And I could never stand playing as Max Caulfield and listen to a bitch she never should have been friends with in the first place, Chloe Price, I'll never understand why people chose to save a terrible character over a defenseless town.<
For fucks sake. It's avoiding reality, it's another way to vent, or hey have fun or a laugh with some friends.
For fuck's sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't say anything that denied that???!!?!?!?!?
The worst part of this is that you know what the point of my comment is, but you are avoiding it cause that'll make a shitty game even more shittier.
Uh, the point of your comment or at least the part I addressed is to make it seem that if a game has a bilinear ending, it's not worth playing because it somehow makes everything before the ending invaluable? Which is disregarding the journey and only focusing on the ending?
Life is Strange spent 4 whole episodes with slight variations to dialogue, characters, etc. based on your choices. At some points, it even gave you determinant scenes. But that's somehow all worth nothing since the last five minutes are not shaped by your choices?
You're clearly a bit touchy about this subject... for some reason. Maybe we can stop.
A game/story is a journey, not just an ending.
For fucks sake. It's avoiding reality, it's another way to vent, or hey have fun or a… more laugh with some friends.
Do you play a game just for the last 5 minutes or the whole experience?
Sureee yeah that's totally what I meant...
The worst part of this is that you know what the point of my comment is, but you are avoiding it cause that'll make a shitty game even more shittier.
Target demographic is definitely a variant, but it's worth noting that the TWD demographic is just as big, if not bigger as the amount of population interested in teen drama. And I'm pretty sure that a big part of the TWD fandom is actually teens-young adults. TWD is really damn popular, and right now, with the TV Show apparently having an insane drop in quality and popularity, you'd expect people to start boarding other mediums, like the games, yet that doesn't seem to be happening.
What I'm saying is, when you take the demographic of people interested in choice driven, story heavy games, LiS is still captivating a great deal of it, while TWD is, with each title, captivating less. Sure, it may have to do with the themes being addressed in each game, but I doubt it's that alone, especially since we're seeing more and more YouTubers coming out saying how sick they are of Telltale's bullshit (Pewdiepie), how exhausted they are of the overuse of the title (Cryaotic) and how the quality has spiralled down (Jacksepticeye). That, and pretty much the whole community going full mutiny.
May be it's their target demographic? LIS is completely centered on teens at a boarding school... and that's been popular for a little while, and not just Harry Potter.
Same here! I really enjoy both game series (except shitty Season 3 TWD) and i am surprised how many on these forums hate LIS. Obviously not the place to be for fans
@IronWoodLover my old friend, YES! Agree completely with this. Before The Storm so far is really good and seeing how Chloe was 3 years before the original game. The episode was a decent length, lots of hubs and areas as you said. Like with the first game, reading the diary I absolutely love as it gives me an insight into the characters backgrounds.
Honestly, right now i am enjoying LIS and it's prequel an awful lot
If we use the latest installment of LiS as reference, the game is filled with content, from the diary, to the text messages, to the outfit s… moreelect, to the graffiti hunt, etc.; it has an outstanding atmosphere; the game is 90% hubs filled with stuff to do and collect, which makes this feel like a game as much as an interactive story; it has interesting, layered characters, both main and side characters with clear thought out archs that are obviously going somewhere; and finally, the game leaves subtle hints for future events, characters and plot points literally everywhere, and I've always appreciated well-done foreshadowing.
And I'm literally only half way through episode one, "Awake". I haven't been this immersed in a game in a long time.
You can't claim one of the above if you're talking about ANF.
Enough said.
Life Is Strange has all of this
kek No it hasn't
It has a Mass Effect ending, Nothing matters lawl, just the final choice that's … moreone-sided. I mean hey TWD S1/S2 had good characters that were believable, while LIS has... uhm... what? Teens... hoo boi.
And it's a terrible game, it's like it's only focus is at those crazy art colleges in the US. Who the hell would enjoy this in, I don't know, Asia or Europe? The target audience is so small...
I mean why in the fuck would I want to play a game about a shy, but secretly sadist, character, who has time powers (which don't make sense, sometimes she remains in the same place while when it's convenient she goes back to previous position) where everyone is retarded is so egotistical? Why?
