Yeah, sorry bout that. Like I said, I must've been in a particularly irritable mood when I posted that.
But hey, at least Janiac is a better, more clever name than Kensplainer.
Since it seems everyone is making full lists, I guess I'll do the same:
Season 1: No one that immediately comes to mind.
400 Days: Jus… moretin the Prisoner.
Season 2: William Carver and Jane.
Michonne: No one.
A New Frontier: Probably Badger.
Dishonorable Mentions(read: those who did come to mind in some fashion, but don't fall into the very exclusive Hate category): Oberson Crawford, Tess Campman, Wyatt, Rebecca, Buricko, David Garcia, Mariana Garcia, Tripp, and The Specialist.
I definitely agree that if he had forced her to have an abortion with any external factors that would be decent justification for his fate. The problem is it's very clear that he only forced her to have an abortion because of the community's guidelines. Considering Crawford's harsh philosophy it's very likely had he allowed her to have the baby he would have been executed along with Anna. He even makes the suggestion that leaving Crawford would be an option for her while admitting there would be a low chance of survival for her and her baby had she done so.
It's still a terrible situation whatever way you see it.
Being complicit in forcing a woman to have an abortion she didn't want makes him guilty of a crime against that woman (or women, if he was d… moreoing that to other women) and in that world... open to judgment, which in this case is capital punishment. Look, I'm very pro-abortion for women who want to have one, and mostly pro-life for women who want to keep their baby. It is not cool to force women to have abortions.
It was the contradiction between "forced abortion" and "innocent doctor" that made me want to chime in.
I sort of get Crawford and the policy that they might have had in place about who they accepted and who they excluded, such as excluding the cancer patients. Although I get not wanting kids, I don't like it.
Now that I've rewatched the parts with Anna in it... I understand why Logan was doing what he was (it's either my life or a fetus) but he is still complicit in forcing an abortion... Not a lot of good choices there.
I do think Anna made the wrong choice there, and I can understand people hating her. She should have left Crawford and gotten far away from that group so that she didn't compete with them for the same resources. Maybe have formed a group with people that wanted to have children.
On a side note, I just don't understand people having unprotected sex.
I definitely agree that if he had forced her to have an abortion with any external factors that would be decent justification for his fate. … moreThe problem is it's very clear that he only forced her to have an abortion because of the community's guidelines. Considering Crawford's harsh philosophy it's very likely had he allowed her to have the baby he would have been executed along with Anna. He even makes the suggestion that leaving Crawford would be an option for her while admitting there would be a low chance of survival for her and her baby had she done so.
It's still a terrible situation whatever way you see it.
I'm sorry but... Mariana!? in the dishonorable mentions alongside Crawford, Buricko and the Stranger!?? why? what did she do that was so bad? she was a sweet little girl.
Since it seems everyone is making full lists, I guess I'll do the same:
Season 1: No one that immediately comes to mind.
400 Days: Jus… moretin the Prisoner.
Season 2: William Carver and Jane.
Michonne: No one.
A New Frontier: Probably Badger.
Dishonorable Mentions(read: those who did come to mind in some fashion, but don't fall into the very exclusive Hate category): Oberson Crawford, Tess Campman, Wyatt, Rebecca, Buricko, David Garcia, Mariana Garcia, Tripp, and The Specialist.
I definitely agree that if he had forced her to have an abortion with any external factors that would be decent justification for his fate. … moreThe problem is it's very clear that he only forced her to have an abortion because of the community's guidelines. Considering Crawford's harsh philosophy it's very likely had he allowed her to have the baby he would have been executed along with Anna. He even makes the suggestion that leaving Crawford would be an option for her while admitting there would be a low chance of survival for her and her baby had she done so.
It's still a terrible situation whatever way you see it.
It's...complicated. Basically, it has little to do with her actual characterization(for the most part?) and more to do with her actual existence and implementation.
I'm sorry but... Mariana!? in the dishonorable mentions alongside Crawford, Buricko and the Stranger!?? why? what did she do that was so bad? she was a sweet little girl.
Oh yeah, sorry my mistake... but i still think it's a little unfair. Now i'm wondering why is Tess on your list... I assume it's because she abandoned his husband, died and that drove him to insanity... right?
It's...complicated. Basically, it has little to do with her actual characterization(for the most part?) and more to do with her actual existence and implementation.
