The Thread of general TWD-related questions



  • . @Graysonn, are there scrapped Doug scenes? Or something interesting about him in the files?

  • Yeah, same here. He was actually the first Cabin Group member I liked.

    Though he does technically come in after you've searched.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Probably. We were going to go fishing with him(Luke, Nick and Pete) after all. I honestly wanted to have more bonding time with Alvin. I wish he came with me to check out the station house in A House Divided.

  • I haven't given it a good look through or anything but I know that he was supposed to use Kenny's car to distract the walkers while Lee would cut down a power line. A bit of dialogue from the scene:

    "We think that dead gentleman over there has the keys, but we need to figure out how to keep the rest of the walkers at bay while you search him."

    "If we can down that power-line in the middle of the street, you'd have a decent barrier between you and the rest of the walkers, but we need a way to knock it down."

    "You're going to chop down that power pole, creating a make-shift electric fence between you and the rest of the walkers. But we need a way to herd them to one side of the street before you do."

    "I'm going to lure the walkers to the other side of the street with a car horn, but you need a place to get out of sight so they'll lose interest."

    "I'll hop in the trunk of that wrecked car."

    "[thinking] Yeah, that'll work."

    They won't be able to get to me and I'll jump out and finish off the pole when they're over there. Sound good?

    "Well, insanely dangerous, but good."

    "That sounds like a plan."

    "I think we're set. You run out there and start chopping down that pole, making sure to watch your back. When it's about to fall, you give me the signal and I'll run out to the car and lure them over while you hide in the trunk. Then, when the coast is clear, you hop out, finish off the pole, and then get the keys."

    There's likely a bit more but I haven't had the time recently to check.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    . @Graysonn, are there scrapped Doug scenes? Or something interesting about him in the files?

  • edited August 2017

    But I wanted him to help me.

    enter image description here

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yeah, same here. He was actually the first Cabin Group member I liked. Though he does technically come in after you've searched.

  • For a player like me who never got the juicebox scene, Alvin felt like the most forgettable waste of space character in the entire group. I didn't bat an eye when he was held hostage tbh

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Probably. We were going to go fishing with him(Luke, Nick and Pete) after all. I honestly wanted to have more bonding time with Alvin. I wish he came with me to check out the station house in A House Divided.

  • Thank you very much! :)

    Graysonn posted: »

    I haven't given it a good look through or anything but I know that he was supposed to use Kenny's car to distract the walkers while Lee woul

  • enter image description here

    You insensitive bastard! I'm gonna fight you! Lol, jk jk :D

    Well, I liked him and wish the writers put more effort in him and the others... :( Other than Alvin, I really liked Nick. He was a good guy and didn't deserve the hate he got.

    For a player like me who never got the juicebox scene, Alvin felt like the most forgettable waste of space character in the entire group. I didn't bat an eye when he was held hostage tbh

  • :D

    He would have manhandled Javi, big time. I pissed Tripp off the entire season and I was constantly dreading the moment where he would actually punch my teeth out.

  • I can completely agree with you there, I loved Nick! He was flawed but still a really good guy deep down. I trusted him more than every other cabin group member combined. It is a tragedy how he died offsceen on a fence.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    You insensitive bastard! I'm gonna fight you! Lol, jk jk Well, I liked him and wish the writers put more effort in him and the others... Other than Alvin, I really liked Nick. He was a good guy and didn't deserve the hate he got.

  • Yeah, It would have been a better twist. He did say (determinately) "Probably I'll be better off with Joan, at least I know she wants to stab me in the back."
    I doubt he would be hated a lot since the fandom has a tendency of hating on female traitors. Sigh :pensive:

    DabigRG posted: »

    I honestly couldn't tell ya, babe. Eleanor betraying them basically amounted to "I told Joan you were gonna put gum in her hair" and nothing else. At the very least, it'd be more interesting.