"hella dope biatch" ties noose.
I played LIS, and I don't think my choices ultimately impacted the story a whole lot (anymore than it does in TTG anyway) except for the last choice. And that last choice is a kinda over explored theme. I watch the Legends of Tomorrow and they had a whole season exploring that exact idea, and that's just one of many. It's just a really popular theme in sci fi. DontNod added nothing to that.
I get what you're saying - that DontNot seems to be on the rise and TTG on the decline... but I don't understand why DontNod is selling so many more games than TT.
I think more teens are buying LIS than TWD. That was my suggestion. I don't have data to back that up.
Target demographic is definitely a variant, but it's worth noting that the TWD demographic is just as big, if not bigger as the amount of po… morepulation interested in teen drama. And I'm pretty sure that a big part of the TWD fandom is actually teens-young adults. TWD is really damn popular, and right now, with the TV Show apparently having an insane drop in quality and popularity, you'd expect people to start boarding other mediums, like the games, yet that doesn't seem to be happening.
What I'm saying is, when you take the demographic of people interested in choice driven, story heavy games, LiS is still captivating a great deal of it, while TWD is, with each title, captivating less. Sure, it may have to do with the themes being addressed in each game, but I doubt it's that alone, especially since we're seeing more and more YouTubers coming out saying how sick they are of Telltale's bullshit (Pewdiepie), how exhausted they are of the overuse… [view original content]
~ Chloe (I lost a father too, when I was nine, but that didn't turn me into a whiny self-centered emo POS) Oh woe is me, something bad happened to me and now I am going to be all bitter and dark and not care about others.
Grief affects everyone differently. I lost my dad 5 years ago and i became reclusive and depressed for a long time. You also have to remember that Chloe had a strained relationship with her stepdad who was an asshole to be fair and could very well be a big reason for her rebellious nature, not to mention Rachel disappearing must have upset her also. She cared about Rachel, and Max again eventually when they reunited. The prequel illustrates that she has struggled to make friends since Max left. Not everyone finds it easy to let people into their lives. I have known people in reality like that.
Chloe actually isn't anywhere near as bad so far in the prequel. I am enjoying it a lot and look forward to seeing how it eventually ties up to the original game.
I liked many things about Life is Strange, but it is FAR from a masterpiece.
Here's what I loved/liked about it:
~ The art style - I t… morehink it's very pretty to look at.
~ The mystery
~ Lots to see and explore
~ The music
~ Having a super power. That was cool.
What I hated/disliked:
~ Chloe (I lost a father too, when I was nine, but that didn't turn me into a whiny self-centered emo POS) Oh woe is me, something bad happened to me and now I am going to be all bitter and dark and not care about others.
~ some of the fetch quests. God that one in the scrap yard with the stupid bottles? Or the last one where you were back at the school? I couldn't finish it. I kept getting nauseous.
~ This is a thing I find very irritating about depictions of teenagers in general, and that is how dramatic everything is for them. Just so much hyperbole. Also, a predilection for being over-sensitive. Oh, and thinking that they know everything.
… [view original content]
I liked many things about Life is Strange, but it is FAR from a masterpiece.
Here's what I loved/liked about it:
~ The art style - I t… morehink it's very pretty to look at.
~ The mystery
~ Lots to see and explore
~ The music
~ Having a super power. That was cool.
What I hated/disliked:
~ Chloe (I lost a father too, when I was nine, but that didn't turn me into a whiny self-centered emo POS) Oh woe is me, something bad happened to me and now I am going to be all bitter and dark and not care about others.
~ some of the fetch quests. God that one in the scrap yard with the stupid bottles? Or the last one where you were back at the school? I couldn't finish it. I kept getting nauseous.
~ This is a thing I find very irritating about depictions of teenagers in general, and that is how dramatic everything is for them. Just so much hyperbole. Also, a predilection for being over-sensitive. Oh, and thinking that they know everything.
… [view original content]
Grief makes some people insufferable wretches? Gotcha.
The prequel illustrates that she has struggled to make friends since Max left. Not everyone finds it easy to let people into their lives. I have known people in reality like that.<
If they behave like Chloe, then they probably also suck.