Also, I said Tess Campman: the Stranger's wife.
Oh yeah, sorry my mistake... but i still think it's a little unfair.
Dat's fair!
Now i'm wondering why is Tess on your list... I assume it's because she abandoned his husband, died and that drove him to insanity... right?
Nah, I can ignore/understand that.
It's because of the implications that Mr. Campman was Henpecked by her enough to behave the way he did on opposite ends of his backstory, the possibility that she was the one who got their food stolen due to hysterics and simply used that as one more thing to blame him for, and the fact that she ended up getting not only herself killed by walkers/bandits, but little Lizzie as well.
Oh yeah, sorry my mistake... but i still think it's a little unfair. Now i'm wondering why is Tess on your list... I assume it's because she abandoned his husband, died and that drove him to insanity... right?
No, I'm pretty sure Sarah was more useless. At least he didn't panic or have nervous break downs while being surrounded by zombies as people were trying to save her stupid ass.
I don't remember Sarah whining a lot and throwing someone under the bus after everything they have done to her. Sarah did nothing wrong and I could never stand Gabe's shenanigans.
Also, Gabe caused his own death by going with his father despite the fact that he told Javi David was an asshole in Episode 5. I let Gabe die because he threw me under the bus for saving his motherfucking life. If he doesn't owe me, I don't either because fuck Gabe. I laughed my ass off when he died.
Also also, the relationship between Clementine and Gabe is one of the worst writings Telltale has ever done. Clementine cried for someone she has only known for 3 days. It's just not earned. Ben, Duck and Sarah were always better friends for Clementine. Gabe can rot in hell.
No, I'm pretty sure Sarah was more useless. At least he didn't panic or have nervous break downs while being surrounded by zombies as people were trying to save her stupid ass.
No, I'm pretty sure Sarah was more useless. At least he didn't panic or have nervous break downs while being surrounded by zombies as people were trying to save her stupid ass.
The topic of discussion was who was more useless. Sarah wins hands down because she (and you can blame Carlos for over sheltering her, god he was a terrible parent) didn't know how to shoot, didn't do what she was supposed to do on the rooftop of Howes (trimming dead foliage off of plants for crying out loud) and that whole wouldn't get up and move while Luke was imploring her to do so. Gabe does, at one point, kill a walker - some time after Francine's death. Sarah was nice, but her ineptitude was going to get you killed if you spent too much time looking after her. So yeah, Sarah was pretty damn useless. Gabe was a POS, no doubt about it, but he had far more potential to be useful.
I don't remember Sarah whining a lot and throwing someone under the bus after everything they have done to her. Sarah did nothing wrong and … moreI could never stand Gabe's shenanigans.
Also, Gabe caused his own death by going with his father despite the fact that he told Javi David was an asshole in Episode 5. I let Gabe die because he threw me under the bus for saving his motherfucking life. If he doesn't owe me, I don't either because fuck Gabe. I laughed my ass off when he died.
Also also, the relationship between Clementine and Gabe is one of the worst writings Telltale has ever done. Clementine cried for someone she has only known for 3 days. It's just not earned. Ben, Duck and Sarah were always better friends for Clementine. Gabe can rot in hell.
Gabe does, at one point, kill a walker - some time after Francine's death.
He never killed a walker through the entire season. What are you talking about?
Gabe was a POS, no doubt about it, but he had far more potential to be useful.
He had 4 years of spending his life in apocalypse and he still acts like a liability. Also, as I said, he threw me under the bus for saving his stupid life. Also also, he calls you a coward for sparing Conrad's life.
Sarah was pretty damn useless.
You say she is useless right when she wanted to learn how to shoot and helped Clem cure her wound.
didn't do what she was supposed to do on the rooftop of Howes (trimming dead foliage off of plants for crying out loud) and that whole wouldn't get up and move while Luke was imploring her to do so.
You pretty much don't know what it is like to have PTSD.
The topic of discussion was who was more useless. Sarah wins hands down because she (and you can blame Carlos for over sheltering her, god h… moree was a terrible parent) didn't know how to shoot, didn't do what she was supposed to do on the rooftop of Howes (trimming dead foliage off of plants for crying out loud) and that whole wouldn't get up and move while Luke was imploring her to do so. Gabe does, at one point, kill a walker - some time after Francine's death. Sarah was nice, but her ineptitude was going to get you killed if you spent too much time looking after her. So yeah, Sarah was pretty damn useless. Gabe was a POS, no doubt about it, but he had far more potential to be useful.
