat will be taken by whoever stays at the house, and Vernon’s body will be found outside the shed with a bullet wound in his head.

    The hell?

    Depending on your choices, the roles of Kenny and Ben will be replaced during the alleyway sequence. Regardless, Kenny does not appear in Season 2.

    So we could have Ben going down to help Kenny instead? Interesting.

    Depending upon your choices, Clementine will end up with either Omid and Christa or Carley and Doug/Mark.

    If you choose the leave Bennett (the prison bus driver from Vince’s Story), instead of being slowed down by dragging the body, more walkers will show up. Eddie will still drive away.
    Russell’s Story:

    If you stay in the car in Wyatt’s Story, Clyde (the prison bus guard from Vince’s Story) will appear as a walker at the truck stop. If you get out of the car, Eddie will appear as a walker instead.

    I'm surprised they didn't do this in the actual game considering the credits.

    Bonnie’s Story:

    If you stay in the car in Wyatt’s Story, Eddie will appear as a walker on the highway. If you get out of the car, Clyde will appear as a walker instead.

    Don't quite get the realistic correlation, but whatever.

    If Lee reasoned with Vernon, the cancer survivors will mention that Vernon was shot when they tried to steal the boat.

    Oh. Still seems a little odd, but okay.


    If you killed the intruder in Shel’s Story, Boyd will appear as a walker. Clive will appear as a walker unless you chose to rescue Stephanie. Joyce appears as a walker regardless of your choices.

    ...Bwuh? What exactly is the implication here? And where's Stephanie?

    Originally, Vince will go with Tavia if he shoots off Danny’s foot and stay at the camp if he shoots off Justin’s foot. If you shoot off Justin’s foot, Vince will only go if:

    A. Everyone else decides to go, sticking by what he learned from Danny.
    B. As Tavia, you choose the dialogue option ‘You clearly outnumber me’.


    Otherwise, Vince will stay by default.

    Thank you! I have no idea why it doesn't work like that in the game proper.

    If you told Leland the truth in Bonnie’s Story, he will appear at the camp. Whether or not he goes with Tavia or stays at the camp will depend on your previous interactions with him, e.g. if you returned his advances.

    If you chose to rescue Stephanie, she will appear at the camp and be wary of joining a community, but will go with Tavia if Russell is convinced.

    ...Interesting prerequisite.

  • Carley/Doug both surviving. Adds more tension, drama and guilt.

    No problem. What parts particularly interested you, for better or worse?

  • edited August 2017

    @ByzantineLover How would you change Michonne Mini-Series episodes?

  • That's under the Season 2 post. Basically, it's keeping Zachary and Jonas alive.

    I've seen people on this forum saying they wished they could side with Norma instead of Sam. And for a time, I considered it, but the lynchpin, to me at least, is Randall. Norma clearly loves her brother, but I can't see Michonne siding with someone as sadistic as him.

    Oh, and I just remembered Rashid and Vanessa. In-game, they're never seen, but now I think the best course would be to find them either as prisoners in Monroe or corpses on the Mobjack.

    @ByzantineLover How would you change Michonne Mini-Series episodes?

  • edited September 2017

    I assume you're referring to when they first arrived at the farm the night before.

    Actually, I'm referring to when you have to choose between saving Duck or Shawn. The way I see it, Chet/Andre leaves the farm the night before to find his mother/his fellow policemen, but ends up finding them dead or turned. They head to warn the nearest people - the Greenes - but inadverntently lead more walkers to the farm. This, combined with Duck accidentally running Shawn over with the tractor, ends up making a bad situation worse.

    A bit random, but okay.

    That was just a bit of tying up loose ends. Right now, if Carley is saved, then in episode 3, she shoots Linda (the only named female bandit) and Gary (the guy who says "I don't like no hash") then aims at Drew when she runs out of ammo. Drew climbs over the wall and calls the other bandits, and Lee can shoot him as he escapes. On the other hand, if Doug is saved, then in episode 3, he wastes both bullets on Linda, then Lee has to shoot either Gary or Drew. The survivor escapes and calls the others to attack. I chose Drew, and his manner of death, partly because I like that Carley moment, and partly because I didn't think he'd be able to escape the walkers in that situation.

    When exactly is this decided?

    During episodes 1 (whether you help fix the radio, whether you give Irene the gun, and whomever you save at the drug store), 2 (whether you give food to either of them) and 3 (if you agree with Carley to tell people about Lee's past).


    Something I picked up on the wiki: "According to one staff member, Molly was originally was supposed to die in a very selfish way." In addition, I read somewhere on one of the threads (I can't remember which) that Molly was originally meant to commit suicide. There are a few reasons I wrote that:

    a. I just couldn't think of anything else for her to do.
    b. As good and acrobatic as she is, if she didn't get out in time, I didn't think she would be able to escape the herd for long.
    c. It sort of ties into a line she says after the group finds Crawford overrun: "In the end, the dead always win."