Does she give her step-father a chance even or was she a pill from the get-go? We don't know, and we mainly see things from Chloe's perspective and it is not one I trust. Her step-father might have been a nice guy if she was nice towards him. Also, it might have been nice for her to think about how her behavior towards her step-father affected her mom. But no, Chloe only thinks about her maybe-girlfriend and herself. But mostly herself.
I don't want to play the prequel because of how awful Chloe becomes, and most likely won't.
~ Chloe (I lost a father too, when I was nine, but that didn't turn me into a whiny self-centered emo POS) Oh woe is me, something bad happe… morened to me and now I am going to be all bitter and dark and not care about others.
Grief affects everyone differently. I lost my dad 5 years ago and i became reclusive and depressed for a long time. You also have to remember that Chloe had a strained relationship with her stepdad who was an asshole to be fair and could very well be a big reason for her rebellious nature, not to mention Rachel disappearing must have upset her also. She cared about Rachel, and Max again eventually when they reunited. The prequel illustrates that she has struggled to make friends since Max left. Not everyone finds it easy to let people into their lives. I have known people in reality like that.
Chloe actually isn't anywhere near as bad so far in the prequel. I am enjoying it a lot and look forward to seeing how it eventually ties up to the original game.
Grief makes some people insufferable wretches? Gotcha.
Yes it can do, we should feel sorry for those that do and not rip them to pieces. We know Chloe wasn't like that before. It happens. Maybe look at things from another perspective too perhaps? We all see two sides of the coin, i disagree with you about her being awful and the game but that's fine that you don't like either. No one is forcing you to like it
Grief makes some people insufferable wretches? Gotcha.
The prequel illustrates that she has struggled to make friends since Max left. … moreNot everyone finds it easy to let people into their lives. I have known people in reality like that.<
If they behave like Chloe, then they probably also suck.
Does she give her step-father a chance even or was she a pill from the get-go? We don't know, and we mainly see things from Chloe's perspective and it is not one I trust. Her step-father might have been a nice guy if she was nice towards him. Also, it might have been nice for her to think about how her behavior towards her step-father affected her mom. But no, Chloe only thinks about her maybe-girlfriend and herself. But mostly herself.
I don't want to play the prequel because of how awful Chloe becomes, and most likely won't.
The fact the games share the same niche genre yet are so divisive between the communities probably says something about the quality between the two. Possibly.
Woah... so... defensive!
For fucks sake. It's avoiding reality, it's another way to vent, or hey have fun or a laugh with some friends… more.
For fuck's sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't say anything that denied that???!!?!?!?!?
The worst part of this is that you know what the point of my comment is, but you are avoiding it cause that'll make a shitty game even more shittier.
Uh, the point of your comment or at least the part I addressed is to make it seem that if a game has a bilinear ending, it's not worth playing because it somehow makes everything before the ending invaluable? Which is disregarding the journey and only focusing on the ending?
Life is Strange spent 4 whole episodes with slight variations to dialogue, characters, etc. based on your choices. At some points, it even gave you determinant scenes. But that's somehow all worth nothing since the last five minutes are not shaped by your choices?
You're clearly a bit touchy about this subject... for some reason. Maybe we can stop.
you can tell in terms of which company put more effort into their game such as big hubs, characters development, longer episodes and choices that actually matter
And yet I enjoyed ANF more than LiS. Hell, while the illusion of choice was still there, it wasn't as bad as LiS. LiS choices didn't matter because they are ultimately negated and don't factor into the final outcome of the season, and its not like with say Bioshock Infinite where the illusion of choice was the point of the narrative and its conclusion. As for the other points, they may fit your is on what you prefer in a point n click adventure game, but that does not automatically make it a superior game or experience. Can't speak for all but; LiS has more hubs than recent Telltale games, but because its populated with uninterested npcs with horrid voice work it takes me out of the immersion, there is character development, but its mostly centered on Chloe and Max, both of whom I dislike and any other character development in the game either goes nowhere in the end( Nathan, David), or is done in an episode and forgotten about(Kate). Longer episodes is only good if you have enough story to tell for a length over 2 hours, and occasionally there were points in LiS that felt like padding for the sake of the runtime, particularly whenever you had to do one of the game's tedious puzzles like in episode 2 with the bottles.