Gabe does, at one point, kill a walker - some time after Francine's death.
He never killed a walker through the entire season. What … moreare you talking about?
Gabe was a POS, no doubt about it, but he had far more potential to be useful.
He had 4 years of spending his life in apocalypse and he still acts like a liability. Also, as I said, he threw me under the bus for saving his stupid life. Also also, he calls you a coward for sparing Conrad's life.
Sarah was pretty damn useless.
You say she is useless right when she wanted to learn how to shoot and helped Clem cure her wound.
didn't do what she was supposed to do on the rooftop of Howes (trimming dead foliage off of plants for crying out loud) and that whole wouldn't get up and move while Luke was imploring her to do so.
You pretty much don't know what it is like to have PTSD.
He never killed a walker through the entire season. What are you talking about?
Actually, he only killed one walker onscreen and that was in the beginning of Episode 5 when Clem taught him the knee technique.
He never killed a walker through the entire season. What are you talking about?
The walker outside of Prescott's gates that he was attacking after. Given that it was by itself on the opposite end of the settlement, he had to have killed it himself.
Also also, he calls you a coward for sparing Conrad's life.
No, he calls you a coward for agreeing to use Clementine as a bargaining chip despite the fact that he had been taken hostage.
Gabe does, at one point, kill a walker - some time after Francine's death.
He never killed a walker through the entire season. What … moreare you talking about?
Gabe was a POS, no doubt about it, but he had far more potential to be useful.
He had 4 years of spending his life in apocalypse and he still acts like a liability. Also, as I said, he threw me under the bus for saving his stupid life. Also also, he calls you a coward for sparing Conrad's life.
Sarah was pretty damn useless.
You say she is useless right when she wanted to learn how to shoot and helped Clem cure her wound.
didn't do what she was supposed to do on the rooftop of Howes (trimming dead foliage off of plants for crying out loud) and that whole wouldn't get up and move while Luke was imploring her to do so.
You pretty much don't know what it is like to have PTSD.
He never killed a walker through the entire season. What are you talking about?
The walker outside of Prescott's gates that he was a… morettacking after. Given that it was by itself on the opposite end of the settlement, he had to have killed it himself.
Also also, he calls you a coward for sparing Conrad's life.
No, he calls you a coward for agreeing to use Clementine as a bargaining chip despite the fact that he had been taken hostage.
The walker outside of Prescott's gates that he was attacking after. Given that it was by itself on the opposite end of the settlement, he had to have killed it himself.
Did he kill it? I always thought it's been dead since Javi and Clem shot the walkers approaching the gates and Gabe was just taking his anger out on it.
He never killed a walker through the entire season. What are you talking about?
The walker outside of Prescott's gates that he was a… morettacking after. Given that it was by itself on the opposite end of the settlement, he had to have killed it himself.
Also also, he calls you a coward for sparing Conrad's life.
No, he calls you a coward for agreeing to use Clementine as a bargaining chip despite the fact that he had been taken hostage.
A key difference that needs to be acknowledged: Sarah barely had any training due to a combination of Carlos wanting to keep her as distant from danger and/or any triggers as possible, living inside the walls of Howe's for a considerable amount of time, having a relatively short window of time to get adjusted to dealing with danger, being left out of missions/situations where she could get any experience,Carver showing up just when she was gonna take advantage of his absence to practice with Clementine's guidance, repeated exposure to traumatic stimuli, outright having a breakdown when Tavia's men got Carlos killed, and lack of access to a weapon when they were actually in danger. Gabe, on the other hand, was trained by Kate fairly soon after the outbreak, had the mindset for fighting due to overidealizing David, had a demeanor that meant he would do what he felt like doing even in the face in authority/danger, and had 4 years of constantly migrating to get adjusted.
Ultimately, anyone has the potential to be "useful" if they have the knowledge, the wisdom, and the drive to do so. Sarah initially had some of the latter and secretly sought out the former, but the key to wisdom is consistent counsel and time--neither of which she received; Gabe had some knowledge and an overabundance drive, but while wisdom was something he tended to be shaky about, he still had a better foundation than Sarah.
