Anyone agree?
I'm sure someone has posted about this before, but does anyone feel like Clem served her purpose in season 1? Like does anyone else agree that maybe they should've ended it there? you know instead of dragging her through the series even though she doesn't need to be there?
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Season 2 was supposed to be her story, but that went out the window sometime after they decided to bring Kenny in as such a huge group member.
If season 2 had been a worthy follow up to season 1 and as long as season 1, yes. I think it would have been cool to skip Clem being in season 3 and see her again in season 4 as an older teenager without the baby drama.
No. If it was going to be jumping from story to story I'd have lost interest a while ago, especially if they ended S1 the same way without following it up. I don't particularly care for any series that treats every main character as if they don't need to be there, it's less a series and more collection of random tales. No point in getting invested.
Good to hear!
It would've been an odd way to end Clem's story. And to be honest Clem didn't really do much that season.
Yeah, just look cute, hide, learn how to shoot, and be as superficially appealing as possible.
It's like Mariana except better.
Instead they made it a story about family which, in my opinion, was poorly done. Clementine hardly interacted with most people or at least got to know who they were and who they are now and most of the family type bonds she has felt forced and rushed.
No. Clem had great potential after season 1 but the writers ruined her.
i think the whole purpose on the first season, lee teaching clem to survive, teaching her how to handel situations ( show mercy, be caution and stuff) lee dieng at the end was a perfect way to introduce clem as the next main hero and i am glad to see how she is doing past lee and past all her other friends and teachers learning and growing up in the hellish world of the undead.i realy hope they dont repeat this with aj and clem dieng for him.
I honestly enjoyed her potential and fleshed out character-arc throughout season 2 and ANF.
Her standing idly by for a huge majority of season 2 allowing Kenny and company to point their retched fingers and have her do their every bidding complacently and without question was marvelous...
And that only elevated in ANF when her character revolved around her springing up from nowhere, only to fuck-off in almost every episode with as little explanations whatsoever. Also, her leering over a half-dead doctor contemplating murder while a stab victim goes searching through previously searched shelves for her tampons so that she can stop her poor little cramps was absolutely MUWWAH.
I think we needed to see the payoff of Clem surviving S1. I wouldn't feel comfortable just ending the story there.
What i'm ultimately disappointed with is the way the sequels (particularly S3) handled her character.
S1 was more or less asking for a continuation and S2 along with ANF just squandered all of that potential in favor of shallow fan service and mellow drama. It also doesn't help that Clem's entire motivation now is dictated by a stupid plot device who really shouldn't even be alive realistically speaking.
Unless the writers actually put some effort into the writing in Season 4, Clem is just going to continue being a boring lame shell of a character who has nothing of value other than lame references to S1, a story that actually gave a shit about good storytelling.
Wait, I thought she was unrealistically leading a group of adults in Season 2? These arguments are just all over the place.
That's really interesting actually. You say you feel Clementine served her purpose, so would you rather they left the ending (specifically her ending) ambiguous?
Clem is supposed to be the shining light in a world gone to shit. Proof that people do not have to become monsters...her good character and kindness should be a beacon to the people that she meets.
I can hope that in her finale season she inspires people...I can hope that her ending whatever you get has some meaning and is not a waste of what was one of the better characters in videogames.
No season one was not her soul reason for being.
Yeah, I'm trying my hand at making my argumentative points more parallel to Season 2's tone and pace. Hasn't been easy so far.
The fact that you're still so pressed over her period scene that lasted less than 3 minutes shows how fragile the very little bit of masculinity you have left is. Careful, else you might lose it.
Also, I wouldn't expect you to be educated on this, else you wouldn't be spewing your uneducated shit everywhere, but tampons dont stop cramps lmfao.
Oh man, you went way past Season 2. You went full A New Frontier. Never go full A New Frontier.
At least A New Frontier was more focused than Season 2... somehow.
Speaking of periods... How have you been? Not cramping too much I hope?
Because it gave us what we all want out of a Walking Dead story, contrived family drama thanks to a reunion 4 years and 1,000 miles in the making. Shame an unfocused story made more sense than a focused one though. Someone divided by zero.
And doesn't that say a lot about how sloppy Season 2 was?
A game in which within an episode, we're promptly introduced and then pulled away from three villains, several plot goals, many characters' fates, and an entirely unfinished arc... twice.
And that was just ONE episode mind you.
Season 1 was basically her "jumping off" point, but as for season 2, yes, I agree.
And then they followed that up with an even worse addition. You're a real trooper, braving through a series with only one good entry, eh?
What are you on about?
Are you referring to Season 1? I mean, it's decent, in retrospect I'm not that favorable to even that game anymore... Just kind of burned out by all the zombie shit truth-be-told.
With that being said, I can still be objective-minded to an extent and see some positives for ANF over S2.
I just don't know a lot of people who stick with a series when they dislike the majority of it. Seems a bit odd.
Well, A New Frontier was my last stop.
I can at least say I enjoyed it marginally more than S2... not enough to continue playing the series however.
But there's only one stop left. You can't get off now

You all have fun, and good luck with the ride down.
Take your seat, sir.