Agreed, when comparing LIF to TWD ANF, you can tell in terms of which company put more effort into their game such as big hubs, characters d… moreevelopment, longer episodes and choices that actually matter, etc. Which LIF had but unfortunately ANF didn’t, which was a huge shame.
I played LIS, and I don't think my choices ultimately impacted the story a whole lot (anymore than it does in TTG anyway) except for the las… moret choice. And that last choice is a kinda over explored theme. I watch the Legends of Tomorrow and they had a whole season exploring that exact idea, and that's just one of many. It's just a really popular theme in sci fi. DontNod added nothing to that.
I get what you're saying - that DontNot seems to be on the rise and TTG on the decline... but I don't understand why DontNod is selling so many more games than TT.
I think more teens are buying LIS than TWD. That was my suggestion. I don't have data to back that up.
We agree. I think some people want to argue that LIS is better, and that's why they are selling more copies. I've played both and definitely don't think so. I love the Batman games and wish it were getting as much love that LIS apparently is.
I think more teens are buying LIS than TWD.
Thats pretty much the reason. LiS has a more broader audience than Telltale. Thats why it sells more than recent Telltale products.
Personally, I think they're both great, but TWD takes the cake here for sure. S1 and S2 were just so amazing (also, I don't think ANF is that horrible either), and both made me cry, unlike LiS. LiS had some interesting characters and all, but it's the voice acting that kinda ruined it for me. It always sounds like they're just reading their lines from a piece of paper without showing any emotion, also it was pretty cringey in my opinion. There are some exceptions, sure, but most of them are just bad.
Eh? You can hear the angry tone of my voice through text?
I mean, "for fucks sake", the use of irony and the implication that I was purposefully avoid what you supposedly meant kinda made the comment feel a bit agressively defensive. So... yeah? Kinda?
At some points, it even gave you determinant scenes. But that's somehow all worth nothing since the last five minutes are not shaped by your… more choices?
The problem it's that the choice compared to the previous choices, that branched, is really dumb...
And also that dumb hurricane plot that out smart character forgot suddenly remembered in the last episode.
You're clearly a bit touchy about this subject... for some reason. Maybe we can stop.
Eh? You can hear the angry tone of my voice through text?
Edit: ehm, I dont even know why was I replying.
but I don't understand why DontNod is selling so many more games than TT.
Probably partly because Square Enix is publishing it
I mean, I'm not saying that's the only reason it's selling... but having a big name that people recognize behind a game definitely helps when it comes to publicity.
And it's not Dontnod doing Before the Storm, but another company called Deck Nine. Which is another point-- it's another entry in an established series that people like. LiS as a series hasn't had its 'bad apple' yet, so to speak.
Beyond that, Telltale being on a bit of a decline in terms of quality-- at least from a critical standpoint and public opinion-- is definitely contributing to one selling more than the other. Meanwhile, LiS and Dontnod have a cleaner track record as of late, even if it isn't as expansive as Telltale's.
Then you got the demographic it is trying to appeal to, the higher amount of content per episode, and other various things.
There's actually quite a lot of reasons it's selling better than Telltale is at the moment... although I wouldn't personally consider the quality of the writing and dialogue to be among the chief reasons. With all due respect to the people that like the game, but I feel a lot of its strengths-- at least in terms of sales and publicity-- come more from other aspects than the writing; the soundtrack, the gameplay, the length, brand recognition, the publisher, the demographic it's appealing to, and so on. Things like that certainly add up, even if the quality of the product is... debatable. I mean, take a look around your town, and see how much shitty stuff is more popular than it probably should be.
I played LIS, and I don't think my choices ultimately impacted the story a whole lot (anymore than it does in TTG anyway) except for the las… moret choice. And that last choice is a kinda over explored theme. I watch the Legends of Tomorrow and they had a whole season exploring that exact idea, and that's just one of many. It's just a really popular theme in sci fi. DontNod added nothing to that.