The topic of discussion was who was more useless. Sarah wins hands down because she (and you can blame Carlos for over sheltering her, god h… moree was a terrible parent) didn't know how to shoot, didn't do what she was supposed to do on the rooftop of Howes (trimming dead foliage off of plants for crying out loud) and that whole wouldn't get up and move while Luke was imploring her to do so. Gabe does, at one point, kill a walker - some time after Francine's death. Sarah was nice, but her ineptitude was going to get you killed if you spent too much time looking after her. So yeah, Sarah was pretty damn useless. Gabe was a POS, no doubt about it, but he had far more potential to be useful.
Because he had been taken hostage by him and thus both him and Clementine were in danger. It's a reasonable, if suicidally aggressive reaction to have in that situation.
No, he calls you a coward for agreeing to use Clementine as a bargaining chip despite the fact that he had been taken hostage.
Don't forget the fact that he told Javi to shoot Conrad.
As I said, I'm pretty sure that was the opposite/different side from the one they entered from. If it were the same one, there would be more around and it makes a little more sense if he got carried away attacking it because it was active.
The walker outside of Prescott's gates that he was attacking after. Given that it was by itself on the opposite end of the settlement, he ha… mored to have killed it himself.
Did he kill it? I always thought it's been dead since Javi and Clem shot the walkers approaching the gates and Gabe was just taking his anger out on it.
He never killed a walker through the entire season. What are you talking about?
Actually, he only killed one walker onscreen and that was in the beginning of Episode 5 when Clem taught him the knee technique.
Because he had been taken hostage by him and thus both him and Clementine were in danger. It's a reasonable, if suicidally aggressive reaction to have in that situation.
Because of shitty gameplay and story integration and forced drama, that's why. Specifically, the payoff that was there to be delivered upon was cheapened by having him do so regardless of your relationship with him (even within the same fucking episode, no less!).
Because of shitty gameplay and story integration and forced drama, that's why. Specifically, the payoff that was there to be delivered upon … morewas cheapened by having him do so regardless of your relationship with him (even within the same fucking episode, no less!).
As I said, I'm pretty sure that was the opposite/different side from the one they entered from. If it were the same one, there would be more around and it makes a little more sense if he got carried away attacking it because it was active.
I never said Sarah wasn't nice. She gave Clem something she had easy access to. Think she could have scavenged for it and then given it to Clem? I don't think so.
Also, no I don't know what it is like to have PTSD. But Sarah was exposed to the same shit, and arguably less of it because she was so sheltered, as everyone else in the game. You have to adapt and can't use PTSD as a crutch to explain why on the fracking rooftop she couldn't cut some dead leaves off of a plant. I mean, how stressful is that? What's triggering her there?
I get it: I'm insensitive. The thing is, though, she is still useless. Whether that is caused by her anxiety issues or PTSD doesn't really matter. Sure, you could try to teach and train her... but they live in dangerous conditions, and no one has the time to deal with her having a panic attack, which she would still likely have despite learning how to shoot or wield a knife, when under attack.
Gabe does, at one point, kill a walker - some time after Francine's death.
He never killed a walker through the entire season. What … moreare you talking about?
Gabe was a POS, no doubt about it, but he had far more potential to be useful.
He had 4 years of spending his life in apocalypse and he still acts like a liability. Also, as I said, he threw me under the bus for saving his stupid life. Also also, he calls you a coward for sparing Conrad's life.
Sarah was pretty damn useless.
You say she is useless right when she wanted to learn how to shoot and helped Clem cure her wound.
didn't do what she was supposed to do on the rooftop of Howes (trimming dead foliage off of plants for crying out loud) and that whole wouldn't get up and move while Luke was imploring her to do so.
You pretty much don't know what it is like to have PTSD.
The ZA is not really a place for people with disabilities. Sarah's untreated anxiety issues would probably render moot any training or knowledge or wisdom when she would have been required to act, you know, in the moment.
I thought it was interesting that they showed Michonne having PTSD in the DLC. I didn't realize that someone as strong as her, in the show, would and honestly found it kind of annoying. Most of the time my reaction was... "hey, snap out of it. There're people/zombies trying to kill you."