    So we could have Ben going down to help Kenny instead? Interesting.

    If Ben survives Crawford, the alleyway scene would still happen as it does now. But if Lee dropped Ben to his death, and if you chopped off Mr Parker's leg, resulting in Travis' survival, then the scene would have played out with either Doug (if Carley is in a relationship with Lee) or Mark (if Doug is dead or in a relationship with Carley)

    Don't quite get the realistic correlation, but whatever.

    It sort of ties into the above point of whether Eddie or Clyde shows up as a walker in Russell's story.

    Right now, Clyde appears as a walker, and can be killed, in either Russell's or Bonnie's story, whichever is played first. And, if you get out of the car in Wyatt's story, Eddie's car can be seen in Shel's story as near the gas pumps, which indicates to me that Eddie ran out of gas and Nate killed him before he could get away.

    Anyway, my thought process at the time of writing it was that if Eddie was killed in the swamps, his walker could have dragged itself back towards the traffic jam just in time for Bonnie to fall down the hill.

    ...Bwuh? What exactly is the implication here? And where's Stephanie?

    Right now, if you let Roberto (the intruder) go in Shel's Story, Boyd is mentioned to have been killed during a bandit attack, but if you kill Roberto, he is still alive, but very against Roman's attitude to other people, telling Shel to escape with Becca.

    Rewritten, the implication is that Gil's Pitstop eventually fell to walkers and/or Roberto's gang, and the fall may have exacerbated by Shel's departure. Shel annd Becca (and Stephanie if you choose to save her) end up with the rest of the 400 Days group, Roman abandons what he sees as a lost cause (leading to his appearance and offscreen death in Season 2) and the rest die.

    Boyd - killed by bandits if you let Roberto go, or dies and reanimates between Shel's Story and the epilogue when the truckstop falls.
    Clive - shot in the head by Shel if you choose to save Stephanie, or if you choose to kill Stephanie, dies and reanimates between Shel's Story and the epilogue when the truckstop falls.
    Joyce - dies and reanimates between Shel's Story and the epilogue when the truckstop falls.

    Does that clear things up a bit?

    ...Interesting prerequisite.

    For Leland, I chose that specific prerequisite because I thought, if you lied to Leland about Dee's death, he would have figured it out eventually.

    For Stephanie, I guess I also should have said that, like Russell, she will stay by default, and gets one of the lines Shel says if you chose to shoot her: "Staying in one place for too long just makes you an easy target. I don't care how safe you think it is."

    I'd be happy to keep discussing these points, and to hear your thoughts on the other changes I've made.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Okay, let's see what you got here. Season 1, Episode 1: Chet/Andre Mitchell (depending on when you left Clementine’s house) joi

  • Spoiler

    I would change in the game that in the game it was possible to change the plot co-ordinate. To save someone, but to lose someone without some unfortunate circumstances. For example, when Lilly kills Carly, before she does it, comfort her or, for example, lie to her for good. The game was released with the headline saying the plot adapts following our decisions. It's true, but only partly. After all, the end is the same, even if the character of Lee and his SLIGHT team is changing.
    Oh, dude, I would have saved Carly and started courting her.
    Probably, in my statement you do not understand something, I do not know English. This text I wrote through Google translator. I hope you understand what I want to tell you.

  • I get the gist of what you're trying to say, though not all of it.

  • I liked how you made more plots for lesser characters that die too early or just disappear. But the real question is, is Eli the new Conrad and does he get run over as well?

  • Eli is the new Conrad in the sense that he gets Conrad's determinant deaths from Episodes 2 and 3. The truck sequence at the end of Episode 4 plays out as is does when Conrad isn't there, only this time, Kate/Anita dies in the explosion.

    Sparkeagle posted: »

    I liked how you made more plots for lesser characters that die too early or just disappear. But the real question is, is Eli the new Conrad and does he get run over as well?

  • Spoiler

    Hmm it will be more awesome and cool if lee wasn't bitten i mean yea the most of your thoughts are very cool and interesting however if lee wasn't bitten the fans will be happy :) if i can change in this game would be lee wasn't bitten i mean i could change the scenario about the lost radio it would be next to dog's house just i am saying

    sadly what is done is done we can't change it except they make remake of whole game like changing things

  • As much as I like Lee, under the circumstances under which he was bitten, I can't see him surviving. Unless the arm was cut off immediately, like Reggie said his was, which none of Lee's group were in the position to do.

  • uh didn't i said changing the scene ? like the radio is somewhere else or i tried to check the plate or wtf is that and he was wtf and got bitten but we could change that lee had fast reflex idk something like that

    As much as I like Lee, under the circumstances under which he was bitten, I can't see him surviving. Unless the arm was cut off immediately, like Reggie said his was, which none of Lee's group were in the position to do.