I get what you're saying - that DontNot seems to be on the rise and TTG on the decline... but I don't understand why DontNod is selling so many more games than TT.
I think more teens are buying LIS than TWD. That was my suggestion. I don't have data to back that up.
Don't know how that went over the OP's head...
This! So much this!
Woah... so... defensive!
For fuck's sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't say anything that denied that???!!?!?!?!?
Uh, the point of your comment or at least the part I addressed is to make it seem that if a game has a bilinear ending, it's not worth playing because it somehow makes everything before the ending invaluable? Which is disregarding the journey and only focusing on the ending?
Life is Strange spent 4 whole episodes with slight variations to dialogue, characters, etc. based on your choices. At some points, it even gave you determinant scenes. But that's somehow all worth nothing since the last five minutes are not shaped by your choices?
You're clearly a bit touchy about this subject... for some reason. Maybe we can stop.
Target demographic is definitely a variant, but it's worth noting that the TWD demographic is just as big, if not bigger as the amount of population interested in teen drama. And I'm pretty sure that a big part of the TWD fandom is actually teens-young adults. TWD is really damn popular, and right now, with the TV Show apparently having an insane drop in quality and popularity, you'd expect people to start boarding other mediums, like the games, yet that doesn't seem to be happening.
What I'm saying is, when you take the demographic of people interested in choice driven, story heavy games, LiS is still captivating a great deal of it, while TWD is, with each title, captivating less. Sure, it may have to do with the themes being addressed in each game, but I doubt it's that alone, especially since we're seeing more and more YouTubers coming out saying how sick they are of Telltale's bullshit (Pewdiepie), how exhausted they are of the overuse of the title (Cryaotic) and how the quality has spiralled down (Jacksepticeye). That, and pretty much the whole community going full mutiny.
Same here! I really enjoy both game series (except shitty Season 3 TWD) and i am surprised how many on these forums hate LIS. Obviously not the place to be for fans
@IronWoodLover my old friend, YES! Agree completely with this. Before The Storm so far is really good and seeing how Chloe was 3 years before the original game. The episode was a decent length, lots of hubs and areas as you said. Like with the first game, reading the diary I absolutely love as it gives me an insight into the characters backgrounds.
Honestly, right now i am enjoying LIS and it's prequel an awful lot
You don't like it then that's fine. Some of us here do and that's all that matters right? I disagree with whay you have said but it's ok, i get why
I played LIS, and I don't think my choices ultimately impacted the story a whole lot (anymore than it does in TTG anyway) except for the last choice. And that last choice is a kinda over explored theme. I watch the Legends of Tomorrow and they had a whole season exploring that exact idea, and that's just one of many. It's just a really popular theme in sci fi. DontNod added nothing to that.
I get what you're saying - that DontNot seems to be on the rise and TTG on the decline... but I don't understand why DontNod is selling so many more games than TT.
I think more teens are buying LIS than TWD. That was my suggestion. I don't have data to back that up.
Grief affects everyone differently. I lost my dad 5 years ago and i became reclusive and depressed for a long time. You also have to remember that Chloe had a strained relationship with her stepdad who was an asshole to be fair and could very well be a big reason for her rebellious nature, not to mention Rachel disappearing must have upset her also. She cared about Rachel, and Max again eventually when they reunited. The prequel illustrates that she has struggled to make friends since Max left. Not everyone finds it easy to let people into their lives. I have known people in reality like that.
Chloe actually isn't anywhere near as bad so far in the prequel. I am enjoying it a lot and look forward to seeing how it eventually ties up to the original game.
I will say this though, i would always sacrifice Chloe every time. People who choose to sacrifice the town are very selfish people
Grief makes some people insufferable wretches? Gotcha.
If they behave like Chloe, then they probably also suck.
Does she give her step-father a chance even or was she a pill from the get-go? We don't know, and we mainly see things from Chloe's perspective and it is not one I trust. Her step-father might have been a nice guy if she was nice towards him. Also, it might have been nice for her to think about how her behavior towards her step-father affected her mom. But no, Chloe only thinks about her maybe-girlfriend and herself. But mostly herself.