A key difference that needs to be acknowledged: Sarah barely had any training due to a combination of Carlos wanting to keep her as distant … morefrom danger and/or any triggers as possible, living inside the walls of Howe's for a considerable amount of time, having a relatively short window of time to get adjusted to dealing with danger, being left out of missions/situations where she could get any experience,Carver showing up just when she was gonna take advantage of his absence to practice with Clementine's guidance, repeated exposure to traumatic stimuli, outright having a breakdown when Tavia's men got Carlos killed, and lack of access to a weapon when they were actually in danger. Gabe, on the other hand, was trained by Kate fairly soon after the outbreak, had the mindset for fighting due to overidealizing David, had a demeanor that meant he would do what he felt like doing even in the face in authority/danger, and had 4 years of constantly … [view original content]
I never said Sarah wasn't nice. She gave Clem something she had easy access to. Think she could have scavenged for it and then given it to Clem? I don't think so.
Considering she's implied to have been sneaking around/out, I'd say it's a possibility.
You have to adapt and can't use PTSD as a crutch to explain why on the fracking rooftop she couldn't cut some dead leaves off of a plant. I mean, how stressful is that? What's triggering her there?
The disbelief/dejection that Carlos actually hit her(and really hard too) and the fear of messing up, thus risking earning Carver's [easy to get] wrath again. It's also implied that, whether due to legitimate inexperience or simply not actually paying attention to Reggie's quick explanation, she didn't actually know what she was doing there.
Sure, you could try to teach and train her... but they live in dangerous conditions, and no one has the time to deal with her having a panic attack, which she would still likely have despite learning how to shoot or wield a knife, when under attack.
That's the purpose of experience and working together as a group. It's a struggle, yes, but that's something pretty much everyone had to go through at some point.
Also, remember that Clementine herself wasn't keen on learning initially and took quite some time to be able to do it when she needed to.
I never said Sarah wasn't nice. She gave Clem something she had easy access to. Think she could have scavenged for it and then given it to C… morelem? I don't think so.
Also, no I don't know what it is like to have PTSD. But Sarah was exposed to the same shit, and arguably less of it because she was so sheltered, as everyone else in the game. You have to adapt and can't use PTSD as a crutch to explain why on the fracking rooftop she couldn't cut some dead leaves off of a plant. I mean, how stressful is that? What's triggering her there?
I get it: I'm insensitive. The thing is, though, she is still useless. Whether that is caused by her anxiety issues or PTSD doesn't really matter. Sure, you could try to teach and train her... but they live in dangerous conditions, and no one has the time to deal with her having a panic attack, which she would still likely have despite learning how to shoot or wield a knife, when under attack.
Anyway, PSTD is actually something I believe a lot of people would and do deal with in a post-acopalyptic environment. Kenny, Nick, and Jane also appeared to be suffering from it, though they're cases weren't as emphasized due to being older and having time to get adequately used to it.
As for Michonne, I'll admit that as someone who STILL hasn't watched the show and only knows broad aspects, her hallucinations in the DLC weren't what I would've expected. I mean, it was interesting and offered some backstory and character development for her, but I can see how people with more knowledge may or may not have a problem with it.
The ZA is not really a place for people with disabilities. Sarah's untreated anxiety issues would probably render moot any training or knowl… moreedge or wisdom when she would have been required to act, you know, in the moment.
I thought it was interesting that they showed Michonne having PTSD in the DLC. I didn't realize that someone as strong as her, in the show, would and honestly found it kind of annoying. Most of the time my reaction was... "hey, snap out of it. There're people/zombies trying to kill you."
Yeah, sorry bout that. Like I said, I must've been in a particularly irritable mood when I posted that.
But hey, at least Janiac is a better, more clever name than Kensplainer.
I have literally never heard these terms before. But I think it's clear the Janiacs lost the war considering what happened in S3.
It was something that was made up around last August, if I recall correctly. Assuming it didn't exist before, that is.
And yeah, Jane's flashback was easily the worst one for a number reasons. That's just a gray cherry on top from where I stand.
I didn't expect that!
I definitely agree that if he had forced her to have an abortion with any external factors that would be decent justification for his fate. The problem is it's very clear that he only forced her to have an abortion because of the community's guidelines. Considering Crawford's harsh philosophy it's very likely had he allowed her to have the baby he would have been executed along with Anna. He even makes the suggestion that leaving Crawford would be an option for her while admitting there would be a low chance of survival for her and her baby had she done so.
It's still a terrible situation whatever way you see it.
It was the contradiction between "forced abortion" and "innocent doctor" that made me want to chime in.
I sort of get Crawford and the policy that they might have had in place about who they accepted and who they excluded, such as excluding the cancer patients. Although I get not wanting kids, I don't like it.