  • He was a good guy and didn't deserve the hate he got

    Nah, Nick deserved all the hate. He killed Matthew and his reasons were stupid considering it was Nick the one who pointed his gun at him first, he should've just obeyed Luke. He was always complaining and whining, not to mention he was reckless and stupid, totally useless character.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    You insensitive bastard! I'm gonna fight you! Lol, jk jk Well, I liked him and wish the writers put more effort in him and the others... Other than Alvin, I really liked Nick. He was a good guy and didn't deserve the hate he got.

  • He thought Matthew, a hooded stranger with a rifle, was holding up Luke and Clem. He tried to protect them and then things went to shit when Matthew aimed his gun as well. Nick fucked up but he didn't do it because he's a bad person. Nick has a big heart, you know this from the story with the doe as well as the fact that he saves Clementines life if you go with him instead of Pete. Basically attracts all of the walkers like Kenny did so that Clem could escape safely. He made plenty of mistakes but he was a good guy and a good character.

    Alex_L_P posted: »

    He was a good guy and didn't deserve the hate he got Nah, Nick deserved all the hate. He killed Matthew and his reasons were stupid

  • Yup! He is a trustworthy guy. I always preferred him over Luke. I mean, Luke was alright in the beginning, but then... ehhh.
    It's a real shame Nick died the way he did. On that stupid fence.

    Look at the disrespect his body is paid, tctc:

    enter image description here

    I can completely agree with you there, I loved Nick! He was flawed but still a really good guy deep down. I trusted him more than every other cabin group member combined. It is a tragedy how he died offsceen on a fence.


    He thought Matthew, a hooded stranger with a rifle, was holding up Luke and Clem. He tried to protect them and then things went to shit whe

  • edited August 2017

    I literally felt dead inside when I discovered him like that. Such a waste for a person with such character and potential. Nick really was my Clementine's friend, she will always remember sharing her first drink with him in honor of Pete. At least we made sure he wasn't a walker, RIP.

    Edit: Honestly he should have survived until the Russian shootout, at the very least he could have been the single casualty on our side. Would have been much better imo

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Yup! He is a trustworthy guy. I always preferred him over Luke. I mean, Luke was alright in the beginning, but then... ehhh. It's a real shame Nick died the way he did. On that stupid fence. Look at the disrespect his body is paid, tctc:

  • So can we easily say Javier is a whitewashed Hispanic character since he doesn't speak much outside of English, pronounces names in the way an American would say it as opposed to David. Probably because he hasn't spent time with his family as a ball player and gambler

  • What the hell is going on with his everything? It's like a visual epileptic seizure taunt or something.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    But I wanted him to help me.

  • I felt like that as well when I found him like that. He is really overhated and deserved better. My Clementine was also his friend. :)

    Justice For Nick!

    Agreed about this! It would have been better and his death would have been more acceptable.

    We needed more scenes with him fighting walkers while drunk. :joy:

    I found this, btw!

    I literally felt dead inside when I discovered him like that. Such a waste for a person with such character and potential. Nick really was

  • edited August 2017

    I dunno either.

    Edit: Changed it!

    DabigRG posted: »

    What the hell is going on with his everything? It's like a visual epileptic seizure taunt or something.

  • Honestly if we had just kept that guy loaded he could have saved everyone from Carver. He was a heroic beast while drunk, one of maybe 2 or 3 characters that have fought walkers with their bare fists. Also, such an awesome hat.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    I felt like that as well when I found him like that. He is really overhated and deserved better. My Clementine was also his friend. Just

  • Exactly! :joy:

    Honestly if we had just kept that guy loaded he could have saved everyone from Carver. He was a heroic beast while drunk, one of maybe 2 or 3 characters that have fought walkers with their bare fists. Also, such an awesome hat.

  • I remember thinking Doug was the one who somehow made the powerline fall during the scene where Carley saves Duck until someone clarified it.