  • I've updated some of the changes I've made and added an alternate "bad/worst" ending for Season 3, if you're still interested. I've also been thinking again about your reaction to the fate I wrote for Molly, and it made me remember another idea I had - that the events of A New Frontier would happen just after the events of Season 1, about four to five months into the outbreak instead of four years, the difference being that Gabe and Mariana would have been the ages they are currently and Clementine and AJ would not be involved.

    The trouble I had was finding someone to take Clementine's role, but now I have one - Molly. If there had to be a baby in the narrative, I suppose it could have been Molly's. The result of her... deal with Doctor Logan.

    Am I making sense?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Okay, let's see what you got here. Season 1, Episode 1: Chet/Andre Mitchell (depending on when you left Clementine’s house) joi

  • edited November 2017

    these were really good althought there were some i thought were a bit too random like:
    Molly s death , Clem shooting Troy instead of Jane and Vernon s death ((Althought to be fair its better than just saying well vernon died... we lost him to that boat.))

  • Somewhat, yes. Didn't really expect the Professional to have an infantry team ready to go, not that I ever thought about it to begin with.

    I've updated some of the changes I've made and added an alternate "bad/worst" ending for Season 3, if you're still interested. I've also bee

  • I'm sorry, I'm not quite sure what you mean by that.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Somewhat, yes. Didn't really expect the Professional to have an infantry team ready to go, not that I ever thought about it to begin with.

  • He's a fairly old doctor.

    I'm sorry, I'm not quite sure what you mean by that.

  • Thanks. It's good to hear that. As for the "random" bits:

    Molly & Vernon's deaths - Closure for their characters. For Vernon, explaining why he didn't appear with the idn't appear with the rest of the cancer patients in 400 Days. For Molly, her death was based on a comment I had read that she was originally intended to die in a selfish way. And it was also written before I realised she could have alternatively filled Clementine's role in ANF.

    Clem shooting Troy instead of Jane - it just felt more karmic, cathartic and personal, like how I wrote Sarah shoot Carver's knees instead of Kenny.

    UrbanRodrik posted: »

    these were really good althought there were some i thought were a bit too random like: Molly s death , Clem shooting Troy instead of Jane a

  • Oh, you mean Vernon taking the boat. I think that's sort of how it went in the original game as well.. Boyd does mention them taking the boat at gunpoint (I think if you go alone as Lee, which just leaves Kenny, Omid, Christa (and possibly) Ben against Vernon, Boyd, Joyce and Clive.)

    DabigRG posted: »

    He's a fairly old doctor.

  • No, I was talking about Dr Logan. Keep up dude.

    Oh, you mean Vernon taking the boat. I think that's sort of how it went in the original game as well.. Boyd does mention them taking the boa

  • You just said "He's a fairly old doctor" and "didn't expe t the Professional to have an infantry team ready to go." You mentioned no names.

    DabigRG posted: »

    No, I was talking about Dr Logan. Keep up dude.

  • Whatever. Easy mistake to make with metaphors involved.

    The point was that you said Molly got pregnant because of their deals and had a baby. ...Three years after the fact. :confused: :

    You just said "He's a fairly old doctor" and "didn't expe t the Professional to have an infantry team ready to go." You mentioned no names.

  • To be fair, you were originally talking about him.

    The result of her... deal with Doctor Logan. Am I making sense?

    That's who he was referring to in his reply.

    And don't mind him, explaining obvious details is one of his pet peeves. I just learned that the hard way. :lol:

    You just said "He's a fairly old doctor" and "didn't expe t the Professional to have an infantry team ready to go." You mentioned no names.

  • Seriously? I meant soon after Season 1.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Whatever. Easy mistake to make with metaphors involved. The point was that you said Molly got pregnant because of their deals and had a baby. ...Three years after the fact. :

  • Sucks when conversations are spread over months instead of hours. Hard to remember it all ain't it? :trollface:

    DabigRG posted: »

    Whatever. Easy mistake to make with metaphors involved. The point was that you said Molly got pregnant because of their deals and had a baby. ...Three years after the fact. :

  • And don't mind him, explaining obvious details is one of his pet peeves. I just learned that the hard way. :lol:

    Eh, pet peeve may be a little strong, but it can get pretty annoying depending on the situation, yes.

    Sucks when conversations are spread over months instead of hours. Hard to remember it all ain't it? :trollface:

    Ch'yeah, no kiddin.

    To be fair, you were originally talking about him. The result of her... deal with Doctor Logan. Am I making sense? That's who

  • Ah, okay then. My mistake.

    Seriously? I meant soon after Season 1.

  • edited December 2017

    I made a thread very similar last summer.

    I like some a fair amount of your ideas but not Lilly in Season 2 nor the same fight sequence at the end. I also felt Molly committing suicide seemed out of character especially the group stealing the boat even if it was based on past choices. But again fair enough. Feel free to read my thread. Would love to hear your thoughts

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