Now that I've rewatched the parts with Anna in it... I understand why Logan was doing what he was (it's either my life or a fetus) but he is still complicit in forcing an abortion... Not a lot of good choices there.
I do think Anna made the wrong choice there, and I can understand people hating her. She should have left Crawford and gotten far away from that group so that she didn't compete with them for the same resources. Maybe have formed a group with people that wanted to have children.
On a side note, I just don't understand people having unprotected sex.
I'm sorry but... Mariana!? in the dishonorable mentions alongside Crawford, Buricko and the Stranger!?? why? what did she do that was so bad? she was a sweet little girl.
Fun fact: Apparently, Dr. Logan was originally supposed to help her escape and get killed in the process.
It's...complicated. Basically, it has little to do with her actual characterization(for the most part?) and more to do with her actual existence and implementation.
Also, I said Tess Campman: the Stranger's wife.
Oh yeah, sorry my mistake... but i still think it's a little unfair. Now i'm wondering why is Tess on your list... I assume it's because she abandoned his husband, died and that drove him to insanity... right?
Dat's fair!

Nah, I can ignore/understand that.
It's because of the implications that Mr. Campman was Henpecked by her enough to behave the way he did on opposite ends of his backstory, the possibility that she was the one who got their food stolen due to hysterics and simply used that as one more thing to blame him for, and the fact that she ended up getting not only herself killed by walkers/bandits, but little Lizzie as well.
No, I'm pretty sure Sarah was more useless. At least he didn't panic or have nervous break downs while being surrounded by zombies as people were trying to save her stupid ass.
I don't remember Sarah whining a lot and throwing someone under the bus after everything they have done to her. Sarah did nothing wrong and I could never stand Gabe's shenanigans.
Also, Gabe caused his own death by going with his father despite the fact that he told Javi David was an asshole in Episode 5. I let Gabe die because he threw me under the bus for saving his motherfucking life. If he doesn't owe me, I don't either because fuck Gabe. I laughed my ass off when he died.
Also also, the relationship between Clementine and Gabe is one of the worst writings Telltale has ever done. Clementine cried for someone she has only known for 3 days. It's just not earned. Ben, Duck and Sarah were always better friends for Clementine. Gabe can rot in hell.
That would have made him so much more heroic, and the Crawford people more clearly in the wrong. I would have liked that version better.

Gabe is the worst thing ever. I will always choose the ending where he dies.
I haven't seen a source for that information, but if that is true, it might've been one of the inspirations for Carlos in Season 2.
The topic of discussion was who was more useless. Sarah wins hands down because she (and you can blame Carlos for over sheltering her, god he was a terrible parent) didn't know how to shoot, didn't do what she was supposed to do on the rooftop of Howes (trimming dead foliage off of plants for crying out loud) and that whole wouldn't get up and move while Luke was imploring her to do so. Gabe does, at one point, kill a walker - some time after Francine's death. Sarah was nice, but her ineptitude was going to get you killed if you spent too much time looking after her. So yeah, Sarah was pretty damn useless. Gabe was a POS, no doubt about it, but he had far more potential to be useful.
He never killed a walker through the entire season. What are you talking about?
He had 4 years of spending his life in apocalypse and he still acts like a liability. Also, as I said, he threw me under the bus for saving his stupid life. Also also, he calls you a coward for sparing Conrad's life.
You say she is useless right when she wanted to learn how to shoot and helped Clem cure her wound.
You pretty much don't know what it is like to have PTSD.
Actually, he only killed one walker onscreen and that was in the beginning of Episode 5 when Clem taught him the knee technique.
Oh yeah, great.
The walker outside of Prescott's gates that he was attacking after. Given that it was by itself on the opposite end of the settlement, he had to have killed it himself.
No, he calls you a coward for agreeing to use Clementine as a bargaining chip despite the fact that he had been taken hostage.
Don't forget the fact that he told Javi to shoot Conrad.
Did he kill it? I always thought it's been dead since Javi and Clem shot the walkers approaching the gates and Gabe was just taking his anger out on it.