    Graysonn posted: »

    I haven't given it a good look through or anything but I know that he was supposed to use Kenny's car to distract the walkers while Lee woul

  • Kinda sounds like my feelings towards Nick as the Season drew on. Except more dismissive.

    For a player like me who never got the juicebox scene, Alvin felt like the most forgettable waste of space character in the entire group. I didn't bat an eye when he was held hostage tbh

  • edited August 2017

    I thought he was the one who made it fall so Lee can get the keys. It would have been awesome.

    Your version is amazing, too. :)

    DabigRG posted: »

    I remember thinking Doug was the one who somehow made the powerline fall during the scene where Carley saves Duck until someone clarified it.

  • If a bit random, but thanks anyway! :grin:

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    I thought he was the one who made it fall so Lee can get the keys. It would have been awesome. Your version is amazing, too.

  • Is that supposed to be a question? The lack of a question mark initially confused me.

    But yes, he is definitely more Americanized than his brother.

    Sparkeagle posted: »

    So can we easily say Javier is a whitewashed Hispanic character since he doesn't speak much outside of English, pronounces names in the way

  • How would you feel about these games getting [remastered/updated] sometime in the future?

  • A sort of director's cut would be cool, imagine if they include some of the cut out content.

    DabigRG posted: »

    How would you feel about these games getting [remastered/updated] sometime in the future?

  • You're welcome!

    DabigRG posted: »

    If a bit random, but thanks anyway!

  • Exactly!

    A sort of director's cut would be cool, imagine if they include some of the cut out content.

  • She assumed Javier had a secret stash of pads and she was planning to steal them

    DabigRG posted: »

    At the risk of causing certain crowds to over-aggressively beeline here, why the fuck does Clementine stick around and more or less join in on Javier's plan in Thicker than Water?

  • (the question of the century)


  • Goddammit, you made me realize the real reason she went to Eleanor's apartment.

    She assumed Javier had a secret stash of pads and she was planning to steal them

  • A hooded stranger who was just a few steps away of distance from Luke and Clementine, they were in the middle of the shooting range, he could've shoot either of them! Matthew only aimed his gun in self defense, Nick fucked it all up.
    That story about the doe... Nick didnt shoot because he probably didnt had the guts to do it, not because he had "mercy", Pete said he was about Clementine's age when that happened, that would be hard to do for a child.

    You said he "saved" Clementine, honestly Clem didnt even needed his help, how many walkers were? 4? 5? they were all separated until he started screaming and called their attention (he was drunk) all they had to do was run easily without making much noise, big deal....

    And finally... he has a determinant death in EP 2 and if he survives, he only has a couple of lines in EP 3 and then he is killed off screen in EP 4.... yeahh... a fitting end for a pointless character.
    I dont know why would anyone trust a character like that, the only characters from the cabin who inspired trust were Pete and Luke.

    He thought Matthew, a hooded stranger with a rifle, was holding up Luke and Clem. He tried to protect them and then things went to shit whe

  • edited August 2017

    What kind of Bender would each character be?

    Note:That's Avatar: The Legend of Aang/Korra benders, btw.

  • edited August 2017

    Uh you mean the Breakfast Club- sort of bender? because damn I just watched that like 20 mins ago.

    edit:nvm googled it, you might be refering to the other terms

    DabigRG posted: »

    What kind of Bender would each character be? Note:That's Avatar: The Legend of Aang/Korra benders, btw.

  • edited August 2017

    ATLA Benders.

    Wth are you talking about?

    Uh you mean the Breakfast Club- sort of bender? because damn I just watched that like 20 mins ago. edit:nvm googled it, you might be refering to the other terms

  • yeahhhhh pretty much still in the breakfast club mindset when I wrote that

    Also I'd like to imagine Tripp being an Earth Bender while saying dumb shit

    DabigRG posted: »

    ATLA Benders. Wth are you talking about?

  • What kind of Nen-user would each character be?

  • Who are some of the most wasted characters in this series to you?

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