Would you be fine with no returning characters in TFS?
I would be. I don't feel the need to see people like Lilly, Molly, Bonnie, Mike again, and I don't see how they can execute it in a belivable way. I'd be ok with Christa, as long as she changes her attitute towards Clementine.
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I honestly find it hard to care much either way.
I'm finding it equally as hard to be attached to new characters. The emotional attachment isn't really there anymore, so I'd like at least one person to return from a previous season. No matter if it's illogical for them to return. It's getting pretty boring now with all these new characters not being with Clementine for the next season.
Would have loved for at least one other character from Season 1/2 to be with Clementine for the rest (or most) of the journey throughout all the seasons until it ends. Kenny is the closest that comes to mind. But I seriously doubt he's going to return with how pathing seems to work in this game.
I'm not saying I would hate the season for not having returning characters, I'd just like characters to be well written.
I wouldn't mind that, if the new characters were actually interesting and well-written.
I'd be fine with no returning characters. It's been so long since Clem's seen any of these characters and she only knew most of them for a few days (excluding Christa and Lilly). They'd probably barely recognise each other anymore, let alone care about each other.
Definitely. I have no hope for the characters with unknown status anymore, especially after A New Frontier.
I would have said yes before ANF. I found it difficult to get invested in any of the new characters though. Even Clementine. If one or two characters from former seasons could be included in a way that made sense it might make me care again or even if they released DLC of those characters. I would most like to see Lilly or Bonnie again.
I welcome the idea of returning characters. However it would be a small bit strange to see e.g. Christa and Molly at the McCarroll Ranch considering that Christa is possibly dead and Molly would probably move to another location close to Crawford. once she gathers all of the available supplies in Crawford. It is unlikely but it is possible...
No, I would not.
Honestly I want to say yes, especially if it concerns the characters you listed that had already come into contact with Clementine. It's not that I don't ever want to see them again it's just that I don't want them to return into Clementine's story again through some nigh unrealistic coincidence. That and I'm concerned that bringing them back would create another "Kenny in Season 2" scenario where returning characters hog the spotlight from the fresh and new ones.
That said I know I don't have much room to talk as I know I'd be slightly disappointed as well after having been (somewhat) jokingly rooting for the return of Nate, that asshole no one likes or remembers from 400 days, should he (albeit very likely) not return.
In any case if Telltale does decide to bring back characters from previous seasons I just hope their return and impact on the story is well written.
What changes in attitude do you think TT should give Christa towards Clementine?
I honestly don't know. Considering she lied to Victor about being alone, tells Clementine to run if Winston spots her despite getting attacked by him, and was originally supposed to be revealed to have made Victor shoot "Ralph" across the face as a distraction before taking off, I'd say it'd be surprising if she was still overtly adverse towards her.
No. I don't trust Telltale to write any (well written) new characters. I also don't really trust them to write returning characters either. That being said, I think there's still stories they can tell with returning characters.
Yes, I'd go as far to say I'd be disappointed if they use returning characters. I mean, how unrealistic can it be? It was already highly unlikely for Clem and Kenny to meet again in S2, what are the chances of yet another reunion with another character? I know people want fanservice, but it's not always good for the story. Besides, having Christa/Lilly/whoever showing up would feel like a cheap way of Telltale saying "We know we screwed up Kenny/Jane, here, have another character."
.* Has Season2!Kenny profile pic *
Seems legit.
Yeah, that would be dumb
What does that have to do with anything?
I already mentioned it was highly unlikely for them to meet, it would be too unrealistic for it to happen twice.
Also, Kenny is nothing like David, although Tripp is a watered down Kenny copy.
You got what you wanted and then some, then turned around and dismiss others getting their share.
Family man+Impulsive Son+Soft Spoken [Trophy] Wife+Abusive Undertones/Overtones+Stubborn+being the center of a story that shouldn't be about him+getting most of the focus/love+Angry Dad Climax=Totally not Kenny Clone 6.
What are the chances of running Into them, It's be years since they've see them, some of them might even be died.
What does sharing my opinion have to do with that? I only said what I wouldn't like to see. That doesn't mean everyone has to think like I do.
Kenny has a good heart, unlike David. Kenny wasn't abusive (except for Arvo, which was deserved). Kenny wasn't the center of the story although I wish he was. I don't recall David ever apologizing once or having Javi's back.
.* Sigh * You're right. My bad. Just couldn't ignore the opportunity to make fun of that hilariously suspicious coincidence.
And that's one of the main reasons why David sucks!
His treatment of Clementine in Season 2.5 was somewhat reminiscent of an abusive uncle stringing his niece along into doing what he wants. Also, he can accidentally hit her and mock her afterwords, as well as threaten to slap her later.
Granted, I don't believe it was intended to be that abusive(we're still supposed to like this guy on some remaining level, after all), but the parallel is definitely there.
Whether he was right to be hostile towards Arvo for what his group tried to do or not, he still beat the boy to a pulp after constantly pushing him around, blaming him for an environmental hazard(because he can control the weather, apparently), insulting his unfinished house, and shoving him again. This was triggered by "the last straw" that was being cursed at due to Arvo being sick of his shit--even though he regularly curses and insults people himself. And then he was gonna abandon him, potentially without any food or protection, when he more than delivered on his end of the bargain.
I think it would be better if they had at least one returning character.
Realistically speaking, I think it'd be unlikely to run into someone you lost years ago (Bonnie, Christa, Mike, etc) but its still a possibility. The world is gigantic and Clementine's constantly on the move. I won't be surprised or pissed off if we don't run into an old character, but on the other hand I really hope we run into Arvo.