A key difference that needs to be acknowledged: Sarah barely had any training due to a combination of Carlos wanting to keep her as distant from danger and/or any triggers as possible, living inside the walls of Howe's for a considerable amount of time, having a relatively short window of time to get adjusted to dealing with danger, being left out of missions/situations where she could get any experience,Carver showing up just when she was gonna take advantage of his absence to practice with Clementine's guidance, repeated exposure to traumatic stimuli, outright having a breakdown when Tavia's men got Carlos killed, and lack of access to a weapon when they were actually in danger. Gabe, on the other hand, was trained by Kate fairly soon after the outbreak, had the mindset for fighting due to overidealizing David, had a demeanor that meant he would do what he felt like doing even in the face in authority/danger, and had 4 years of constantly migrating to get adjusted.
Ultimately, anyone has the potential to be "useful" if they have the knowledge, the wisdom, and the drive to do so. Sarah initially had some of the latter and secretly sought out the former, but the key to wisdom is consistent counsel and time--neither of which she received; Gabe had some knowledge and an overabundance drive, but while wisdom was something he tended to be shaky about, he still had a better foundation than Sarah.
Because he had been taken hostage by him and thus both him and Clementine were in danger. It's a reasonable, if suicidally aggressive reaction to have in that situation.
As I said, I'm pretty sure that was the opposite/different side from the one they entered from. If it were the same one, there would be more around and it makes a little more sense if he got carried away attacking it because it was active.
On a side note, I'm glad that was just a side note and not an overly pivotal plot element.
Then why the hell did he rat Javi out for doing shooting him?
Because of shitty gameplay and story integration and forced drama, that's why. Specifically, the payoff that was there to be delivered upon was cheapened by having him do so regardless of your relationship with him (even within the same fucking episode, no less!).
No doubt
I don't think Prescott has more than one gate to get in. If they did that would've been a dumb decision.
Season 1: Vernon
400 Days: Bonnie
Season 2: Jane/Bonnie
Michonne: I didn't really hate anyone in that game, so no one.
Season 3: Tripp
...Yeah, pretty much. I'm just very stingy about throwing around the four letter word.
I don't get the name. Is it from the game files or a reference to something?
I never said Sarah wasn't nice. She gave Clem something she had easy access to. Think she could have scavenged for it and then given it to Clem? I don't think so.
Also, no I don't know what it is like to have PTSD. But Sarah was exposed to the same shit, and arguably less of it because she was so sheltered, as everyone else in the game. You have to adapt and can't use PTSD as a crutch to explain why on the fracking rooftop she couldn't cut some dead leaves off of a plant. I mean, how stressful is that? What's triggering her there?
I get it: I'm insensitive. The thing is, though, she is still useless. Whether that is caused by her anxiety issues or PTSD doesn't really matter. Sure, you could try to teach and train her... but they live in dangerous conditions, and no one has the time to deal with her having a panic attack, which she would still likely have despite learning how to shoot or wield a knife, when under attack.
The game's files. Bossman revealed it in my questions thread.
He's likely called that because he appears to be a handy-man.
The ZA is not really a place for people with disabilities. Sarah's untreated anxiety issues would probably render moot any training or knowledge or wisdom when she would have been required to act, you know, in the moment.
I thought it was interesting that they showed Michonne having PTSD in the DLC. I didn't realize that someone as strong as her, in the show, would and honestly found it kind of annoying. Most of the time my reaction was... "hey, snap out of it. There're people/zombies trying to kill you."
Considering she's implied to have been sneaking around/out, I'd say it's a possibility.
The disbelief/dejection that Carlos actually hit her(and really hard too) and the fear of messing up, thus risking earning Carver's [easy to get] wrath again. It's also implied that, whether due to legitimate inexperience or simply not actually paying attention to Reggie's quick explanation, she didn't actually know what she was doing there.
That's the purpose of experience and working together as a group. It's a struggle, yes, but that's something pretty much everyone had to go through at some point.
Also, remember that Clementine herself wasn't keen on learning initially and took quite some time to be able to do it when she needed to.
See one of my posts below.
Anyway, PSTD is actually something I believe a lot of people would and do deal with in a post-acopalyptic environment. Kenny, Nick, and Jane also appeared to be suffering from it, though they're cases weren't as emphasized due to being older and having time to get adequately used to it.
As for Michonne, I'll admit that as someone who STILL hasn't watched the show and only knows broad aspects, her hallucinations in the DLC weren't what I would've expected. I mean, it was interesting and offered some backstory and character development for her, but I can see how people with more knowledge may or may not have a problem with it.