I don't want to play the prequel because of how awful Chloe becomes, and most likely won't.
Yes it can do, we should feel sorry for those that do and not rip them to pieces. We know Chloe wasn't like that before. It happens. Maybe look at things from another perspective too perhaps? We all see two sides of the coin, i disagree with you about her being awful and the game but that's fine that you don't like either. No one is forcing you to like it
Yeah, kinda. I love them both even as shitty as they are so I'm kinda the mediator sometimes.
very emotions
such shocking twist
The fact the games share the same niche genre yet are so divisive between the communities probably says something about the quality between the two. Possibly.
Indeed it does. I love both games for different reasons.
The problem it's that the choice compared to the previous choices, that branched, is really dumb...
And also that dumb hurricane plot that out smart character forgot suddenly remembered in the last episode.
Eh? You can hear the angry tone of my voice through text?
Edit: ehm, I dont even know why was I replying.
And yet I enjoyed ANF more than LiS. Hell, while the illusion of choice was still there, it wasn't as bad as LiS. LiS choices didn't matter because they are ultimately negated and don't factor into the final outcome of the season, and its not like with say Bioshock Infinite where the illusion of choice was the point of the narrative and its conclusion. As for the other points, they may fit your is on what you prefer in a point n click adventure game, but that does not automatically make it a superior game or experience. Can't speak for all but; LiS has more hubs than recent Telltale games, but because its populated with uninterested npcs with horrid voice work it takes me out of the immersion, there is character development, but its mostly centered on Chloe and Max, both of whom I dislike and any other character development in the game either goes nowhere in the end( Nathan, David), or is done in an episode and forgotten about(Kate). Longer episodes is only good if you have enough story to tell for a length over 2 hours, and occasionally there were points in LiS that felt like padding for the sake of the runtime, particularly whenever you had to do one of the game's tedious puzzles like in episode 2 with the bottles.
Thats pretty much the reason. LiS has a more broader audience than Telltale. Thats why it sells more than recent Telltale products.
We agree. I think some people want to argue that LIS is better, and that's why they are selling more copies. I've played both and definitely don't think so. I love the Batman games and wish it were getting as much love that LIS apparently is.
Personally, I think they're both great, but TWD takes the cake here for sure. S1 and S2 were just so amazing (also, I don't think ANF is that horrible either), and both made me cry, unlike LiS. LiS had some interesting characters and all, but it's the voice acting that kinda ruined it for me. It always sounds like they're just reading their lines from a piece of paper without showing any emotion, also it was pretty cringey in my opinion. There are some exceptions, sure, but most of them are just bad.
Nah, Telltale should make LiS 2, so we can get a real high quality sequel like

I mean, "for fucks sake", the use of irony and the implication that I was purposefully avoid what you supposedly meant kinda made the comment feel a bit agressively defensive. So... yeah? Kinda?
Probably partly because Square Enix is publishing it
I mean, I'm not saying that's the only reason it's selling... but having a big name that people recognize behind a game definitely helps when it comes to publicity.
And it's not Dontnod doing Before the Storm, but another company called Deck Nine. Which is another point-- it's another entry in an established series that people like. LiS as a series hasn't had its 'bad apple' yet, so to speak.
Beyond that, Telltale being on a bit of a decline in terms of quality-- at least from a critical standpoint and public opinion-- is definitely contributing to one selling more than the other. Meanwhile, LiS and Dontnod have a cleaner track record as of late, even if it isn't as expansive as Telltale's.
Then you got the demographic it is trying to appeal to, the higher amount of content per episode, and other various things.
There's actually quite a lot of reasons it's selling better than Telltale is at the moment... although I wouldn't personally consider the quality of the writing and dialogue to be among the chief reasons. With all due respect to the people that like the game, but I feel a lot of its strengths-- at least in terms of sales and publicity-- come more from other aspects than the writing; the soundtrack, the gameplay, the length, brand recognition, the publisher, the demographic it's appealing to, and so on. Things like that certainly add up, even if the quality of the product is... debatable. I mean, take a look around your town, and see how much shitty stuff is more popular than it probably should be.